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Thursday, June 25, 2015

Thursday News Summaries by Aggiedad77 at KTFA

aggiedad77 » June 25th, 2015,

Thursday News Summaries and Commentaries

Iraqi meetings in the Tunisian Economic Commission next November

Iraq will hold meetings with Tunisia during the upcoming Baghdad International Fair in November.....ho hum.....bolstering trade and economic relations between the two.....little Tunisia makes you wonder what do they have to offer to Iraq at this point in time....well I am sure that every little bit helps in the case with Iraq.

National Investment: amendment of the Investment Law which many privileges to the investor
The amendments that are being worked into the Investment Law...if approved....will be a boon for investors so the story goes....they have been working on ways to eliminate red tape and push corruption completely to the side...hopefully their plans are coming together to make such actions so....providing protections for investors....and guarantees for both sides, something quite unusual for Iraq....they say to look for this to come to a vote early next session....will be watching for it for sure.

Blu: the Kurdistan region did not withdraw from Baghdad Dollar

So now the Kurds are being accused of being behind the rise in the dollar exchange rate against the IQD......oh how silly....but then they seem to wake up to the real fact.....that fact being....Artlcle 50 is the final prize in what drove this wedge between the USD and the IQD....thank the Finance Committee for that wonderful brain just sort of slipped out....not so silent in their case but proving deadly.

A reconciliation conference between the tribes and the political blocs

Tribal members and political blocs will be meeting in Iraq over the next few days in an attempt at improving reconciliation efforts....this meeting should prove to be interesting for both factions.

Japan calls for Iraq to pay its dues working in the field of electricity

Japanese companies are asking Iraq to pay up for their work in the areas of Iraq's electrical facilities and their work to provide electricity to Iraqi citizens and businesses.....only so much can be done on credit before the creditors come knocking.

Oil Ministry and the prime minister constitute a joint committee to study the draft oil and gas law

If PM Abadi and the Oil Ministry have intentions of studying a draft of the oil and law....that must mean that a draft exists, I don't see them wasting their time on something that hasn't been written yet....hopefully this study will not take a great length of time.....the Kurds are waiting remember....all of Iraq awaits.....heck...the whole world is waiting on this baby to be birthed....but on the other hand, I can see Abadi's wanting to study this Poppa of all laws in detail.....he's probably only going to get one chance at getting this right so he wants no mistakes and all "i's" dotted and "t's" crossed....or is that "i's" crossed and "t's" dotted.

Parliamentary Finance: discuss the abolition of Article 50 of the Budget Law

What is left to discuss, your own have said it failed.....step on the can...beat it into the ground and move on's time to raise the white flag and declare yourself a failure in this realm of things....move on.

Kurdish lawmaker: Barzani nomination for a third term by reducing his powers conditional

We have in the news today some garbage and some things that may not be garbage.....remember Family....remember remember remember, the media is not your friend.....haven't been for a number of years, they are allowed to print whatever they think will sell their stories, to heck with getting the facts exactly straight.....they will interview, look deeply and intently into your eyes as though they are paying attention....then print what they see and believe as fit....

I know that for a fact....been there wore the t-shirt from the interviews and have the scars to show from it....just because of what you see today in print does not make it gospel or anywhere near the truth.....make your own decisions from it.....this article could be one of those cases in point....will Barzani repeat with a third term.....but is this a reality....only caution I have is yet another article further down the page that might make you think otherwise....choose wisely what you choose to believe.

Ceyhan: Some Oil Cargoes Cancelled

Now this is something I find extremely interesting....that the Kurds could shut off the flow of oil to Ceyhan and no one has caught onto it before now....where the heck is SOMO watching for oil export flows.....why hasn't this made news before now...shutting this kind of pipeline down can be dangerous business....but then again this is the ME and they don't operate under our guidelines for safety.....but why haven't we heard from the Turkish side of things that the tanks are in danger of being too low to load expected ships....and the scheduling of these ships is a big thing.....they have schedules to make....something just doesn't ring clear here for me on this.....hope we hear more from it later.

National Investment Authority: Modify our law provides great protection for the investor

More on the Investment Law and protections for the investor.

House Speaker announces receipt of a general amnesty law: We have 22 projects ready to vote law

So Parliament will reconvene next Wednesday and faces 22 laws that "are ready for a vote"....let's see how that plays out for them....will they get some of the big guns off the table right away or drag their heels in the sand some more....time to start watching for action.

