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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Wealthwatch  Tuesday Chat 12-22-15   

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Wealthwatch  Tuesday Chat 12-22-15   
chattels: I saw the Oil Minister Mahdi in a " round table " photo of participants at the official state visit to China.
chattels: Currency Auctions Announcement No. (3100) The opening offers the sale and purchase of foreign currency in the window of the Central Bank of Iraq on 22/12/2015 and the results were as follows: DETAILS              NOTES Number of banks               26 Number of remittance companies        17 Auction price selling dinar / US$  1182 Auction price buying dinar / US$       ----- Amount sold at auction price (US$) 183,546,000 Amount purchased at Auction price (US$) ----- Total offers for buying (US$)               183,546,000 Total offers for selling (US$)               -----
chattels: 3100 .......... 22-Dec ......... 1,220 .......... 1,182   chattels: 1,220
chattels: Barzani tells party officials to work on independence referendum
chattels: Barzani insists that the postponement of referendum was only temporary. “I don't know whether it happens next year or when, but independence is certainly coming,” said Barzani during a Q&A at the Washington-based think-tank Atlantic Council in May. The Kurdish president vowed that the people of the Kurdistan Region will have an opportunity to decide their own future as soon as the threat of ISIS was over.
“I want to reassert that [Kurdistan independence] is an ongoing process, but we want it through peace, understanding and dialogue not violence,” he said. chattels:
MichelleL: good morning friends :)
chattels: Report: ISIS loses much of its territory to Kurds in Iraq and Syria
MichelleL: thats good news - Good morning Chattels :)
chattels: ERBIL, Kurdistan Region--A recent study by the think-tank IHS Jane's reports that the Islamic State (ISIS) has lost approximately 14% of the territory in Iraq and Syria in recent months. The report says that the group has lost 12,800 square kilometers of territory to the Kurds of Iraq and Syria and some to the Iraqi forces in areas like Tikrit and Baiji.
Syrian Kurds have tripled the size of their fledgling autonomous territory since, with the help of U.S. air power, they broke the lengthy ISIS siege on Kobani and reversed that groups gains. They also cut off large parts of the Syrian border from ISIS by pushing it out of the Northern border town of Gire spi (Tal Abyad) last summer.
"We had already seen a negative financial impact on Islamic State (ISIS) due to the loss of control of the Tal Abyad border crossing prior to the recent intensification of air strikes against the group's oil production capability," explained Columb Strack, a senior Middle East analyst with Jane's.
The Peshmerga forces of the Kurdistan Region have also driven out ISIS from most Kurdish territories it captured last year, most notably the Yezidi town of Shingal and parts of Kirkuk and northern Diyala. The extremist group has made up for its losses in Kurdish areas by capturing new territory elsewhere in Iraq such as the Sunni city of Ramadi in May.  chattels:
MichelleL: ‹@chattels› ‹@chattels› ‹@chattels› wassup? any good plans for Christmas?
chattels: ‹@MichelleL› The numbers do not match the adjectives and the reports vary.
MichelleL: I think I'm planning on using disposable dishes this year ;) not buying a single car or mansion ;)
chattels: ‹@MichelleL› Peace on earth.
chattels: ‹@MichelleL› :)
MichelleL: chattels, this morning someone was on fox saying Saudi is entering the fight but are totally inadequate to the task
MichelleL: he said all they have is money and toys, no military
chattels: Good will to all men.
MichelleL: women too lol
chattels: ‹@MichelleL› especially, because if women are not at peace then man cannot be
MichelleL: my mistake in not letting my husband buy me a new kindle a few days ago, its now up 20 bucks, but we're Christmas'd out this year
MichelleL: you've got it Chattels lol
chattels: ‹@MichelleL› Several reports label the Saudi / Arab " alliance " as being on paper only
MichelleL: we're a family of kindle readers - I actually miss paper, but the kindle has the advantage of adjusted type size, can read without glasses
MichelleL: not surprising Chattels
chattels: ‹@MichelleL› Mainly a Saudi - Turkish concoction
MichelleL: thanks Chattels
chattels: more political than military some think
MichelleL: I wish we had an old fasioned news show without editorializing, but they're a thing of the past - at least we've got you Chattels :)
chattels: the Saudis built a barrier across it's northern border with Iraq
chattels: ‹@MichelleL› I am poor help to myself or others I fear
MichelleL: I understand my state has 10k new minor illegals for the last two months - maybe the Saudis can build us a new "wall"?
