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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Monday Night KTFA CC Notes 6-22-15- Part 2

Part 2

Frank26:  If they chronically tell you constantly in these goofy translation that they make a mistake with the 50’s and 100’s – consider that maybe there’s some chronic information about the bonds. Maybe the translation is not totally correct right at the moment. So, we trusted Delta and my goodness it was fantastic to use.

We’ll always use Delta, and as soon as we see something we may give you a little hint…Walking stick wants you to know something …

So, Dr. S how are you doing? Feeling a whole lot better…just gotta get back in that seat – the international world wants it and the house of 7 wants it….This thing about auctions –we’re not going back there, it’s an experiment and this thing with the USD – we’re not using it – not on a grand scale you don’t know about yet. Locally, we may use it here and there, but NOT to pay our bills…? No, I won’t allow it anymore.

By the way Dr. S – what do you have to say to the Finance Committee? Can I just show something? NO, no no! Don’t do that – we may not understand that gesture…stop being troublemakers – got a few at the CBI – it’s amazing the GOI has a few closet love affairs with Maliki and they have their worth of the CBI – GOI – There’s just too much jealousy with these bozos. I would tell them to pick their sides extremely carefully right now.

So, CBI and Dr. S – anything else? KEYWORDS – Look at Post #33 – WS put it out. “THE IRAQI DINAR DEFENDS ITSELF AND WE WILL NOT RESORT TO PAY SALARIES IN USD’S.” Stop it! All you that are lying in the finance committees and in the midst of causing me problems….stop it.

Dr. S and the CBI and his governorship, and his currency are defending himself – that to us is humungous! They’re fighting back!! The Iraqi dinar, we defend it! WE will not resort to paying salaries in USD’s …our monetary reform is moving and we’re defending it.

The BS on the Iraqi reform…it’s irritating! The lies on the MR on Dr. S are insulting with the only intelligence of this MR….he’s the only one that makes sense to us…the only one considered to be giving us intelligence about the MR that he’s orchestrating very well. We don’t need no stickin’ USD’s or help – just secure my CBI and I have a list of things in July I will release. GOI-CBI are one now and it’s an extremely powerful statement.

The IQD is what the world wants! Look at China….or Greece. They want it!

They’re going about their lives in debt with a deficit as they’re expecting for a miracle to rescue them and their friends (currencies)….Who do we give credit to for the progress? Dr. S and CBI. Sure.

In the past week, global institutions – remember me and Delta talked about institutions that would be doing this. Doing what? Remember the IQD, USD….check this out. In the past week, global institutions like FITCH AND MOODY – STANDARDS AND POORS…all met with Iraqi Ministers on the financial standing side…and the oil …and CBI …and the deputy national security advisor along with senior and expert advisors and the LAWYERS for all these representatives…for the purpose to evaluate the credit of Iraq that’s unclassified. It’s not a public rate….(ya think?)

All of these got together and talked about INTERNATIONAL BONDS….and the Minister of Finance and planning of Iraq ….etc….to TALK ABOUT THE BONDS OF IRAQ? Somebody’s about to buy them, arent’ they? Who give credit to? The CREDIT RATE INCREASE…the only way to be sold. Wow!

So, this meeting and these past few days – the MR has brought us to the point where the credit rating, earned, has been increased for them. This is the RIGHT TIME….because next month is the right time…about Iraq’s Sovereignty—yes!! It also allows the world to trust Iraq and reach out to them for business relationships.

The disadvantage is no longer predominant with Iraq – you can trust the GOI – CBI – and their money – it gives them birth with the international language they’re about to sell. Yeah!

You will never see Art. 8 until they lift the value of their currency – this is the ORDER of their ORDER.

So, how’s your LAW, AMENESTY? Good…you had 30 days to complete the session on the Amnesty Law – it’s in the process and I think it’s about to be passed….before July should be good. Dr. S keeps calling – are you done yet? He wants to use it.

How’s your INVESTMENT LAW? Fine….you getting a permanent…no, I’m getting primed. The investment law wants to be used.

How’s your HCL? Prime ribbed…LOL….filet mignon! LOL

How’s your NATIONAL GUARD….excuse me? What? You mean here in the US? Fine…how’s your NG in Iraq? They’re really fine…because we have laws to take care of our borders. The only way we can have Art. 8 is to have laws to take care of our borders and laws in place. So how’s your National Guard? AMAZING, isn’t it? So many things are involved in the security of the CBI and governorship right now.

NG – you do a lot of things out of the country – about 50% in country – where are you the other 50% of the time? We’re on the borders. And next month is TARIFF LAW….all these laws are almost an endless line.

