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Saturday, June 27, 2015

Saturday News Summaries By Aggiedad77 and Walkingstick at KTFA

aggiedad77 » June 27th, 2015,

Saturday News Summaries and Commentaries

Economic adviser to the servants, the central bank must find a realistic price for the price of the dinar exchange Intasp with oil prices

I so enjoy reading things when Dr.S and Dr. Saleh appear to be doing things in tandem......a coordinated effort of sorts it would seem....let them crow because they know what is coming.....aligning the price of the dinar with oil, maintaining stability to ensure a smooth progression of the MR......

They understand what it will take to fully see the original dream for this currency to once again thrive.....cautious and calculated moves on their part will be what is required, not the political knee-jerks from members of Parliament who want their 15 minutes of fame and then wither in the flames of the fire..
Give the CBI some operating room, they know what must happen....allow them to perform the work they understand has to happen....the final solution is a complicated one, it cannot and will not lay in one simple form but takes on the form of many, the oil, the economic recovery, the levels of inflation, banking interests across the country, how payments are to be made, all of this is a huge balancing act....

The politicians have not a clue to its true inner workings and thus need to stand clear and watch and be amazed at the end result for Iraq and the world.

Central Bank: We are no longer bound by budget constraints on the dollar auction and wait for the federal decision in July

Break the ties that bind....the CBI has done just this....they know what the result will be in July from the court....otherwise why would they have stepped so bold in June.....theirs is a system of repair and renewal....

Give it time you will see that from what the politicians attempted to put into chains and cause restrictions will come forth a renewed effort by the CBI and Dr.S to bring this project into being in such a way that Iraq will not only be proud but respected for their efforts,

Their currency will become something to be reckoned with....herein they lay hints of good things to come.....

Note the Finance Committee is not fighting what the CBI is doing this month....they know what is coming, they know they were wrong to tie things up as they did earlier, they are just slow to admit it.

Central Bank: the process of selling the dollar is not a marginal

Notice in this article the CBI is telling you that the Ministry of Finance...not the CBI....but the Ministry of Finance does not have enough dinars....they can't make payments, they can't make salaries because they don't have enough currency.....don't hamstring things....

This is all tied to the economy of Iraq.....let the CBI do its work so the economy can get back on track again....if the Bank doesn't control the money supply everything is weakened....people tend to take money out of the country in fear of keeping it close....

The economy collapses....what we've witnessed over the past 5-6 months.....let the CBI work and see how things will turn around.

Central Bank: monetary policy will not be able to set the dollar's exchange rate against the Iraqi dinar

Stability and security....important aspects of the monetary policy.....both are things that need to be in place....the CBI is working to put them back where they were and given time it will happen....they are making good strong inroads now even....but they do need help from some government entities to control such things as borders (land, sea, and air) to bring an end to smuggling and other money laundering activities.....

The CBI is not charged with large scale efforts in that as they continue to tell us their monetary reserves....those reserves at the CBI remain ever strong, at least 2 times what is on the street currency-wise....some even say 3 times.





Aloha    Randy
by walkingstick » June 27th, 2015, 8:48 am  •  [Post 127]


06/27/2015 19:01
Adviser Abadi: calls for central a realistic exchange rate for the dinar

Monetary policy is working for the stability of the national currency and to address fluctuations, that the problem of Iraq today is the low price of a barrel of oil, which depends upon the country in obtaining hard currency, where we have lost more than 50% of the value of exports and foreign currency With the decline in the value of exports remained highly prized imports, Consequently, there is a deficit on current account.

BAGHDAD / Obelisk: stressed economic adviser to Prime Minister appearance of Mohammed Saleh, said Saturday the need to unify the exchange rate between the central bank and the price that deals with people in the market, and make it pricier one actually commensurate with the oil and economic conditions austerity sale and the defense of this price volatility price.

Saleh said in a statement published by local media, followed up "obelisk", that "the Iraqi dinar exchange rate is the same as the external value of the national currency, the value of money and this value is important to relate to the external sector, because most goods and products are imported and we got to the point Import services also including medical and legal and advisory as well as the importation of goods, explaining that "the volatility of the exchange rate in favor of the dollar and foreign currency taken from the rights of citizens and affect the income and wealth and hits the standard of living."

He added that "monetary policy is working for the stability of the national currency and to address the volatility," stressing that "the problem of Iraq today is the low price of a barrel of oil, which depends upon the country in obtaining hard currency, which lost more than 50% of the value of exports and foreign currency," noting It "with a lower value of exports remained high value imports, and thus there current account deficit."

He noted that "administrative and financial processes in general affected the exchange rate and the decreased value of the dinar against the dollar", calling for "non-interference to the work of the Central Bank", noting that "the central bank must find a realistic price for the exchange rate Intasp with the economic situation and the defending state this price, and the market and the central bank at a price of one, and that the price difference does not exceed 2%, explaining that "if the desire of the state to improve the value of the Iraqi dinar, it is with the economy improves conditions in the country."

