Don't WAIT!

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Christmas Encouragement From DebTarHeelGirl 12-24-15

I start out with a personal note to say thank you for allowing me to be used to encourage you, send self help suggestions and articles, and keep your faith alive on our RV/GCR journey.

Its so very hard at times as we have to fight that ever changing emotional roller coaster from all the words read and spoken regarding the currency release.

But you and I both KNOW IN OUR KNOWERS that we are richer in wisdom and knowledge, we have had more time to learn how to prepare ourselves for this wealth transfer that is about to manifest in our hands.

The "Author" of our lives, He surely knew the ups and downs we would face, which they were allowed on our destiny paths for us to walk in and with a reason.  Having said that, we have grown so much in the wait that when it is time to receive this blessing, we will be so prepared - AMEN?  AMEN!

The best gift of course is the reason for the season. And having that residing peace in our hearts, knowing we are Joint Heirs with Him - that is a free eternal gift that will never quit giving!  Enjoy your Christmas holiday weekend ahead and SUDDENLY we will receive the long awaited time to exchange.

May you & your family experience the Merriest Christmas!

From my heart,   DebTarheelGirl

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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