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Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Wealthwatch  Wednesday  Chat 12-23-15   Part 2 of 2

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Wealthwatch  Wednesday  Chat 12-23-15   Part 2 of 2
chattels: If one were to rely on Max Weber’s definition of a state – “a human community that successfully claims the monopoly of the legitimate use of physical force within a given territory” – then Syria and Iraq stopped existing some time ago
chattels: The American-led international community’s solution for such failed states seems to center on trying again. In Iraq the effort to try again began with the 2003 overthrow of Saddam, accompanied by assiduous American efforts to preserve Iraq’s territorial integrity.
Although the Iraqis drafted a good constitution in 2005, by 2010 the Nuri al-Maliki government in Baghdad increasingly came to look like its authoritarian predecessors (with a Shiite flavor this time, however). Maliki’s sidelining and repression of Arab Sunnis is what largely paved the way for the Islamic State’s takeover of their parts of the country.

At the same time, Maliki’s increasingly praetorian Iraqi army appeared poised to enter into active hostilities against the Kurdish Peshmerga over territories disputed between Baghdad and autonomous Kurdistan.
Kurdistan’s disputes with Baghdad over other issues, such as powers over oil, caused paralysis in Baghdad’s parliament. Maliki’s replacement by fellow Dawaa Party Shiite leader Haidar al-Abadi in August 2014 seems unlikely to really change this dynamic, given that little has changed even with the Islamic State putting everyone’s feet to the fire since June 2014.
chattels: Under such circumstance, where none of the significant sectarian communities or “Iraqi” and “Syrian” political elites seems good at sharing power, perhaps the time has come to stop kicking these sick horses. Hopefully the outgoing UNHCR High Commissioner is right, and this is “the end of Syria and Iraq as we know them.”
Although change carries its own risks and difficulties, the Iraq and Syria that the world knew are nothing to mourn should they pass away now. The focus should have long ago shifted to creating something new rather than replaying these brutal authoritarian systems.
chattels: " ............... the Iraq and Syria that the world knew are nothing to mourn should they pass away now."
chattels: " ..................... perhaps the time has come to stop kicking these sick horses."
chattels: " Kurdistan’s disputes with Baghdad over other issues, such as powers over oil, caused paralysis in Baghdad’s parliament. Maliki’s replacement by fellow Dawaa Party Shiite leader Haidar al-Abadi in August 2014 seems unlikely to really change this dynamic, ............."
Doug_W: we can only HOPE
chattels: All of the high sounding, positive and progressive rhetoric in the world does not alter the lack of relative security and stability, economically and politically, that afflicts Iraq. It does not cure the conflicts between political factions that gridlock the parliament or simmer below the surface and despite the common threat that is DAESH.
As liberation of the countryside from DAESH progresses we will witness increased conflicts and turmoil. The expense of reconstruction and resettlement will be expensive and conflicted along political party lines.
The displacement of the population when the Mosul offensive begins will be monumental both on a human and political scale. I believe in Christmas miracles, but not one that will produce our liquidity event.
chattels: Hope springs eternal out of human suffering as the poet says.
Tootsie: Good Wednesday - hope all have finished their shopping { presents/food/drinks } LOL
Tootsie: BasraIraq is consistent with India to sell oil worth $ 1.4 billion in 201612/23/2015 17:49 Long-Presse / Baghdad It revealed to media sources, on Wednesday, Iraq's agreement with India on processing approximately 160 thousand barrels of oil per day, during the next 2016, compared billion and $ 400 million, indicating that it ensures him to be a third processors in Asian markets extremely vital, and pull the rug from Iran, which is seeking a share of the "Asian cake" when Amaaodtha exporting oil next year.
Media sources said followed up (range Press), said that "Iraq concluded trade deals with India worth billion and $ 400 million, provide them under which approximately 160 thousand barrels of crude oil per day during the next 2016 to secure the two needs of oil refineries", usually that comes in. "
 the framework of Iraq's efforts to ensure its share of great importance in the Asian oil market. " The Asian market consumes half the amount of oil in the world, making it attract and producers struggle to acquire a stake of its cake area, especially in light of the current glut, the continuous decline of crude prices. MORE ~
Tootsie: ‹@OOTW› Hello, hope you are feeling Well!!!!
OOTW: The board of Integrity: misdemeanor court issued a sentence of imprisonment against the convicted Issawi and former finance minister and a group of convicts him within Integrity issues 22/12/2015 Readers Number: 92
OOTW: Calling for quick completion of the distribution procedures .. Yasiri seek to cover all employees of the body was cut off land without exception 21/12/2015 Readers Number: 247 Chairman of the board of Integrity, Dr. Hassan al-Yassiri held a consultative meeting with members of the sale and sort of private land Bmnzbe the Authority.
