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Friday, December 25, 2015

Pre & Post Currency Exchange Security Tips

Post Emailed To Dinar Recaps
Sent From RHW Redheadedwitch

​Subject: Security Pre & Post CE!!!
     I agree with what was posted earlier today by the other person that has a background in the security field.
    I also am in security. Although I don't work with musicians, athletes, movie "stars", politicians etc; I believe there are some points that may (or may not) have been previously suggested.
     I work to help keep 1 port city secure by working on the ocean going cargo vessels secure, and the merchant seamen, (from countries A-Z), that the US Coast Guard doesn't want on US soil, onboard their respective vessels. 
   The areas I want to bring up are these:
1) When this goes live, call the 1-800 #'s (If you are in a group), if not call the bank you want to deal with (do the exchange at), talk to their foreign currency department. At this point, I would have my phone number changed, all of them, once you make the appt.
I see no reason to get a separate phone to make the call and throw it away. (Waste of money). Write down your New number. (Advising to do exchange in a town/city that you aren't known in!) Make your appointment for a day or two after this call.
The reason being, so you can scout out the address, and won't have to "figure" out where it's actually located at, and risk being late.
2) Consider driving yourself to within a mile or two of the actual location. Park your vehicle at a mall (Wal-Mart) or something with a large parking lot. Call a local cab service to take you to the bank. Get the drivers card (or cell #, "if" you feel comfortable with him/her) for return ride to your car.
Be extremely early (in case it takes a while for the cab to come get you, and unforseen obstacles such as time of day & traffic conditions.) That way you can't be traced by your license plate back to your physical address, by thieves/con men/scam artists, that will be in/around large banking centers, when this does happen. Yes, we May actually be speaking to these people in chat rooms/Facebook/Twitter, etc.
3) Dress/act professionally. Smile.
4) Be polite, treat these people with dignity & respect. These people may be in a bad mood because they were told this was/is a scam, they may Have also been told that they could not invest themselves (or risk losing their jobs.)
So they may be resentful of all of us that took this chance. Remember to smile, shake their hands, act with dignity. (If you have no idea on how to do that, "Google" the how to be a courteous professional.
5) Bring a local tax attorney with you to read the fine print, you should be able to pay them after the fact with the money you actually leave the bank with, I'd suggest $1,000/person.
6) Have the PB/WM explain the NDA to you, make sure you understand the explanation. Have the attorney read & explain "ALL" documents to you, make sure that you understand the explanations given.
 If you don't, ask for clarification of explanations. Don't act like you know everything. Ask, then ask again for explanations that don't make sense to you.
7) Ask if you (or attorney) can make changes to the legal paperwork. If not allowed, say "thank you for your time, but I will take my business elsewhere, that will allow changes to be made". (I highly doubt that you will get out of the door), but DO NOT under any circumstances start acting like an ignorant ***!!!
8) Remember to watch them verify that your currency is real RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU!!!
10) Sweep the original deposits into secondary sweep accounts: put these restrictions on the accounts: RESTRICTED ACCESS; NON TRAINING ACCOUNT; NO-ONE HAS CONTROL OF THESE ACCOUNTS BUT YOU.
Also A PAYABLE UPON DEATH TAG!!! This WAY it does not become part of your estate (so the lawyers can't spend it while claiming they used the money to get your wills through the probate courts.
12) Discuss the amount of the exchange rate, see if the bank can waive it, if you keep a certain amount in that bank (AUM=ASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENT). Discuss any other perks that interest you.  Such as medical/life/vision/dental/accidental death & dismemberment insurance on you & your children.

