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Thursday, October 1, 2015

Wealthwatch Late Night Member Chat  9-30-15    Part 2 of 2

Post From Chat Room  9-30-15
Wealthwatch Late Night Member Chat  9-30-15    Part 2 of 2

Donnie: i now see it's almost 2 million Dinar so that cheap even for circulated bank notes

Winnerdinar: ‹@Donnie› The uk market on ebay is doing very poorly with the dinar

chattels: ‹@Winnerdinar› I read comparisons early on in this venture

Donnie: Rial is down 40% since 2 months ago and Dinar is down 10-15% all on ebay

Winnerdinar: ‹@chattels› I think Iraq is the marshall plan on steriods as long as they stablise

chattels: ‹@Winnerdinar› But, I do not profess to be knowlegable

Winnerdinar: ‹@chattels› stability is key and I have a good feeling that will come after october
chattels: ‹@Winnerdinar› I have rather quit thinking about the ultimate outcome - just staying current while I wait it out

Donnie: ‹@Winnerdinar› careful... ur starting to sound like one of those NON-gurus...  lol

 Winnerdinar: ‹@chattels› This is rumour but I think Islamic state are about to be taken out from all fronts during October. It will be interesting to see the impact russia has on daash

chattels: ‹@Winnerdinar› I remain hopeful, but not expectant

Donnie: my money is on Russia kicking ISIS out of Syria before everyone else kicks ISIS out of Iraq

chattels: ‹@Winnerdinar› Suicidal combatants do not quit no matter the odds or situation

Donnie: ‹@chattels› hopefully there is a limited supply of Suicidal combatants :)

Winnerdinar: ‹@chattels›No they dont
Winnerdinar: sad but true

chattels: ‹@Donnie› I would not be surprised to learn that the " world " is using Syria as a draw for a killing field for Jihadist

Donnie: that would be interesting

Winnerdinar: ‹@chattels› Neat little trick to get rid of "home grown terrorists"

Donnie: Did everyone see the agenda for tomorrow? The meeting's agenda number (25) Thursday (1) October 2015 01 October 0.2015 The third parliamentary session The second legislative year The first legislative term

Winnerdinar: ‹@chattels› Reduce the threat to your own country and kill them on syrias battlefield

chattels: ‹@Winnerdinar› a dastardly notion, but ......................

Winnerdinar: ‹@chattels› I have thought that for sometime

chattels: ‹@Donnie› Whachu thinkin ?

 BOBBY: anyone have an idea what there numbers are these days?

chattels: ‹@Winnerdinar› it makes some sense in a perverted way

chattels: ‹@BOBBY› not really - historically 15 - 25,000 according to what is probably unreliable intel


Donnie: vote on 5 laws, second reading on 3

chattels: ‹@BOBBY› the " count " may depend upon whether one includes " forced " participants at the " administrative or civil " level

chattels: I continue to be surprised by the low " body counts "

BOBBY: Chattels.. just unbelievable barbaric actions in this day and age

Winnerdinar: ‹@chattels› CIA Trickery

chattels: like so much of this process there are many things that we do not and will not know until there is a " postmortem ", if at all

Winnerdinar: ‹@BOBBY› One thing I have learnt- It does not matter your background everyone is fighting over one thing and one thing only OIL. One religious group is made to look bad over another but it all boils down to evryone worshipping OIL

Winnerdinar: ‹@BOBBY› Its sad becuase it involves human lives

chattels: ‹@Winnerdinar› and not what is the right decision, but who has the right to make that decision - power

BOBBY: Winnerdinar....... i have seen it first hand over there

Winnerdinar: ‹@BOBBY› I Hope what ever you saw did not make you lose faith in the human race

Winnerdinar: ‹@chattels› agreed

BOBBY: Winnerdinar... i never had much to begin with

Winnerdinar: ‹@BOBBY› i understnad that

BOBBY: all it did was open my eyes even wider
BOBBY: i value life and what i can do to help make it better, as hokey as that sounds

Winnerdinar: ‹@BOBBY› I started this investment to get rich. That was my original intention. However I learnt that the powers that make their decisions really are evil in lots of ways. this ride has made my eyes open up

Donnie: ‹@Winnerdinar› ditto

BOBBY: i think it says something about the people who look beyond the money in this

