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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday Morning

Early Tuesday AM:


Iko Ward:   ISX dropped another 5 points and is sitting just above 1000. So that's two big drops in thew last two days, matching our own stock exchange. Forex climbed to 1120 during the night but as we know now that means little. So I'm waiting for CL to do her thing. Hope you all are having a wonderful day.

  Today is JUNE 30th.......last day for ABADI to keep his word.......he asked ppl to wait until

Maximus016:  Well, the markets were anything but smooth yesterday. Global Equities took a $1.5 TRILLION bath yesterday.

  max-----theyll probably iron-out.... since theyre waiting on it to be smooth.. (?)

:  Tbirdd, possibly. But I feel it is more of a stabilizing factor within the markets. The Asian markets all closed in the black today, so we shall see.
Iko Ward:  Maximus, that is good news. Probably why Forex looked good as well.

Maximus016:  Hopefully, we have weathered the worst part of the global financial storm. The markets simply cannot continue to hemorrhage at the pace we witnessed yesterday.

Iko Ward:   ISX also scrolling announcement of money transfers beginning Thursday

Maximus016:  It is also coincidental that without warning, Puerto Rico revealed yesterday they have a debt crisis of $72 BILLION. That is quite a bombshell, considering that nearly a year ago, Governor Padilla said Puerto Rico was doing well financially….. We have two (Greece and Puerto Rico) economic Tsunami’s and they are the perfect diversion for the Global Currency Reset.

Mangelo:  let's see how the market goes today? and let's hope for the announcement!

Dawg:   I guess I'm confused on the Greece issue....So if they default like they say they will what repercussions does this have on the RV?

JackS:  dawg i think the Greece issue, ie global reactions, is like a speed bump in a parking biggie....everybody knows they are gonna ride up on one… the markets seem to have already pre-adjusted and they seem to be favorable

  I think that Greece is holding for the reset in hopes that they would have less requirements to meet

JackS:  I also think the RV is like that USA insurance commercial, Allstate, I think....there is a small water drip in the ceiling that the brother is concerned about...(hints that something is gonna happen) and then Wham...the flood gates open...."THAT's a LEAK" :) I think the RV will be upon us just that way!

Maximus016:   Chinese stock market has BIGGEST intraday swing since 1992.

  Hot off the press.....Greece asks for a 2-year bailout program. Tsipras may be reconsidering Juncker offer.

Vinterv:  Maixmus...shocking, eh? They need to get er done!!!!

  Vinterv...somewhat. This 'planned accident' has been in the making for quite some time. The markets simply cannot continue to hemorrhage at the pace we witnessed yesterday.

  "The Truth About the Currency Wars." Preparation is the key to progress and victory. While the Fed and other Western central banks have pushed countless amounts of currency into the world's financial system, emerging market nations are preparing themselves for the day when the worlds currency system is reset.

Iko Ward: 
Worth a second mention...ISX is scrolling about international currency transfers on Thursday.

:   Positive talk leads to positive results - the RV is in process - look all around you, it's coming - be ready, but live your life each day. All of a sudden it's going to BAM surprise us!!!



Topic: It's never what you say, but how you make it sound sincere. Marya Mannes

[arizona49] 6/30/2015 Greek Contagion Spreads As Several Italian Bank Stocks Failed To Open >>>>>

While things have normalized since the open thanks entirely to the SNB's aggressive EUR-buying, CHF-selling intervention (good to see that central banks have read the BIS' report and have learned from their prior intervention mistakes), earlier this morning we got a snapshot of what happens if and when the SNB, and then the ECB itself, finally lose control when as a result of the Greek crisis the contagion promptly spread a few hundred kilometers west to Italy where as the WSJ reported, "several Italian banks failed to start trading on Monday as fears over a Greek debt default induced many investors to shed peripheral stocks, including Italian, with banks suffering the most.

" As the paper reported sales orders on Italian stocks, in particular financial stocks, piled up before the market opening. At the start, the sales orders were so numerous that the system couldn't manage to process them, something that often happens when specific news causes a sell-off on a stock. Theoretical prices for Italian banks--the prices at which they would have started trading--hovered around losses of 8% to 10% at the beginning of the trading session
Late Monday Night:


Topic: Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel. Augustus Hare

[arizona49] Washington (AFP) - Greece could take a risky step into the unknown Tuesday if it misses, as expected, a 1.5 billion euro ($1.7 billion) debt payment to the International Monetary Fund.

Related Stories IMF says it expects Greece will make June 30 payment AFP Out of patience, IMF flexes muscles in Greek debt crisis AFP IMF’s Lagarde: Still open for discussions with Greece MarketWatch IMF:

Greece would immediately be in arrears if it misses June 30 payment MarketWatch IMF's Lagarde says still time for Greece to change course: BBC Reuters Already on its second IMF crisis bailout program, if Athens does not make the payment it would immediately be cut off from access to Fund services and facilities.

 It could also theoretically be placed on track for expulsion from the IMF. But only one country in IMF history has been kicked out: Czechoslovakia, during the Cold War in the 1950s. That prospect though would likely take time to play out, under IMF procedures, and give Greece and its creditors time to right the situation.

 Greece has borrowed about 32 billion euros from the global crisis lender since 2010, some of which has already been repaid. It is committed to repay the IMF 5.4 billion euros this year.




LocoFelipe: This is JUST MY OPINION.... But I believe we have smooth sailing from here on. ride the wave folks. cause we are about to see this!!!

Eurozone dropped 4.2%..... german/ dropped 3.5%..... and the french dropped 3.7%.... frankly, I am completely surprised it was this good. I am thinking no one was surprised with the greecian walk out

hong kong dropped - 2.6% and japans dropped 2.8%... Dow- down/1.95%---- S%P/ down 2.09%----- nasdaq/down 2.09%......

I am thinking it was a surprise on the good side. was expecting it to be much worse (I was).... all the peoples I have talked to are thrilled with those numbers

I am no intel guru.... but I study markets and trends..... now would be a perfect time to pull a rabbit out of the hat. no one would even see it. over the past two years we have had multiple oportunities presented.... this -in my opinion- is about as good as we have gotten. this week is perfect. JMO

JackS:  locofilipe it all has a feeling of positivity to me too...

LocoFelipe:  JackS- yes, I have been looking all evening at the numbers. and the articles.... we are in a great spot.

JackS: With all the moving parts in play right now, it would be a snap to pull it off....most of the world wouldnt even notice

LocoFelipe:  JS- absolutely correct.

LeaLoha:  mini bank story - went to WF today to get a wire transfer....the manager said it's $50! We started chatting....I said you know I've been buying a lot of dong through your bank, etc. Guess what - no fee!..... strange thing about WF selling Dong is that they won't tell me what it's showing on the screen - or that it's just blank and not showing Vietnam at all = that's pretty strange, right?

LocoFelipe:  leahola---- well, today I was there.... didn't ask to see the screen. and they didn't offer... but friday, it was on the screen with admin hold

Lealoha: loco = whoa~~now you're talking!!


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