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Friday, June 26, 2015

Friday News Summaries by Aggiedad77 at KTFA

aggiedad77 » June 26th, 2015, 12:11 pm 

Friday News Summaries and Commentaries

Deputy: the suffering of the displaced people is a new grant of one million smart card and corruption

Well at least one Kurd MP is going out and talking amongst the displaced persons camps in the Kurdistan.....talking but listening as well to issues that surround electricity, water shortages, and the smart card......are the cards being distributed as they should be or is there corruption creeping into the system.....apparently from what he saw and heard there are at least suspicion of corruption...not a good thing.
Iraq plans to issue foreign bonds worth two billion dollars

So the bonds the Iraqi's plan to issue will come in at least 2 phases it would seem, first $2 billion dollars worth....then perhaps the remainder...and still this article speaks of issues over the sale of Basra oil and how the revenues will be used.....unclear who is right on this issue at this point in time....Finance Minister Zebari had issued claims earlier last week I believe that was saying these accusations are false....meanwhile look for changes in how Iraq deals with the international oil companies and how they are paid in the future.

A member of the parliamentary Finance: The Benefits of bonds worth $ 5 billion curtail the role of speculators

Ok from our other brothers at the Finance Committee, never let a news opportunity go to waste.....they see the new bonds that could be released in late July as being a way to reduce speculators....the one thing that would be a positive from these bond sales would be improved liquidity for Iraq.

Independent bodies ... wrestle between political and legal management proxy forces

This is an issue the various political blocs have been struggling with since the last government and still today they have no real viable solution.....I would think they should schedule a meeting with PM Abadi and sit down at a table and talk seriously about the concerns that each have regarding this proxy issue....

I believe that Abadi would welcome such a dialogue and want to be a part of finding a solution for all in this arena.....talking and moaning and groaning about issues does little but foster bad blood....someone needs to make a pro-active step to put this on the table to be analyzed and dealt with in a professional manner.

Decisions of the Economic Committee of the Council of Ministers

Sounds like Deputy PM Shaways' committee is making inroads towards local wheat crops for Iraqis and thumbing their noses at imports....wooohooo for them.

National Investment Authority: Modify our law provides great protection for the investor

The head of the National Investment Authority is looking for positive changes as a result of amendments made to the Investment Law.....positive impacts for investors within Iraq....this is good....supposedly this law will be presented for a vote early in the next session of Parliament that begins next Wednesday.
Karbala receive the first batch of the 2015 budget and stresses: We are paying off 10% of the dues Contractors

The province of Karbala said it was receiving the first part of its 2015 budget package today and would be making payments to 10% of contractors....this amounts to roughly 94 billion dinars for them.....about 9 billion dinars would be distributed amongst contractors at this time....the total share of the 2015 budget for them was only 112 billion dinars and the province was critical back in January of how this calculation was used to derive their budget entitlement for the year.

Parliamentary Finance: smuggling operations will raise the price of the dollar again

I have one thought for the Finance Committee....if you are so dang concerned about something about it.....something worthwhile this time.....either put up or shut up.....lean on the Integrity Commission to go after who ever it is that you feel is doing the's high time for you to earn your keep and to give up on throwing wrenches in the system to just try and slow things down....nuff said.

Araji: who stands with Iraq now will have preference and the government will pay dues British

British Petroluem remains a big player in the oil and gas arena of Iraq....payments to them obviously are of great importance to keep their working efforts focused on the biggest benefit for Iraq in this area......thus the need for urgency to fulfill payment needs to them in a timely fashion....sounds like BP may be working up to some preferential treatment from Iraq in the future and may see their contractual claims grow within the country.

Well perhaps this is a timely place to go in search of some macadamia nut cookies...and a prime spot in the sand before it heats up.....enjoy the day and what it has in store for you Family.   Aloha     Randy

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