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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Butifldrm & Member Chat Discussion 6-30-15  Part 2 of 2

Post From Chat Room Part 2 of  2

Butifldrm: ‹@gold642› we have been much stronger economically years before and still collapse

chattels: Joseph Heller coined the term in his 1961 novel Catch-22.

chattels: A catch-22 is a paradoxical situation from which an individual cannot escape because of contradictory rules.

gold642: and the collapse is just another banking world game

KiwiDoc: ‹@chattels› thata boy, I knew you were there!!

Butifldrm: ‹@gold642› if you are talking as a nation, no I do not believe so, but economically I do believe so.
gold642: economically is game played by the international banking controls of the world

Butifldrm: ‹@gold642› and they are loosing the controls

KiwiDoc: ‹@Butifldrm› Our debt is out of control, what seems ironic is our oil and metal holdings, some of if not the largest in the world

Butifldrm: look at this

gold642: we sanction war for oil and flip back to the money power

Butifldrm: Don't let the unthinkable become the new normal, says BIS in 85th Annual Report

Butifldrm: you need to read

gold642: and the BIS are the powers of out world

Butifldrm: Even the BIS says the Central Banks cannot handle the next and upcoming crisis

gold642: the roths

gold642: ‹@Butifldrm› BIS controls and owns the Central Banks

Butifldrm: brb patient calling

Butifldrm: ‹@gold642› I'm telling you read this thread

Butifldrm: I posted today

gold642: no

gold642: I will never ever believe ANYTHING the BIS states its going to do before hand.

gold642: BIS has done it and stated like that for so many years.

gold642: It all comes down for them on oil up and down, they do it and state it every year.

KiwiDoc: ‹@Butifldrm› the one thing above all in my opinion is the US banked on technology being our golden egg. We shipped all our jobs offshore for "profits". So we sold out the middle class for $$ for the few. Germany has long had success selling expensive cars because of "German Quality" It used to be

KiwiDoc: Made in America meant something....Now it means for the most part, made here means criminal in some form or fashion

KiwiDoc: financial crooks mostly, and with the internet we are now victum to our own misdeeds. JMO

[08:04:03 PM] molonlabe: ‹@Butifldrm› very interesting read. Sounds like there is a need to go back to Austrian economics, and an asset-backed monetary system.

gold642: an asset-backed monetary system = oil

gold642: the money is out pockets, backed by oil

gold642: in our system.

gold642: an asset-backed monetary system = oil

gold642: the money is out pockets, backed by oil

gold642: in our

chattels: Security situation weighs on Iraq's economy BAGHDAD — The Iraqi army, backed by the Popular Mobilization Units, has been engaged in war for more than a year now against the Islamic State (IS). There do not seem to be any prospects that the war, which has affected the livelihoods and social realities of Iraqis, will end anytime soon. The heavy costs incurred by Iraq to acquire weapons and pay fighters led to the declaration of the 2015 austerity budget, which subsequently raised poverty rates in the country. Read more:

Butifldrm: Sorry I'm back

Butifldrm: ‹@molonlabe› yes absolutely

Butifldrm: currencies have to have some backin

gold642: and that is oil


Butifldrm: they tried to do it with Basel compliance but it has not happened and rarely do they even talk about it anymore

KiwiDoc: If you look at Alaska, the metal mine in western Ak would blow you away. We have alot of metals as well

Butifldrm: ‹@chattels› yes, Iraq will not pass the necessary laws to get this situation under control

KiwiDoc: One of the fundamental issues we have is the corruption in our banking system and NO criminal prosecutions at the highest levels....They took way more than Bernie M

Butifldrm: ‹@gold642› it was oil, but now we see waht's happened to the oil market

gold642: ‹@Butifldrm› NOTHING

Butifldrm: Oil was around $70 per barrel until this thing happened with Greece

[08:13:52 PM] gold642: oil is and will control our currency and our world

gold642: ITS...A.....GAME

Butifldrm: that was 2 days ago

 Butifldrm: today it's down to $60


] KiwiDoc: ‹@Butifldrm› so the future's market is on it's ear

Butifldrm: currencies have to be stability

Butifldrm: ‹@gold642› oil was never the backing

Butifldrm: the backing was Gold

Butifldrm: until we were taken off the Gold Standard

Butifldrm: Bretton Woods

gold642: ‹@Butifldrm› gold was backing what

gold642: oil back our currency

KiwiDoc: ‹@Butifldrm› what is your reaction to the Euro. 3% drop last I heard, don't know if that has changed but a blip on the radar instead of catastrophe

