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Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Frank26 "Dessert CC Notes" and KTFA Members Late Tuesday Night 5-3-16


Jay:  Imo. The LDs had begun to be handed out when 1 of the 3 dropped the interest rate down to 4%. Then Frank says the banks are getting the parents in by gifting the kids. Thats very nice, btw.

This FAKE Holiday...????

Family... ISX opens tmrw. CBI...???...not sure.

Maybe CBI opens thursday to process ISX trades from Wednesday. You know. Like how our banks official 1st day of business is Tuesday.

His blessing is clear when you look in the right place(S)

ALL IMO>>>>>>
Reddstarr:  Here is it Family.....what I said on one of the previous articles I posted today......on Thursday when they meet....they will have a quorum now....looks like Abadi is getting it done...

Cabinet meets Thursday .. A government source and determines the names of the ministers who are!

Said an informed source in the Prime Minister that the Cabinet meeting did not take place
on Tuesday, did not take place because of the holiday visit of Imam Musa Kadhim, peace
be upon him, and it will be held on Thursday, adding that he does not fear for the quorum.

He pointed out that the ministers who are part of the ministerial cabin were:

1. Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari is

2. Defense Minister Khaled al-Obeidi is

3. Interior Minister Mohammed Ghaban exist

4. Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari exist

5. Planning Minister Salman Jumaili exist

6. Minister of Youth and Sports Abdul Hussein Abtan exist

7. Minister of Culture Raundozi exist

8. Minister of Education Mohammad Iqbal exist

9. Agriculture Minister Falah Zaidan Lahibi exist

10. Communications Minister Hassan Rashed exist

11. Justice Minister Haider Zamili exist

12. Transport Minister Bayan Jabr exist

He explained that the number of ministers makes a quorum in addition to the 13 members of the Council of Prime Minister.

It is said that the absolute majority in the Council of Ministers is half the number of ministers + 1, which means that the council would need assurances about the presence of the ministers of justice, culture, finance and transport.

As presented Transport Minister Bayan Jabr his resignation from the government, the presence of the Minister of Culture Raundozi Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari will remain dependent on the position of the political front for the Kurdistan Alliance bloc that has left the option in order to Kurdistan Region President Massoud Barzani as likely to be regulated by the Minister of Justice Haider Zamili to Virtue bloc in boycott of Parliament and meetings of the National Alliance, to interrupt turn cabinet  LINK


Jay:  Nice...hahahha. So could this be considered the press release of the SWORN in ministers...?

ReddStarr:  What this is that the reforms can be voted through now....without any more delays....because Abadi has a quorum....this is what we've been waiting on....IMO....BIG BIG BIG.....if I'm understanding this correctly......

Cinderella1906:  So ReddStarr  is this his full cabinet?   Would it also mean Dr S is back?

ReddStarr:  IMO....not his full cabinet yet....but enough to hold a quorum....and get the reforms past....this has nothing to do with Shab's......but could speed up the process for him to come back...if he ever decides to....IMO
Aggiedad77:  Tuesday Night Bible Study Playback and Dessert b (Approx..62 minutes long)

Dessert from the end of tonight's call:

Remember that Frank likes Tuesdays and Thursdays....keep those in your thoughts

Even with the citizens demonstrating within the Green Zone over the weekend it was seen as both a plus and minus...more of a plus really, it pushed many bad actors out....those ministers who were thought to be corrupt....they didn't want the citizens to get any piece of them

Things look positive for the month of May, keep in the back of your mind what the IMF has said...."they will finish up with Iraq in May".....that to me is infinitely important to a time table

Also what Frank talked about last night with the BIS and the World Bank cannot be taken or should not be taken lightly

These folks are all serious about their business and they just don't makes me want to think we are so very close....closer than we've ever believed to be in the past

Remember that Frank will have more to share tomorrow night after the (Business Promo) CC.....see you there

Take all of this to God in Prayer

Aloha   Randy

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