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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments 6-30-15

Morning News Comments 6/30/2015 LAWS !

The agenda of the session number (2) Thursday 2 July 2015

First, read verses from the Koran.       

Second: Hosting Mr. Deputy Prime Minister, Mr. Bahaa al-Araji, to discuss issues related to energy and electricity. (Only one hour).

Third: The first reading of the draft law on ratification of the Republic of Iraq to the Statute of the Council of the Arab Peace and Security Act. ( Committee on Foreign Relations , the Committee on Security and Defense ), (2 article).
Fourth: The first reading of the draft ratification Istisna'a loan agreement and the law of ratification agency Istisna'a between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the Islamic Development Bank Convention on the Law. ( Foreign Relations Committee , the Finance Committee ), (2 article).

Fifth: the second reading of the draft law amending the compulsory insurance of car accidents Law No. (52) for the year 1980 ( the Finance Committee , for security and defense committee , the Commission on oil and energy and natural resources), (4 items).

Sixth: The second reading of the draft Islamic Banking Act. ( Finance Committee , the Committee of Religious Endowments and Religious Affairs , the Legal Committee ), (16 articles).

Session start time: one in the afternoon

[RCS1947]  Very Happy
[tlm724] so we have the second reading of the Islamic Banking Act and meetings back to back !

[tlm724] one session on the 1st and one on the 2nd

 [tlm724] *hallelujah*

[cstacy] thats great tlm724

[tlm724] cstacy indeed it is !

[tlm724] this is a good one too the law of ratification agency Istisna'a between the Government of the Republic of Iraq and the Islamic Development Bank

  [tlm724] not only all that but Jubouri is setting time limits " to discuss issues related to energy and electricity. (Only one hour)."

[tlm724] *slap* Jabber on the back , well done son !


Prime Minister Dr. Haidar al-Abbadi heads the regular session of the Council of Ministers
Cabinet held its regular Tuesday under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Dr. Haider al-Abadi, the Council agreed to grant allowances to employees of the federal police at their participation in combat missions in case of availability of appropriations.

The Council of Ministers approved a draft anti-money laundering law, and the financing of terrorism, which It is of great importance for his role in drying the sources of terrorism and to respond to international trends in this area.

The Council is also to proceed with the completion of the coverage of social protection field survey, to ensure accurate data base, and to ensure the inclusion of eligible.

and will announce the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers decisions of the Council of Ministers in its forty-fifth session on Tuesday at a later time.

Information Office of the Prime Minister

30 June 2015

[tlm724] The Council of Ministers approved a draft anti-money laundering law

[tlm724] now we're talking

[soon]    Very Happy

[tlm724] this along with the second reading of the Islamic Banking Law on the 2nd makes me very happy !  Wink 


Abadi adviser: financial crisis a lesson for Iraq for the advancement of its economy and diversify sources of income

[tlm724] : financial crisis a lesson for Iraq for the advancement of its economy and diversify sources of income

[tlm724] you would think it would be a huge lesson !

[tlm724] Saleh said Tuesday that the government is seeking to diversify the investment of oil revenues to develop some types of manufacturing, agricultural and service sectors,

[tlm724] government is seeking to diversify the investment of oil revenues to develop some types of manufacturing, agricultural and service sectors, indicating that the lesson of Iraq's financial crisis for the advancement of its economy and diversify sources of income

[tlm724] better late then never, Shabs had all that laid out for you !

[tlm724] "Iraq is heading to the manufacturing, agriculture and services produced and not rely on oil."

[tlm724] that would be a free market economy


Shawki: the formation of a committee to investigate the WikiLeaks documents early next month

[tlm724] that is the formation of an investigative committee on Wikileaks documents early next month of July.

[tlm724] uh huh, should be interesting to see this one plays out ! Allawi and Maliki are implicated in the documents

[tlm724] that Committee of jurisdiction to come out with recommendations submitted to the House of Representatives to issue the appropriate decision.

Energy investment needs huge financial resources

[tlm724] Energy investment needs huge financial resources 6/30/2015 0:00 Dr. Ahmed Abrihi: oil supplier covers 10-15 percent of the costs of Baghdad - Imad Emirate indicate the oil ministry reports that the remaining recoverable oil resources are in the range of 197 billion barrels of estimated total reserves to 232 billion barrels of oil,

 meaning that the extracted accumulated is 35 billion remaining of them and reserves 116 000 000 000 in the south and 18 billion in the center near Baghdad, and 13 billion barrels in Western Sahara and 4 billion barrels in the north and these figures with liquid gas that is, they calculated Composting barrels equivalent.

[tlm724] the oil ministry reports that the remaining recoverable oil resources are in the range of 197 billion barrels of estimated total reserves to 232 billion barrels of oil

[tlm724] *wolfwhistle* holy oil reserves Batman !

[tlm724] service contracts and noted Abrihi that the Ministry of Oil plans, when implemented and through the general service contracts Specifically, lead to the lifting oil output capacity above 12 million barrels per day by 2020,

[tlm724] 12 million barrels per day by 2020

[tlm724] concluded, Iraq needs to invest substantial resources in the energy sector and its supplier of oil covers the amount to 10 percent to 15 percent of investment in the energy sector costs and there are no concerns about the feasibility economic development.

[tlm724] they will be booming if they do it right !

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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