Why would the CBI be waiting to diversify their portfolio of currency in their reserves first prior to an RV? Maybe I am missing something or maybe I am an idiot but I see no reason to wait since they are coming right out and telling us the reason. I am showing you proof by the article below. Again NO Hype, NO Rumors, just the FACTS. They must control the value of the dinar to a 1:1 first prior to an RV. The funny thing is you probably won’t even ever have any opportunity to exchange at the 1:1 rate since it won’t be out long and will soon RV afterwards. I do not believe the rate will even go international until it does RV later so how can you even have any opportunity to exchange anyhow since the banks use the international currency exchange value listed in the exchanges. Get it?
Let’s now look at a recent article I provided below. It is from a financial expert in Iraq.
The most interesting part of the article below is when the financial expert says and I quote – “calling on the central bank to the need to implement the project to delete the three zeroes instead of resorting to the issuance of new editions (referring to the 50k, 100k and 500 notes) may affect the trade balance in the market”.
Let’s now look at a recent article I provided below. It is from a financial expert in Iraq.
The most interesting part of the article below is when the financial expert says and I quote – “calling on the central bank to the need to implement the project to delete the three zeroes instead of resorting to the issuance of new editions (referring to the 50k, 100k and 500 notes) may affect the trade balance in the market”.
It’s all here in black and white. How can they possibly be already launching the lower denoms with a statement like this or be waiting on acquiring Chinese Yuan? Folk – these rumors just don’t make any sense. Please ignore them. In fact you shouldn’t even be listening to anyone who has not shown you proof of what they tell you. Sorry these“secret” sources for intel are just no good. Stop paying attention and force these so called intel “gurus” to bring you FACTS not rumors from some “secret” sources in Iraq or boots on the ground.
You deserve better intel! Challenge them on their calls see how they respond with the FACTS or just more info to cover up their rumors? It’s up to you. You can end these intel calls by simply ignoring them and not calling in to the live call. It is that simple. Only then will their intel calls dry up as they blow away in the wind, as they deserve.
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BAGHDAD / JD / .. counting the number of experts and specialists in the financial and economic affairs decision of the Central Bank to issue a new edition the category of 50 000 dinars as a procedure Trqiei will affect the standard of living of citizens, stressing that issuance will cancel the deal for small groups as a class of 250 dinars and category 500 dinars and will become a category 1000 Smaller class dinars be dealt with gradually.
The economist said just Almnlaoa, the central bank directed towards the issuance of large groups of 50 000 dinars efficient and category 100 000 dinars will be accompanied by other measures implemented gradually cancel a small groups.
He Almnlaoa Agency / JD /: that the government is seeking to turn the financial crisis from the state to the citizen through the application of some measures pertaining to monetary policy in coordination with the Central Bank as well as fiscal policy, particularly with regard to the budget, noting that the decision to issue 50 edition thousand dinars will be accompanied by decisions implemented indirectly cancel a deal for small groups as a class of 250 dinars and 500 dinars category and category will be 1000 dinars, equivalent to 250 dinars in the current currency.
He added that this measure is Trqiei and will affect the standard of living of citizens and makes the society is divided into two layers rich and the other bankrupt, calling on the central bank to the need to implement the project to delete the three zeroes instead of resorting to the issuance of new editions may affect the trade balance in the market.
For his part, expert in financial matters on behalf of al-Tamimi, said the issuance of 50 000 dinars a class should not have any positive impact on the economy and the national currency, wondering what is the purpose of the issuance of this category at a time when the country is suffering from a financial crisis.
He said al-Tamimi told / JD /: There are reports that the cost of printing this new category is estimated at $ 68 per edition while 50 000 dinars, equivalent to about $ 48 which means that the print will cost the country a lot of money at a time when the country suffers from the financial crisis and the budget deficit Federal.
It was the first central bank to implement projects which they can support the national currency against hard foreign currencies and increase cash reserves instead of resorting to the implementation of the projects as a prosthesis issuing new editions of major categories.
The central bank announced earlier in the issuance of a new edition the category of 50 000 dinars.
He was a member of the Finance Committee MP Haitham al-Jubouri said earlier that the project of issuing 50 000 dinars category will be implemented during the next three years.