Also Ask If they have classes that can teach you & your children how to manage/save/& invest this type of money, that they pay for. Also ask if they can set you up with something like NetHer, so you don't have to go buy a plane that you will have to keep insured/stored (when not in use), not to mention the crews, maintenance, and fuels!!!
Also what sports type tickets can they get you as a valued member of their bank?
If you decide not to move post CE (get ransom insurance on yourself & family members), especially if you can't/don't/won't keep your mouth shut & live under the radar. "Millionaire next door (suggested read.)
 Tell them what you would like them (the bank) to do for you!!! If they respond in a negative manner, be polite, stand up, and explain that the answer is not satisfactory to you that you can take your business elsewhere.
13) Decide what types of accounts you'll need temporarily, get any bank checks to get yourself out of immediate debt. Get a bank check for yourself, get several to deposit in banks that are local to where you live. Set up a third set (if you have more than 1 currency.
Use this as your tax fund (1 for each currency, put 50% in each of these accounts. DO NOT EVER TOUCH THESE!!! Till we know the tax implications.
14) Get all receipts, signed by the person (WM/PB) that you are dealing with, and the bank manager/president.
15) Ask for business cards, ask to set up an appointment with a WM team (hopefully supplied by bank), until you can interview and hire your own professionals.  
16) I'm intending on setting up a trust with my own professionals, different from the one I will set up at the initial appointment. Set up a trust that contains all the NEW differnt accounts, after the CE. Make sure that all these accounts can go into one trust.
17) I fully intend to move within 6 months after CE, if I can find 20+ acres. Before I do any of that, I am going to get a mailbox @ my local UPS/FEDEX stores, So no mail concerning this opportunity, can be traced back to my physical address.
18) Make up/invent/elaborate some kind of explanation on how you came into this new money. My story is Dad had a life insurance policy for each child/grandchild.
Coach toddlers (school age & up) to NOT EVER DISCUSS MONEY WITH FRIENDS, IN PUBLIC, NEVER ADVERTISE THAT THEIR MOMMY/DADDY (WHOEVER IS RAISING THEM IS RICH), explain that you do not speak of this because A) its nobodies business; B) safety precaution.
19) If building a New home, consider the following to be built into them: a safe room, with eye scan access only, a serious safe (bolted into the slab of the house); and a smaller safe into each bedroom of the house that only family member using that room has access to.
Also, (if applicable) building an elderly/disabled friendly bathroom on the gground floo, if having a parent/disaed person living with you afterwards. If remodeling existing homes, see if the previous ideas can be incorporated into the remodeling.
20) Get all medically needed, life altering surgeries such as: back, knees, hips, dental surgeries taken care of.
21) Because I'm intending to buy property and build me my first owned home, I'm going to be the new woman in town (so I will attract attention anyway), but I'm not going to go everywhere (anywhere) via limo, so I won't be noticeable because I'm flaunting my money.
However, I will be upgrading my vehicle to an Infiniti q60, so I have already bought a dashboard camera. I also will install cameras in/on the house after it is built, having it toed into a computer (on WiFi) that will be just for that reason. Because I will have acreage, I will also have game type cameras throughout the property. I intend on giving one friend the current vehicle I drive, after I pay it off, and get the title changed.
22) Everyone in my family will take self defense (martial arts/gun training) after the CE. I'm trying to prepare my family to be proactive in their own safety. I just have to get somebody to figure out how far my Mother's body can take being trained to defend herself.
23) Anyone coming in contact with my family will have to go through a background check, because of my minor child.
24) Use your financial advisors to tell people NO, that you aren't going to invest in this idea, that business, bailing them out of debt. Helping a person once is great, but doing it repeatedly will bankrupt you very soon. It also does not help the irresponsible person, that continually asks for your financial help.
I have never posted an open letter on Dinar Recaps, I do hope they will post this. Its one security person's ideas on how to keep ones self and family safe in a world that is dangerous (now) & will become even more so, once people realize that you are now wealthier than they are.
God bless everyone, stay safe, get street smart (security-wise),financially smart for investing and growing your blessings. Donate or tithe (anonymously), so these people/groups don't keep harassing you for even more money.
 Have your financial advisors (that you hire) research the hell out of the groups you do donate/tithe to, before donating, to make sure that the most of your donations go to where its needed (towards the animals; if donating to the SPCA/ or to children @ children's hospitals/st. Jude's/the wounded warriors, instead of the president/COO/CEO of these foundations, to help expand their lavish lifestyles.
Also have them research the churches (especially if they are these televangelists that live in multi-million/billion dollar homes!!!! 
 I wish everyone the best, hope you learn how to physically/financially/mentally protect yourselves and your families with the sudden change in familial finances.
I also pray that none of US end up with the "lottery-winners syndrome" and end up broke in 3 years. Love all of you, PEACE OUT!!! Thank You Dinar Recaps for posting all the information/ideas/rumors/Intel/protection ideas for all these years. 

Thanks also to everyone that has selflessly read and translated all the information they could get their hands on, taking away precious & beautiful time from your families; to keep us all informed & educated through this process. You are all beautiful, loving, generous souls. Thank you is JUST NOT ENOUGH!!!   RHW

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