Butifldrm: ‹@gold642› WE had a Gold backed currency

gold642: and that has to do with what now

Butifldrm: ‹@KiwiDoc› I believe the majority of the markets and the media are manipulated

gold642: oil runs and controls this world and will for decades and decades

Butifldrm: we just saw % of the major banks fined around 5B dollars for manipulation, yet noone went to jail

Butifldrm: we see Eric holder now put in place as the justice /surveillance officer lol       
KiwiDoc: ‹@Butifldrm› I would agree, that not withstanding the lack of reaction due to "controlled" measures, if Greece walks away from the central banks clutches, others will follow don't you think?

KiwiDoc: ‹@Butifldrm› ‹@Butifldrm› so are you saying the Fox is watching the Hen House?

Butifldrm: ‹@KiwiDoc› absolutely, it's all a house of cards now

Butifldrm: I love what Martin Armstrong said! Freedom

KiwiDoc: ‹@Butifldrm› that's a relief, I thought i was becoming demented

Butifldrm: ‹@KiwiDoc› Do you remember what Iceland did in 2012?                                           
KiwiDoc: ‹@Butifldrm› yes and they have recovered....but our congress is controlled by the very people we want to collar....

Butifldrm: The greedy bankers have forgot one thing. Austerity brings on Depression

Butifldrm: Iceland figured it out

Butifldrm: Icelandic Anger Bringing Record Debt Relief


Butifldrm: it was called debt forgiveness

Butifldrm: They forgave about 90% of the mortage debt and the economy is now booming

KiwiDoc: ‹@Butifldrm› exactly

Butifldrm: Troika in Greece is insane

Butifldrm: Do you know that Greece is paying 14% interest on it's debt

KiwiDoc: ‹@Butifldrm› He is merely playing to his audience

Butifldrm: sadly in a zero% banking climate

Butifldrm: ‹@KiwiDoc› Tpsiras?

KiwiDoc: yes

KiwiDoc: sorry

Butifldrm: He's playing both sides of the fence for sure?

Butifldrm: either way, Greece Defaulted

Butifldrm: teh first supposed major economy to do so

KiwiDoc: and their banks have closed for a bit

Butifldrm: Even Iraq is paying the IMF

KiwiDoc: like us in the 30's

Butifldrm: Yes the 30's brought on a reset

Butifldrm: IMO we are looking forward to another

Butifldrm: How it will look I have no idea

Butifldrm: I'm sure the Chinese will be involved

KiwiDoc: Heck I think they are involved......IMO

Butifldrm: ‹@KiwiDoc› yes I'd say they are taking advantage of the strong dollar to buy up all our assets

Butifldrm: Ok I loved the chat I better get back to packing Night guys

DT N AZ: 14% Interest is OUTRAGEOUS!! and completely uncalled for

KiwiDoc: ‹@Butifldrm› Remember the Japanese in Hawaii back in the "80's" I might be a decade off but that was a worry we all thought they were buying the state

KiwiDoc: ‹@Butifldrm› Terrific chat...thanks

[Butifldrm: ‹@KiwiDoc› Oh there is one more thing I forgot to tellyou

KiwiDoc: yes

Butifldrm: There more than likely will be more capital flight from Europe to the US increasing the value of the dollar in the near future and this will increase the value of the dollar and drop the price of oil.

Butifldrm: this will not stand good for Iraq

Butifldrm: ‹@KiwiDoc› yes I remember

OOTW: thanks so much butifldrm

Butifldrm: and now the Japanese because of countless years of money printing have depreciated their currency to record levels

Butifldrm: ‹@OOTW› YW  lol

KiwiDoc: ‹@Butifldrm› Most excellent

Butifldrm: ‹@KiwiDoc› It's my Love

Butifldrm: ‹@DT N AZ› yes it is

KiwiDoc: ‹@Butifldrm› ‹ It shows

Donnie: ‹@Butifldrm› TYVM for this knowledge share tonight. :)

KiwiDoc: ‹@OOTW› well done!                   


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