The FINANCE COMMITTEE – the old friends of Maliki, a bunch of men acting like a bunch of chickens, but don’t let it bothered you – NOTHING CAN STOP THE MONETARY REFORM….these little bitty troublemakers in the CBI-GOI have nothing to do with the MR that belongs solely to the governor of the CBI which is Dr. Shabibi. They’re doing the monetary reform first to CREATE SECURITY to see the disappearance of Art. 8.

Remember on KTFA – Big Iron – I pray that the family understands Art. 8 is important….My response: IMO one out of 2 is not bad and IMO the HCL is in the budget and awaits Art. 8…

1) Lift the 000’s - give us a value
2) It would abolish Art. 8 – we would enter international world
3) 2015 budget is opened
4) HCL is exposed
5) Economic explosion of that country because the citizens will take their HCL and take care of their country.

There’s a SHIFT IN THE CURRENCY MATRIX OF THEWORLD COMING….the House of 12 – 7TH for the 7th is coming. Security comes in many forms and 14 were arrested with more to be arrested too.

I’m not thrilled about Russia, but I’m thrilled that the USA – Obama (that was a surprised) – has assigned a czar, established by the US, to overlook Iran and we don’t want any problems with Russia who’s buddy-buddy with them right now.

More security – Can I give you IMO that Dr. S is just thrilled about. Key banks in Iraq and India and Dubai….we’re now hooked up his banks with their banks….many other banks.

The fact that Abadi supports the lifting of the 000’s is a powerful thing for the CBI. He vows to reach the USD value…ABADI SAID I VOW TO REACH THE USD VALUE. My goodness! This is very good!

An international supervisory body will scrutinize the criminal actions since 2003 and Maliki will be found guilty--- not Dr. Shabibi – understand we’re giving you a plethora of security.

CBI is meeting with security scholars…like Dr. Shabibi guys. Why would scholars come from all around the world. The IQD that they want to be 1:1 IMO.

Dr. S’s voice article after article – so many CBI-GOI themes – is important. A’s voice is S’s voice. Hook on to that. WS’s articles are proving that.

Reverse pressure on the IMF is being used the SDR’S on more currencies than just the Chinese remendi – but also on the Iraqi dinar and they’re giving them the green light to lift the value. Reverse psychology from the IMF….to use the SDR’s.

Iraq dinar in the eye in the storm….ya think? That was a good article…I call it the perfect storm.

More security? There’s a travel ban….it’s contributing to the arrest of many troublemakers at the border of Iraq…you leaving or going to cause problems? Not only travel bans by laws, border laws, and tariff laws next month. I can’t paint this prettier…!

Want more? The CBI will distribute 1 trillion dinars for the entrepreneurialship – the moment they open the budget, art. 8 the people will take their money and explode their economy. This place is ordained! It’s special. This place is for us – as Chrisitans, as followers of God.

1 TRILLION DINARS FOR THE PEOPLE….Talk about trust…making money is sure a lot easier than trying to figure out how to steal it and they finally figured it out.

Greece will get a solution – we told you. I will admit, but if it’s not fulfilled, Germany is ready. Mark 1 not 2 – we told you about the Mark and what it would do to Greece, but we don’t want this. We want trust.

IMO this is what we’re seeing – regardless of what the media’s telling you – THIS IS SECURITY.

Pressure on Abadi to remove Maliki as one of the VP’s of the GOI. Awe yeah! There’s a lot of shifting in the matrix of what used to be.

It’s not like Abadi has to think about this to get that government ready for Dr. Shabibi, but he’s letting the momentum build on Maliki’s removal. He could have very easily said NO….okay – I’ll get rid of Maliki, but instead he said…no…He’s supposed to be neutered…out of it. Abadi,,, ah, ah….got heartburn? Get rid of Maliki…I- I-I-will…whereas when you ask him he says, heck yeah. But if he tells you and the media – the momentum is building to get him out of there. It’s starting to occur…it was a nasty, brutal meeting.

In the meantime….want more? From China yuan to India’s reminbi – lots of talk is everywhere with trust and unity with the IMF and what they’re doing…you see it, don’t you?

Iraqi banks are committed to the CBI – you saw that today. This is important. Iraqi banks say they’re not committed to the CBI, but guess what? The citizens are next. Hopefully in July.

Did you know they’re building giant shopping malls everywhere…LOL – they’re being built for the citizens who have NO PURCHASING POWER!! LOL – this is comical!

The purchasing power comes first then the malls can be built – not really! The purchasing power comes like a snap of a finger.

The GOI Finance Committee says they’ll send the money laundering act law to the capital for a vote and send it to be amended…THE OPPOSITE OF MALIKI’S REGIME. Surely you see they’re going to annihalate Art. 8. It’s a simple walk-over – an explosion of economic reform when it’s removed.

