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Tuesday, December 1, 2015

KTFA Monday Night CC 11-30-15: Notes by Aggiedad77 Part 1


Aggiedad77:  Well finally got the notes from last night finished.....that darn snow just won't stop.....just in time to get ready for a great Bible Study tonight, hope to see you there.

Remember GLOBAL is the word Family.  Aloha  Randy

*** The comments made by Frank26, Delta and others are their sole OPINIONS and cannot and should not be used as any form of financial, tax, banking or investment advice! We offer NO DATE, NO RATE on this forum!!! ***

CC Notes from 11-30-2015

Frank26:  This is the conference call that I’ve been wanting to give you….this is the conference call you’ve been wanting to hear…..please enjoy….for there will only be……12…..left.
WSJ…..Chinese Yuan New Status to Pressure Beijing…..yeah, why… have seen what we’ve introduced to you this week. You come to our forum but you don’t post…..but you say “I’m too busy Frank”….”I’m at work Frank”….but that tells me what we do is worth it.

Delta came in and made a post but I took it down…..none of you saw it…..I’ve kept it…..actually we’ve had it and you thought it was time….but I’m being sensitive about my teams…..they work so hard then on Monday’s we give to you and then we see it every where….basically stealing, copy and paste from all others to make themselves what they are…..I’ve even made a compliment to one of them a few weeks ago but nothing in return….nothing….just pray for them.

As far as our currencies that we sell, come to our landing page, and scroll to the bottom of the page and see our photo link there, use that to see all the currencies that we do sell.

That post that Delta put up was pretty cool, but I took it down. See we know the UN…..our teams know what the UN is doing…the internet doesn’t….no one else knows. We put up this information from the UN exchange rate chart…..we wanted you to notice the Operational Rate were put up….Iraq and other currencies….

I only sell certain currencies…..and it turns out what we gave you….and the internet copy and pasted….they didn’t know what they had….the last time the UN Operational Rate chart was in 2010 when they posted the rate as 1170….now the rate is 1166…..we told you to look….many of you looked and said WOW…..but why does it say 1170… hasn’t said anything since 2010……

It was our way of telling you that the Monetary Reform is poised for 2016….but oh is it ever ready for 2015. Frank said that last week and the week before….yes….but it actually means much more today….well tomorrow on 12/1.

So China gets invited into this picnic basket right Yogi….yes Booboo…..many of these countries have not eaten for years….many of these countries were our enemies…..they have long been our enemy….but today we have a common foe….terrorism…..

It is a different kind of enemy….it follows no borders… is like a thousand mouse traps in a room….if one trap goes off, there is chaos in that room with all the other traps……this terrorism is not organized…..if you see an ISIS leader doing something the next thing you know there is abounding chaos….they lose control of their soldiers and of their mission….and no one wants that kind of chaos in their country.

Have you ever seen the cartoon character known as the Tasmanian Devil? He moves in a whirlwind all over and at random, destroying all kinds of things…..these terrorists are like this… can’t fight something like this, it is almost impossible to fight…’s like a 350 pound linebacker without a shirt at a picnic….the mosquitos will be all over him….not even OFF will help him.

There is much pressure from the bad guys to the whole world and the good guys…..well many of the good guys got together with some of the bad guys to develop a strategy….deals were made with former enemies…..using a combination lock to lock away our issues and secrets.

Terrorism united us, but we need to start making money… it also took the world economy to get these players together….it’s not about countries who are about to implode… is the planet earth……that is why IMO these are the end times….they are about to be funded for a specific purpose.

WSJ…..Global Finance Section…..remember that word “GLOBAL”…..remember “Chinese Yuan New Status to Pressure Beijing”……yeah because it has joined a basket that has a big responsibility to many other currencies in that basket….we’ve been telling you to help these other currencies….but no…..we’ve told you to help the Dong….but no…..well now that you are in our basket you need to do better….are you in the basket China….Yes we are in your basket, we’ve told our people to go ahead and have 2 children so we might double the population….from 4 billion to 8 billion….but guess what….in our basket you follow our rules….oh yeah….we forgot……

You’ve joined the big boys…..we got rid of the mosquitos….the mouse that ran up the elephants nose…they are gone…but you with your population and currency… have to obey our rules… the meanwhile in the same article….it says….groups promote trading of China currency in the United States……..the more we buy and use it the more it will improve the Chinese Yuan…..we started selling it 2 years ago.

The South Korean Won is very powerful…..this is the conference call I’ve been wanting to give you…..this is the conference call you’ve wanted to hear.

Look at all this currency in the basket with the Iraqi Dinar and the USD…..but you keep calling me trying to tell me the Dong is in there too….no it’s not….why do you not listen….why waste my time.

End times….end times….Frank are you saying that…..yes are you deaf. Look WSJ today says get ready…..all we will do soon is swipe a card….it is just the beginning…..from 2016 onward….watch out…you may soon have a number on your wrist….wherever you are exposed…..look for that number.

You know Islamic fighters are defeating this enemy….because we have gotten together…because of the deals struck, the byproducts, dividends that these countries are now going to possess. There is more to the numbers from the UN….you know why those numbers are there….I’ll tell you more later.

Islamic fighters are being defeated left and right….WSJ Islamic faith tightens grip on base…..but all that I’m showing you, even today’s news is all old…..these cowards are now trying to target refugees who have no weapons….who gather to be helped…..ISIS and DAASH have no conscious…..yes they are being destroyed…..but this is old news….that is why tonight you will hear a conference call you’ve wanted.

