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Monday, May 2, 2016

Dinar Updates Monday AM Chat  5-2-16  Part 1 of 2

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Dinar Updates Monday AM Chat  5-2-16  Part 1 of 2

jd says():Can the IMF force Iraq to RV their currency?
DIGIman1 says():no
jd says():So the first half of the year timeframe given by the IMF really is not a back wall on this investment?

DIGIman1 says():think of it more like a prediction...
DIGIman1 says():by the weatherman....
jd says():OK Thanks
DIGIman1 says():let the games begin.......

jd says():Maybe just Guruismness but,Tony Brietling said that the IMF did force India into a currency adjustment without their knowledge.I dont have the proof on that.
Movack says():Morning all' Looks like they got some thing done today
arrykn says():I wonder if Adibi will get this under control today before the vote tomorrow
larrykn says to MrsBGG():Movement Solution: We support the demands of the reform, but only if
Geofitness says():Number of banks            26
Number of remittance companies              20
Auction price selling dinar / US$  1182
Auction price buying dinar / US$  -----
Amount sold at auction price (US$)            96,077,314
watson1 says():boy oh boy reform reform reform has even made the russian ,france , nam and scotland news on our investment . all eye are on them now to make this happen .
da58 says():Source: al-Sadr to leave for Iran  May 2, 2016 13:29  An informed source said the cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, left on Monday to Iran.
The source said that "al-Sadr left for the capital, Tehran, traveling from Najaf and on board the Iranian lines [Iran Air]."
It comes this sudden and unannounced visit to Iran was released to coincide with the escalation of the political crisis in Iraq and the storming of the demonstrators two days before the Green Zone.
Sadr has announced such as the storming of the green i'tikaaf for two months, an expression of "total rejection of any kind of quota system types, and ordered to stop any political action of the Sadrist movement and the freezing of the Liberal bloc in Parliament."
larrykn says to MrsBGG():Najiba Najib: Government failed to manage all crises experienced by Iraq
History of edits:: 2016/5/2 12:57
Najiba Najib: Government failed to manage all crises experienced by Iraq
Baghdad   Member of the committee criticized the parliamentary economy Najiba Najib, on Monday, the government for failing to rare all the crises experienced by Iraq.
He said Najib told all of Iraq [where] that "the government has failed to protect the highest legislative authority in the country, he ceases to protect Iraqi citizens from the exploitation of the merchants of the current conditions and raising them to the prices of goods."
da58 says to clay():mornin yw - how ya doing this fine monday?
da58 says to clay():am addicted to iraqi news like my ex was addicted to soap operas.. this would take the emmy for sure
da58 says to clay():erica cane - move over!
da58 says to clay():(lol)
clay says to da58():way too funny
clay says to da58():Im with ya there (lol)
da58 says to clay():well - noone said it would be easy... changing a corrupt govt.. is a process, and we're watching it.. sure is fascinating tho
where'sthebeef says():Does anyone know the results that came out of the meeting of the 3 presidencies last night?
larrykn says to where'sthebeef():I have not hear of any results just that they meet over the issues over there
where'sthebeef says():ok, thanks
da58 says to larrykn():I suspect we'll be hearing results soon.. this ought to be an exciting week
larrykn says to da58():I agree :)
where'sthebeef says():Lol, every week is suppose to be exciting. most of the time it is. I'm ready for it actually mean something though. smile
larrykn says to where'sthebeef():I hear ya but rome wasn't built in a day and neither will Iraq, it takes time to change a govenment way of doing bussiness and get rid of the corruption
larrykn says to where'sthebeef():the key here is we know it will happen that is why we are here :)

clay says to subgirl():nope

subgirl says to clay():Lets focus on May!!! I would love it done this month, how about this week?? :)

larrykn says to subgirl():if they can get parliment to vote and pass those laws I say we have a good chance :)

subgirl says to where'sthebeef():that sounds really good!!! lol
rcookie says():Sources: $ 69 million cost of the damage caused by the destruction of furniture parliament building
: Political landscape sectionViews: 637Published on: Today, 15:15  Follow-up / Sky Press  
An informed source, Monday, revealed the preliminary estimates of the harm resulting from the destruction and theft of the parliament building by demonstrators nearly $ 69 million.
The source said in an interview seen by "Sky Press," that "the cost of the damages caused by the destruction and theft of the parliament building up to a million $ 69 initial rough estimates."
The source speculated, "the speaker of parliament to choose an alternative meeting place for members of the House of Representatives, to the lack of readiness of the parliament building."

