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Tuesday, May 24, 2016

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments  5-24-16  Part 1 of 2

Post From BondLadys Corner

 BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments  5-24-16  Part 1 of 2

Abadi of the Council of Anbar: we do not have the money to rebuild the city of Ramadi
Economy   Since 22/05/2016 16:39 pm (Baghdad time)  Special - balances News
Said Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, a member of the Anbar province, yesterday, that the state does not have enough money for the reconstruction of the city of Ramadi after its liberation from the hands of the terrorist organization Daash.
The head of the Rehabilitation Committee gray Hamid Hashem's / balances News /, that "members of the Anbar provincial council met, on Wednesday evening, with Prime Minister Haider al
He said Al-Hashim, said that "balancing the reconstruction of Anbar province, is 60 billion dinars, despite all the destruction of the city," adding that "the provincial council received the money from 10 billion dinars to rebuild sewers and water project to work."
The Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi search, on Saturday, with the liberalization process Fallujah Anbar officials from the control of "Daash," stressing the need for the cooperation of everyone for the Liberation of Iraq's cities.
It is said that the Anbar revealed, earlier, said that the reconstruction of areas that have been liberated from the Daash require 10 billion dollars, ruling that the reconstruction of the city of Ramadi in the period Almqublh.anthy 29  LINK
Issa Hussein     

Lightingcslt   revalue your currency and off that program rate and then you maybe changing that tune lol
therealbubbie      revalue your currency ... LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL OL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bondlady         too funny, love ur posts hahaha lol ...u know timmy worked her buns off yesterday, is why she wasn't here, she was tryin to download and put it up on utube.
I think its so important to listen to it again after 2 yrs...our interview with ambassador paul bremer, it so applys to now .  it never made more sense to me than it does now and some things forgotten that was said ring so true for now as it applys to now...plz give it a nother listen to as it was and is the most important interview ever done for us dinar investors ******     ****   
apoligise for my voice as I had the flu and was eating vicks throat drops by the handfuls to keep from coughing attacks ....but I am so very proud of it and our team of the faithful, love all u guys Smile   I couldn't have done none of it without the ones who've stayed and was always so loyal and true us @ BLC thank you !!!!!!!!!!
 [tlm724] you can also click on the upper right hand corner of the forum on the "BondLady Presents" picture and it will play for you there also
[tlm724] I listened to it 4 times while I was doing my thingy lol  it really does make so much sense now Wink and BL sounded just fine, she's a silly azz sometimes   tongue  
[shunshine] I remember that
[cstacy]  lol
[shunshine] lol  
[tlm724] you should listen again !!
[cstacy] tlm724 yes I will after a bit thanks

Iraq is producing 4 millions of and 700 thousand barrels of oil a day and issued 3 millions of and 900 1000
24/05/2016 09:55  BAGHDAD / tomorrow Press : The Oil Ministry announced on Tuesday, to increase oil production volume to 4 millions of and 700 thousand barrels per day , including the production of Kirkuk and the Kurdistan region of the province, revealing that the daily export volume reached 3 millions of and 900 thousand barrels per day .
The agent said the ministry oil senior Engineer Fayyad grace, the newspaper " Al- Sabah " the official, said that " the engineering efforts for the southern oil company resulted in increased production of Allhis field to 100 thousand barrels a day after he was producing approximately 75 thousand barrels per day ."
 he said , " this increase came after enable Angels SOC from the operation unit for the treatment of wet oil in the field " , Msttrda that " Angels also managed to increase the volume of production in Artawi field for up to 60 thousand barrels per day, as it was erected towers drilled in the field earlier, also succeeded in setting the third tower for the success of reclamation operations in the field . "
 He said a blessing that " these achievements in these fields were exceptional efforts of the Iraqi staffs 100 percent " , warning that " Iraq 's production now stands at 4 millions of and 700 thousand barrels per day ,
including the product in Kurdistan fields and product in Kirkuk oilfields, and that the export volume of between 3 millions of and 700 thousand barrels and 3 millions of and 900 thousand barrels , including the source of the Kurdistan region and the oil of Kirkuk , which exceeds the 500 thousand barrels and issued by the province through the Turkish port of Ceyhan . "    LINK 