It is said that a source in the central bank denied the cost of the new edition of 50 000 dinars category is estimated at $ 68 stressing that the cost per Edition estimated only six cents. / En
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criticized a member of the parliamentary finance committee Majida al-Tamimi current Central Bank, "stressing" the need to cancel the auction currency and the dimensions of Directors of the Bank for quotas partisan and political. "
Said al-Tamimi said in a statement received by the agency all of Iraq a copy of it, that "political and partisan quotas confused the work of government institutions, particularly the economic ones," stressing "the necessity to run the central bank by specialists economy and money, not according to the quotas that have caused the destruction of the economy Iraq.
"Tamimi said and explained," currency auction in a large increase in spite of our pleas many of the Central Bank of the need to reduce the sales of hard currency, especially since these sales sometimes be covered by the reserve value negatively affect the quantity, "stressing the" importance of maintaining the size of the reserve and in line with international standards.
"It pointed out that" there is a great imbalance in the currency auction, "noting that" the central bank customers from the private sector are buying the dollar at the official rate under the pretext of covering imports State and this move carry an imbalance intentional, the fact that the sale of the dollar at the official rate goes into the pockets corrupt.
"and was amazed Tamimi of the" insistence of the central bank to hold an auction of the currency, "she wondered," Is there in the neighboring countries, an auction of the coin as is the case in Iraq.
"and raised suspicions of corruption and operations of laundering money through the central bank auction where announced, specialized issues of integrity and crime a misdemeanor court Economic and money laundering, on 20 August issued sentences of imprisonment and a fine against officials in the Rafidain and North after being convicted on charges of corruption and money laundering, a banner earlier in the presence of 20 defendants in this some issues largely chairman.
"The Federal Court Supreme, announced on the sixth of July, several articles unconstitutional in budget 2015 law, including Article 50, the judge to "compel the Central Bank identifies sales of hard currency [the dollar] in its daily auction ceiling does not exceed $ 75 million a day."
with the exception of the Governor Central Bank and the Agency on the Keywords, the court's decision as "came in accordance with the Constitution and the Law on the Central Bank, which is a great importance because of its impact in promoting and supporting the independence of the Bank and remove him from influencing the policies and decisions."
The relationships declared in 20 of the month of November last that the bank reserves foreign exchange of 60 billion dollars, "adding that" enough for six months, "noting that" the Central Bank is working on the application of parallel policy to maintain the overall stability of prices and curb inflation, "
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Update: Needed Laws
Just because I have not reported for a few days on the needed laws does not make then no longer important. So I am going to let you know how we stand on these today.
All the rest of these needed laws seem to be converging on mid to late December. Even the 2016 budget had some issues and so they told us by the end of December. (I would hope since 2016 is just around the corner…lol…). But leave it to Iraq to be always just on time or be late.
On Sunday the government announced the conditions in Basra providence were stable for the issuance of the Unified National Card about 150 per day. Remember these cards are muti-purpose. They are an ID card as well as to replace the SMART card now used for paying out benefits.
Iraq still plans on mid December for the Reconciliation Conference and the point of the conference is to have all these needed reforms completed. Why have knowledge the conference if not completed, as some intel “gurus” lead you to believe? Ask them to prove it to you then? This does not mean “agreed to” behind secret doors. They must pass these laws to prove good faith for this reconciliation healing process to work. No more talk.
What are they now telling us?
-National Guard law by end of December. (Amnesty will coincide) See below article.
-Judicial Reforms by end of December
-Council law (still no news but we know this is really the Federation Council).
-Parties Law becomes fully effective mid December
-Re-launching the Customs and Tariffs mid December (need value of currency or will fail again)
Parliament is on recess until the next session beginning Dec 8th. Could this all happen in one ‘Basket” of laws? Jabouri himself has told us this might happen? Remember the article months ago? Seems it would almost have to happen now if they still plan on mid December for the conference. Maybe this will all be pushed out further?