The meeting addressed the recent steps taken by the Presidency of the Authority after completion of the work of the Commission on the Status of controls and the Committee of valuation work, and do authored a committee to sort of plots of land, especially after completed most of the steps and measures official revisions own distribution and sorting.
The head of the Authority Committee members need to make more of an effort, and urged the pace, speed up procedures and cooperation; in order to remove difficulties and obstacles, all of which may Taatari work of the Commission, expressing his willingness to intervene personally; to remove obstacles that may be encountered.
OOTW: He informed Chairman of the Authority Committee on the exercise of his efforts to exclude employees of the Authority of the distribution terms set forth in the sale and rental of real estate State Law No. 21 of 2013; the fact that a piece dedicated to the distribution of land to the employees of the Authority has been purchased from personal funds adherents,
and not a grant or donation by the state, where they were talking in this regard with both the Office of the Prime Minister and Legal Department where, that have expressed sympathy with the proposal of the Authority's proposal to exclude members of the Authority of the distribution terms to include associate all, but the body was still moving in this direction, and is waiting for the final decision from the presence of Council of Ministers .
Tootsie: ‹@OOTW› Oh, that is grand!! me , terrific. 1/2 hr on row machine, various strength yesterday @ Y. I am trying to get back in my routine of 3 days Cardio and 3 days Strength (was doing such couple years back) - taking it easy - (senior citizen style for now!) Determined to get back into some sort of healthy state!!! keep a watch on the heart rate (for sure) - Hard to get back into the swing after staying away for 2+ years - ouch!  :sick:
Tootsie: well, senior citizen for the duration
OOTW: Abadi: trade volume with China of $ 28 billion and we seek to increase investment [expanded] History of edits:: 2015/12/23 15:24 • 84 visits readable Abadi: trade volume with China of $ 28 billion and we seek to increase investment [expanded] [Baghdad-where] Prime Aluwzrae Haider al-Abadi, revealed that the volume of trade between Iraq and China, $ 28 billion in the past year, "
stressing his government sought to increase this volume by investing." The news agency [Xinhua] Chinese news Abadi was quoted as saying on the sidelines of a forum the second Chinese Iraqi economic cooperation, which was held on Wednesday in the capital Beijing, ‘
"The initiative [Belt Road] put forward by Chinese President Xi Jinping will create new opportunities for strengthening cooperation between China and Iraq." .
OOTW: and between, said that "this initiative is very important and vital to Iraq, while Iraq's new government, which was formed a year ago looking to attract more investment by Chinese companies in the field of oil, electricity and telecommunications, infrastructure, manufacturing, rail, agriculture and others."
Abadi said that "size Trade between China and Iraq amounted to US $ 28 billion in 2014, up from $ 14 billion in 2011, which is a great progress thanks to the deepening of cooperation between the two sides and increase the projects of Chinese companies in Iraq.
Tootsie: ‹@OOTW› yes, tis ~ ty
OOTW: "attended the second Chinese Iraqi Economic Cooperation Forum, which was held today Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and his accompanying delegation as well as representatives of about 60 Chinese companies in the energy, oil, electricity, telecommunications, infrastructure, manufacturing, rail, agriculture and other areas.
It is said that Iraq and China had reached an agreement on Tuesday on the establishment of strategic partnership relations between the two countries, which issued a joint statement says that the partnership will help deepen bilateral cooperation in various fields and promote the development and prosperity in both
OOTW: Urgent Abadi: move forward on Daash and 80% of Iraqi territory is safe History of edits:: 2015/12/23 14:51 • 68 visits readable Abadi: move forward on Daash and 80% of Iraqi territory is safe [Follow-where] Prime Minister Alebadi- Haider, who is visiting China - that the security forces ahead of the Daash terrorist gangs on the battlefield in Iraq announced.
The news agency [Xinhua] Chinese news Abadi was quoted as saying on the sidelines of a forum the second Chinese Iraqi economic cooperation, which was held on Wednesday in the capital Beijing, "The Iraqi government has made significant progress in the fight against Daash, and that 80 percent of Iraqi territory safe" .. follow
OOTW: NEXT ARTICLE Interior: some crimes dating back to the economic and financial crisis History of edits:: 2015/12/23 17:35 • 50 visits readable Interior: some crimes dating back to the economic and financial crisis [Baghdad-where] the Interior Ministry said on Wednesday, some of the crimes date back to the economic and financial crisis.
According to Director General of Relations and Information at the Ministry Ibrahim al-Abadi told [where] that "the high rate of crime is linked to the economic and financial crisis, noting that" there are organized gangs exploiting some circumstances and take advantage of the current crisis of the country.
