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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

 BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments  5-24-16  Part 2 of 2

Post From BondLadys Corner

 BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments  5-24-16  Part 2 of 2

Do Stnhetti government of " corruption " in Iraq?
23/05/2016 19:40  Tomorrow Press / follow - up :
All eyes back to corruption in several countries around the world, since the publication of what is known as " documents Panama ." But the level reached by the corruption in Iraq, came as a surprise even to the Iraqis themselves, prompting some of them to go out in demonstrations, and the storming of the Iraqi parliament building , demanding to conduct reforms, accounting looters of the country 's wealth .
Iraqi official estimated the amount of money lost by Iraq due to corruption more than 300 billion dollars, fifteen times the amount that Iraq is seeking to borrow .
Wrote in the National Antrest, American, Louay Khatib, a fellow of the International Energy Policy Center of the University of Columbia , a number of financial institutions , the Swiss and others, turned a long - time party for politicians accused of corruption, denied them, and among them well - known, as a bank HSBC, the British, charges By preserving money illegally names .
Encouraging signs
Khatib said : " can not industrialized world to stand silently in front of more such surprises, otherwise the aid and loans will enter weak countries, quickly and seep toward the pockets of some of its leaders corrupt ." But, there are encouraging signs point to move governments and financial auditors by the revelations and documents Panama .
soon, the US Treasury Department will announce claims of banks in order to detect the angel of fake companies . in the United Kingdom, select observers Financial deadline for banks to reveal details concerning the relations clients company Musak Fonseca, company stands at the center of the current storm . "
Attention Khatib that Iraq , which suffers, unfortunately, from rampant corruption, will undergo a crucial test in the context of this new activity . As this country needs, too, to recover looted assets, because it is in dire need of funds in order to fight Daash, and to rebuild what was destroyed by wars .
Fortunately, the " United States is leading these efforts through the formation to recover the loot Initiative ( Carrie ) , but there is a need for more international cooperation . In Iraq, it is necessary to allocate financial aid to Mast in order to train people to control and preventing corruption ."
A change
And refers Khatib to young Iraqis trying to actually bring about changes in the Iraqi government, and the challenge is to create a culture of expression . This requires the availability of a new building possibilities are an international format .
As an example, the Supreme Council for the Development of Education, an Iraqi organization, sending four thousand students Iraqis have been trained outside the country in order to support the ministerial potential, and has allocated a budget of 100 million dollars, in the past year .
It is the duty of the international community to work to support such initiatives, especially in light of the allocation of huge sums of hostilities .
Asset Recovery
The writer says that the development of asset recovery and civil service possibilities much better than traditional forms of aid . The United States has tried to allocating 60 billion dollars for projects the reconstruction of Iraq, including several facilities pose schools and prisons . But fortune is estimated at 700 billion dollars of Iraqi oil revenues, not much has been achieved due to corruption and mismanagement .
Unfortunately, Khatib says, this tale familiar to the Iraqis, who live in a country setting, according to an index measuring public corruption, was ranked 171 in the world . Since a long time, corruption is linked in Iraq, weak accountability and poor governance . Ranging estimates of the amount of money looted in Iraq between 100 billion dollars since 2003 , and twenty billion dollars lost in 2003 alone .
Iraqi official estimated the amount of money lost due to corruption of Iraq by more than 300 billion dollars, fifteen times the amount that Iraq is seeking to borrow .
The attention of the writer to the worsening state of corruption . They have delivered in 2005 warnings to the 27 official at the Iraqi defense ministry on charges of theft of more than a billion dollars . By 2012 , the Integrity Commission has made ​​with 14 official in the Ministry of Defence for receiving bribes through a weapons deal worth $ 4 0.2 billion US .
Fake companies
Ahmad Chalabi revealed last year that there are about 30 companies earn nearly 4 billion dollars, through the falsification of lists to buy, receive funds from the Central Bank of Iraq .
Sees Khatib , it is regrettable that the Iraqi Central Bank funding and fake projects, through false invoices, which practices fall short in his opinion, to the point of killing Iraqis by depriving them of their livelihood and their salaries, which are often delayed, as well as the looting of their country 's wealth .   LINK          

 [tlm724] " documents Panama ." But the level reached by the corruption in Iraq, came as a surprise even to the Iraqis themselves, prompting some of them to go out in demonstrations, and the storming of the Iraqi parliament building , demanding to conduct reforms, accounting looters of the country 's wealth
[tlm724] Iraqi official estimated the amount of money lost by Iraq due to corruption more than 300 billion dollars, fifteen times the amount that Iraq is seeking to borrow
[tlm724]  Evil or Very Mad     
[tlm724] Exam Attention Khatib that Iraq , which suffers, unfortunately, from rampant corruption, will undergo a crucial test in the context of this new activity . As this country needs, too, to recover looted assets, because it is in dire need of funds in order to fight Daash, and to rebuild what was destroyed by wars .

