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Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Dinar Updates Tuesday PM Chat  5-3-16 

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Dinar Updates Tuesday PM Chat  5-3-16 
BGG says():OK - since we're on politics...
BGG says():and I hope you all allow me some latitude here.
eman4u55 says to BGG():omg i'm speachless
Babe says():always...
BGG says():Sadr going to Iran just means the Mullahs are nervous...
BGG says():with all this unrest next door and Sadr being the catalyst.
eman4u55 says():speechless
_firefly_ says to BGG():Not just that but why would Iran want to do a currency swap with Iraq ?
BGG says():they wanted some "face time" - it would appear he's given some assurances he isn't stirring up emotion against Iran and their influence.
_firefly_ says to BGG():lol yes sir
_firefly_ says to BGG():Was a statement actually
BGG says():this isn't the "snuggly" relationship all of our pundits point to.
_firefly_ says to BGG():EXACTLY !!!!!
sassy says():Firefly and I want to swap currency with Iraq too lol
BGG says():Sadr has some alliance with Iran and the Shia Mullahs... but it is strained. Best case.
BGG says():Why??
_firefly_ says to Dwightj():Sadr and his family is one of the richest familys in Iraq
_firefly_ says to Dwightj():SADR doesn't need money
BGG says):Sadr is a "populist fire-brand"...
_firefly_ says to BGG():Correct
BGG says():think of him like a "Muslim Donald Trump"...
sassy says():BGG I like that comparison
BGG says():The Mullahs and establishment CONSTANTLY back-handedly denegrates him... calling him the "minor"... "the student"... blah, blah, blah...
BGG says():they don't like him - can't kill him (which happened to his Dad)...
BGG says():they don't want that...
_firefly_ says():BINGO !!!!!!
BGG says():I would frame this like big corporate politics - they have a star middle manager who doesn't play by the rules but is a super-star...
BGG says():can't stand him...
BGG says():can't fire him...
BGG says():ultimately - what this recent conflagration means to all of us...
BGG says():Sadr and protests are all about economics. They want EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT.
BGG says():about time someone was demonstrating on your behalf!!
da58 says to BGG():finally - and explanation on sadr going to iran that makes sense.. thanks! I was stumped on that one..
sassy says():BGG thank God someone wants what we want
BGG says to da58():I've got more hang in there...
Dwightj says():BRING IT BROTHER
da58 says to BGG():tappin foot..
da58 says to BGG(): lol
Pablo says():Did I read right that they swore in the new cabinet members today
Pablo says():I think I saw it in chat earlier, but I don't remember who brought it in.
Baxter says():They havent Pablo.... wish they did
BGG says():I will make a point that just hit me...
BGG says():Donald Trump is THE MOST VOCAL advocate for currency parity IN THE WORLD - IN HISTORY.
sassy says():BGG yay
BGG says():for you as currency investor - let that stew for a few days...
sassy says():BGG he loves to make money

soonrv says():who will be Trumps VP
Soonergirlie says():(y)
BGG says():IN THE WORLD - AND IN ALL OF HISTORY - "the devalue their currencies..." blah, blah, blah... what do you think he will do once he gets his head aroudn this cr@p??
BGG says():(and I suspect he already has an idea on this one... )
BGG says():Will Abadi resign from his party?
BGG says to magnetlady():Big News tonite...
BGG says to magnetlady():hard to turn the channel...
Martha Sue says to BGG():I can't imagine he would ... oh my
sassy says():Abadi better if he knows whats good for him
maine says():he is still pm
BGG says to sassy():He does... he's the man...
Hutch says():i say that he does SADR is working on it
sassy says():BGG I have faith in him
sassy says():BGG he has a plan
BGG says to Hutch():Sadr is building the "populist" support base Abadi needs... his own party is try to "buck him off" - he won't go...
sassy says():Go Abadi
Martha Sue says to BGG():oh dang ... when you said resign ... I thought you meant the PM ... YES I agree on the Party.
BGG .MOD.Hutch: actually - I said earlier Sadr is a lot like the Middle Eastern version of Donald Trump - really - it is Trump and Sadr together that are the establishement's worst nightmare.
BGG says to Hutch():this is about to get good.
BGG says():Oops - wait - Abaidi and Sadr together...
BGG says():that is bad for these crooks...
BGG says():back to his "own party"...
sassy says():BGG about dang time
BGG says():I got this - not quite right... a couple of days ago...
subgirl says to BGG():yes, Sadr has all the backing of the Iraqi Citizens!!! and Abadi is getting rid of the corruption! What a combination!!
Hutch says to BGG():Sadr getting help from Iran
The source, who attended the meeting and who declined to be himself told the daily the New World said that "al-Sadr wants to improve the atmosphere with Iran after chants launched by some fans of the Sadrist movement in the courtyard of the celebrations inside the Green Zone, and asked Iran also put pressure on the rest of the parties of the National Alliance for the pass the list of ministers submitted by the chest. "
subgirl says to Hutch():WoW!! (y)
da58 says():super article.
sassy says():Hutch amazing

BGG says():Abaid is being asked by various factions to "resign" from his position as the Gen Sec of the Dawa Party... I am a little concerned about this...
BGG says to Hutch():I saw that - just leverage on them - matters little to him.
Hutch says to BGG():ok
subgirl says to BGG():why are you a little concerned about it?
da58 says to BGG():makes him more vulnerable doesn't it?
maine says():i dont think so
da58 says to BGG():for no confidence?
subgirl says to BGG():if he resigns from the Dawa, doesnt' that mean he is free to get M????
maine says():i think so subby!
subgirl says to maine():(y)
maine says():he is still pm as well 
BGG says to subgirl():I am unsure what the jibberish about various parties wanting him to resign from the Dawa party actually means. I would almost bet it is some kind of trap....
BGG says to subgirl():I have always been suspicious of that... I don't recall why
subgirl says to BGG():oh I see!! WOW! does make one question the motive and meaning behind the resigning then...
sassy says():BGG love the honesty lol
Hutch says():so,... is it a tail waging the dog kindof thing?
BGG says to maine():PM
maine says():thats my point
BGG says to subgirl():the "line of reasoning" is he is "unbridled" by party affiliations to pursue "the corrupt"...
BGG says to subgirl():(Maliki)
BGG says to subgirl():(and others)
subgirl says to BGG():gotcha! ok! WOW!
BGG says to subgirl():keep in mind - Abadi was the one who wanted technocrats. HIS IDEA.
subgirl says to BGG():good point!
BGG says to subgirl():They too - want an "outside guy"...
subgirl says to BGG():It is his idea then...
BGG says to subgirl():aka - "the Trump factor"...
BGG says to subgirl():Oh - BIG TIME.
BGG says to subgirl():all his idea!!
subgirl says to BGG():He must have a good plan for something like that to happen??

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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