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Monday, December 7, 2015

Wealthwatch Monday Chat 12-7-15  

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Wealthwatch Monday Chat 12-7-15  
Butifldrm: Abadi met with his security council and giving Turkey 48 hours to get out of Iraq
Butifldrm: and they do not want US troops either in Iraq
chattels: Baghdad has been aware of Turkey’s presence but chose to publicly challenge it only now — underscoring, analysts say, the increasing pressure Mr. Abadi is facing from Iran and its proxies, including Iraq’s former prime minister, Nuri Kamal al-Maliki.

In a report published last month, Ayham Kamel, the director for the Middle East and North Africa at the political risk firm Eurasia Group, predicted that Mr. Abadi would likely be ousted sometime next year.chattels:
chattels: More evidence of the ongoing power struggle in Baghdad, IMO
chattels: The fragile " unity " of purpose occasioned by the war on DAESH will likely dissolve into the kind of chaos, conflict and carnage we observed in Khormatu Tuz when DAESH is further diminished.
chattels: David Cameron in the British House of Commons has adopted the terminology " DAESH " in that it neither represents true Islam or a state. It is used in the Arab world as a pejorative and for the foregoing reasons I adopted that terminology some time ago.
chattels: Much talk of the long and phased effort(s) to come which I have spoken of several times heretofore, 1) ouster of DAESH, 2) Security / stabilization, 3) reconstruction and 4) resettlement
chattels: See / hear it on C-Span
chattels: Former Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki denied allowing Turkish troops to enter Iraqi territory during the period of his rule A spokesman for the Information Office of the owners said in a statement received by the agency all of Iraq [where] a copy of it today, "picked up by news agencies accusation and libel launched Nineveh governor of the former Ethel Najafi and claiming that al-Maliki signed an agreement with the Turks to enter the Iraqi ground." "It was a lie Maliki allegations Ethel Najafi that the Turkish forces previously entered into an agreement with al-Maliki.  chattels:
tonys: Abadi is not fight for his life, unless YOU wanna believe Maliki news sites which he controls over 75% of them
tonys: The news you think is accurate or is not Malikis...sorry, but your WRONG..yes WRONG, why not speak with real true, business reps, oil reps, world trade execs, un in country people and ALL...YES ALL laugh at what Iraq news states
tonys: sorry chattles but if you go buy what a 3rd world country news source or web base writes instead on in the metting, on the ground there or have people in their realm, well then the news is doing the job they want
tonys: all the negative you seek to find break down and believe -   tonys: welcome to 3rd world news
chattels: i see that we have had the benefit of a " deposit " by ' tonys ' - never a link, but always an opinion
Doug_W: who is he "C" ?
 chattels: " he " has been many entities here
Doug_W: people amaze me  Doug_W: I am who I am PERIOD
chattels: 'gold', 'winter', etc.
Doug_W: some ppl get off belittling others  : I think that is a reflection of who THEY are   or aren't    
 chattels: ERBIL, Kurdistan Region — Hadi al-Ameri, the head of the militant Shiite Badr Organization, has said his group would fight Turkish forces if Ankara continued deploying forces to Nineveh province ostensibly to support Kurdish forces fighting ISIS, a deployment that has been harshly opposed by the Shiite-led central government in Baghdad.
chattels: Ameri is dangerous
Doug_W: fight the enemy NOT your brothers
chattels: By the way, Rudaw News is not controlled by Maliki
chattels: Even the assertion that Maliki controls the news media or some / what part of it is " undocumented "
Donnie: Shia Muslims hold antiterrorism rally in Washington
chattels: Amiri: the danger still exists on Baghdad and will target any base or the presence of a foreign land [expanded] :: 2015/12/7 11:50 • Amiri: the danger still exists on Baghdad and will target any base or the presence of a foreign land [expanded]
chattels: "there are challenges still going on, we were able to with the blood of the security services and Bmekdmthm popular crowd deportation threat from Baghdad and a lot of cities, and fight more than 200 km north of Baghdad, but the danger still exists, and we need to all energies, as the Daash mobilized all energies. "
chattels: Even Ameri says that DAESH continues to be a threat to Baghdad and other areas
chattels: Reidar Visser ‏@reidarvisser 4h4 hours ago Iraq: Badr leader & PMU chief Hadi al-Ameri sounding extremely bellicose & anti-Turkish in major public speech today …
chattels: House of Representatives will reconvene tomorrow and agenda devoid of the budget :: 2015/12/7 13:19 • [Baghdad - where] the House of Representatives resumes, on Tuesday, regular meetings to vote on the law and to discuss a number of draft laws, while devoid of its draft general budget bill for next year 2016 agenda. 