MichelleL: you give it your best shot, chattels, and its always appreciated
chattels: ‹@MichelleL› thanks, i do my best for sure
MichelleL: ‹@chattels› :)
chattels: Abadi talks military and trade ties with Chinese officials
chattels: ERBIL, Kurdistan Region--Iraq's Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi is on a two-day official visit to China where he is set to meet with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang and President Xi Jinping for talks on the current war in Iraq and trade ties between the two countries. China was the biggest buyer of Iraqi oil last year, buying approximately 22% of its oil exports.
MichelleL: is he already there?
chattels: Abadi hopes to further broaden the relations saying that his country is "seeking to promote such relations in all aspects, in particular in investment and rebuilding infrastructure." "I believe China has great abilities to invest in Iraq which has oil that can be a guarantee to any investment in Iraq," the Prime Minister said.   chattels:
 chattels: ‹@MichelleL› Yes, since yesterday and until tomorrow
MichelleL: oh well, time to get into the shower and on with the daily agenda - thanks again, chattels, and you keep happy Doug :)
MichelleL: hope something good comes out of it - bye friends
chattels: bye
chattels: #Iraq armed forces just announced that they launched an attack on city centre of #Ramadi this morning 10 am local …
 chattels: Reidar Visser ‏@reidarvisser 3h3 hours ago Worth noting, PM & commander in chief of #Iraq's armed forces Haydar al-Abadi is in #Beijing on day of Ramadi attack …
chattels: Reidar Visser ‏@reidarvisser 3h3 hours ago Re "final assault" on #Ramadi by #Iraq govt today, comparable anti-ISIS ops in #Tikrit earlier this year lasted several days.
chattels: "The spokesman for the International Alliance of Colonel Steve Warren, said that" the Iraqi army is the one who will liberate gray in cooperation with the Iraqi police, "stressing that" there will not be any American soldiers, and the role of the alliance will be air only ".
chattels: "The defense minister Khaled al-Obeidi announced that the city of Ramadi, on the eve of Liberation, referring to the" liberation of 23% of the territory of Anbar province after it was Daash controls 40 % of them leaving only 17% will be liberated within a short period.
chattels: Where are the tariffs ?
chattels: News flashback : Aug 6 2015 H.E. PM Dr.Haider Al-Abadi directed to postpone applying the new tariff until all boarder ports become ready to implement this law away from corruption and double standard. The Ministry of Finance should take the necessary measures regarding this direction.;
 chattels: Defense Minister and Oil Minister in China :
chattels: Chinese President declares: will be issued a joint statement to announce the establishment of a strategic partnership with Iraq;      
chattels: The Minister of Finance, "the government's keenness Despite the difficult financial and economic conditions to meet the needs of our troops and the financing of their basic needs in the battle" .
chattels: Lukman Faily ‏@FailyLukman 14h14 hours ago PM Al-Abadi to @NPR: "Daesh is controlling both sides of the [Syria-Iraq] border...this ought to be stopped" …
chattels: "Daesh is controlling both sides of the [Syria-Iraq] border .......... "
chattels: No imposition of tariffs possible on the Syrian border under such circumstances.
chattels: Michael Knights ‏@Mikeknightsiraq 11h11 hours ago POTUS being typically disingenuous here on airstrikes: it's either his way or carpet-bombing! There's a lot between …
chattels: Erdogan says Kurdish militants will be 'annihilated' Erdogan vows to crush Kurdish "self-rule" movement Read more:
Donnie: Urgent Joint Operations: starting the process of cleansing the center of Ramadi
Donnie: [Baghdad-where] Joint Special Operations Command announced that starting the process of cleansing the city of Ramadi center. According to a statement of joint operations received by the agency all of Iraq [where] a copy of it, that "the armed forces and the attribution of the Air Force and Army Aviation and the forces of the international coalition progress.
In ten o'clock in the morning begun Men anti-terrorism device progress towards Ramadi city center cleared of abomination terrorism."
chattels: Parliamentary Legal: legislation in the 2016 budget the government is immune from challenge
chattels: 12/21/2015 12:03 BAGHDAD / National Iraqi News Agency / nina / Legal Committee of Parliament confirmed that the legislative formulations contained in the final draft of the bill the federal budget law for 2016 that the House of Representatives voted to pass last week, has become immune from challenge by the government.