We know it comes down to a last bunch of laws and the are stalled due the Sheite influence, or we would have already seen them passed. No –they are NOT secretly hiding them from us. There is absolutely no conspiracy to hide them from us investors to fool us or trick us. We are insignificant to this process. In fact the articles are not even intended for us and are instead to inform the Iraq citizens. Remember these corrupt individuals in Iraq work best under chaos and confusion. They are now very desperate and they know their days are numbered. This is how they gain power and try to maintain it. Abadi has put together a strong “reformist coalition” and hopes this will overcome any opposition to the last of these critical reforms.
Meanwhile Maliki has announced his group of goons are putting together a new coalition also. They plan to run in the 2017 provincial elections and then in 2018 major elections. Oh – but wait one second ! How can they since the “Parties Law” which goes into effect mid December prohibits anyone who is associated or even aligned with any terrorist group or militia to run or hold a political office. Got ya covered Maliki ! So this new Maliki coalition will go nowhere. It’s just a bunch of desperate men trying to save their hides.
Rumor #4: The new US Treasury Notes (TRNs) or movement of USA from a fiat currency to a gold backed currency
I want to clarify this one more time for all out there. Do you even know what the intended purpose of the TRNs are? They are for international trade ONLY between nations. TRNs have been around for a very long time and nothing new. Yes- they have been issued in the past to coincide with the Federal Reserve notes. In fact all currency in the US must say “Federal Reserve” on the notes. This is the law.
I can hardly stand it and laugh and laugh at all the ignorance of some of these forums. Some are telling you the TRNs are launched in China? What does this mean? It does not even make any sense.
Do they even know the TRNs are US currency?
They associate this to the RV being immanent too. Again how stupid and ignorant! I swear some of these people saying this stuff and continuing these rumors should be locked up in insane asylums because that is just where they belong (if even they themselves truly believe what they are saying).
TRNs have already been launched now for years already. They are being used as balance of payments in the process of international trade for the USA and foreign countries. Due to the many increased volume from the US treasury in the printing of yet more US currency in quantitative easing (QE) process, many countries have worries that the US currency would crash due hyper inflation (due to too much in circulation). Simply put their worries led to a gold backed version of the Federal Reserve note for trading. These are not meant for the general public and are not going to be ever widely circulated. This has happened in the past and is an accepted practice only you are now following currencies, know about it and are being hyped up by some so called “guru” over it.
There is ABSOLUTELY no intent to back all of the US currency with gold nor could they if they wanted to. NO- going back to the gold standard is not even a short term goal for the Federal Reserve nor have they been given instructions to do so.
The Feds are here to stay. Sorry conspiracy people! I challenge anyone to give me proof to back up anything I have said so far in this news letter on this subject matter. I mean solid proof and FACTS, so don’t give me just more stupidity, rhetoric and rumors or even conspiracy stuff you heard on some intel call, from some person.
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ABADI: WE ARE WORKING TO PASS THE ANTI-TERRORISM LAW (this is the National Guard law called something else)
6/12/2015 0:00
BAGHDAD - morning
Confirmed the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi that his government is working to pass the anti-terrorism law and vowed that he will press toward approval in Parliament as called for removal of the device from politicization and maintain Astqlalath.oukal Abadi in a statement issued on the sidelines of his visit, the leadership of anti-terrorism headquarters received (morning) copy of it:
The device has succeeded in demonstrating his strength on the ground, and achieve victories over the enemy, pointing out that to maintain the vitality of the system and strengthen it is essential for the State of Alaracah.alebadi described anti-terrorism device Balehioa and basic security system which is generally terrorism strike force, returned steadfastness
Generally enemy machine restoration of trust security system because this device to defend all Iraqis, regardless of affiliation, religion, sect and Alqomah.obin Abadi, that "the importance of this device comes from the first two principles of higher training and the second commitment laws is a disciplined force is respected by all Iraqis," pointing to " the need to keep the device and all other security forces from politicization and maintain its independence and that its management be linked to a central.
"He stressed Abadi on the work of the government to pass the anti-terrorism law and push for approval in parliament, adding that the device HAS A KEY ROLE IN THE CURRENT SITUATION ACCORDING TO TWO CHALLENGES, EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL, He is stressing that the support device is in support of the security system and the homeland and the citizen. "
He was surprised at the attempt of some to create a state of conflict, conflict and problems between the security forces and volunteers of the heroes of the popular crowd and the security services themselves, putting question marks about these attempts, calling the attention to the intelligence and win the citizens, stressing that this is what has succeeded its hardware, praising the "sacrifices made by the device and the importance of care of the families of martyrs and wounded.