chattels: Parliamentary Finance: The government did not send so far amendments to the 2016 budget that Parliament
 chattels: 12-6-2015 Newshound Guru firefly [is the budget still under discussion or ready for a vote?] ...IMO READY. I'm pretty darn excited right now. As of today, I see no road blocks. Everything occurring as expected.  chattels: Wrong again.
chattels: ‹@SWSD› Likely depends upon what ultimately happens to / with the value of the dinar.

chattels: People got hurt with the reserves, but the " jury is still out " on the dinar
chattels: ‹@SWSD› Just my thoughts
chattels: ‹@SWSD› Many people have a habit of blaming others for their own poor judgment
chattels: We are responsible for ourselves which is why we encourage people to read the links provided and decide for themselves  chattels: ‹@SWSD› I hear you
SWSD: Yes, I won't blame them/him for anything if this goes south. But I will NOT have any compassion for him either
chattels: ‹@SWSD› True, someone who judges others so readily should not be heard to complain when they are in turn judged  --  chattels: I will take my " lumps " as well I expect
SWSD: As will all
chattels: There are people out there who are serious students of Iraq - not related directly to the dinar

chattels: Visser, Wing, Knight, Romano, Sexton  chattels: They post on twitter regularly
chattels: they are not controlled by Maliki
SWSD: I thought visser was dinar related
SWSD: at least,. Ive heard him quoted alot
chattels: ‹@SWSD› no, he scoffs at the dinar as a " get rich quick " American preoccupation
SWSD: and did the golfer always have his 'contacts', or did they just appear once he started his own site?
chattels: I quote him on political / constitutional matters  SWSD: gotcha
SWSD: well, Id hardly say it's a 'get rich' long as it's taken for us!
SWSD: get rich quick
chattels: no sources have proven accurate thus far - the news is enough for me
chattels: can hardly keep up with all of it
chattels: " it is a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive " :)
SWSD: I always get nervous that the reason we hear nothing from 'our' authoritive entities about this, is because they are building a case against the ALL. What is your legal stance on that chattels?
chattels: ‹@SWSD› I think that the IQD is real, but real risky as an " investment "
chattels: with great reward there is great risk - nothing new under the sun in that regard
chattels: praying / hoping for a happy ending, but it may turn out to be a fairy tale
chattels: But no one will know until the end - this is not a venture that one can anticipate the end(ing)
chattels: When and if IT happens, it will be like being a little bit pregnant - either you are or you are not - either you have dinar or you do not  chattels: This is my opinion and my approach only

chattels: I have made a large gamble  chattels: I will live with the triumph or the disaster
SWSD: me too
chattels: I am fond of quoting the following as you know .........................
chattels: " If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, ................ If you can dream—and not make dreams your master; If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim; If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster And treat those two impostors just the same; .......... Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it, ........... " - Kipling
chattels: My life has not been defined by these chat rooms or the IQD speculation ....................... any retirement may be :)