"The big difference at the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar between the central bank and the market is leading to a loss for the country and the Central Bank", stressing that the monetary policy should put the price of one, and that the proportion of this price with the price of a barrel of oil, which is sold at about $ 60, not $ 110 and commensurate with the balance of payments deficit and not its austerity budget surplus and with the conditions, and this is decided by the central bank to move away from conflicts. "

The exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar exposure to speculation during the last period and a large rise in record time, prompting cell crisis to agree to the proposal of the Central Bank to cancel 8% of customs and excise tax imposed on the purchase of the dollar.

The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq and the Agency on the Keywords confirmed the absence of fear of the rise in the dollar's exchange rate against the Iraqi dinar, revealing the "Ask a local bonds worth $ 5 billion; to provide liquidity to the state."LINK


Central Bank: The government border control and track the money diverted to control the rising dollar

BAGHDAD - Iraq Press - June 27: called on the Central Bank of Iraq on Saturday, the government to control the border and keep track of the money that comes out of the country and the fight against economic crime, justified his call that "monetary policy will not be able to adjust the US dollar exchange rate against the Iraqi dinar."


A member of the parliamentary Finance: central measures in reducing the rise in the dollar is weak

Written by AH History: 06/27/2015 14:08

Baghdad - INA / was considered a member of the parliamentary finance committee, Abdul Qader Mohammed, on Saturday, that the measures taken by the Central Bank, to reduce the high price of the dollar, weak, accused of smuggling mafias causing the rise in the dollar that.

Said Mohammed, for "official Iraqi News Agency", that "the return of high dollar rates again, back to the smuggling operations abroad in addition to the weakness of the procedures established by the Central Bank".

"The method used for the sale of foreign currency in the bank caused the control of certain views on foreign currency and smuggled abroad."

"The measures taken again in order to maintain the stability of the dollar and flow in the Iraqi domestic market is considered weak is not completed, despite the lifting of restrictions on the auction of foreign currency."


Economic adviser to the servants, the central bank must find a realistic price for the price of the dinar exchange Intasp with oil prices

{Baghdad: Euphrates News} stressed economic adviser to Prime Minister appearance of Mohammed Saleh, said Saturday the need to unify the exchange rate between the central bank and the price that deals with people in the market, and make it pricier one actually commensurate with the oil and economic conditions austerity sale and the defense of this price volatility price .

He said Saleh told {Euphrates News} "The Iraqi dinar exchange rate is the same as the external value of the national currency, the value of money and this value is important to relate to the external sector, because most goods and products are less obtrusive and we got to the point Import services also including medical, legal and consultancy as well as import Goods, explaining that "the volatility of the exchange rate in favor of the dollar and foreign currency taken from the rights of citizens and affect the income and wealth and hits the standard of living."

He added that "monetary policy is working for the stability of the national currency and to address the volatility," stressing that "the problem of Iraq today reduced the price of a barrel of oil, which depends upon the country in obtaining hard currency, which lost more than 50% of the value of exports and foreign currency, "noting that" with a lower value of exports remained highly prized imports, and therefore there is a deficit on current account. "

He noted that "the administrative and financial operations in General weighed on the exchange rate and decreased value of the dinar against the dollar ", calling for" non-interference to the work of the Central Bank ", noting that" the central bank must find a realistic price for the exchange rate Intasp with the economic situation and defend the state for this price, and the market and the Central Bank the price of one, and that does not exceed the price difference of 2%, explaining that "if the desire of the state to improve the value of the Iraqi dinar, it is with the economy improves conditions in the country."

He stressed that "the big difference at the price of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar between the central bank and the market is leading to the loss of the country The Central Bank ", stressing that the monetary policy should put the price of one, and that the proportion of this price with the price of a barrel of oil, which is sold at about $ 60, not $ 110 and commensurate with the balance of payments deficit and does not have a surplus and with austere budget conditions, and this is decided by the central bank to move away collisions ".

The exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar price exposure to Amadarapat during the last period and a large rise in record time, prompting cell crisis to agree to the proposal of the Central Bank to cancel 8% of customs and excise tax imposed on the purchase of the dollar.

The governor of the Iraqi Central Bank and the agency Keywords confirmed the absence of fear of the rise in the dollar's exchange rate against the Iraqi dinar, revealing the "Ask a local bonds worth $ 5 billion; to provide liquidity to the state."