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Update: Fighting ISIS
Opps! Did I forget to mention that they are cleaning house with ISIS and the Iranian militias are next but there is still much progress to be made. There are yet newer strategies everyday and if these don’t work there will be more. More and more countries are joining the coalition and now serious talks of moving on Syria. What I am hearing is the security is clean enough now in Iraq to let the RV go, so for now this is NOT an issue and a holdup.
Article below talks mainly about USA and how it is expected to send elite forces to Iraq to about 200 numbering to Iraq to carry out raids on the militant group, which seized large areas of Syria and Iraq.
But these raids are related to any terrorist or terrorist related groups. This article is surely written by Maliki and his goons since they are fearful of these troops and how it will impact their plans to bring Iraq down as a puppet state for Iran. Yes – this battle still continues between good and evil and will continue until Maliki and his goons are eliminated.
So I believe this is Maliki’s response to the recent judicial response to holding trial over Mosul infiltrations issue was to relate that he has many files on everyone involved in the government corruption and he was not alone. I believe these files still remain in the government office he still occupies. Would the judicial luv to have these files?
So let’s put two and two together. The USA elite forces coming into Iraq to conduct “unannounced” raiding missions on terrorists organizations or even suspected terrorists. Does this mean possibly former government officials now causing havoc in the country and proven ties to leading terrorist organizations? Could they maybe one day conduct a raiding mission on the government building or even the home of Maliki or some of his goons?
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Published time: 3 Dec, 2015 10:52Edited time: 3 Dec, 2015 14:33
A British Tornado taxis on the runway after returning from a mission at RAF Akrotiri, in southern Cyprus December 3, 2015. © Darren Staples / Reuters
RAF bombing raids against Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) in Syria have dealt “a real blow” to the financing of the terror group, said Defence Secretary Michael Fallon, after MPs voted overwhelmingly for war on Wednesday night.
The raids, which took place early on Thursday morning, targeted oil fields in the north of the country. Analysis indicates “the strikes were successful,” the Ministry of Defence (MoD) claimed.
Fallon told the BBC he had approved the targets before the House of Commons vote on Wednesday evening, and gave permission for the raids to go ahead once MPs had rubberstamped extending airstrikes against ISIS form Iraq into Syria.
He added that airstrikes against extremists are likely to continue for years.
“This is not going to be quick,” he said.
“I can confirm that four British Tornados were in action after the vote last night attacking oil fields in eastern Syria – the Omar oil fields – from which the Daesh [IS] terrorists receive a huge part of their revenue.”
“This strikes a very real blow at the oil and the revenue on which the Daesh terrorists depend.”
The Tornado jets are based at Britain’s Akrotiri base in Cyprus, from which they flew to Syria to conduct the raids shortly after the result of the vote was known.
Some 397 MPs voted in favor of airstrikes, while 223 voted against, giving them a majority of 174. A total of 67 Labour MPs rebelled against party boss Jeremy Corbyn to back the Conservative government’s motion.
Prime Minister David Cameron said it was “the right decision to keep the UK safe.”
Fallon said the decision had allowed RAF bombers to target the extremist group on both sides of the Iraqi/Syrian border.
“They have been able to attack these terrorists on one side of the border. Now they are free to be able to attack some of their key targets on the other side of the border as well – a border that Daesh/ISIL have never respected themselves.”
He explained the planes had attacked oil fields in the north of the country.
“I approved yesterday a series of targets in the Omar oil field – wellheads from which the oil production is derived which helps to finance Daesh.
“All four Tornados have now successfully returned and we will be assessing later this morning the actual damage done. They were using Paveway munitions in an area of oilfields where there was simply oil infrastructure in eastern Syria, a long way from Raqqa itself, down near Iraq.
“It’s a very good illustration of a target that is literally one side of the border and couldn’t previously be attacked.”
However, a report for Al Arabiya published in October suggests the routes to these oilfields were already destroyed in airstrikes earlier in the year, suggesting the oilfields may not actually have been in use.