Fortunately, the " United States is leading these efforts through the formation to recover the loot Initiative ( Carrie ) , but there is a need for more international cooperation . In Iraq, it is necessary to allocate financial aid to Mast in order to train people to control and preventing corruption ."
[tlm724] there are about 30 companies earn nearly 4 billion dollars, through the falsification of lists to buy, receive funds from the Central Bank of Iraq .
[tlm724] the auctions !
[tlm724] time for them to go
[shunshine] dang, amazing how they have gotten by with this crap
[tlm724] shunshine no one was minding the store BUT now there are international eyes on everything

The banking sector development promotes investment activity
5/24/2016 0:00   BAGHDAD - Hussein al - Tamimi Tgb the  involvement of the banking sector in the investment business represents an important focus by rotating the wheel of progress in the Iraqi market , which includes all aspects of construction and reconstruction , which are in dire need for an effective banking sector participant or financier for various projects.
Executive Director of the Association of Iraqi banks Ali Tariq said: the size of a large investment business in Iraq and that perceived by the international and local specialized companies and it needs great efforts to the abundance of jobs in all regions of Iraq , which can be a powerful economic force in the world, pointing out that he could be described as tiger eighth the size of the wealth they possess.
move funds added in interview for «morning» that the success of the investment activity and size require the banking sector active and sophisticated possesses high flexibility in moving funds supported by legal legislation that facilitates the activity and ensure that banking regulation to suit the requirements of the country 's economic, pointing to the importance that there be freedom of the banking sector to engage investment partnerships or direct investments that must be regulated by the new legislation.  
Tariq pointed to the importance of the development work on Iraq banking Act and give greater freedom and flexibility to participate in the investment environment, pointing to the existence of banking experts who can develop and identify threats and trends to this thread. the development of systems and the need to work on the introduction of banking products developed contribute to raising the level of services provided to a slice of beneficiaries at all levels individuals or companies whether local or international,
indicating that the association encourages all banks on the direction for the development of products that offer to the customers through the introduction of new and sophisticated systems commensurate with the requirements of all customers.
Tariq said the development of the banking sector is one of the goals of the main association, pointing to the importance of becoming our banking sector is able to compete with banks , regional and international, stressing that raising the ceiling of products that would activate the capital cycle and provide liquidity for banks and contributes to the large cluster of cash chunky attract home to the labor market,
urging to modify the legal framework for private Iraqi banks to enable them to actual direct participation in investment activities.  
new projects and had between in an interview that the investment projects problems not only funding ,, where domestic private banking system requires, and through units specialized research and strategies, create and strengthen mechanisms alliance with discreet executive and engineering local and international companies
as well as with international companies and institutional investors to enter alliances with them for the purposes of operating and management and marketing in the planned entry partnerships in the implementation of projects , whether full rehabilitation projects to units of existing or new projects.
 Tariq between at the conclusion of his speech the importance of working on human resources in the development of the banking sector and empowered them from the banking business and advanced systems the world has seen, pointing out that the Association adopt an annual training plan for banking talent in the various joints of the banking business.
tlm724     Thanks BL ! Executive Director of the Association of Iraqi banks Ali Tariq said: the size of a large investment business in Iraq and that perceived by the international and local specialized companies and it needs great efforts to the abundance of jobs in all regions of Iraq , which can be a powerful economic force in the world, pointing out that he could be described as tiger eighth the size of the wealth they possess.
Tariq pointed to the importance of the development work on Iraq banking Act and give greater freedom and flexibility to participate in the investment environment, pointing to the existence of banking experts who can develop and identify threats and trends to this thread.

Agriculture forbid importing tomatoes, potatoes and cucumbers to the abundance of local product
Economy  Since 23/05/2016 14:33 pm (Baghdad time)   BAGHDAD - balances News
Ministry of Agriculture announced on Monday, to prevent the import Tatm potatoes and sophistication crops in addition to watermelon crop because there is a local product enough to meet the daily needs of the Iraqi table.
He said a ministry statement received / balances News / copy of it, that "the decision of the door Yat local product protection and support of national production, a consistent policy pursued by the ministry to monitor the market and prevent the import of crops that can be dispensed with."
The Ministry of Agriculture has banned by crops Allahanh cauliflower and beets, lettuce and Alhalgam not ban continues until now. It ended 29 / D 24  LINK

tlm724    awesome indeed ! because there is a local product enough to meet the daily needs of the Iraqi table Wink

Tlm724:       things are really weird with this Suspect below is a screen shot of the Minister of Finance exchange rates on their web site:

Foreign exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar on Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Economy  Since 05.24.2016 at 08:32 (Baghdad time)   BAGHDAD - balances News

U.S. dollar
US $ 1 = 1,180.5000 Iraqi dinars affraid affraid affraid
1 Iraqi dinars = US $ 0.0008

1 euro = Iraqi dinars 1,323.7540
IQD 1 = 0.0008 euros

 Sterling pound
IQD 1 = 0.0006 pounds

 Canadian Dollar
1 CAD = 897.9713 dinars
IQD 1 = 0.0011 Canadian dollars

 Australian Dollar
1 AUD = 852.4081 dinars
IQD 1 = 0.0012 Australian dollars

 Japanese Yen
1 Japanese Yen = 10.7902 dinars
IQD 1 = 0.0927 Japanese yen


via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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