A member of the committee MP Hassan Turan Iraqi News / nina / National Agency that "the parliamentary finance committee has completed the drafting of all the details pertaining to the accounts and the money in the budget bill during the last week."
He added that "the final draft of the bill were checked and legal review by the Legal Committee of Parliament before presenting it to a vote in the last session.
"He added that" the relevant parliamentary committees passage of the budget law has been careful not to take any new steps without reference to the government's fear of the possibility of appeal against the government the terms of the budget, as happened in the amendments to the budget in 2015 at the time. 
chattels:  Cabinet approves draft amendment to the Code of Civil Procedure and submitted it to parliament 12/21/2015 14:19 BAGHDAD / National Iraqi News Agency / nina / Council of Ministers approved a draft law amending the Civil Procedure Law No. 83 of 1969 and forwarded to the Parliament for approval.
According to the prime minister's media office said in a statement, said the Council of Ministers today held its forty-eighth normal under the chairmanship of President of the Council Haider Abadi, which was approved in the draft law amending the Civil Procedure Law No. (83) for the year 1969, the auditor of the State Council, and forwarded to the House of Representatives, according to the provisions of Articles (61 / item I) and (80 / second item) of the Constitution.   chattels:
chattels: 12-22-2015 Newshound Guru Kaperoni from CBI site - "Board Resolution No. (329) for the year 2015 (the exchange rate)" So some are wondering why we saw that 1182 rate and Iraq didn't pick up on it until today...well these CBI docs show us..that the board approved the rate change on 11/30..effective 12/1 (which it changed on the CBI site). but the actual announcement didn't come out until 12/18 (media).
They also tell us the CBI bank rate now at 1190 which means the 2% spread is 1214. So the dinar Market Rate has to be 1214 or less than that. And today it is 1220 which is out of compliance. It is frustrating, but the rule is more for the CBI than the IMF. They want the CBI to know how to manage the spread before the playing field becomes international.
chattels: announcement of five agreements between Iraq and China and the holding of the Joint Commission in March :: 2015/12/22 16:37 • [Baghdad-where] took place in the Chinese capital Beijing this afternoon the signing ceremony of five agreements and memoranda of understanding on economic, technological and military, diplomatic and energy sphere, in the presence of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and his Chinese counterpart, and the ministers of the two sides.         
 disciple7: XE 1098

Tootsie: Iraqi investors for these reasons are going to invest in Turkey 2015 16:54 Tuesday, 22 December 2015 16:54The most important residential and commercial investment projects as well as marketing in Turkey for tourist cities.
 All these works were present at the trade forum of Iraqi businessmen from all provinces and in the presence of Turkish businessmen, which was held in the city of Arbil.
Shaheen said Saifullah, a marketing official at the Turkish real estate company: "There are types of residential investments, in addition to exist in parts of Turkey, especially in Istanbul, a commercial investment for financial return them it is very high." Iraqi businessmen and confirms that this type of investment will bring significant material benefit of Iraq, especially if the security situation is fully settled in the country.
Said Dhari al-Dulaimi, a member of the Committee Anbar Investment Previous: "The Iraqis are well known since the time men economy and business investment, and the fact that what we are witnessing today in this meeting, which was hosted by the Iraqi companies and joint Turkish in the area of ​​Iraqi investment, is a step will be reflected in the future on the Iraqi reality."
And see a number of Iraqi investors that the lack of security and economic stability in Iraq as well as the lack of investors' access to adequate safeguards, many of them called for the establishment of their projects abroad. You can watch the video report above. (click on the link to see video ) ~~
Tootsie: 3 days of Market Rate CBI 1220 (pout!!)
Tootsie: ‹@Doug_W› hi there! How goes it? not around much, kinda busy haha
Tootsie: wish this sos would end! ~ like all the rest of the so called "investors" (gamblers  rofl) shoot, maybe be better off putting all those dinar spent bucks into the lottery. If a Kurd can win, well ~~~~~~~~~ (just joshing here)
Tootsie: Take care, will poke around later - Enjoy the First full day of Winter (Houston is like 35 degrees higher than the norm for the next few )  :silly:

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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