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Friday, June 26, 2015

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments 6-26-15

Morning News Comments 06/26/2015

The central bank's "Tomorrow Press:" the project to delete the zeros will be applied beginning of the year 2017 

[tlm724] heres the comments from yesterday afternoon 

[tlm724] "it is likely the launch of the new category from the beginning of the currency in 2017 because there are a number of opponents of the project", pointing out that "Asaddaramlat category of cash 50, 100 and 200 to ease trading currency burdens after deletion of zeros, 

[tlm724] you all do realize they gotta have value before hand to do all that right ? 

[tlm724] grow baby grow 

[tlm724] float me down the river, *** I don't care how they do it !

[tlm724] show me a penny baby then I'll hang on for the ride 
[tlm724] Reflection said " I'm with Timmy, show me a decent size pip and steady rise or even near a penny, that'll tell me it's going... I wouldn't care if takes till 2017 or whenever. If they truly commit to full tariffs, they'll have to move some I'd think. That's just me though."

[therealbubbie] show me a penny baby then i'll hang on for the ride .. heck i can beat that ... show me 1000=1 !

[tlm724] Herb62 said " Slow steady rise would build confidence and drive up demand . "

[tlm724] therealbubbie yes that will work, just show us something !

[therealbubbie] but they don't ... only when their hard pressed !!

[tlm724] lightingcslt said " the biggest news there folks is, no lop and notes good for 10 years great article. "

[tlm724] therealbubbie seems things are getting harder for them, pressure it on baby !


Oil Ministry and the prime minister constitute a joint committee to study the draft oil and gas law

[tlm724] Thursday, for the formation of the Oil Ministry and the Office of the joint committee to study the draft oil and gas law for the purpose of prepared and approved by the Cabinet of Prime Minister

[tlm724] "the oil and gas law of important and necessary laws that must be approved in order to regulate the processes of production and exports,"

[tlm724] adding that "there are no drafts of the bill only primary draft to the Council of Ministers, which would be examined by the Commission referred to

[tlm724] "the law will not perform During the next legislative term, or even this year without being resolved differences blocs on the production or export potential export destination.

[tlm724] thats right if they can't agree then it won't go through !


Kurdish lawmaker: relationship the region place undergoing serious stages

[tlm724] "relationship with the Kurdistan Regional Government Government Center undergoing serious stages as a result of the emergence of new crises as well as aggravate previous chronic problems that have not been reached to resolve them.

[tlm724] if it's not one thing it's the other lol as BondLady always says " you got peanut butter in my chocolate, no you got chocolate in my peanut butter" lol always afraid someone will get more then them !

[tlm724] "the government and the political Kurdish delegation, which will travel to Baghdad soon Sechts examine my dues region and to agree the oil will determine the fate of the common relationship,

[tlm724] take an accountant with you


Attorney Abadi: Oil companies have begun to invest in heavy Basrah

[tlm724] foreign companies have already begun to invest and extract heavy oil and production in the province of Basra," noting that he "shall issue prices competitive private to American companies

[tlm724] "heavy oil will be a new addition to the Iraqi oil, and factor in the increase in public revenues and rising demand in the global market on Iraqi crude.

[tlm724] nice !

[tlm724] saying it was the first time that Iraq exports heavy crude oil 40 years ago

[tlm724] thats awesome and great to see the competitive pricing for American companies


A source familiar with: Central bank director on the Keywords taking pulls from Bank reserves, without offset to face the climb in the dollar exchange rate

[tlm724] to take on the Keywords pursuing a failed policy to stop the rise of the US dollar against the Iraqi dinar and instead of finding viable alternatives to stop the deterioration of the dinar took withdraw savings from the Central Bank and relegated to the domestic market

[tlm724] he is on the chopping block, he should be questioned again and again then replaced !

[tlm724] that Keywords instead of the increase of bank reserves taking pulls him in the hope of strengthening the dinar, but the problem is that all trades do not cover it until the planned issuance of bank bonds do not cover the amounts meaning it will not be able to recover the reserve like borrow a loan behind the loan, but will not be able in the end with a shot so there will be a shortage of bank reserves

[tlm724] questioning the planned bond issue as well !

[tlm724] He pointed out that if it stayed that way in the face of the rise of the US dollar, the cash reserves of the bank will end and the final nutshell, Iraq will be on the lip of the hole Bankruptcy

[tlm724] stop the economic train wreck before it happens !


International Criminal Court's decision to refer the Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and his aides to court on charges of genocide:

[tlm724] this is a repeat article let me show you !

Jack O death who does not pray .. Maliki referral to the International Criminal Court Under section: politicalDated: May 14, 2014 Court The Hague: Iraq News Network International Criminal Court decided to refer the Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and a group of his senior aides to court on charges of genocide. 

Mr. Mohammed Al-Kaabi spokesman Court for the Middle East said that one of the associates of al-Maliki who Torteurahalthm to court Gen. Farouk al-Araji, director of al-Maliki's military office and Lt. Gen. Ali Ghaidan, commander of ground forces and Saadoun al-Dulaimi, the defense minister and the agency, Adnan al-Asadi senior agent Interior Ministry and intelligence chief Zuhair Gharbaoui team Qassim Atta, director of operations at the intelligence service and the team called Hgati head of the anti-terrorism device. 

He revealed that the Court now has complete files crimes committed by al-Maliki and his aides, including genocide in Anbar and Kirkuk and the blatant violation of no rights of man and follow the brutal methods of torture and violation of freedoms of citizens and contrary to the Geneva Conventions and the Charter of the United Nations and international law

[tlm724] maybe just maybe this will happen at some point ! Hang them all ....  

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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