The Sadrist protesters stormed in, (4/30/2016), the House of Representatives building in the Green Zone in Baghdad to protest the lifting of its meeting until next week without a vote on the complete cabinet reshuffle, and assaulted some of them on a number of MPs and smashed furniture Board.
where'sthebeef says():I doubt there was 69 million to destroy. lol
where'sthebeef says():that's some nice furniture, if so
clay says to where'sthebeef():royalty Im sure
where'sthebeef says to clay():then they should have just looted it and became rich!!!
rcookie says():Interior: We are innocent of the Green Zone [ the statement]
Posted by: admin2 2 May, 2016 Security Add comment
Traded some of the social media and some personal accounts of members of the House of Representatives misinformation and incorrect at all on the responsibility of the Ministry of Interior to secure the protection of the House of Representatives, ministries, institutions and government departments in the Green Zone,
and Macheah these stories and misconceptions may reflect negatively in the minds of citizens for security responsibility in Baghdad and what might happen in the violations and abuses and excesses, and even there is not unambiguously to everyone we would like to offer the following facts:
1. The Ministry of the Interior shall not bear responsibility for the security of the capital and vital region (green) but the direct responsibility lies with the Baghdad Operations and own band charged with protecting the Green Zone.
2-The human and material resources of the Ministry of Interior at the disposal of the leaders of the operations, whether in Baghdad or the provinces and leaders of the processes associated with General Commander of the Armed Forces directly.
3. The leaders of the operations, including the Baghdad Operations Command used the interior ministry resources by more than 85 percent, but the Interior Ministry has no authority to act in the center and the provinces, but the limits of local orders either command and control of it, however, the leaders of operations.
4-previously the Interior Ministry announced that the willingness and ability to grab the security file and its leadership, according to the constitutional powers by virtue of its resources, which are already at the disposal of the leaders of the operations but the orders have not yet released and is awaiting to take responsibility for the security file in any place, region or province, costing him.
5. The Ministry of Interior did not shirk from any assignment or an order it is legal and constitutional, and will do everything possible in accordance with the law and the Constitution and is ready for any emergency and national responsibility assigned to it armed with enthusiasm and sacrifice of its members and the cooperation of the citizens and their solidarity with them.
Iraqi Interior Ministry    Directorate Relations and Media
where'sthebeef says to clay():that would have solved the protesters problems. I'm sure 69 million would have taken care of all of
subgirl says to rcookie():I think the people spoke and got their point across loud and clear!!!!! and costly!!!
clay says to where'sthebeef():yep
clay says to where'sthebeef():maybe they did
where'sthebeef says to clay():Ahh, so now we see the real reason they left the green zone. they got what they plated furniture and chocolates left behind by the parliament members
da58 says():International Alliance: the destruction of a financial center and boats to Daash 18 raid in Iraq
History of edits:: 5/2/2016 15:13  [Oan- Baghdad] Joint Task Force said in a statement Monday that the United States and its allies have carried out 25 strike against al Daash in Iraq and Syria on Sunday.
She added that the coalition forces were carried out in Iraq 18 strike near nine cities hit nine tactical units belonging to the organization and financial center , and several tunnels and 12 boats.
It said three strikes were concentrated near Mosul , a stronghold Daash.
The statement said the seven strikes were carried out in Syria and wounded and tactical units to Daash addition to seven fighting positions and other targets.
rcookie says():Disclosure of the secret code between the chest and demonstrators
By Roudao one hour ago   Roudao- Erbil   Revealed the Kurdish MP in the Iraqi parliament, Adel Noori, for the secret code between Muqtada al - Sadr and the demonstrators , who were taken site demonstrations from Tahrir Square to the Iraqi parliament building, adding that he had previously told the House of Representatives of the Kurds that Sadr 's followers would attack the parliament , "but they did not take it very seriously ".
He was able thousands of al-Sadr loyalists pass the barriers the Green Zone in 30/4/2016 and control of the Iraqi parliament building for a limited period of time.
The attack on demonstrators following a speech chest, says Kurdish MP, said the demonstrators know previously instruct a blade to break into the parliament as soon Alfezha chest. 

What was the code?
He said Nuri, "Moqtada al-Sadr said in the beginning I'm going I to the Green Zone and the demonstrators after me, with the security forces, have agreed not to fire a single shot, the Chairman of the Committee on Security and Defence parliamentary, of quitting, and Saraya peace led demonstrations," adding, "We had information that there is a secret word between the chest and the demonstrators, said al-Sadr if uttered the word "Soatkv" it means they went to the Iraqi parliament building. "
I informed the House of Representatives of the Kurds
Nuri and confirms that he was on the lookout attack demonstrators on the Iraqi parliament building, so he informed the Kurdish deputies in advance to leave the parliament, saying "an hour of demonstrators attack on the Iraqi parliament before, I said to the deputies of the Kurds not to enter parliament because it will lie there unexpected events, but they did not listen I did not take my words seriously. "
He said Nuri said the attack on the Iraqi parliament had been planned since last year, saying "what happened in the Iraqi parliament, planned since last August, when Abadi met with journalists and said that if the masses demonstrations Magdy Rady demanding to disrupt Parliament, we will then disable the parliament," he said, adding "the next day the word for this Abadi, Abadi said that intends to stage a coup, and for this reason I had a fight with MP Ali Keywords."
On the picket a number of MPs, including Adel Nouri, the latter said, "I rely initially with Ahmed al-Jubouri, in protest at the lack of authority of Parliament to Abadi, and then we were joined others, including Hanan al and high Nassif and several other parliamentarians, and some of them do not talk with them so far and already that entered them in fights. "
rcookie says():"SOATKY"= SIC EM.....
subgirl says to rcookie():adding, "We had information that there is a secret word between the chest and the demonstrators, said al-Sadr if uttered the word "Soatkv" it means they went to the Iraqi parliament building. " 

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