Don't WAIT!

Friday, June 26, 2015

News, Rumors, and Opinions Friday Evening

Dinar Updates:

tman23  The citizens in Iraq are not losing confidence, THEY HAVE LOST IT!  

Citizens of Iraq are lacking courage, and just as proven by military recruiting at a LOW POINT. 

The one FACT and it is written by the IMF and other monetary study groups...  A HIGH VALUED CURRENCY brings/delivers CONFIDENCE, COURAGE, and HONOR to the people...Take note HIGH VALUE!  

Iraq needs to deliver to the citizens, they need to open their market economy.

The market economy is not going to be developed overnight and so that being said, it is not a quick solution or even near term. The taxes will bring money quickly but that takes from the pockets of citizens who already are poor and lack confidence.

We are not waiting for 2017.  We are not waiting for 2016.  We are not waiting for September.

The time is NOW! We are waiting in the moment! They are planning for the moment! They need it NOW!!


Topic: To be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win.

Iko Ward:  Could be this weekend before the 30th, could be end of next week just after the 30th, maybe after the 4th which means Monday the 6th. Just thought I'd put on my little hoofie shoes and dance around.



[sandytob] Baron David de Rothschild could soon be locked up for a good long while in a prison cell, breathing some stench of his own creation.

He has been indicted over a fraud scheme brought to light by expatriots living in Spain.







Bxxxxxxx:  BackDoc, if so, this would be a HUGE boost to Greece- in this deal, it would surely benefit Russia as well. IMO, this is already a forgone conclusion that we wait to see played-out before our eyes. Oh the TIMING!!!!!!


Thunderhawk  » June 26th, 2015,

Greeks Enthusiastic About Joining BRICS New Development Bank

Civilians of Greece want their country to become a member of the BRICS New Development Bank, a Greek lawmaker and the head of the Greek delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe told Sputnik on Thursday.

The people of Greece are enthusiastic about the prospect of joining the BRICS New Development Bank (NDB), Dimitris Vitsas said. “It is a very interesting proposal. We are thinking about this and I think the people in Greece want Greece to be another member of the BRICS Bank. There is enthusiasm about that,” he added.

“I think that in the right way there are friendly feelings between Greece and BRICS, and I think there will be common profit,” Dimitris Vitsas concluded. BRICS economies signed an agreement to establish the NDB in July 2014. The countries agreed to establish a $100-billion reserve currency pool to ensure the bank's financial stability.

In May, Russia invited Greece to become a member of the NDB, created by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa as an alternative to Western global financial institutions, such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. On June 19, Greek Energy Minister Panagiotis Lafazanis told Sputnik that Greece could become the first non-founder members of the NDB, joining on an equal footing as its current members, as soon as the bank was launched.

The NDB is expected to begin operations on July 7, according to Russian Deputy Finance Minister Sergei Storchak.
 Walkingstick  » June 26th, 2015, 5:36 pm  Asian Investment Bank

6/27/2015 0:00   BEIJING - agencies

said Chinese Foreign Ministry that the representatives of the countries 57 potential institution for ADB to invest in infrastructure will meet in Beijing on Monday to sign Alpennek.oukal agreement if Kang, spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry in a press statement that President Xi Jinping will meet with heads of delegations the potential of the founding members and will send Chinese Premier Li Keqiang written message to the private meeting of finance ministers Balpennek.ostbulg capital Commissioner value of US $ 100 billion is expected that the first financial head be about 50 billion Dolar.omn expected establishment of the bank, which will be based in Beijing.


Backdoc:   » June 26th, 2015, 5:41 pm  WELCOME TO THE MULTILATERAL SYTEM CHINA!



walkongstick :  With $27 trillion in savings, Chinese are set to change the world

Date June 26, 2015 - 1:52PM

Few events will be as significant for the world in the next 15 years as China opening its capital borders, a shift that economists and regulators across the world are now starting to grapple with.

With China's leadership aiming to scale back the role of investment in the domestic economy, the nation's surfeit of savings - deposits currently stand at $US21 trillion ($27.2 trillion) - will increasingly need to be deployed overseas. That's also becoming easier, as Premier Li Keqiang relaxes capital-flow regulations.

