Don't WAIT!

Friday, June 26, 2015

Tidbits From Frank26 and KTFA Members Friday Afternoon

mike100:  Dont be fooled.. the stage is set, Greece knew all along what is to happen and they will be saved. We as the audience(citizens) are watching everything play out like its supposed to from a well thought out script.

Frank26:  EXACTLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

Two days after the Greece announcement we had a MONDAY CC where i told YOU:

Forget about it ........It's not the problem they claim ........ They already have a solution to this so called crisis.

Remember?   Now the KEY to any WORD is WHEN will this so called SOLUTION be presented to ...... YOU.

KTFA   Frank


Thunderhawk » June 26th, 2015,

VIDEO: Treasury Secretary Jack Lew speaks out on his wild week
...and explains the rationale for putting a woman on the $10, and not another bill

Barring a financial meltdown, the Treasury Secretary’s work is usually behind-the-scenes stuff. Weighty to be sure, but not exactly headline grabbing. This week has been an exception, which Jack Lew acknowledged as he sat down for an interview Thursday at the historic Treasury Building in Washington, D.C. With the conversation zipping from a sweeping trade bill, to high-profile, tough-love negotiating with the Chinese, to a possible Greek denouement -- oh and did we mention a little controversy over the $10 bill -- Lew appeared to be positively energized, and dare we say, even a bit outspoken, for this usually oh-so measured man.

Lew certainly didn’t mince words when it came to Greece, which faces a deadline in a matter of days to renegotiate its debt package. “I hope they take this weekend seriously. The thing about the conversations around Greece that have been of concern to me is the number of deadlines, the number of times it's gotten right to the edge,” says Lew, who’s been in regular touch with European leaders including Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras.

“The risk of an accident goes up the more times you have these [situations, and] everyone rushes to a deadline. I hope they can reach an agreement that prevents Greece from going through the deep pain that a breakdown would cause, and it doesn't create risks to either the European or the global economy. This is not the time for a shock.”

Earlier in the week, Lew was engaged in nitty-gritty negotiations with senior Chinese officials at the two-day Strategic & Economic Dialogue talks in Washington. Lew wasn’t shy about calling out the Chinese, saying: “We've made it very clear that they do things that are unacceptable. And our point has been you have to stop having government-enabled theft of trade secrets through cyber means.

 It's important that they know these are issues that potentially very much could interfere with the relationship that they want to have with the United States.” Lew says progress was made with the Chinese in terms of commitments on currency exchange rates, opening up its markets and “on the information technology issues; they have suspended a process of putting in place rules that we've said were very troubling.”

And in a rare show of bi-partisanship in Washington this week, the Senate passed a so-called fast-track trade bill that grants President Barack Obama Trade Promotion Authority (TPA), by a vote of 60-38, putting Republicans and the Obama administration on the same side of the aisle, while the dissent was populated by disenchanted Democrats who were taking into account labor union and environmentalist constituents who opposed the bill. Why were the unions against it, I asked Lew?

“Look, it's been a difficult time in a number of sectors of the economy,” he said. “And I understand very much the impact the change has had on the lives of workers. We're committed to bringing back trade agreements that meet the high standards that we've committed to. So it's not just any trade agreement, it has to be a trade agreement that protects worker rights, that protects the environment. “

Separately, Lew warned that is was a mistake for Congress to let the Internal Revenue Service languish. “I think it's very shortsighted to underfund the IRS,” he said. “For every dollar that they don't have to enforce our tax laws, it means we collect less tax revenue. So it is not fiscally conservative, and it's not a good thing in a tax system that is really based on voluntary compliance. There ought to be the sense that people who don't do the right thing will get caught.”

As for our tax system, Lew was even more blunt: “I think our business tax code is something that is broken. We saw that last year so clearly through the pattern of inversions that was so unpopular in this country. The cause of it is a broken tax code. We have the highest statutory tax rate in the developed world. But our average tax rate is about average. That means we have all these loopholes and deductions that are making it necessary for the tax code to stay higher than is competitive."

The problem is fixable, Lew says, “You broaden the base. You eliminate a lot of deductions and credits. And you lower the rate."

On the economy, Lew was cautiously sanguine, noting slow and steady improvement. The Treasury Secretary also made an interesting point about the financial markets: “It's only natural that as we get back into a more normal economy, there's more volatility,” he says. “Kind of interesting. Two years ago everyone worried about low volatility. Now people talk about high volatility. Business cycles, you know, have a pattern to them.”

Ok, ok, but what about the woman on the $10 bill conundrum? The issue that, well ‘exploded’ is too strong a word maybe, but certainly got all kinds of attention this week, particularly after former Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke wrote in a blog post that though he applauded Lew’s decision to put a woman on a U.S. bill, he was “appalled” by Lew’s decision to replace the highly-respected Alexander Hamilton, and among others suggested getting rid of the controversial Andrew Jackson on the $20. Lew has taken heat for this, but doesn’t seem to be backing down.