Japan looks for a silver lining….they got one….they are in that first basket… page says….rates….many countries are pulling themselves together and be a part of a basket of currencies that will be explosive with their economic reform because they contributed to getting rid of this type of mental disturbance around the world. But normally this would not have worked without a common enemy….it also has given us many common byproducts that in time we can talk about.

Let me prove my point… article…..US Senator are calling for over 20,000 troops in Syria and Iraq…..there are over 40,000 troops in Iraq and over the ME…..but we’ve said we don’t have anyone over there…but we do….we lost a Special Ops who was killed over there….but we have no one over there…..I respect the office of the President….but this man….no, sorry I cannot.

Do you realize that our President and his government want to pass laws that will give them the power to tell us as citizens what we can do on the Internet…..this type of conference call…..forget about it….that is so personal and none of his business….be aware and you are about the be blessed with finances that can give you knowledge and power…..Be aware our government will tear you apart…they will audit you….they will make your life miserable….but that is none of our business.

So we put out this information and the Internet catches onto it and finds it interesting…..before we walk into that subject deeper…..last week I told you there would be nothing….and we told you why….and when they would come back….the why was mainly in respect to us….we work with them hand in hand….there was nothing during our holiday period…..we brought out something new….the UN Operational Rates……what does the UN Operational Rate have to do with the MR.

The next thing you will see is Dr. Shabibi taking control of the CBI…..he’s already started by telling Allak to stop talking about the 50k’s…..Allak is just a temporary servant for Dr. Shabibi…..then today you see an article from WalkingStick that tells you….the governor of the CBI has been successful with what he’s done with the dinar…..the article says…..”On the Road to Reform”….there was a number 4 next to that….it is significant…..will say more on this maybe later this week….this was Dr. Shabibi talking….that was number 4.

What was 1….the laws…what was number 2….the LD’s…..what was number 3…..Dr. Shabibi announcing himself…..we gave you two examples of it last Monday and this Monday…..what was number 4…..we actually gave that to you last Monday but the Internet did not have an understanding of what we said….they merely repeated what we said maybe tweaking it.

On the Road to Reform “4”…..Central Bank reviewed the solution…..Central Bank headed by Dr. Shabibi has succeeded in strengthening the confidence of the IQD….he has done this over the last 2 years…..and these types of reforms which are under the Marshall Plan….and when you look at the Iraqi government commissioning DeLaRue to print their currency in 2004….look out ten years….2014….but here we are 2 years beyond that….but we were set back 2 years when Obama pulled us out of Iraq.

I really think that Dr. Shabibi has announced himself and also announced that he is going to float the currency in December. Well thank you for that…’s article telling you that the governor of the CBI Dr. Shabibi is no coincidence….it is the plan….remember that old timers…this is Dr. Shabibi’s plan….his Monetary Reform steps.

My teams want you to know that you are studying the MR….we are not….we are beyond the MR…..the MR includes the redenomination from a long time ago…the reinstatement of the currency that is what they are finishing up…and you know it has nothing to do with a rate….and then the next step is the revaluation which adds value to it…then removes Article 8 and enters the GLOBAL world market of trading….you think they will trade oil….no…..they will trade currency…..because this is their power…..we will all peg to the dinar….the deal that many made.

My teams want you to know that our study is not the MR…but the next steps….IOO (In Our Opinion) ….we are with the citizens….the next step will give the citizens a rate and the LD’s…..I love how the whole Internet is saying smaller LD’s with regard to the higher LD’s….sorry.

So many of the other forums simply just copy and paste….today we are with the citizens…..what we study we will not share tonight. We are with the citizens because that is the crucial thing to understand the next step of the reform…..we seek the reinstatement of this currency for the citizens in December and we told you we believe it to be around December 15….that process will start the change of the program rate of the IQD…

This is what I call the new math…..because there will be a new currency….the LD’s…..they tried so many other things… cards, new accounts….so many things…..but the citizens kept their 000’s…..but you guys can’t keep them…that is only for those outside this country……well….you guys want gold….oh that is tempting….yes…but no….how about domestic bonds……..there is only one thing left…..raise the value… about 50k’s….no that is stupid…..Dr. Shabibi what will it take…..give them the LD’s and raise the value… ye….here ye…..Iraqi citizens we will float your currency in December an introduce it to a GLOBAL standard of trading because our inflation is low and we are ready to give you the LD’s….so did this really happen….yes.
They are so poised for 2016….but they are so ready for 2015….that is why Delta did……I texted him Delta do you know that next year you will be…..he texted back….no next month Frank.

What is wrong with the USD…..we have high unemployment….we have no leadership…..for 8 years Obama has had to hide in the White House….ok he went to the Asian theater often….but don’t go in the direction of the ME….you can be President…knock yourself out…..we will make you look good.

Don’t forget the deal….Clinton….not Hillary….Clinton….leave the cigars alone….tell him what is up….he knows Frank…..everything sucks for America….but yet our dollar closes over 1.00 today… of our friends paid 79 cents today for gasoline….it turns out the dollar is artificially high and the price of oil is artificially low for a reason….it is that time of the season.

You ever watch the Marvel comics….Captain America that reminds me of what the USD is today….yet it stands on a landfill in America.

Link to Part 2

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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