Winnerdinar: ‹@Donnie› I used to live life not caring or more likely not thinking. The investment made me realise just how messed up the world really is

Winnerdinar: ‹@BOBBY› In my everyday life I cant talk the way I just have in this chat - people esp in the uk are very blind

Donnie: for sure
Donnie: very saddening

Winnerdinar: ‹@Donnie› its all about X factor and whatever drivel they can use to dumb the masses

BOBBY: shades of blindness are everywhere... its sad

Winnerdinar: ‹@BOBBY› Yes it is. Imagine what this world would be like if everyone did wake up

BOBBY: i remember what theses people went through just to have an election

The news is alway bad about Iraq but our forces did do a lot of good in Iraq that never gets noticed or reportrd

chattels: " From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked. "

chattels: Whether wisdom or wealth, we all are responsible and accountable.

BOBBY: Winnerdinar..... i contracted over there from 04 to 06...... i am non military

chattels: To our fellow man and creator.

BOBBY: i went over there and at the time i could care less about the people of that country, that changed

BOBBY: after what i saw

Winnerdinar: ‹@BOBBY› wow. One of the people I work with was a soldier in Iraq and was told by a contracter to buy the dinar

chattels: Godspeed the completion of the Iraqi banking sector reform project. God bless us everyone that we may in turn be a blessing to others. Amen.

Winnerdinar: ‹@BOBBY› I cnat imagine the horrors you saw

BOBBY: Chattels...... well said sir

Winnerdinar: ‹@chattels› I plan to do a lot of good with any money I make.
Winnerdinar: ‹@chattels› especially for animals

Winnerdinar: ‹@chattels› I would like to help save endangered species in Africa by placing bounties on the poachers- maybe not a good idea

BOBBY: Chattels.... i am gonna open a deli over there..... call it Infideli. lol

Winnerdinar: ‹@chattels› More likelt
Winnerdinar: ‹@Winnerdinar› more likely to open a cat and dog sanctuary somewhere
Winnerdinar: ‹@BOBBY› lol

chattels: The ability to practice random acts of kindness and generosity.

BOBBY: Winnerdinar... you got my vote lol

chattels: ‹@BOBBY› :)
chattels: ‹@BOBBY› that should be a short lived business :)

BOBBY: lol
Winnerdinar: I hust read that Russia is bombing syrian rebels and not IS. Whats going on
Winnerdinar: The syrian Free army are getting bombed by russia

Winnerdinar: rebels
Winnerdinar: i will see if i can get a link

Winnerdinar: Syrian Rebels Taken Aback by Russian Airstrikes 1 / 15 The New York Times By ANNE BARNARD3 hrs ago © Homs Media Centre via AP In this image made from video provided by Homs Media Centre, which has been verified and is consistent with other AP reporting, smoke rises after airstrikes by military jets in Talbiseh of the Homs province, western Syria… BEIRUT, Lebanon —

“They are the most violent strikes,” says a man filming the grim aftermath of what he asserts was a Russian air attack on the town of Talbiseh, in the Homs Province of Syria.

“This is the Russian criminal regime.” The voice then trials off into laments and prayers: “Oh God, oh God, oh God. God is all we need.” - He concludes: “This is what the criminal Russian planes did.” –

When Russia declared it would start hitting the Islamic State in Syria, opponents of President Bashar al-Assad were immediately concerned that it would target them as well — insurgents who rebelled long before the Islamic State, also called ISIS or ISIL, existed in its current form. –

But even they were taken aback on Wednesday when Russia’s very first airstrikes in Syria appeared to target areas where the Islamic State has no known presence, including some that have symbolic resonance as strongholds of the early, locally based opposition that sprang up among army defectors. - Get Today’s Headlines by E-Mail Each Morning From The New York Times –

If Moscow had been determined to destabilize the situation in Syria, many of Mr. Assad’s opponents say, it would have been hard-pressed to think of a more electrifying and polarizing way.

 Among the areas hit was the base of a group that had been supported and supplied by the United States and its allies, said its leader, Jamil Saleh.

He said the group’s base had been hit severely in Hama Province, wounding eight of his men. Later on Wednesday, American officials confirmed that some groups supported by the United States had been hit. - “We are on the front lines with Bashar al-Assad’s ar

chattels: This is likely to get very ugly

Winnerdinar: ‹@chattels› I agree I hope it does not involve war with russia

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