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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments 12-22-15  Part 1 of 2

Post From BondLadys Corner
BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments 12-22-15  Part 1 of 2
Parliamentary Finance: loans are deferred and tax revenue is not desirable[/size]
22/12/2015 10:45 |   [rtl]Press direction / special[/rtl]
[rtl] MP from the parliamentary Finance Committee Hama Ahmed said on Tuesday that the issue of loans is tax deferred revenue and undesirable paid by future generations and has financial implications are reflected on the country's politics, as he emphasized that the loans become a haven for the Iraqi government because of the large deficit in the general budget.[/rtl]
[rtl]Hama said in an interview with "direction Press" stressed that this financial implications be followed by political consequences, and in the case of loans did not invest successfully, it would be a disaster for biting the state, noting that cover the budget deficit through World Bank loans have become a haven for the Iraqi government to the lack of any secondary revenue,[/rtl]

[rtl]He added that specific House of Representatives the power on the distribution of the share of the budget on important projects and limited his work to reduce costs and process transfers between the sections of exchange and ask some important recommendations about the mechanism of the financial exchange, stressing that any party granted loans impose certain conditions on the biting States are due Altnivha and application to achieve loan. ]
 [tlm724] MP from the parliamentary Finance Committee Hama Ahmed said on Tuesday that the issue of loans is tax deferred revenue and undesirable paid by future generations and has financial implications are reflected on the country's politics
[tlm724] he emphasized that the loans become a haven for the Iraqi government because of the large deficit in the general budget
[tlm724] noting that cover the budget deficit through World Bank loans have become a haven for the Iraqi government to the lack of any secondary revenue
[tlm724] kinda like another buy out for Iraq, in the past these loans would be given and Iraq would never do anything to help themselves ie: grow the private industry etc... to make money
[tlm724] but this time is different, the IMF is in charge of the economy so that these loans won't be needed down the road  
[tlm724] stressing that any party granted loans impose certain conditions on the biting States are due Altnivha and application to achieve loan.
[tlm724] yep conditional loans ! That's what we want to see, force Iraq to do the right thing

Samawa Cement plant). Jpeg
General Company for Cement reduce the sales price of the agents undertake to "fill the market need."
Author: AB, HH    Editor: AB, HH 2015/12/22 12:22
Long-Presse / Baghdad    State Company for Iraqi cement of the Ministry of Industry and Minerals announced that, on Tuesday, a reduction of the sale price of agents of the cement product in cement Kirkuk plant, and as pointed out that the decision was made to coincide with the Council of Ministers' decision to stop importing commercial cement of all kinds, has pledged to fill the domestic market need of substance cement for the remainder of 2015 and 2016.
The general director of the General Company for Cement Nasir Idris Mahdi civil in a statement received (range Press), a copy of it, that "the company reduced its sales agents price of cement product in cement Kirkuk plant ordinary cement (Portland) with high quality and the corresponding Iraqi specifications as tests of the Central Agency for Standardization and quality control and certificates of international inspection. "
He civil, that "the reduction of cement prices came to coincide with the Council of Ministers Resolution No. (409) in 08.12.2015 Judge activate the previous decision of the Council of Ministers No. (215) for the year 2013, containing the recommendation of the Committee on Economic Affairs to stop import of commercial cement of all kinds, ‘
and also in response major campaign launched by the Minister of Industry and Minerals to support the national product under the slogan (our industry identity security and lasting stability). "
He revealed civil, for "a committee qualitative emphasis Cement meeting for the first time with the Cement Manufacturers Association in Iraq at the headquarters of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and the presence of Undersecretary brocade thorns supervisor of the Commission and members of the quality assurance and the members of the Cement Manufacturers Association."
He noted civil, that "the meeting offer guidance and Minister of Industry and Minerals in which he guided during his meeting with the Committee on specific emphasis to cement the need for coordination between the cement manufacturers to carry out an information campaign large to promote the product the national cement in the satellite being of high quality."
He pledged civil, in his capacity as president of the Association of cement manufacturers in Iraq "to ensure the domestic market to fill a need for cement material for the remainder of 2015 and 2016 and to maintain the stability of cement prices."
The Ministry of Industry and Minerals opened, in (13 December 2015), the production of filters for gas power plants, plant, and as decided to ban the import of cement material of all types, called cement manufacturers in Iraq, private sectors and the general obligation constant prices, pledging to processing all orders and prices cheaper than imported .
The State Company for Iraqi Cement is one of the oldest companies on the local and regional levels in the cement industry and holds a trust certificates from the field prior to construction, contractors and corporate citizens. LINK       
 [tlm724] a reduction of the sale price of agents of the cement product in cement Kirkuk plant
[tlm724] decision was made to coincide with the Council of Ministers' decision to stop importing commercial cement of all kinds,
[tlm724] *hallelujah*
[tlm724] the Council of Ministers No. (215) for the year 2013, containing the recommendation of the Committee on Economic Affairs to stop import of commercial cement of all kinds, and also in response major campaign launched by the Minister of Industry and Minerals to support the national product under the slogan (our industry identity security and lasting stability).
[tlm724] also in response major campaign launched by the Minister of Industry and Minerals to support the national product under the slogan (our industry identity security and lasting stability).
[tlm724] on that is awesome news ! Iraq has making the transition to a free market  Wink
[tlm724] The Ministry of Industry and Minerals opened, in (13 December 2015), the production of filters for gas power plants, plant, and as decided to ban the import of cement material of all types, called cement manufacturers in Iraq, private sectors and the general obligation constant prices, pledging to processing all orders and prices cheaper than imported
[tlm724] pledging to processing all orders and prices cheaper than imported
[tlm724] tis a beautiful thing

