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Monday, May 2, 2016

Dinar Updates Monday AM Chat  5-2-16  Part 2 of 2

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Dinar Updates Monday AM Chat  5-2-16  Part 2 of 2
rcookie says():Allawi's coalition calls for formation of a government rescue
PM: 03: 19: 02/05/2016 Khandan   Khandan - new national coalition led by Iyad Allawi, his claim to form a government rescue period not exceeding one year with Astmrreetml the House of Representatives for enactment of fair elections and the replacement of the Electoral Commission members.
She said a spokeswoman for the National Coalition Maysoon al in a statement, "Khandan" received a copy of it, "Allawi contributed to the three presidencies meeting yesterday after a long boycott of several months, to convey the position of the national coalition of public and frank that things have reached a dead end."
We Damluji "we do not have today only the dismissal of the presidency of the Chamber of Deputies and Ministers, the formation of a government rescue period not exceeding one year continue the war on Aldaasha terrorism and the liberation of our cities from disgraced, tasked with doing the elections transparent and fair, sponsored by the United Nations, with the continuation of the work of the House of Representatives for legislation the law of fair elections and the replacement of members of the Electoral Commission (independent!) for the elections. "
Damluji said, "and explained what the presidency said in a statement on the meeting did not reflect the reality of propositions that took him, and does not refer to the Quick save Iraq from the political, economic and security crises."
subgirl says to da58():lol (lol)I'll second that one lol
BGG says to rcookie():Yup - and there it is...
BGG says to rcookie():"care-taker" GOI...
BGG says to rcookie():this is my surprised face 8-| "Whhaaaaaaaaaaa"...
BGG says to rcookie():Weird it's being pushed by Allawi... he's the most crooked.
larrykn says():UNAMI: 741 Iraqis killed and 1,374 injured in acts of terrorism, violence and armed conflict in Iraq
larrykn says():( Baghdad – On Sunday, United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) announced, that a total of 741 Iraqis were killed and another 1,374 were injured in acts of terrorism, violence and armed conflict in Iraq in April 2016.
The United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) revealed in a report obtained by, “The number of civilians killed in April was 410 (including 11 Federal Police, Sahwa civil defense, Personal Security Details, facilities protection police, fire department), and the number of civilians injured was 973 (including 20 federal police, Sahwa civil defense, Personal Security Details, facilities protection police, fire department).”
The report added, “A total of 331 members of the Iraqi Security Forces (including Peshmerga, SWAT and militias fighting alongside the Iraqi Army but excluding Anbar Operations) were killed and 401 were injured,” pointing out that, “The overall casualty figures are down from the previous month of March, where a total of 1,119 were killed and 1,561 were injured.”
“Baghdad was the worst affected Governorate with 874 civilian casualties (232 killed, 642 injured), followed by Nineveh 72 killed and 30 injured, Salahuddin 32 killed and 24 injured, Diyala 17 killed and 15 injured, while Kirkuk had 16 killed and 10 injured and Basra 08 killed and 16 injured,” the report continued.
Noteworthy, according to information obtained by UNAMI from the Health Directorate, Anbar Province suffered a total of 252 civilian casualties (27 killed and 225 injured).
eman4u55 says to BGG():do you think you guys could do a call please.. my surprised face *-)
JAMVOX says():sort of like Chicago, Baltimore, and Philly
BGG says to rcookie():I am ready when everyone else is...
eman4u55 says to BGG():great thx
rcookie says():Defensive: Kurdistan Alliance forces refused to change their ministers in the Saturday session
Mon, 02 May 2016 08:20:32  MP for the rule of law Taha rejected the defense that the Kurdistan Alliance and the Union forces to change their ministers prevented the voting process at the ministerial cabin is completed in the Saturday session while noting that the change long blocks that sit deputies in parliament.
Slack said the agreement was with the political blocs that Abadi comes off with a ministerial and presented at a hearing Tuesday , but a change in some situations, especially by the Kurdistan Alliance , which refused to change his ministers and a statement formally do so and also refused Forces Union change request prevented to move the process of voting, noting that the process of change was limited to the four ministers were starting blocks that deputies went out to sit in parliament.
He added: Abadi did not succeed in agreement with the Kurds and the coalition forces to bring ministers replacements for the former in the Saturday session in addition to the citizen bloc , which has refused to change its ministers in the case has not changed all ministers position, indicating that the entry of demonstrators took to the Green Zone ,
where a message to all the blocs that what they were calling him for several days to make the change and reform, the protesters are able to enter the green and make the change by force and where a clear message to all politicians that you will not ' t stop the protesters and the public from entering and that you respond to the reforms.
And witnessing the Iraqi political situation strained after demanding a change of ministerial cabin and then turned to the change of the three presidencies, to be replaced with only five ministers and the postponement of the parliamentary session , which was dedicated to changing the rest of the ministers until next week due to lack of quorum, prompting protestors angry to break into the Green Zone and the parliament building and sit Square celebrations downtown.
tman23 says():An informed source disclosed that the sadrist leader Muqtada al-Sadr, left Monday for Iran.
The source said in a statement "chest left the capital Tehran from Najaf aboard Iranian Airlines (Iran Air)...... THIS IS A ..... OH S*** !!!
clay says to tman23():not good for us I assume
BGG says to tman23():I don't know if I agree with that... stop and think... if a unified Iraq is better for Iran (meaning the Kurds are still one part of the whole)... wouldn't it stand to reason they are in favor of reforms (especially at this point).
BGG says to tman23():and curious Sadr is behind the "reform push" and he heads directly to Iran...
BGG says to tman23():as of today.
tman23 says to BGG():I totally agree with you on that statement....... But the situation they are in is a TRUE catch 22..... And Sistani knows the Persian desire to expand borders and control....... Sadr right now is for the people of Iraq.....not sure he is going to accept Terhan advice as Iraqi's continue to die.......
BGG says():For heaven's sake!! They are talking about using the Peshmerga to defend the Green Zone?? Not an option if the Kurds are that far out the door... they wouldn't even mention it.
BGG says():I'm not sure catch-22 is even right... according to this article just above... Abadi may be much closer to a coup d'etat against these corrupt leaders and corruption in general than anyone knows... again - refer back to my "surprised comments" a few days ago.
BGG says():I would think Allawi is on board with new elections - because he and his "new coalition" have been so minimized lately - they almost have nothing to lose.
tman23 says to BGG():You will see Peshmerga guarding the green zone when h*** freezes over........LOL !! That would be the ultimate fuse to ignite a division.......
BGG says():if I am looking for a reasoning behind Allawi pushing for that...
BGG says to tman23():funny... probably right - but my point is... if the Kurds were that far out the door, it would not even be mentioned.
tman23 says to BGG():Iraq goes further into debt.......eating away at CBI reserves through the magic of bond sales to bridge the deficit........ If these guys can drag this into late June........the IQD only has one way to go ( down)......which will cause the people to go no confidence in Abadi.........
tman23 says to BGG():But days before.....Jack Lew co-signed guaranteeing the WB loans........ Now is this the money for Iraq or the money going directly to Kurds.........

