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Monday, June 29, 2015

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments 6-29-15 Part 2 of 2

Morning News Comments 06/29/2015  Part 2 of 2

Housing waiting for a loan from the World Bank for the reconstruction of areas affected by terrorism

[tlm724] because of the weakness of the financial liquidity of the ministry they await financial loan from the World Bank to direct Macs.

[tlm724] oh weakness, is that what they are calling it today lol

[tlm724] The Investment Committee and the economy in Parliament, confirmed that the borrowing Iraq $ 800 million from the World Bank will help the government to fulfill its financial obligations.

[tlm724] World Bank better track that money, just has a tendency to disappear in Iraq Suspect 

Dollar central way to finance the budget

[tlm724] expanded seminar attended by Governor of the Central Bank d. On the Keywords and a large number of academics, economists and officials of institutions and businessmen to discuss the reasons behind the crisis, the Iraqi dinar and low value against the rising dollar and its impact on the Iraqi economy

[tlm724] the central bank's position by taking quick measures that limited the aggravation of the crisis and the return of the dinar to its previous status

[tlm724] means getting the dinar back in line close the CBI price, 1237 today as bubbies pointed out

[tlm724] wished to continue its initiatives to stop the interventions, especially those related to trying to time limit to sell the dollar by 75 million dollars a day

[tlm724] gotta keep the GOI out of the policy of the CBI

[tlm724] to achieve stability in the prices returned that objective of the central President.

[tlm724] that the sale of the dollar contributes funding the commercial sector central to the fact that is a monopolist of dollars so he is on coverage of foreign imports as the data indicate that 70 percent of the central sales go to cover foreign imports

[tlm724] well get the dinar accepted by your importers and relieve yourself of the burden ! *slap*

[tlm724] personal remittances and thus achieved another goal of the sales process, which scaled the money supply and not to resort to currency printing which leads to inflation.

[tlm724] not to resort to currency printing which leads to inflation

[tlm724] contradictions !

[tlm724] that the process was able to curb liquidity in the market by selling the dollar and the withdrawal of the dinar and re-used as needed and requests the Ministry of Finance without having to print more currency.

[tlm724] promised perception simplify this window

[tlm724] means simplify the sale of the dollar

[tlm724] that the sales process resulting in the financing of the state budget the fact that oil imports received by the country in dollars through the Ministry of Finance are recent converts to the dinar through the central bank, which buys dollars to enable it to cover its expenses in dinars

[dogznova] get the ** country off the dollar..

[tlm724] will you look at that ! they receive oil imports in dollars then convert them to dinars then buy dollars with it to enable it to cover its expenses in dinars, wth .... how screwed up is that !

[dogznova] humm

[tlm724] shakes head in disbelief !

[dogznova] me too

Legislation calls for Islamic banking law

[tlm724] banking expert stressed the importance of legislation Islamic banking law, especially after it has achieved great success funded many of the investment projects

[tlm724] yeah what he said ! whats the hold up !

[tlm724] IF they really really want their people to use the banks then they better get off their azzes and quick, get this legislation and the deposit protection law passed, they are so stupid as bubbies says, it is right in front of them, the experts and the 3 letters agencies are giving them the direction to follow ! I hope that some officials in Iraq read that because it's true !

 They want it all yet they stall and fight and look what it's doing to their economy ! Their priorities are way off course ! Throws Iraq a compass that works !

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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