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Thursday, December 24, 2015

Reader Comments On “How America Lost Its Sovereignty"

Post From Philosophy of Metrics
Reader Thoughts On “How America Lost Its Sovereignty (Freepom)”

john irrelevant111    China has holdings in US ports, S. America, Congo and recent alliance w the ME. BRICS is gaining headway w various free trade zones. The US is losing ground, yet will continue any war to dismantle or rather disrupt change. Iran, Syria, Turkey, Yemen, Ukraine are not the bad guys.
It is the US black opps that disrupts change for the better of man. My country, IMF, Central bankers is so corrupt. The Fed keeps the wheels turning, but getting very rusty. Control along w ego is their world. I hope in time, wise men will turn the tide and provide balance. We shall see.   God Bless All
Peter    All of this actually sounds like a good thing if it could all happen to everyone equally. You need to write a future post about the pros and cons of a one world currency ..circa 2050.
JC Collins    That’s not a bad idea Peter. Thanks.
rodriguez Perez     No comments today, only for wishing Merry Christmas por you JC, and for POM comunity and follewers, with special mention to Dane, Jenifer and Alan for their interesting and usefull contributions.
Best regars and happy Monkey´s 2016 year for all.
Jenifer Lytle     Thanks for the shout out Mr. Perez.
Here’s a bit of interesting news: Africa is making currency headlines here
and here
 speedspirit     For me one of the best articles I have read explaining how this is going to go. Just read a disturbing article on zerohedge about Canada, is it true?
JC Collins     The link to the article you reference is this:
 It’s somewhat true. The job losses, the increase in food bank needs and suicides, are all accurate. So is the increase in crime. I would even add that there has been an increase in drinking and driving offenses this Christmas season. It’s bad for so many, and wil likely get worse.
But unfortunately ZeroHedge is using the same disproportionate and emotion based language to drive fear and clicks. It isn’t anywhere near a depression, and will not get that bad.
I’m in the heart of this storm here in Alberta, and I can tell you categorically that Calgary, Edmonton, and Fort McMurray are still chucking along. Sure, there have been job losses, but all major centers of Alberta are still busy. The stores and malls are packed. The traffic is outrageous. And there are still lots of opportunities.
This is a cycle, and I’ve lived through 3 of these here in Alberta. The jobs will come back and many companies are taking advantage of the low cost opportunities right now. Suncor is attempting a hostile takeover of Syncrude (Canadian Oil Sands) which I’m being told has already been settled behind the scenes.
2016 will be a bad year for Canada and its energy sector. But its not a depression. We should all know by now that there are certain sites which love to stretch facts and data in order to pump fear and get clicks. Business is business.
beachdude2    How is the UN (or anyone else) being aligned with the International Banking Interests a “good thing?” When have the International Banking Interests ever done anything for the good of mankind, ever?
Rather, they are nothing more than master criminals who are at the heart of much of mankind’s misery.
JC Collins     I didn’t state that it was a good thing.
Dane     Hello beachdude2, in regards to “master criminals who are at the heart of much of mankind’s misery.” I can’t say.
What I can say is that most if not all of the misery I’ve experienced in this life has been of my own doing.
john irrelevant111     Merry Christmas to JC and all who have enjoyed our path of enlightenment. A heart warming experience. God Bless as we journey on…:)
Dane     I think I’m getting my head around this.
The decrease in USD value will be to facilitate an increase in US exports.
The TPP will help the US to balance its GDP.
Both together will hopefully give the US a chance to regain some sovereignty.
Is that about right?
Thank you POM family. Happy holidays to everyone.
Speedspirit     Thanks for clarification JC and the appropriate link.
Here in NJ things seem to be very good. Home prices are still rising in Bergen County. Construction is keeping everyone I know in the business busy. It seems here the Wall Street trickle down effect is functioning.
rudd van dyne     All the entitlements and mass consumption of the west has worked to our own detriment. The fear of a loss of sovereignty is not as palatable as it once was. The socioeconomic engineering which has taken place over the last few decades has built a system of political correctness which has kept the disorganized masses relatively quiet for fear of unfair labeling.
Soon we will see that to speak out against a loss of sovereignty will be tantamount to denying global warming, and not doing your part to prevent it. The mandates of the UN 2030 agenda are aligned with the mandates of the international banking interests. – JC
Good one, spot on ^^^^^^
The people are being wrapped in a strait jacket called:   Stockholm syndrome
It is almost impossible to fix oneself by being kinder to your fellow man when most people have to enter into a workforce that controls your behavior ( a boss) that is more likely interested in profits than improving society.
Speak out about a societal injustice in the workplace, lose job
Say nothing and lose a chip of your (soul) foundation.
It’s called a double-bind or a catch-22, which causes mental sickness leading to physical sickness.
Most people when they read the word “entitlements” will think of the lower classes but many of that class looked above them to get the idea be it a father or business man of some sort.
Susan Morris    Do you mean the fear is not as ‘palpable’ as it once was?
JC Collins     No. I meant what I wrote. Think about it.

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