Bondlady    this is so good for them on every level.  the very most oil being produced under saddam was 3 millon bpd.  look how far theve come in 2 yrs time...over 4 millon bpd Smile  (( again watch the Bremer interview with timmyy shred and me..   ***
now there exporting gas too ! instead of loosin about a billon dollars a month due to burn off of the gas, now they make money on it, also now for the 1st time, they no longer have to export there oil an gas out for refinement an then ship it bk to them...
they refine it thereselves as theve built there own refineries another huge money maker as well and saving billons an billons and also makein billons an billons Smile its a win win...
so much good has happened that's hard to see, unless your lookin for it Wink and I am Razz we are cheers cheers cheers cheers BL
RCS1947   yes great news in so many ways....thanks Bondlady!
[tlm724] Iraq is getting there !!!!!!!!!
[tlm724] if you listen to the interview again you will hear Ambassador Bremer say that the dinar should be reflective of the country's wealth and he also mentioned floating the dinar several times ! So yes BondLady listening to that interview again is so important at this stage of Iraq's development  Wink

Babil police received six cars "sonar" to detect explosives
Babylon / long-Presse    Announced Babel police command, on Monday, all received six cars (sonar) modern explosive detection, while confirming distributed to checkpoints in the province.
He said Babil police chief Maj . Gen. Ali Hassan niche in an interview with (long - Presse) said, " The police leadership received six cars (sonar) sophisticated and modern explosive detection type (Rabiskan or 60) of the Ministry of Interior, and is one of the world - class hardware and origins sober. "
He added a skylight that" each wheel sonar equipped with the latest technologies to detect all types of explosives and will not cause any Zhamat traffic on examination it lasts vehicle inspection process several seconds , "noting that" cars explosives detection will be distributed to checkpoints in various areas of the province to contribute to maintaining security in it . "
 Referred to the Babil province police cars has a number of explosives detection and distributed in some checkpoints in the province , while new cars will cover the rest of the checkpoints in the province.
The Iraqi Interior Ministry had contracted in 2007 to buy explosives detection devices (ie de E - 651) of the company (ie TCS British), said the British company that these devices can detect weapons and ammunition, drugs and types of fungi and the human body, ivory , and it It does not need batteries to operate, adding that all you need is that the user of the legs move up and down in order to generate electrical power required to operate it .
The British newspaper The Guardian, had said in a report, in (23 April 2013), briefed him (long - Presse) at the time, the jury at the Old Bailey Old Bailey British, found the British businessman , Jim McCormick, guilty of fraud and forgery for his Australian reap millions of pounds through the sale of explosives detection devices are ineffective to Iraq.
Smile  LINK

 [tlm724] these sonar detectors plus so much more are all critical to creating an environment that is conducive for investors to come into Iraq, maintaining security, thanks BL !
A common political agreement to resume meetings of the parliament and the reform of the economic system