The parliamentary debate to extend airstrikes was met with protests organized by the Stop the War Coalition, a group previously chaired by Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.
It called the decision to bomb Syria “profoundly mistaken and dangerous.”
“A new war will not increase the prospects of peace in Syria, nor will the British people be safer from terrorism. And the record of two years’ bombing of IS in Iraq shows that it will not be dislodged by a great-power air war.”
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Thursday 03-12-2015 | 12:18:36
Twilight News / says the National Alliance and the Shiite faction influential in Iraq, said the prime minister Haider al-Abadi will dig its own grave political and undermines the fight against al Daash if he allowed the publication of a new US special force operations in the country.
Washington said on Tuesday it would send troops is expected to be about 200 numbering to Iraq to carry out raids on the militant group, which seized large areas of Syria and Iraq.
Hours later, al-Abadi said that the publication of any such force would require consultation with his government statements which appear to be made for domestic consumption at home.
He said US Secretary of State John Kerry on Wednesday that the Iraqi government has been kept informed of plans and that the two governments will hold close consultations on practical details.
However, Abadi partners politicians said they would never accept an expanded role for American forces and insisted that the prime minister would dare to act on its own after the withdrawal of parliamentary support for his program of internal reform last month because of concern that have not been extensive consultations enough before making important decisions.
Said Mohammed Naji MP from the Badr Organization and one of the local leaders to PDF crowd, which includes Shiites and other anti fighters to Daash "If the Abadi take a single decision approving the deployment of US special forces will Nstjoppe in Parliament. He knows very well that the interrogation could lead to a vote of no confidence" , he was quoted as saying by Reuters.
Abadi had faced a major challenge in November from within the National Alliance when it was approved unanimously by the House of Representatives to prevent his government from the adoption of important reforms without the consent of Parliament.
And seen the move as an attempt to curb Abadi amid discontent from his leadership style and the slow pace of reforms demanded by the protesters. The move sparked speculation about an attempt to overthrow him but those fears have receded in recent times.
The governor Zamili -oho prominent politician from Sadr's movement, a movement founded by a man of the anti-American cleric Muqtada al-Sadr "is not permissible for the government to give a mandate for the deployment of ground forces in Iraq even if the exploratory forces or intelligence gathering."
Supported Ammar Tohme Virtue Party leader in the Shiite alliance that position, saying that the parliament alone is not Abadi has to approve the presence of foreign troops fighting power.
And rejection of any expansion of the US role in the country, no matter how limited or gradually stems in part to the absolute lack of confidence on the part of the Iraqis and their leaders in Washington's intentions.
Naji said the fear is that as soon as the US Special Forces are deployed has turned its attention to the eventual prosecution of the leaders of the popular crowd, and senior Shiite politicians, some of whom are listed on the US terrorism list.
He said another deputy of the National Alliance "for Ebadi to give the green light for the deployment of US troops in Iraq may not be just a salvo wounds in the foot.'ll Be shooting in the head."
Mission Impossible
Opposition has been forced by armed Shiite factions -alta seen as a bulwark in the face of the organization Daash which is the greatest security threat to Iraq since the fall of Saddam Hussein in 2003, Abadi also to block Washington's plans.
The prime minister is under growing US pressure to rein in armed factions which angers factions that enjoy a lot of support among Shiites, who make up the majority in Iraq.
The parliamentarians said that al-Abadi would not risk to go to a clash with the armed factions but it would be difficult for him to resist pressure from Washington to give US troops a broader combat role. The United States and a major donor of aid to the Iraqi army.
Said political analyst Ahmed Younis al-Baghdadi, "It may be an impossible task for Ebadi to find a compromise .. he has to careful not to provoke the wrath of his coalition and aggregates strong popular crowd at the same time responding to the Americans.
"If al-Abadi agreed to the deployment of US special forces so it offers on a plate the opportunity to opponents to remove him."
Leaders of armed factions has already rejected any deployment of US troops and said they would not hesitate to turn their attention from fighting Daash to fight the Americans.
The armed Shiite factions have shown fierce resistance to the US occupation that followed the overthrow of Saddam Hussein.