“To be clear as to why it's the $10 bill, we have a very disciplined process where we review the currency,” Lew says. “For reasons of security, to make sure that we're protecting our currency against counterfeiting -- there's a committee that determines which piece of currency is the next one that needs to be redesigned. So the $10 bill, for a number of years now, has been next in line. The $20 bill has been modernized more than the $10 bill. And I don't think that it could be justified to break the cycle and choose -- to go against the security concerns -- which is what drives us. I have been clear from the very beginning that we will continue to honor Alexander Hamilton on our currency. He will continue to be on the $10 bill.”

Whoa. How can that be? “There's a range of design issue in terms of what the look and feel of our currency will be. We've also left open the possibility of having different bills. You know, a bill that has Alexander Hamilton; a bill that has a woman. As we look to represent more of American history on our currency, I think that's an idea that we have to take very seriously. [But] it's time to put a woman on our currency. I think we've waited long enough.”

Ok, so which woman will get tabbed? “There are a lot of candidates,” Lew says, “And I invite anyone who wants to give us their thoughts to let us know. We have a hash tag, #TheNewTen, and a website the”

Any personal favorite? “I'm gonna keep my thoughts to myself for right now.” You get the final vote? “I do.” Hmmm. That sounds like a process to keep Jack Lew energized for many weeks to come.


» June 26th, 2015,

National Investment Authority: Modify our law provides great protection for the investor

By Mohammed Emad 06/25/2015 2:53 |

Brother - Baghdad

National Investment Authority made it clear that the amendments made by the parliamentary committee on economic investment law would be the great protection for the investor, where required all government agencies and others in collaboration with a balanced way to ensure the right of both parties.

The head of the Investment Authority Sami Araji that "amendments that have been developed on the investment law, fundamental and important, and if approved shall serve the investment," adding that "amendments are real suffering we found in the field of investment, and therefore they were introduced in the law to ease the suffering of investors and investment authorities in the provinces National Authority for Investment. "

Araji said that "there are many privileges in this Act,
including investor protection and care of employees and requiring all government agencies to cooperate with it in a balanced way guarantee the rights of both sides."

The proposals and amendments approved by the parliamentary committees on investment law will be presented early next legislative term, to approve the legislation and approve the most important statement in the amendments, especially in the involvement of 75% of the Iraqi labor in investment projects.

And heavily influenced by investment market in the past two months, due to higher US dollar exchange rates against the Iraqi dinar, but does not remedy the central bank to put the country's real financial crisis
Thunderhawk  » June 26th, 2015,

Greeks Enthusiastic About Joining BRICS New Development Bank

Civilians of Greece want their country to become a member of the BRICS New Development Bank, a Greek lawmaker and the head of the Greek delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe told Sputnik on Thursday.

The people of Greece are enthusiastic about the prospect of joining the BRICS New Development Bank (NDB), Dimitris Vitsas said.
“It is a very interesting proposal. We are thinking about this and I think the people in Greece want Greece to be another member of the BRICS Bank. There is enthusiasm about that,” he added.

“I think that in the right way there are friendly feelings between Greece and BRICS, and I think there will be common profit,” Dimitris Vitsas concluded.
BRICS economies signed an agreement to establish the NDB in July 2014. The countries agreed to establish a $100-billion reserve currency pool to ensure the bank's financial stability.

In May, Russia invited Greece to become a member of the NDB, created by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa as an alternative to Western global financial institutions, such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank.
On June 19, Greek Energy Minister Panagiotis Lafazanis told Sputnik that Greece could become the first non-founder members of the NDB, joining on an equal footing as its current members, as soon as the bank was launched.

The NDB is expected to begin operations on July 7, according to Russian Deputy Finance Minister Sergei Storchak.


Jdtolle  » June 26th, 2015, Joy in every effort

Want to actually make this a great day instead of just wishing for one? Then destroy all remnants of the misconception that effort is something to be avoided.

The truth is, effort can create the utmost enjoyment. Firmly imprint this truth in your awareness as you push yourself joyfully from one task to the next.

The main thing that makes good, productive effort distasteful is your attitude toward it. Improve your attitude about your efforts and you can radically improve the quality of your life.

You have the power to see every effort as a joy, so step right up and activate that power. Pack this day to the brim with useful activity, and delight in the unique pleasure of filling your world with richness.

Seize the opportunity that exists in whatever must be done. Marvel at your good fortune in being well positioned to make a difference.

Flood your world with brilliant achievements by eagerly taking on challenges and transforming them into value. See for yourself that the more effort you make, and the more joyfully you make it, the better life becomes.

Ralph Marston   Wishing All a safe and blessed day/weekend  JDT

P.S. Change yourself and your work will seem different.-- Norman Vincent Peale

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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