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Sunday, December 6, 2015

Wealthwatch Sunday Chat 12-6-15  Part 2 of 2

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Wealthwatch Sunday Chat 12-6-15  Part 2 of 2
chattels: " The government did not send so far amendments to the 2016 budget that Parliament]BAGHDAD / Baghdadi News / .. revealed the parliamentary finance committee member Masood Haider, on Sunday, do not send for the federal government's budget amendments in 2016 to the House of Representatives, he did not know the reasons for the delay sent from the Council of Ministers."
chattels: "The federal government has not yet sent the terms of the amendments, which took place on the state budget for next year, which is supposed to be discussed and voted on the middle of this month."
chattels: " ............ which is supposed to be discussed and voted on the middle of this month."
chattels: "The federal government has not yet sent the terms of the amendments, .............. "
chattels: Courtesy of sczin11
chattels: Apparently there will continue to be false rumors of the " RV ", hype and sensationalism until we have an " RV ". When will it end ? When it is finished.
 chattels: " Pace " yourself. We all want a happy ending. We cannot control the ignorance and disinformation espoused by the pundits, but we can manage our own expectations. Do not abandon hope because of failed predictions by the pundits. Finish the race.
chattels: UNAMI ‏@UNIraq 51m51 minutes ago #Iraq:Winter snows arrive early in #Sulaymaniyah, #Kurdistan Region IDPs receiving UNHCR aid
 chattels: This is the biggest humanitarian emergency of our era and millions of children, women and men are now facing a bitter winter ahead. The UN Refugee Agency is on the ground providing life-saving protection but we need your help.
chattels: What is UNHCR doing? UNHCR is working around the clock with other agencies and aid groups, stockpiling and distributing winter aid items to keep vulnerable people, both in camps and urban settings, protected and warm.
This includes: The distribution of winter survival kits that include high thermal blankets, sleeping bags, winter clothes, heating stoves, and gas supplies. The provision of emergency shelters including family tents, refugee housing units and emergency reception facilities.
Improvement of reception and transit centers and preparing and supporting families for winter conditions. You can help make a difference. But even more, your gift, every gift, includes something priceless. It brings HOPE.
chattels: Please donate to help keep refugees warm and safe this winter With your kind donation, UNHCR can help refugee children and families receive the life-saving relief and support they desperately need.
chattels: Nujaifi said in a statement singled out by the agency all of Iraq [where], that "Turkish forces are present on the territory of the Nineveh Plain with the knowledge of the prime minister Haider al-Abadi and Defense Minister Khaled al-Obeidi, which provides consulting and training services to members of the national crowd."
He added that "Turkish troops began to work in Iraq Following the Prime Minister's visit to Ankara in the past month of March, which was intended to request support and training forces in Mosul.
"He said the Turkish troops are present on the land of Iraq since Saddam's time, and remained in Iraq after falling in 2003, and that of former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki agreed on survival to fight the PKK.
chattels: "He said the Turkish troops are present on the land of Iraq since Saddam's time, and remained in Iraq after falling in 2003, and that of former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki agreed on survival to fight the PKK."
chattels: This latest Baghdad brouhaha over Turkish troops near Mosul is an attack upon Abadi , IMO.
chattels: Political intrigue which likely has it's origins with Mr. Maliki and the Shia militia interests.
chattels: And part of a continuing attempt to curb Kurdish expansionism in northern Iraq.
chattels: XXXXXXX : Article quote: "...there is an urgent need for action to raise the value of the dinar in the exchange market through direct and constant intervention of the Central Bank Iraq..." this is SUPER. It is more confirmation of what the IMF announced three weeks ago.
chattels: The conclusion that raising the value of the dinar equates to our desired liquidity event ( " RV " ) is I believe extremely optimistic.
 chattels: I do not pretend to know, but historically " rhetoric " in Iraq, even when clear in it's meaning, fails to match " reality ".
Tootsie: Auction 3088 06-Dec market 1,214 aucton 1,182 volume 209,340,000 cash 25,980,000 remittances & credits 183,360,000 ~ ~~ so it held @ 1182 today , hmmmn
Tootsie: Have a good Sunday all
chattels: Last week, after Iraq objected to Turkish troops entering its territory, Ankara revealed it had been training Peshmerga forces in four provinces in Iraq. At least 150 fresh troops and some two dozen tanks were going in to relieve the other trainers, it explained. 

chattels: Search President Fuad Masum, with the head of the united reform Osama Najafi Sunday, the success of the national reconciliation project. According to a presidential statement received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of "infallible received Najafi in his home, and was discussed concerted efforts of all the political blocs to strengthen the internal front and work for the success of the national reconciliation project."  

