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Wednesday, December 23, 2015

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments 12-23-15  Part 1 of 2

Post From BondLadys Corner 12-23-15
BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments  Part 1 of 2
Allawi's coalition announced suspension of its participation in the current government

22/12/2015 07:37 |   Direction Press / Agencies
Declared national coalition led by Iyad Allawi, on Tuesday, the suspension of its participation in the current government or any ministerial lineup announced in the current of humor, while noting that it will turn positive for the opposition within the Iraqi parliament.
The head of the national bloc in the House of Representatives Abdul Karim Abtan in a press statement that "the coalition held its last meeting led by Iyad Allawi, has decided to suspend its participation in the current government and not to engage in any ministerial lineup is announced at the current stage as a result of the wrong policies of the state," pointing out that "The Alliance will turn positive for the opposition within the Iraqi Council of Representatives."

"The news that Tteward on the nomination of the national coalition of three figures for the post of Minister of Commerce baseless and is a figment of the imagination," explaining that "in the event of granting national coalition of electoral entitlement coalition members will discuss these benefits and we will decide to participate or not."  
 [tlm724] Declared national coalition led by Iyad Allawi, on Tuesday, the suspension of its participation in the current government or any ministerial lineup
[tlm724] "the coalition held its last meeting led by Iyad Allawi, has decided to suspend its participation in the current government and not to engage in any ministerial lineup is announced at the current stage as a result of the wrong policies of the state,
[tlm724] oh here we go, Allawi playing his games yet again, what a DB !!! Dude needs to go away, don't go away mad just go away *44mag*
[tlm724] they should fire every last one of them !
Abadi and Jubouri are doing everything they can for Iraq and these azzholes want to mess it up at every turn, makes me sick

Abadi opens the Forum on China-Iraqi economic cooperation

23/12/2015 09:33 |  Press direction / follow-up
Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi opened Wednesday Forum on China-Iraqi economic cooperation.
And participated in the opening of the Forum heads of major Chinese companies.
And eating Forum for Economic Cooperation between China and Iraq and ways to develop the economic cooperation to serve the interests of both countries.
The prime minister Haider al-Abadi arrived at dawn on Tuesday at the head of a ministerial delegation to China, signed during the visit, five agreements with Beijing.  
 [tlm724] The prime minister Haider al-Abadi arrived at dawn on Tuesday at the head of a ministerial delegation to China, signed during the visit, five agreements with Beijing
[tlm724] heres the official statement from the PM's site
Iraq, China sign five agreements and memoranda of understanding economic, technological and military, diplomatic, and oil and energy cooperation Took place in the Chinese capital Beijing this afternoon ceremony of five agreements were signed, and memorandums of understanding in economic, technological and military, diplomatic and energy sphere, in the presence of the Prime Minister, Dr. Haider al-Abadi and his Chinese counterpart, and the ministers of the two sides.
The note by first understanding; understanding on participation to build the economic belt of the road Silk and Maritime Silk Road-century atheist twenty, and the second economic and technological cooperation between the two countries, and the third signing of the framework agreement on cooperation in the field of energy, and the fourth, in the field of military cooperation between the two countries, and the fifth signing of the agreement on mutual exemption of visa diplomatic passports.
Information Office of the Prime Minister 22 December 2015
Iraq, Kuwait calls for greater cooperation in the fight against Daash

23/12/2015 01:40 | Direction Press / Baghdad
Kuwait called on Iraq to do more cooperation in the war on terror gangs Daash.
A statement by the Iraqi foreign minister received "direction Press" a copy of it, Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari met (in Kuwait) Kuwaiti Prime Minister Jaber Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah, During the meeting, they discussed bilateral relations and ways of enhancing them in the interest of the two brotherly peoples and discuss issues of concern and regional and international issues common ".
He praised al-Jaafari, according to the statement, the positions of Kuwait in support of Iraq, "noting that" Kuwait with Iraq, and this Ntelmush always. "
"We count on Kuwait to its proximity to Iraq and the intimate links between the two countries, calling for greater cooperation and coordination in the field of security in the war against Daash".
Jaafari pointed out that "the exchange of interests supports the bilateral relations," and called on "the private Kuwaiti sector to have a role in investment in Iraq," pointing out that "the building of economic relations is the pillar of political action and impose itself on all aspects of the relationship, and protected."
For his part, Kuwaiti Prime Minister Jaber Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah "his country's support for Iraq's position, especially in the field of counter-terrorism, and restore security and stability in the country, expressed the readiness of Kuwait for economic cooperation and increase investment between the two countries.
And Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari arrived first on Monday to Kuwait to attend the meetings of the Fifth Session of the Ministerial Committee of the Supreme Iraqi - Kuwaiti Joint in Kuwait, and was signed by the two sides four agreements in the field of inspection and control, Youth and Sports and activate the interconnection of communication between the two countries through the fiber optic link was also signed Iraq agreement on the supply of gas to Kuwait. 
 [tlm724] For his part, Kuwaiti Prime Minister Jaber Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah "his country's support for Iraq's position, especially in the field of counter-terrorism, and restore security and stability in the country, expressed the readiness of Kuwait for economic cooperation and increase investment between the two countries.
[tlm724] expressed the readiness of Kuwait for economic cooperation and increase investment between the two countries. Smile
[tlm724] from another art : after the conclusion of the fifth meeting of the Joint Commission between the two countries on Tuesday and briefed him tow, the two countries reached an agreement to supply Kuwait Iraqi gas to the presence of excess has, noting that the two competent in both countries would be convened to develop a touches required in this regard.
He added that the trade volume between the two countries is relatively increased since last year, equivalent to 22%, as the investment and the volume of trade has grown in recent years between the two countries.

Comments may be made at the end of Part 2   Thank You

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