Jaafar al-Husseini, spokesman for Hezbollah Brigades that send US troops will only aggravate the security crisis in Iraq.
He said "any party, including Prime Minister al-Abadi allow the existence of US forces in Iraq must take responsibility for spark all-out civil war."
Such warnings are premature and may be increased but direct military activities of the United States, albeit on a small scale may lead to instability and undermine the chances of containing the sectarian conflict.
The last US troops withdrew from Iraq in 2011, but some advisers returned in 2014 after the organization view the progress of Daash Baghdad at risk and now numbering about 3,500.
And it raised the growing military role for Russia in Syria and their participation in security coordination cell in Baghdad also includes Iran and Syria fears in Washington that it is losing ground in favor of her former opponent in the Cold War in the Middle East.
Naji said the MP from the Badr Organization that the deployment of US troops in Iraq if there will be a "pull factor" for more interference by foreign powers.
He added, "We will be yard and other powers to liquidate own accounts."
Article Ends
One more item today:
Let’s not forget to keep praying for the success of THESE IRAQI AND COALITION SOLDIERS. I believe their success is in part some of the acceleration of the process we are now witnessing.
Thank You TJP –
“Lord, protect Abadi and all who stand with him in righteousness, the Iraq and Coalition Soldiers who are fighting the good fight against terrorism, that they would be shielded from the enemy and would be Victorious against them! We ask that the Victory comes swiftly and healing of the Iraqi peoples and all whom have been effected by these evil doers can begin! Amen!
All these prayers seem to be working.”
Till next time…. Auf Wiedersehen!
Peace and Luv To Ya All,
Mnt Goat
The prime minister is under growing US pressure to rein in armed factions which angers factions that enjoy a lot of support among Shiites, who make up the majority in Iraq.
The parliamentarians said that al-Abadi would not risk to go to a clash with the armed factions but it would be difficult for him to resist pressure from Washington to give US troops a broader combat role. The United States and a major donor of aid to the Iraqi army.
Said political analyst Ahmed Younis al-Baghdadi, "It may be an impossible task for Ebadi to find a compromise .. he has to careful not to provoke the wrath of his coalition and aggregates strong popular crowd at the same time responding to the Americans.
"If al-Abadi agreed to the deployment of US special forces so it offers on a plate the opportunity to opponents to remove him."
Leaders of armed factions has already rejected any deployment of US troops and said they would not hesitate to turn their attention from fighting Daash to fight the Americans.
The armed Shiite factions have shown fierce resistance to the US occupation that followed the overthrow of Saddam Hussein.
Jaafar al-Husseini, spokesman for Hezbollah Brigades that send US troops will only aggravate the security crisis in Iraq.
He said "any party, including Prime Minister al-Abadi allow the existence of US forces in Iraq must take responsibility for spark all-out civil war."
Such warnings are premature and may be increased but direct military activities of the United States, albeit on a small scale may lead to instability and undermine the chances of containing the sectarian conflict.
The last US troops withdrew from Iraq in 2011, but some advisers returned in 2014 after the organization view the progress of Daash Baghdad at risk and now numbering about 3,500.
And it raised the growing military role for Russia in Syria and their participation in security coordination cell in Baghdad also includes Iran and Syria fears in Washington that it is losing ground in favor of her former opponent in the Cold War in the Middle East.
Naji said the MP from the Badr Organization that the deployment of US troops in Iraq if there will be a "pull factor" for more interference by foreign powers.
He added, "We will be yard and other powers to liquidate own accounts."
Article Ends
One more item today:
Let’s not forget to keep praying for the success of THESE IRAQI AND COALITION SOLDIERS. I believe their success is in part some of the acceleration of the process we are now witnessing.
Thank You TJP –
“Lord, protect Abadi and all who stand with him in righteousness, the Iraq and Coalition Soldiers who are fighting the good fight against terrorism, that they would be shielded from the enemy and would be Victorious against them! We ask that the Victory comes swiftly and healing of the Iraqi peoples and all whom have been effected by these evil doers can begin! Amen!
All these prayers seem to be working.”
Till next time…. Auf Wiedersehen!
Peace and Luv To Ya All,
Mnt Goat
via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog http://ift.tt/1jKsbR6
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