And then Biden visit was very suspicious to say the least and the timing of it..WOW !! ........ NATO is putting 2 -3 bases in Kurd region ............. for being a sovereign Iraq.....I never seen any approval or discussion in Baghdad GOI on the subject.......
tman23 says to BGG():And here is the one comment that rattled the roof.......... Barzani : Since the incident in the Baghdad house and the delays....... The KRG needs to meet and consider immediately re-opening the KRG Parliament and begin holding sessions.......

We may have waited on Baghdad to long........ The statement and tone was if they held there Parliament closed waiting on Baghdad and GOI to do something first...........
tman23 says():There are a lot of articles of Abadi inspecting the "white couch"........ Some of the articles say it is lipstick that was smeared......rotflmao...........

All women were removed and I doubt they allow trannies........ IT IS BLOOD......Most like the blood of an MP that got smacked around (as reported)........... Sunni ?? Kurd MP ??? It was a Shia dominate crowd.........and a lot of interest in that couch.............
jeffjane says():But does any of this affect the Dinar? Seems like they would still all use the dinar
BGG says to jeffjane():How does it NOT affect the DINAR??
tman23 says():What Iran releases as statements should not even be considered, even a grain of salt !! Think the opposite of what they say and you are more likely closer to the truth of matters........
da58 says to tman23():YEAH! Lots of pics of that darn couch.. and the blood.. there really NEED a couch in Parliment I guess.. 
bookumdano says to BGG():You mentioned something about a caretaker government earlier this morning. Could you re-post it or elaborate on it?
Does this look like protesting, or celebrating?... Not alot of anger it seems...

popeye7 says():Not a clue what they are saying though...
tman23 says to da58():Has to be the blood of a member of Parliament...... Reports that Kurd MPs were not being allowed to fly out of the airport....."ticket issues !! (Iraq military)......

So KRG sent a private plan to fly them out....... AND a Kurd MP was still trapped in Parliament so KRG Security forces went in and got him and flew him home.........

Who's blood is that.....a Sunni......a Kurd...... Who do you think the Shia would beat on first ??
tman23 says():There are so many displaced people......... An election is not practicle........ And if they allow this to take place then it will become the standard common place in Iraq politics........ And in a time of austerity spend $$$ on electing new WHOOOOOOOO ??? 

And with NEW brings doubt of what they represent..........And investors do not favor such doubt......... So the Euro Bond Traunch to be coming up........only ones buying that will be Germany or CBI........ and Germany has more interest in Kurdistan......
popeye7 says():Lots of strange goings on, and remember that misinformation will reign supreme before this goes down... Will they use this protest that was allowed to happen as an excuse for monetary reform... For the will of the people so to speak... To empower the people of Iraq, and give them pride so to speak?... Time will tell...

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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