chattels: Sunday, December 6, 2015 WILSON CENTER VIDEO: ISIS As Icarus? Assessing The Extent Of The Islamic State Threat Beyond Iraq And Syria   chattels:
chattels: The imagery / reference to Icarus suggests the consequence of personal over-ambition.
chattels: Baghdad has been aware of Turkey’s presence but chose to publicly challenge it only now — underscoring, analysts say, the increasing pressure Mr. Abadi is facing from Iran and its proxies, including Iraq’s former prime minister, Nuri Kamal al-Maliki. In a report published last month, Ayham Kamel, the director for the Middle East and North Africa at the political risk firm Eurasia Group, predicted that Mr. Abadi would likely be ousted sometime next year.
chattels: " ........... underscoring, analysts say, the increasing pressure Mr. Abadi is facing from Iran and its proxies, including Iraq’s former prime minister, Nuri Kamal al-Maliki. ....... "
chattels: " ......... Hakim al-Zamili, the head of Parliament’s security committee and a Shiite militia leader, said the Iraqi military, if necessary, should strike the Turkish positions in the north. "
chattels: " ........... we have weapons and F-16 planes and must use them to hit the Turkish military force in Mosul, ............ "   chattels:
chattels: Small wonder that the Kurds have been fearful of the use of F-16's against the KRG.
chattels: Iraq is a treacherous place politically and otherwise. If our event is tied to a functional and inclusive government, well ..............................
Doug_W: we wait
chattels: ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - Baghdad has asked that Kurdistan suspend flights at its two airports for 48 hours, because Russian are targeting the Islamic State (ISIS) just across the border in Syria, a Kurdish airport official said late Sunday. This is the second time in less than a month that Kurdistan is suspending all fights at Baghdad’s request.
“We have been informed by Baghdad to halt the flights because of Russian jets attacking Daesh (ISIS) in Syria. This is for the safety of travelers,” Talar Fayiq, head of Erbil International Airport, told Rudaw late Sunday.
She said that both Sulaimani and Erbil airports will adhere to the directive for the safety of travelers. Fayiq said all flights would halt at 10 pm on Sunday and will not resume for 48 hours. Flights will resume if there is no extension from Baghdad.
Donnie: Iraq Live Update ‏@IraqLiveUpdate 21m21 minutes ago ISF inside Ramadi Ta'meem district, notorious Darsh stronghold now secured by Iraqi forces #Anbar #Iraq
chattels: ‹@Donnie› Ramadi secured again ! ! :)
Donnie: ‹@chattels› what's this? the third time? 3 times a charm lol
chattels: ‹@Donnie› ge
chattels: ‹@Donnie› indeed it may be DONE this time :)
chattels: and without " forward thinking " :)
chattels: 12-6-2015 xxxxx : Do you know what they are referring to when they say.."the Central Bank is working on the application of parallel policy"? The IMF refers to parallel policy as the "dual exchange rates" being the CBI rate and the other being the market rate...
The IMF's Christine Legarde said sometime back in early 2015...The parallel policy has served Iraq well over the years, but the time has come for Iraq to work off a one exchange rate policy...
If the IMF is loaning Iraq money, I would think it reasonable to assume Legardes words would be included...and the working on the application of "parallel policy" sounds like they are both going to exist...when reality may be they are working on moving to ONE.
chattels: ??????????????????
chattels: See Governor of the Central Bank: Fallacies about monetary policy :
 chattels: 1. The central bank is working on the application of parallel policy to maintain the overall stability of prices and curb inflation as an objective basis and the task of President under the law of this bank, and at the same time working to maintain reserves prevailing dinar and high coverage in spite of the prevailing and known to everybody economic conditions , which is maintained and thus the whole preserves the purchasing power of the Iraqi dinar.
chattels: Mark Zuckerberg is Giving Away His Money, but With a Twist by Mathew Ingram DECEMBER 2, 2015, 11:00 AM EST
chattels: The Facebook co-founder is using a somewhat unusual structure in order to fulfill his charitable pledge, however—one that gives him more control over what happens to the money he is promising to give away, but still provides tax benefits.
chattels: [6:55:05 PM] chattels: the charitable foundation Zuckerberg and Chan have set up is a limited-liability corporation, not a charitable trust. Some in the tech and media community have criticized this as making the announcement less obviously charitable, but others note that it will enable the Facebook co-founder to do things that charitable trusts are not allowed to do.                      
chattels: 12-6-2015 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article quote: "Sales of the Central Bank, Sunday, 209 million dollars in an auction today, on the sale of foreign currencies, exchange rate stable at 1166 dinars per dollar." I would tend to believe the CBI spreadsheet over the media article.
Still cannot understand why the media has not picked up on the 1182 yet. Very clear on the CBI the official rate is not 1166 anymore..."Auction price selling dinar / US$ 1182".

Based on my calculations of 1182 + 13 dinars (what it was before 1179 - 1166 = 13 dinar) brings us to 1195 as the rate the 2% spread would be based off of. 2% of that is 1218. So as long as the CBI keeps the Market Rate below 1218 it seems to me we are in compliance. Currently it is 1214 as reported.

It is interesting the CBI made this effective December 1st. So March 1st would be 90 days if it holds and falls within the timeline stated..."Iraq that is due to the market during the first half of next year" Maybe we need a countdown clock to March 1st.
chattels: Apparently Kaperoni does not believe in " magic ".
chattels: 12-4-2015 B(ombastic)G(olfer)G(uru) [We saw the exchange rate go to 1182, many said that was for the 2 percent, MD [Guru Millionday] says it was for cost of living/ inflation and was a requirement. People all day have said that the 2 percent deal has to go for 90 days.

Are all of these things falling into the same category or different issues.] When the timing is right - they will "magically" be within the required range - and will have been for the required length of time...that is MHO.
chattels: MD [XXXXX] says it was for cost of living/ inflation and was a requirement.
Stash: I dont believe that 2% stuff.
Stash: But i could be wrong lol
Stash: Of course i am not the sharpest tool in the shed lol
chattels: ‹@Stash› don't know myself, but i listen / watch / report
chattels: ‹@Stash› me too :)
Donnie: i like "won't be here in May or June" lol
chattels: we shall see, eh ?
chattels: I just hope that I live long enough to see / enjoy some benefit

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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