Keywords and said at a news conference in Baghdad that "the central bank has foreign currency is the weakness of the local currency in market, and what happened in the past few days indicates that these attempts involve the kind of speculation and profit-taking may also involve other targets do not want to enter into details; because this rally is certainly within the indicators is natural, but is this Mahalaot stand the central bank policy ? It is certainly both emergency on the market ".anthy m


Central Bank: We are no longer bound by budget constraints on the dollar auction and wait for the federal decision in July

BAGHDAD / Mohammad Sabah

The central bank revealed that he managed to lift restrictions on dollar auction after his recent meeting with the Finance Committee in the Parliament. He noted that the Federal Court is expected to issue its final decision, in next July, the appeals presented by the government is about items in the budget.   LINK


Keywords: 70% of the bank's sales are to cover foreign imports

BAGHDAD / Center Brief for the Iraqi Media Network (IMN) - Governor of the Central Bank on the Keywords reported that 70% of central bank sales are to cover foreign imports to the country, noting that the goal of the bank is to support the private sector.

Keywords and he said in a seminar Institute progress of the policies of development, attended by a reporter (IMN) "The Bank aims to curb liquidity in the market so that we do not have to print more currency," pointing out that "the exchange rate must be flexible in order to keep the movement in the market."

Keywords explained that "70% of the bank's sales are to cover foreign imports."

The Central Bank is working to reduce the exchange rate to maintain the rate of the Iraqi dinar.


Central Bank: the process of selling the dollar is not a marginal

Governor of the Central Bank announced on the Keywords, Saturday, that the dollar selling process is not marginal .

BAGHDAD / Obelisk: Governor of the Central Bank announced on the Keywords, Saturday, that the dollar selling process is not marginal, and among the state's budget deficit leads to poor Bank, stressed that the fragility of the security situation led to pull money out of the country .

Keywords and said in a speech during a seminar hosted by the progress of policy development institute, and pursued "obelisk", "The Ministry of Finance does not have enough dinars, which distributes the budget in dollars and we are buying the dollar ones," adding that "the sale of the dollar by the Bank process is not marginal They are linked to the country's economy . "

He added that "the budget deficit weakens as Bank does not control the size of the money supply," noting that "the fragility of the security situation lead to take out money outside Iraq . "

He stressed that "the power of the Iraqi dinar was the cause recovery neighboring countries economy," pointing out that "determining the ceiling means exemption from the Bank to maintain the price . "

He continued that "the political interventions affect the operation of the bank," noting that "media statements create confusion dollar market . "

Keywords and stressed the need to "separate the cases of corruption, smuggling and among the general situation of the exchange rate . "

The Central Bank of Iraq confirmed on Saturday (June 20, 2015), it has a foreign currency nearly twice the amount of the dinar in the market, noting that the bank does not have fears or concerns about the impact on the exchange rate.


Central Bank: monetary policy will not be able to set the dollar's exchange rate against the Iraqi dinar

BAGHDAD / ... Central Bank of Iraq announced on Saturday that monetary policy will not be able to adjust the exchange rate of the US dollar against the Iraqi dinar, while the government called for border control and track the money that comes out of the country and the fight against economic crime.

He said the Central Bank's board member Majid picture for "Eye Iraq News" that "monetary policy is trying to adjust the exchange rate of the dollar against the dinar, but this will not affect too much," pointing to the existence of other factors that have an impact on the exchange rate the security and political stability and control of border crossings such as the situation land, air and sea. "

He called the picture "The government has to cooperate with various parties in order to follow up corruption and track the money that comes out of the country and the fight against economic crime."

"The monetary reserves at the Central Bank as possible to play a major positive role in the stability of the dollar exchange rate on condition of interference by other parties."

It is noteworthy that the Governor of the Central Bank on the Keywords announced that the decision to cancel 8% of customs and excise tax imposed on the purchase of the dollar exchange rate will decrease over the next week, and will contribute to lower consumer goods prices. It ended 7


Central Bank: monetary policy will not set the dollar exchange rate

Central Bank of Iraq announced on Saturday that monetary policy will not be able to adjust the exchange rate of the US dollar against the Iraqi dinar, while the government called to control the borders and keep track of the money that comes out of the country and the fight against economic crime.

He said the Central Bank's board member Majid picture that "monetary policy is trying to adjust the exchange rate of the dollar against the dinar, but this will not affect too much," pointing to the existence of other factors that have an impact on the exchange rate the security and political stability and control of land, air and sea border crossing points such as the situation ".

He called the picture "The government has to cooperate with various parties in order to follow up corruption and track the money that comes out of the country and the fight against economic crime."

"The monetary reserves at the Central Bank as possible to play a major positive role in the stability of the dollar exchange rate on condition of interference by other parties."

It is noteworthy that the Governor of the Central Bank on the Keywords announced that the decision to cancel 8% of customs and excise tax imposed on the purchase of the dollar exchange rate will decrease over the next week, and will contribute to lower consumer goods prices. JH

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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