chattels: Haider Al-Abadi : " The entry of Iraqi territory is unacceptable Turkish troops have been without the knowledge or consent of the Iraqi government and Turkey challenge any evidence about showcasing our knowledge or our consent, we promise that it's an encroachment on the sovereignty of Iraq, and these forces must withdraw immediately "
chattels: Pressure from Abadi's Shia party.
chattels: I believe that the Turkish forces have been training the Peshmarga with Barzani's welcome and Baghdad's knowledge. This is more evidence of conflicts between Baghdad and the KRG, IMO
chattels: Reidar Visser ‏@reidarvisser 1h1 hour ago #Iraq's defence ministry now claiming Turkish troops are beginning to withdraw from northern Iraq;
chattels: Federal Court describes the questioning of the prime minister and the ministers mechanisms. Wonder why the court is addressing such at this time ?
chattels: Some analysts believe that Abadi will be the subject of a move to withdraw confidence in 2016.   chattels:
chattels: Ameri has threatened to use F-16's against the Turkish forces. Turkey is a NATO member. What a disaster.
chattels: Hopefully Iraq will resort to the U.N. before any such attack.
chattels: Akiko Yoshioka ‏@Akiko_Yoshioka 11h11 hours ago According to MEES, Oct KRG revenue 721 million$, which equals18% of the whole Iraq revenue. In Sep & Aug, around 13%
chattels: Akiko Yoshioka ‏@Akiko_Yoshioka 11h11 hours ago This means the de-facto 17% revenue sharing is happening. Both side may not have strong motivation to revive the failed agreement.
chattels: I interpret de facto here to mean that the Kurds are realizing their 17% through direct sales and that both Baghdad and Erbil may continue in that manner without a budget agreement approach
chattels: the " failed agreement " is a reference to the November 2014 oil / gas provision in last year's budget
chattels: Keep in mind that we have not heard of the Kurdish delegation meeting with Baghdad on the budget as yet
chattels: We have those potential " fireworks " yet to come
chattels: Akiko Yoshioka is a Senior Researcher on Iraq & Iraqi Kurdistan at the Institute of Energy Economics Japan
chattels: here's some interesting background (written 2012) about #bashiqa, where #turkey now set up #base
chattels: A year ago, in November 2011, Iraqi Kurdistan began to intensify its claim to Bashiqa, controversially including it in their already highly controversial oil contract with multinational company Exxon Mobil – which was declared illegal by Baghdad. "
This was the first contract the Iraqi Kurdish authorities had dared to sign with a large international oil company and it was a move that provoked the wrath of Iraqi Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki. Al-Maliki was further angered when Ninawa’s governor, Atheel al-Nujaifi, gave the deal his blessing, publically saying it was good for the province. Over the past year, the contract has been one of the most contentious issues between Baghdad and Erbil."
chattels: And as Ninawa and oil deals like Exxon Mobil’s appear to be slipping out of Baghdad’s grasp, the federal government will certainly look for ways to push back and exert more power over the province, especially before the April 2013 provincial elections. And it’s possible that Bashiqa - a disputed territory, now part of the Exxon Mobil deal - could be a good place for al-Maliki to start that campaign.

chattels: “The only way this violence will stop is if we have to choose,” another man said, referring to the choice that disputed territories may be asked to make between Iraqi Kurdistan and federal Iraq, should Article 140 – legislation that is meant to solve the problem of disputed territories – ever be enacted.
Tootsie: Today is Pearl Harbor Day ~ 74 years ago ~ stop for a moment and give thanks
chattels: All of this " sovereignty " clamor is a veiled posture on the part of Baghdad to push back against Kurdish influence / expansionism in a disputed territory with oil assets. It is an old and ongoing grudge which originated during the Maliki administration. IMO
Tootsie: 7 Facts You Didn't Know About Pearl Harbor Seventy-four years ago today, America was changed forever. very good article, little know facts ~
Tootsie: ‹@chattels› GM sir!
chattels: Thanks for the reminder and thanks for those who gave the last full measure of devotion on this day in 1941.
chattels: We are the lucky beneficiaries of the ultimate sacrifice made by previous generations.
Tootsie: Yes , we certainly are.
chattels: ‹@Tootsie› check that link please
Tootsie: I have been following a CNN series - The Seventies ~ was a great reminder of so many things to me ~~ CNN had one on the 60s, which I hope can find at library on CD, , next year, 2016, they are doing a series on the 80s. I must say, I had either forgotten or dismissed much of such.
chattels: got it
Tootsie: TY
chattels: ‹@Tootsie› laterz :)

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