SECURITY = TRUST…USD goes down in KURDISTAN! In value? -- In usage. Wow! Now we’re talking – even Kurdistan understands and they’re very eager to talk about this right now. They want to talk about their history, their language….their currency – they’re working in harmony with them.

Iraq’s borders MUCH STRONGER….a force of corruption and what Dr. S does not want in his banks…and A doesn’t want in his government.

You want more? Iran, Syria, and Iraq are getting together to meet to fight against terrorism. That’s an accomplishment because we don’t want to fight anymore! We want to make money together and be more powerful than the USD that has led the world for a long time. We liked Mike but we sure didn’t like those GI Joe’s….we thank you GI Joe’s.

We know what you want…we’ll get to that democracy – for right now, this parliamentary stuff is doing quite well. It’s part of your notes.

CBI TO LAUNCH A NATIONAL LOAN PROJECT….Stop!! That’s too funny! A NATIONAL LOAN PROJECT???? H-O-W? Unbelievable! The IQD will soon be the new sheriff in town…I told you she’s pretty. The IQD will become the new USD – (ahhhh!) Equal in power! (ahhhh! No one ever said that)

Post #202 from walkingstick – Drum roll: FINANCE MINISTER – sometimes okay guy, sometimes not – PICK YOUR SITES CAREFULLY – Zubari said that we’re working on selling these bonds. Really? 5 BILLION USD – 5 TRILLION IQD WORTH…..That’s good Zubari ..That’s good, but just out of curiosity, what else do you have to say about these bonds.

Well, these THREE BANKS (remember we talked to you about 3 banks in 3 cities?) -- and with the NEW CREDIT RATING WE’RE ABOUT TO RECEIVE….we will start ISSUANCE or PROMOTING…okay – We’ll start SELLING THESE BONDS AT THE END OF JUNE…..I don’t care about a date, I care about the monetary process…not to exaggerate it or let it become cancerous and hurt someone else. Take all the time you want…actually saying something right about what Dr. Shabibi wants. – Start selling them!

Do you realize I’ve said a lot of key things I hope you picked up on.

1166 = NO LIQUIDITY – They’re like the CBI auctions at 1166 – whoopee!

By the way, the banks are going to back these auctions, but only to test them to see if they’re honest and with accuracy within the laws. They will…

Finally, the Finance Committee may actually stop complaining for every little thing and start to work with Dr. and the MR – now that the FC is haunted by ….

The Kurds are only going to use the USD, thumbs up says Dr. S….and use it to raise their liquidity – thumbs up says Dr…..LOTS OF LOVE HERE…The first time in history that the Kurds are actually going to use bonds to sell in order to create liquidity and no one is buying them at 1166 – they have to be at an international currency.

Remember we told you 3 weeks ago when Dr. S was in Deutchland…the USD would be the biggest buyers -- the Kurds (an article said) hired the Deutch banks and Goldman Sachs to promote these bonds!! Remember Delta and I said there’d be many instruments…..Western Union but this is better. The Kurds are doing the same thing that Dr. S is doing in Baghdad…hooking up with these banks, oil liquidity – and trust – because of all this security in the last few weeks.

Will the Kurds and what they want to do also have to get in that long line;..I don’t know – if they do, appreciate that line. I gave you about 20+ things but it’s over 100. Start making a list, getting people to make a post, call it the A-TEAM…that’s Abadi’s team and within that team is Dr. Shabibi….make it long, long passed, already telegraphed.

Make me a long list and we’ll read it next Monday and pray over it because you understand this list is real. It exists…IT’S A REALITY – IT’S NOT FICTION. Some of it has living breathing human…Once you see this longgggg list, you may realize that this balloon is about to burst (MR) but not at 1166 – but the fact we have that in position, the 1166 is not a reality and is up to the governor of the CBI right now.

By the way….these bonds….you saw it – nothing new. The Kurds say they’re going to PRICE THEM NEXT WEEK! That’s JULY! But they won’t work at 1166 and they can’t price them. Baghdad will price them with all those nerd pencil guys giving them ideas about the dollar.

ONE MORE….OIL – My gosh, you know they have lots of it and now they have the LAWS TO PROTECT THIS OIL…to use this as liquidity. 4 million barrels a day – it’s serious. There’s many more examples, but understand the CBI is looking for revenue streams….they’re becoming vast oceans of hope and economic growth for Iraq and her citizens…Can you say CAPITAL MARKETS? They have the laws from oil to bonds to border taxes to a very, very long line…THEY ARE READY!

Another revenue stream that has me smiling so much is that the borders picked up over 17 billion dinars…HOW? Exactly what the CBI wanted to see. It’s in July – the MIDDLE OF THE YEAR.

KTFA Monday night Conference Call

Approx.135 minutes long

The first part of call is Business Promo, and the second part is Iraq/Dinar Intel

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