Don't WAIT!

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Mtn Goat Saturday Update Post - "JUST PLAIN OLD FASHIONED FACTS" Part 1 of 2


Grüße aus Bayern,

Meine Kinder are now out of school and I luv having them around all day. I am close to Meine Kinder and they assist too in the gasthaus and the guests luv having them around. Our little village has very little crime associated with drug abuse and violence and it is still hard on my mind of the past memories of being stationed in Iraq and seeing all the bloodshed and corruption. How can people live like that? Who causes this all to happen I keep asking myself?  Why is there not peace in the world if it is such a good thing for all? I pray often for the Iraqi people and hope they can accomplish this peace and prosperity. 

Today’s news is a continuing saga about the Iraq dinar revaluation. If you have not done so already please read my news letter from 6/17 (sorry, Recaps does not have the link) since this is yet more news on this topic.
I know I must sound like a broken record once again but I can assure you, until there is the needed physical security and political stability in Iraq there will be no currency revaluation. I am therefore showing you the path to this process. We will know when we get there since the CBI will ultimately tell us once again they are beginning the project to delete the zeros. But first they must get the security situation under control and pass the needed laws that help in this process and  also for the healing that must take place from Reconciliation reforms (Erbil) something that was part of the Abadi platform for election.

We begin yet another week and so I wanted give you an overview of what happened last week and significance of the news. It is all good and in our favor so relax.

There is still yet more disinformation being spread concerning that the saving of the Greece economy and Iranian deals are holding up the RV. Really? Do you really believe this nonsense. Guess there is no other RV news so now they must take this news and relate it somehow for their benefit.  Everything is not about the RV folks. I will explain more on this topic.

 I can assure you these other events are all mostly unrelated and not the reason for any hold up in revaluing the Iraqi dinar. No – the USA is not now holding it up again!

You can follow all this nonsense and you may want to talk and discuss this events as if these events were significant to the RV but it is still not going to get you the RV any sooner. As you will see these events too will come and go and still no RV will happen. So please these “gurus” are once again just grasping at straws to find some event or some news to tie to yet another date to so they can string you along once again. I know their game all too well.

So what is the reason for holding up the RV process?

Have you been reading my news letters? I have been telling you sound information related to this topic. No rumors, conjecture or secret sources of information – JUST PLAIN OLD FASHIONED FACTS !

[Today’s News]

Today is Saturday June 27th and still no RV.  Does it really surprise you? Yes JUNE is coming to an end already and still no RV. I find it funny how many “gurus” said this would never and could never reach June but once again they are wrong and spread this misinformation based on nothing  of substance. No sound facts and very few articles, as news from Iraq itself.

Many of you are determined to soak it up since you are so desperate for someone to feed you this garbage and so desperate to get your money. Many of you should be ashamed of yourselves in these attitudes. You make yourselves into victims and then when you get hurt you blame others that have only been trying to help. I say vent your anger at those perpetrating the crimes.

So Ramadan is now in progress. Oh wait a second! Wasn’t it supposed to RV prior to the beginning of this holiday? ….lol… Just so everyone know Ramadan continues to July 17th in Iraq and it will have little impact as to whether the RV happens or not.

We still see parliament meeting and in fact they just announced this past week they intent to schedule a session on this coming Wednesday and vote on a “package” of 150 laws. I know they have said this before and may have to do it again but the main point here is they are attempting it once again and it is still their intentions.

This is the bright side. Since many of these needed new laws still has issues and since they are all connected somehow together (I have trying to show you many times how they are interconnected in my past news letters) they must implement them together since one can not work without the others. For instance we see great pressure to get the Amnesty bill done since it is needed to fully implement the National Guard law. Why? Since it will help fill the ranks of these units in the provinces with skilled, experienced and trained leaders. Another connection is the Justice reforms and how they fully intend to prosecute these corrupt leaders from the past Maliki administration but can’t due to the current justice system. Without the reforms it would be impossible to give them a fair trial. 

Just the past week we read articles telling us about sending charges of  TERRORISM and GENOCIDE to the international court of the Hague. This is not rumor or something that is going to happen. It has happened! Why is this not reported by these so called “gurus” Is this not significant enough to be in their version of the news? The news they want to edit and sensor from you.

So these resent developments for the former prime minister Maliki and his close group of senor aids does not look good for them. Remember these are international crimes and I have not even listed the domestic crimes of TREASON also for the Mosul stand down against ISIS  and all the corruption and the missing 700 billion dollars that got Iraq partly into this economic crisis. Oh – did I mention too the corruption in the arms deal with Russia?

Remember this – I have told you many times there will be no RV until Maliki and his goons are gone and out of the any influence in Iraqi politics. How do I know this? How can I be so certain?

