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Friday, April 1, 2016

News, Rumors and Opinions Friday Morning 4-1-16


Frank26:  KTFA FAMILY :

Wish to express this to You IMO............... I Strongly believe A ......... GOT EVERYTHING HE WANTED !!!

This is tremendous........... IMO.    KTFA  Frank

StrongCBM:  WOW WOW WOW ! ! ! .....I Strongly believe we get what we want REAL SOON....

Avatar:  If Abadi GOT everything he wanted... we are on the way to see Oz.. as Backdoc always says...
Samson:    Abadi pays tribute to the will of our people to achieve the reforms and implement pledges  In the name of God the Merciful

We have proved our Iraqi Aziz once again the power of his will and determination and ability to its crises management successfully and achieve the reforms and victories, confirmed the prevailing relationship between citizens and demonstrators and the security forces , the depth ,and this cohesion was a victory for all of us.

The ministerial change that we have presented today to the House of Representatives and the blocks political is part of a comprehensive reform program that responds to the aspirations of our people, which included reducing its cabinet of 22 ministries into 16 ministries and the nomination of 14 ministers while retaining the ministries of defense and interior for reasons of security and continuing the war against Daash.

the positions of our people and their political forces formed a new momentum to sustain victories our heroine and the liberalization of the remaining of the cities, and we renew our covenant Aziz for our people to proceed with the process of reform and change and the fight against corruption. He lived and people of Iraq. peace be upon you and God 's mercy and blessings


Walkingstick:  Iraq is entering a package of financial reforms to get a loan

Friday 01-04-2016 | 9:04:29

Twilight News / IMF has developed a package of financial and economic reforms, in a visit that would conclude the middle of this week, after talks nearly two weeks of talks with officials in Baghdad.

The suffering of Iraq, like other oil - producing countries, the decline in financial revenue as aresult of falling crude oil prices 68 percent, and fighting al «Islamic state» in many cities, and that drained the treasury.

, said Abdul Hussein Al - Anbuge, Iraq 's prime minister for economic affairs adviser, said theconditions set by the international Monetary Fund to cope with the financial crisis in Iraq ,which fall under the reforms that seek government through which to reduce economic damage.

He Anbuge there are not tough conditions imposed on Iraq by the international Monetary Fund in exchange for cash loans. What put the IMF is part of the reforms, but it may have an impact socially unacceptable in the long proximity, adding that he had to reduce the damage to be forced to accept certain conditions to face the biggest problem.

The heading of the International Monetary Fund to give Iraq a financial loan demand by June next, allowing Baghdad to $ 15 billion in international aid over the next three years, according to a statement of Christian Gooch head of the IMF mission in Iraq last Tuesday. The Iraqi official said that «some government institutions began to increase fees, such as the Ministry ofHealth , which raised medical services prices, the secretariat of Baghdad , which raised themunicipal service prices.

Currently operates several government committees to determine the possibility of selling some state property such as land, machinery and real estate, residential complexes, which are steps aimed at the face of the financial crisis.

agreed with Baghdad in November last year to place the financial and economic policy to control the international Monetary Fund for the years 2015-2016 after the aggravation of thefinancial crisis because of low oil prices in the global markets.

the international Monetary Fund says that the biggest challenge before the agreement on thegranting of Baghdad loans worth $ 15 billion , is gradually will cut spending to match revenues, allowing the debt of the country be stabilized by 2020 , when 75 percent of GDP.
Iraqi finance officials believe that some of the conditions the international Monetary Fund can not be applied at the current stage, especially that can strongly affect the level of citizens ' ploy


Sheila:  Since Mosul will be liberated in March, but not announced until April. That means they can change the rate close to the timing of the reforms (3/26), but may take up to 2 weeks .  This statement was written by W8tn4it2rv
My question is I hear a lot that the articles are two weeks old. If this the case couldn't Mosul be liberated all ready and we don't know about it yet?


Walkingstick:   Radio France: US treasury is after major economic deal with Iran

Tehran, April 1, IRNA – US Treasury Secretary Jack lew said on Thursday that the US treasury department is to refurbish a very significant economic deal with the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Date: 01/04/2016

According to a documentary report aired by French radio quoting the US treasury secretary Jack, the US secretary has warned the US congress admitting that the treasury department is to revive economic cooperation with Iran.

In a stern warning to US congress, Jack Lew has warned that toughening of financial punishments against Iran could weaken the US role as well as US dollars in the global market.

Toughening financial punishments will put the US supremacy in global economy at risk and also will lessen the impacts of its punishments, he said.

The US has informed foreign enterprises that in what areas it (the US) can or cannot establish economic cooperation with Tehran, he said.

Mark Dubowitz, the Executive Director of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and also an expert on Sanctions against Iran in Washington, has said that Lew's comments have indicated that US is to make a significant compromise with Iran so that the former can make its trade deals with the latter based on dollar.

Dubowitz added another objective behind Lew's comments could be to avoid the US Congress from imposing new punishments on Iran.

Meanwhile, Iran's Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan has hoped on Thursday that the UNSC is not to show any reaction regarding Iran’s missile tests.
Forces of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) have successfully test fired several ballistic missiles earlier this month.

Iran’s Permanent Representative and Ambassador to the United Nations Gholamali Khoshroo has already stressed that Iran's recent ballistic missile tests were part of Tehran's ongoing efforts to strengthen the country's legitimate defense capabilities.

Iran has announced on different occasions that its tested missiles are not capable of carrying nuclear warheads as the US and some western countries have claimed.



Mangelo:  I could really see this RV today and no one believing it because of April Fools day......imagine those in the exchange center waiting for us....

Rocker66:  Regarding the comments on Bruce. My contacts are well positioned and some go back decades. I can tell you that there have been many days where this was good to go, and then delayed for the most art, Bruce's intel is acute.



Inola7's Bro here-IMHO, the price of oil, a seated parliament, new currency announcements, a change of governments, bad guys being arrested, and everything else that's been put out there has no affect on the RV. And it may have everything to do with the RV. Means I have no idea what's what with this. It's a timey, whimey, wibbley, wobbley, ball of goo. It'll go when it's ready.


Dinar Updates:

wmawhite   this continues to set nicely...who would have ever imagined with fighting a war in 1/3 of his country that the prime minister would take on the challenge of changing his government and upsetting the hogs at the trough. ...

He could have said no the international community and joined the other hogs at the trough...but, instead, he is continuing to show the international community that he is a true leader.

rcookie    cabinet reshuffle...names within 10 days...sadr happy...protesters leaving green zone by his orders...

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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