Maliki's coalition: Snaatard the amnesty law if it included the terrorists and al-Hashemi and al-Issawi

So big of "Maliki's" coalition to step and make such statements....what are their feelings on his own debauchery that he is guilty of over the past 8 or so years.....needless to say though this is mostly an idle threat from his State of Law coalition because I do not believe they carry the clout to sway such a vote on the Amnesty Law at this point....but never take for granted the deadlines of the snake.

Jaafari, calls for France to help Iraq restore leaked effects frozen funds

Iraqi Foreign Minister Jaafari is trying to make headway with the French in seeking out sources where Iraqi funds may be banked and is asking that such funds be frozen...these funds are apparently believed to be tied to the Iraqi Development Fund....the French say they have worked in conjunction with the Iraqi's in the past and will continue to do so going forward to help them recover what is rightfully theirs.

Maliki's coalition is spearheading a campaign to block the opening of the Saudi embassy in Baghdad

Again we hear from Maliki's State of Law coalition today...this time speaking out against allowing the Saudi's to open an embassy office in Baghdad, believing it would prove counterproductive and allow the Saudi's the opportunity to conspire against Iraq and it's people.

Trade: construction will enter a strong competitor in the Iraqi market

The Ministry of Commerce is expecting to see the construction trade pick up in Iraq and work in a strong way....there are contracts that are being let to some and the bigger companies are reaching outside of Iraq for raw materials it would seem, gaining competitive pricing and hopefully quality material at the same some point you would think the Iraqis would turn homeward for these products to better promote their own local industries where possible....but right now no doubt they remain focused on strengthening the overall industry in any way possible I would think.

Patriotic Union of Kurdistan: Barzani to make way for new leaders to take over the presidency of the province

So will Barzani see a third term or will things open up for a new Kurd there a potential here for a dictatorship to move in...would that be Barzani if he hangs on or some new entity who wants control of the region.....wondering who the possible other candidates might be at this point in time.....I believe Talabani's son or nephew might be a good possibility.

Large financial loans for the unemployed

12 million in loans to the unemployed who are deserving.....this is to be done in several provinces...and will not affect the 2015 budget they say....operating expenses will cover the action.....the article points to back in May that this was done then as well....but that amount won't go far for most....but something is better than nothing when there is no employment in sight at this point.
The central bank's "Tomorrow Press:" the project to delete the zeros will be applied beginning of the year 2017

Ok, I probably should have covered this article separately and may still do it doesn't get lost in the shuffle...and I am almost positive that Frank will comment on it as well, maybe now and perhaps tonight on the TEAM Chat......this to me is one of those articles you look at highly questioningly....why....because they need to do things TODAY......they are on a roll so to speak...remember the LAVA FLOW of the MR....

This kind of slowdown does not make much sense....but study the words carefully, I can take this article to mean that the "process" of removal of the 000's has begun and will be completed in 2017....they have told us before it could be a 2 year process....they speak of making the Iraqi currency a competitor of foreign currency.....then do it now....why makes more sense than 2 years from now.....AND....don't forget the GREEN light that the CBI was given earlier this year...

That still to me is very important in the scheme of things.....of course this will be watched like a hawk to see what progresses from it....I'm waiting to see more on this before making other commitments on the idea that we see here....seeing is not always believing.

Infallible reassure Maliki: You are staying in your position

I am sure that President Masum chose his words very very carefully in talking with Maliki....sure you are staying in your week.....anything could happen.....

Maliki skates on thin ice these days we all know that....Masum knows he has to handle him with extreme caution....he has many back alley henchmen who would love to see Maliki overthrow the government.....biding time for the right moment IMO is what we see going on here...posturing for the exact time to pull the plug once and for all when the Iraqi government and security forces in place with PM Abadi can be trusted to control Maliki under lock and key somewhere.

Working Group meets for the implementation of private sector development strategy

The Planning Ministry is working on the implementation of strategies for developments within the private sector...this would be a big step forward for the private sector to build focus in areas that will be complimentary to the Iraqi economy and the reduction of things like the unemployment rate.

Time to stretch the legs and check on a few other things....back with more later.....enjoy the wonderful day our Lord has provided to us Family.  Aloha   Randy

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