The consequences ultimately could rival the transformation wrought by the Communist nation's fusion with the global trading system, capped by its 2001 World Trade Organisation entry. That stage saw goods made cheaper across the world, boosting the purchasing power of low-income families at the cost of hollowed-out industries.

Some changes are easy to envision: watch out for Mao Zedong's visage on banknotes as the yuan makes its way into more corners of the globe. China's giant banks will increasingly dot New York, London and Tokyo skylines, joining US, European and Japanese names. Property prices from California to Sydney to Southeast Asia already have seen the influence of Chinese buying.

Other shifts are tougher to gauge. International investors including pension funds, which have had limited entry to China to date, will pour in, clouding how big a net money exporter China will be. Deutsche Bank is among those foreseeing mass net outflows, which could go to fund large-scale infrastructure, or stoke asset prices by depressing long-term borrowing costs.

'Historic proportions'

"This era will be marked by China shifting from a large net importer of capital to one of the world's largest exporters of capital," Charles Li, chief executive officer of Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing, the city's stock market, wrote in a blog this month. Eventually, there will be "fund outflows of historic proportions, driven by China's needs to deploy and diversify its national wealth to the global markets," he wrote.

The continuing opening of China's capital account will also promote the trading of commodities in yuan, and boost China's ability to influence their prices, according to an analysis by Bloomberg Intelligence.

As was the case with China's WTO entry, where many of the hurdles had been cleared in the years leading up to 2001, policy makers in Beijing have been easing restrictions on the currency, the flow of money and interest rates for years. What's making 2015 notable is the International Monetary Fund's once-in-five- year review of its basket of reserve currencies. China wants in, and is accelerating reforms to get there.

Recent steps to promote its currency have included setting up five offshore yuan centers, a new link between the Shanghai and Hong Kong stock exchanges and letting the tightly controlled yuan trade against the dollar in a wider band. It has promised to remove a cap on interest paid to savers.

"The integration of China - the world's second-largest economy with the highest saving rate but still a low per capita income - into the global capital markets is an unprecedented event," China International Capital economists led by Beijing-based Liang Hong wrote in a note this month.

There are already signs of that potential. Chinese buy almost a quarter of new homes in Sydney and their outlay will more than double to $60 billion in the six years to 2020, according to Credit Suisse predictions.

In The US, Chinese buyers topped Canadians to rank as the biggest foreign purchasers of homes by sales and dollar volume in the year through March, accounting for more than a quarter of all international spending.

Moving abroad

Lenders are speeding up their ambitions: Bank of Communications, China's fifth-largest lender, is making its first overseas acquisition by buying a lender in Brazil, while China Construction Bank Corp plans to open branches in Europe, Southeast Asia and Africa.

The global community is watching. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew said after meetings this week between US and Chinese officials that China is committed to pushing through necessary reforms to liberalise interest rates, open capital markets and open up more to foreign enterprises. The US wants more access to the world's second-biggest economy for its financial firms, something that's been elusive since China's WTO entry.

Few expect the yuan to soon threaten the US dollar's role as the global reserve currency, with a wave of domestic reforms needed first up to reassure international investors - such as bolstering liquidity in the local bond market.

While US policy makers are betting that a more open China will ease currency tensions between the two nations, any rapid depreciation in the yuan could trigger large-scale capital outflows, prompting intervention and new restrictions from China's policy makers.

Looking to the US

"If they're going to be gradually opening up to be like the US, then vast amounts of money are going to flow overseas," said David Dollar, who served as US Treasury attache in China and is now a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution in Washington. "I would speculate that it favours the US over everything else."

Other nations, from Argentina to South Korea, have suffered whiplash from volatile capital flows after they eased restrictions. While China is unlikely to tear down the barricades altogether, the opening of the nation's capital borders will reverberate across the world.

"I don't think you can find any significant economic system where deposits in the banking system are twice the GDP," said Nicholas Lardy, who has studied China for more than three decades and is a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics. "That's the potential."

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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