"He added that" the criminals are moving all the time and times and their goals clear is murder, robbery and armed robbery, explaining that "some young people resort to illegal methods to earn money, including the crime or join the gangs in the case of the prevalence of poverty."
He said Abadi, that "the high rate of crimes is closely linked to the financial crisis, as the the security services are working day and night and did not relax in order to combat crime and change plans and strategies in the long term and the short.
OOTW: term and the short. "It is said that the Baghdad Provincial Council will meet on Tuesday of next week, the security leaderships on the development of appropriate solutions to address the spread of organized crime in areas of the capital. It is worth mentioning that Baghdad is witnessing an increase in crimes committed against citizens in various forms by armed unidentified parties. is over
Tootsie: TY ~~ back later, have to hit the bank, etc. TY so very much for all the work/research/ and so on that you and butifldrm do for we "neophytes" ~  :heart:
OOTW: Iran Gearing Up to Join the WTO-Again
OOTW: Iraqi troops storm into center of Islamic State-held Ramadi 4:51am EST - 00:52  
 [06:30:26 PM] chattels: Reidar Visser ‏@reidarvisser 3h3 hours ago #Iraq PM Abadi has just returned to Iraq from China. He comes back to an ongoing offensive against ISIS at #Ramadi
chattels: OPEC expects the price of oil at $ 160 a barrel in 2040
chattels: Joel Wing ‏@JoelWing2 #Iraq govt suppressing its own losses while exaggerating how many IS fighters it's killing   chattels:
chattels: The goal is to maintain the public’s morale by keeping official losses at a minimum, while claiming the other side is being devastated. Since most war reporting within the country is based upon official releases, Baghdad’s campaign is working because Iraqis have nothing else to go by. The result is that the true costs of the conflict are only now being made public.
chattels: BAGHDAD / National Iraqi News Agency / nina / Search president of a coalition of state law, Nuri al-Maliki this evening with the factions of the Islamic Resistance leaders and formations crowd the popular resistor in formations Brigades master of the martyrs and the movement nujaba developments in the political and security situation and blessed them victories achieved in the provinces of Salahuddin and Anbar.
"He stressed Maliki during his visit this evening the leaders of formations of the popular crowd according to a statement by his press office, "the importance of the popular crowd and his role now and in the future and the need to support and attributed and outfitted with all the fighting kits to be able to defeat Daash gangs of terror, saying that the support of the crowd folk-resistant and protect it from the responsibility of all people and government, and parties and movements political ".
chattels: " .............. president of a coalition of state law, Nuri al-Maliki this evening ............... "
chattels: Not gone yet, eh ?
Tootsie: Joel Wing was one of my very, very favorite columnist few years back, unfortunately, the paper ? he worked for/with closed down. Then he went elsewhere, don't recall at present. Do Like Him !!
Tootsie: U.S. to Export Crude-Oil Cargo in Early January Texas company to make U.S.’s first shipment since 40-year-old export ban lifted Updated Dec. 23, 2015 5:18 p.m. ET A Texas energy company will load the first freely traded cargo of U.S. crude oil to be shipped overseas since the Ford administration.
Enterprise Products Partners LP said on Wednesday that during the first week of January it will load 600,000 barrels of light, sweet crude pumped in South Texas into a tanker at its oil terminal on the Houston Ship Channel.
The announcement comes less than a week after Congress passed legislation that lifts the 40-year-old ban on exporting U.S. oil. Vitol Group, a Dutch oil-trading titan, is buying the crude, according to Enterprise. The oil will head to a Vitol subsidiary’s refinery in Cressier, Switzerland, which supplies diesel and other fuels to Northern Europe, according to a person familiar with the matter.
Vitol didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment. “We are excited to announce our first contract to export U.S. crude oil, which to our knowledge may be the first export cargo of U.S. crude oil from the Gulf Coast in almost 40 years,” said Jim Teague, chief operating officer of Enterprise’s general partner.

Infrastructure companies like Enterprise have been laying the groundwork for oil exports over the past couple of years by investing in dock space at ports and storage terminals that can hold fuel destined for overseas markets.
Tootsie: The Houston company has been expanding its footprint at the Texas Gulf Coast. In the spring of 2014, Enterprise was one of two Texas energy companies given special private rulings from the U.S. Commerce Department that allowed them to reclassify a certain type of ultralight oil as a refined fuel, which is legal to export.
The January shipment is different because it doesn’t require any special processing or government permission. President Barack Obama signed the legislation that lifts the 40-year-old ban on exporting U.S. crude less than a week ago.
It was part of a larger omnibus federal spending bill that averted a government shutdown and offered new tax credits for renewable energy, including wind and solar. MORE

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