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Thursday, June 25, 2015

Headline News & BGG Comments 6-25-15

Included are recent headlines and BGG’s Notes:


Court decision Atahahalh Nuri al-Maliki and his aides to court on charges of genocide

International Criminal Court’s decision to refer the Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and his aides to court on charges of genocide:

BGG Notes:

BGG: It appears to me, since the upper leadership of the SLC can’t manage to rid Iraq of Maliki the ICC (International Criminal Courts) is going ahead with doing it for them.

BGG: Major News feeds starting to carry this piece…


BGG: as an associated issue – “with his top aides” MEANS Ali al-Allaq is TOAST.

BGG: no need to remove him when the ICC is on the way…

BGG: maybe not long… AND Fuad Massoum came out today talking about replacing him (Maliki – that is…) anyway.
larrykn: so any idea who would replace Allaq

BGG: give it a sec – I bet that is the first time ANYONE has pointed out that tidbit.

BGG: like JUST NOW!!

DiagyAAAE: for sure it’s huge

larrykn: wow – great news

BGG: Allaq was Maliki’s Sec Gen of his CoM for 7-8 years I cannot imagine a scenario he isn’t scorched with Maliki on this one…

DiagyAAAE: See I was wondering that

DiagyAAAE: Is ICC bringing M and Goons or just M

BGG: solves our major obstacle… so you see – I could care less what Allaq has to say about starting the “project” in 2017… he’ll be lucky if he isn’t swinging from a rope in a year… or orange jumpsuit in his immediate future…

BGG: and even if he manages to evade all that – he’ll be lucky if he can land a job in a Baghdad McDonalds (so who cares what he has to say) :)

CanTWaitwoRV: “He revealed that the Court now has complete files crimes committed by al-Maliki and his aides, including genocide in Anbar and Kirkuk and the blatant violation of human rights and to follow the brutal methods of torture and violation of freedoms of citizens and contrary to the Geneva Conventions and the Charter of the United Nations and international law”

horsegal: HA LOVE IT!

BGG: he’s a goneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer…

CanTWaitwoRV: “violation of freedoms of citizens and contrary to the Geneva Conventions and the Charter of the United Nations and international law”

DiagyAAAE: If i was M, I would run

DiagyAAAE: while holding Alaqs hand

BGG: MD will be in for a SPECIAL NEWS TIME tonite – told you it would be BIG…

Sources: infallible and Abadi planning to dismiss al-Maliki

BGG Notes:

There was the commentary out the other day about Fuad Massoum being the one who was resisting the removal of Maliki up until now…However, I did present the thought that Maliki may have planted the info…is what it looked like to me…AAAAAND here we are…

Parliament resumes its sessions on the first of July

BGG Notes:

Seems like Parliament didn’t waste any time getting back and back to work. This should be around next Wed/Thurs… remember THIS IS IRAQ. Nothing is guaranteed to go according to plan!!

Economic seminar (public forum)

BGG - Personally, I think it’s much simpler than all of this – with Allaq in charge and him being susceptible to take his brain out and play with it at any point…he took a beating during the weekend meetings… he should have played ball a long time ago.

Xxx - Another meeting this weekend….I think Sat….open to public….to talk dinar

Yes, we should get some news on it in media….usually they do when they are public forums. Allaq will take a (another) beating!!

Economist: issuing bank for a class of 50 thousand dinars facilitate the deal and do not cause inflation

BGG Notes:

Clearly – there are two sides to this argument – Alak on the “partisan/thug” side and everyone with brains on the other… this is the easiest way to explain the seemingly opposite explanations every so often. I am believing the “good guys will win”…again…

The head of the citizen rule out the solution positions by proxy

BGG Notes:

This piece tells me they haven’t removed Alak and that the SLC is resisting such a move with everything they are… unfortunately – they see any move away from Alak as a “give-up” to the Sunnis.

For now the Hardliners see Alak as the lesser of two evils. I hope the Moderates realize their best hope for a real future lies in National reconciliation….it’s veiled jibberish – but that’s what it says…

The bad news – probably not tomorrow. The good news – it is as we have said it is. They struggle for the “Soul of Iraq”…at least it’s a fair fight – unlike before, a rigged game.

It is a legitimate struggle – now. I like that part.

P.S. this is also written as though it is an SLC opinion on what will happen… it is Iraq – no guarantees.

Jubouri: General Amnesty Law came to Parliament

BGG Notes:

If he pulls this off – it will be HUGE for Iraq… General Amnesty (excluding terror charges), Fed Court, National Guard – which BTW will help balance the Iraq Regular Army – instead of 45,000 RA vs. 120,000 Shia militia members…

The coalition of the wise: the amnesty law will pass in Parliament on condition that the inclusion of terrorists

BGG Notes:

There seems to be a general agreement developing – both Hakim and Jubouri have noted this will pass without the inclusion of terrorism convictions. They may have to scrutinize some of the previous “political rulings” – but if they pass the Fed Court law soon it should level the playing field enough for everyone to be satisfied…

Jubouri: the amnesty law would not include convicted of terrorism and court judgments issued against them

BGG Notes:

I point this out simply because this seems to be the very plight of much of the previous CBI middle management scooped up on the “Shabibi cleansing” weekend under Maliki…

“…the agreement of everyone is to achieve justice languishing in prison for very long periods of time without the investigation and resolution of their cases. “…

It would be nice to see these people given some measure of “due process”…

Urgent ..alajabura: (this is referring to al-Jubouri) three presidencies agreed to hold a special meeting of national reconciliation and to achieve confidence between the parties

BGG Notes:

Here’s “National Reconciliation” again… why?? It is VITALLY important, it hasn’t happened yet and is the key to their future if they are to stay together.  The Shias don’t want to get “ousted from power” – 

the Sunnis are sick of being minimized and brutalized by the Shias… the Kurds have similar feelings but are far closer to independence. What does it have to do with MR?? Maybe nothing – but everything to their future.

Iraqi Dinar/Dollar auction 06-25-15

BGG Notes: 

Another HUGE auction day – big auctions (currently) are good… just a couple of weeks ago we speculated they could make a big dent in their outstanding currency and take a lot of three zero notes out of circulation “on the cheap” using USD. 

Obviously Alak is “semi-retarded” or fully in Maliki’s pocket… he always starts off in the the wrong direction. 

It appears someone finally got thru to him… (kind of odd turn after getting his fanny chewed on last weekend). Look for him to get publicly eviscerated again this weekend (see notes above)...

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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