23/05/2016 06:06 | Direction Press / Agencies   MP for the mass of our identity Diyala Raad Aldhlki, Monday, all decisions of the meeting between the Presidents of the Council of Representatives meeting Saleem al-Jubouri and the Kurdistan region, Massoud Barzani, as pointed out that the conferees agreed to resume meetings of the parliament and the reform of the political and economic systems in the country.
He Aldhlki in a press statement that "Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, arrived at noon today, the city of Arbil, accompanied by members of the political body of the Federation of Iraqi forces including the head of the parliamentary bloc of the Union Ahmed electrodes and Ahmed al-Mashhadani and Dhafer al-Ani, a student of architectural and Mohammed Halbusi,
 in addition to the spokesman," explaining "the presence of al-Jubouri of the Kurdistan region coinciding with the presence of the negotiating committee for the House of Representatives, headed by MP for the coalition of state law Keywords in the city of Arbil."
He added that "the parties combined discussed the political and security repercussions in the country, as well as reasons to break into the Green Zone by the demonstrators for the second consecutive time and emphasis on do not recur,"
 stressing that "the conferees agreed to the appeal hearings of Parliament through a comprehensive hearing of all the political blocs held, as well as for the audience's commitment to the need for political and economic system reform in the country in order to lift the country from its current crisis. "
[tlm724] "the parties combined discussed the political and security repercussions in the country, as well as reasons to break into the Green Zone by the demonstrators for the second consecutive time and emphasis on do not recur," stressing that "the conferees agreed to the appeal hearings of Parliament through a comprehensive hearing of all the political blocs held, as well as for the audience's commitment to the need for political and economic system reform in the country in order to lift the country from its current crisis. "
[tlm724] as well as for the audience's commitment to the need for political and economic system reform in the country in order to lift the country from its current crisis. "
Moody's": IMF liquidity facilities supporting Iraq
24/05/2016 01:22 | Direction Press    Moody's credit ratings, said that the International Monetary Fund reached an agreement is not final and is awaiting approval by its Executive Board on loans to Iraq worth $ 5.4 billion, an interest rate ranging from 1% to 1.3%, indicating that it will positively affect the liquidity Iraq.
She added, "Moody's" in its report that Iraq faced a double crisis, while he faces a big growing operations Daash, raided oil abating prices, and make matters worse Bahtdam internal conflict in Syria has increased the number of refugees the surrounding countries, these factors have led to the destruction of infrastructure and draining government resources in Iraq , shrinking economic activity, particularly in the occupied territories.
And the impact of oil dramatically on the Iraqi economy, accounting for 90% of total government revenues, and nearly 100% of merchandise exports, according to the report
According to the report, the International Monetary loans Iraq would help plug the fiscal and current amounting to 15% and 6.4% respectively of GDP in the 2015 accounts.
The report pointed out that the funding for the Iraq fiscal deficit large proportion of the local banks, bonds and government debt, and adopted in 2015 on the foreign exchange reserves to finance the balance of payments, and declining foreign reserves so to $ 50 billion, compared with $ 74 billion in 2013. jh
 [tlm724] the International Monetary Fund reached an agreement is not final and is awaiting approval by its Executive Board
[tlm724] it's geared towards August, the IMF gave them June and July to get it together then they'll get liquid baby tongue
Justice Minister : we seek to starch international arbitration center in Iraq
23/05/2016 22:53  Tomorrow Press / Baghdad : The Minister of Justice Haider Zamili, on Monday, the ministry has sought to set up an international arbitration center in Iraq .
A statement of the ministry, for Zamili as saying during a meeting at the official library of the regional center for international arbitration in Iraq was responsible Kzar Tohme, received " Tomorrow Press " , that " the opening of the International Arbitration Center in Iraq would be a quantum leap in the field of foreign pleadings to the Iraqi government and overcome her stay in the existing centers in the countries of the world, which cost the state exorbitant amounts . "
For his part, the regional center for international arbitration administrator in Iraq Kzar Tohme, Book delegated Prime Minister to the Minister of Justice , headed by the arbitration conference on his behalf , and in the presence of Arab Ministries of Justice, which is scheduled to stay in Baghdad for the first time, which is considered a precedent well cared for Iraq and embrace for such international activities . "  LINK 

[tlm724] , that " the opening of the International Arbitration Center in Iraq would be a quantum leap in the field of foreign pleadings to the Iraqi government
[tlm724] love quantum leaps
[tlm724] is scheduled to stay in Baghdad for the first time, which is considered a precedent well cared for Iraq and embrace for such international activities .
[tlm724] nice Iraq is setting the stage to play with the big boys, protecting themselves the legal way

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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