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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Tuesday News Summaries by Aggiedad77 at KTFA

aggiedad77 » June 30th, 2015, 12:59 pm

Tuesday News Summaries and Commentaries

The news is full of good information IMO.....economic recovery action, word of IMF loans, bonds both domestic and international....that has to mean a decent credit rating in the works I would think....strong work by the COM on a draft money-laundering law....turn this loose on Parliament ASAP.

The central bank in connection with the inclusion of micro-enterprises with loans

More and more discussion around the small and medium level loans the CBI is preparing to make through the banks of Iraq, the amounts not to exceed 10 million dinars per loan with an interest not to exceed 5.5% over a three year period...
Designed to work in a positive favor for the economic recovery throughout Iraq...there are many who are on board with this process and hopefully it will provide relief and remedy to many Iraqi citizens in the near term future.

EU seeks to bring Investment Bank to Iraq to revitalize the private sector

The European Union mission in Iraq is working to bring a revitalizing effort to the private sector of Iraq....this is to be focused on reconstruction efforts where damage has occurred due to issues surrounding DAASH occupation.

Interior announces the arrival of its first consolidated the card which will be launched soon shipments

Efforts continue to push forward to implement a unified national card service for Iraqis that will supposedly be good for 10 years...the cards are being designed and manufactured by a German entity and is being worked through the Interior Ministry of Iraq....launching "soon"....oh how often have we heard that word.

International Monetary Fund and the application of the pricing of electricity to give Iraq a loan of 833 million dollars is required

Every month this mystical loan from the IMF shows up....and here it is yet again, right on time at the end of the month.....$833 million dollars......they keep teasing with this they will wear the face off the will this be used to help with economic reform....with the private sector.....with electricity needs.....or will it be merely waved in front of the noses of Iraq as a tempting reminder that they desperately need the help from the IMF but need to make commitments to get what is needed from them.

Conscious / adviser Abadi: financial crisis a lesson for Iraq for the advancement of its economy

Dr. Saleh spoke today regarding Iraq's seeking of diversification of investments from oil revenues that would include other industrial sectors as they attempt to further the efforts associated with the Iraqi economy and its Iraq is forced to play a balancing act with the war they have on their hands with terrorists while at the same time they work diligently on economic reforms that will help them rebuild their country.....two very time consuming and money consuming issues.

Parliamentary Finance: fake banks operating on the purchase of currency from the central bank sold a profit of up to $ 40 million

These accusations by the Finance Committee and certain members within the committee make me grow weary.....notice they can only make "claims" of "alleged" wrong-doing......but not once have they proven anything or backed up their allegations....these are MP"s who simply wish to slow down the process of economic recovery, they stand on the side of the line where Maliki stands and they throw barb after barb, but who pays attention any more.

Baghdad: preparations for the launch of the reconstruction of the liberated areas projects

In true form, they "make" preparations to "launch" the reconstruction efforts...why not just roll up your sleeves and get busy with the work that you know needs to be much more productive....Salahuddin province has been liberated since April....but just now starting reconstruction efforts....well in their defense I guess money was tight for a while.
The transfer of money laundering to achieve "Zora Court" and convert Mlakatha to resume Karkh

I'm guessing that this qualifies as a "change of venue" for this effort regarding money laundering.....maybe this is a court that is better suited and more knowledgeable of such proceedings....anyway.....on with the show.

Cabinet approves draft anti-money laundering and the financing of terrorism law

Important news.....COM approved the draft of the anti-money laundering and financing os terrorism law....good starters and great to get the police involved in the process as well.

The political body of the National Alliance held a meeting in the presence of Abadi and stresses the oil to dissolve the agreement means the legal problems

The leaders of the Iraqi National Alliance met with PM Abadi and stressed a few points where they feel that action needs to be completed regarding certain activities....the biggest of which is coming to an agreement with the Kurds on the oil issues....everyone seems to be standing in sticky mud and unable to move.....President Jaafari is urging for improved action on everyone's part....they spoke favorably about security in recent weeks and advancements that are being made against the terrorists.....good work also seems to prevail with regard to foreign policy and work with Iraqi neighbors.

Imad Youkhana: Parliament will take care of the political agreement document during the new legislative term

Parliament meets tomorrow and can either make some hay with a few important laws or they can just kick the can down the road some more.....we will be watching for the outcome....just get your priorities straight and get on with the Big Show.

Twenty legally bag in front of the parliament in the second legislative year

New legislative year opening up....but some old laws still are laying on the table....National Guard Law, Amnesty Law, Political Parties Law, Investment Law amendments, and the granddaddy.....oil and gas law.....where will they all end up in the shuffle of things.....the roulette table turns and turns.

Central hails anti-money laundering law

It is time to put up or be put on the "black list"....the list that one does not want to be on and definitely be at the Iraq is making moves to implement an anti-money laundering law....mulled over by the COM and now a draft exists....will this be pushed to the Parliament at this point....or will there need to be further study.

INTERVIEW-Iraq to issue intl bonds in August

"Oh the bonds at night are big and bright.....deep in the heart of Iraq" I'm not singing that.....but look for domestic bonds to surface in July in the amount of $5 billion dollars....and then turn around in August and see $6 billion dollars worth of international bonds being issued.....all said to help reduce the status of the budget deficit.

Well some very interesting news indeed....enjoy.   Aloha    Randy

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