Central Bank denies the devaluation of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar

12/22/2015 09:11  --  Tomorrow Press / Baghdad: denied the Iraqi Central Bank, on Tuesday, what some of the media about the devaluation of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar. According to a statement of the bank received "tomorrow Press", a copy of it, that "the news reported by some media, and that talk about the central bank to reduce the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar baseless.
"The statement added that" the sale price of the dollar in the Iraqi market fixed and there was no change in prices happen. "and picked up some of the media earlier, Anabaa meet the central bank reduced the value of the dinar Iraqi against the dollar.  LINK     
 [tlm724] According to a statement of the bank received "tomorrow Press", a copy of it, that "the news reported by some media, and that talk about the central bank to reduce the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar baseless.
[tlm724] ok BUT we know they are charging more dinars (1182) to the banks and brokers for the dollar, the CBI is making more money on the auctions, just saying ....
[tlm724] heres what Dogz posted yesterday from the CBI 
Currency Auction Results Announcement No. (3099) Offers have been the opening of the sale and purchase of foreign currency daily three thousand and ninety-nine window in the Iraqi Central Bank on Monday to brief summary of 12.21.2015 and the results were as follows: Details Comments The number of banks 24 Number of remittance companies 20 Price foundation on which the successful bidder, selling dinars / USD 1182
The price at which the successful bidder, Hraoua dinars / USD ----- The amount sold by the bank at the auction - dollars 151 220 556 The amount purchased by the bank at the auction - dollars ----- Total Buy Offers - dollars 151 220 556 Total sales - dollars Offers ----

1. the quantity sold to banks from the date of 01.04.2015 until 12.21.2015 (43,323,898,016) dollars.

2. quantity sold to banks from the date of 01.04.2014 until 12.21.2014 (50,292,917,000) dollars.

3. note "that: Sarabie amounts transferred to accounts in banks abroad (1187) dinars per dollar. Cash sales price (1190) dollars Danarlkl.
[tlm724] The number of banks 24 Number of remittance companies 20 Price foundation on which the successful bidder, selling dinars / USD 1182
[tlm724] 3. note "that: Sarabie amounts transferred to accounts in banks abroad (1187) dinars per dollar. Cash sales price (1190) dollars Danarlkl.
[tlm724] so maybe the OFFICIAL rate hasn't changed but the sell rate sure did
Thank you therealbubbie for this ! Note credit to Dinar Alert for translation of the PDF :
To  / all licensed banks  and  licensed money transfer all companies  and  financial investment companies  and  broker the buying and selling of foreign currencies approved all companies (foreign exchange rate)
From our translator...
To all licensed banks
To all Licensed remittance companies
Financial investment companies
To all the sale and purchase of foreign currency licensed Brokering companies
Foreign currency exchange rate
Best regards from the CBI
We would like to inform you that the exchange rate by international standards is still under study and we will inform you about the results as soon as we done knowing that was changing the base rate of the US dollar against the Iraqi dinar before this to 1182 Dinners per dollar .

Comments may be made at the end of Part 2  Thank You

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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