BECAUSE THIS IS NOT RUMOR OR CONJECTOR. IT IS USA POLICY AND I HAVE BEEN TOLD THIS MANY TIMES TO ME BY THE USA GOVERNMENT! I do not bring you rumors or “I think  its going to happen”. I bring you sound and solid news.

Article follows: 


The International Criminal Court decided to refer the Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki DONC and a group of his senior aides to court on charges of genocide. Mr. Mohammed Al-Kaabi spokesman Court for the Middle East said that one of the associates of al-Maliki who Torteurahalthm to court Gen. Farouk al-Araji, director of al-Maliki's military office and Lt. Gen. Ali Ghaidan, commander of ground forces and Saadoun al-Dulaimi, the defense minister and the agency, Adnan al-Asadi senior agent Interior Ministry and intelligence chief Zuhair Gharbaoui team Qassim Atta, director of operations at the intelligence service and the team called Hgati head of the anti-terrorism device.

He revealed that the Court now has complete files crimes committed by al-Maliki and his aides, including genocide in Anbar and Kirkuk and the blatant violation of human rights and to follow the brutal methods of torture and violation of freedoms of citizens and contrary to the Geneva Conventions and the Charter of the United Nations and international law

Article Ends

So not let me reinforce my stance on Maliki and how he must be dealt with. So this week out pops another article telling us why the CBI is not pulling the trigger on the RV. I quote from the CBI article below - "The government has to cooperate with various parties in order to follow up corruption and track the money that comes out of the country and the fight against economic crime."

Also the CBI claims they needs the government of Iraq to step up and regain full control of their country and I quote from the article  below from the CBI  - " pointing to the existence of other factors that have an impact on the exchange rate the security and political stability and control of border crossings such as the situation land, air and sea. "

Don’t believe me? Read the darn article for yourself ! 

Article Begins:

BAGHDAD / ... Central Bank of Iraq announced on Saturday that monetary policy will not be able to adjust the exchange rate of the US dollar against the Iraqi dinar, while the government called for border control and track the money that comes out of the country and the fight against economic crime.

He said the Central Bank's board member Majid picture for "Eye Iraq News" that "monetary policy is trying to adjust the exchange rate of the dollar against the dinar, but this will not affect too much," pointing to the existence of other factors that have an impact on the exchange rate the security and political stability and control of border crossings such as the situation land, air and sea. "

He called the picture "The government has to cooperate with various parties in order to follow up corruption and track the money that comes out of the country and the fight against economic crime."
"The monetary reserves at the Central Bank as possible to play a major positive role in the stability of the dollar exchange rate on condition of interference by other parties."

It is noteworthy that the Governor of the Central Bank on the Keywords announced that the decision to cancel 8% of customs and excise tax imposed on the purchase of the dollar exchange rate will decrease over the next week, and will contribute to lower consumer goods prices. It ended 7

Article Ends

Okay so now I want to talk about these darn international MasterCard transactions once again that seem to be the basis for the RV from some of these so called  “gurus” that many of you have been following. They tell us these cards are now live however they can’t give us an explanation after the fact as to why the RV has not been announced. They are all so puzzled and confused since they have told us over and over again when the cards go international they must do the RV. Really? 

I will tell you why. I have told you why before and I said many times don’t expect any RV even if these MC cards go live internationally. I CLEARLY explained it all out in black and white in my past news letters.

But for those that missed the many news letters on this topic or are too thick headed to listen – let me explain it again and hold your hand once again. I told you many weeks ago that these cards would be activated and yet you would see no RV. I said - so don’t anticipate any RV due these cards. It is only an event these gurus are trying to connect to the RV since they desperately try to string you along from one event to the next. It was only more hype and just another date.

This is how it works - The Mastercards are tied to FIXED rates in a database. These rates are for government programs and FIXED rates and not tied to the floating currency exchanges in any way or fashion. MASTERCARD system delivers a product that allows you to use these fixed rates then ties into the government DEBIT bank account to see the dinar amount you are allocated. Then it makes the conversion according the country or origin to which you are transacting your debit. It then converts to the needed amount of new currency.  It is that simple in principle.

Did I day the use of currency exchanges even once in my explanation? NO! -  I did not. NOT DEPENDENT ON ANY INTERNATIONAL  CURRENCY EXCHANGE and shame on those that are telling you otherwise.

Next I also want to point out that these MASTERCARD events are for the SMART cards and not the “National” Cards.  So why is this important.
Oh – you say you did not know there were two types of cards?  Oh so your favorite ‘guru’ did not tell you? Its because they don’t care to tell you. Do they even know? They are not concerned about telling you the truth or even know the truth since all they want is an event to peg a date to so they can hype you up and string you along to another RV timeframe. When are you going to learn?

The “National” cards are NOT for these government programs such as retirement, salaries, pensions, food program, etc.. we hear so much about.

The “National” cards are mainly for the oil revenues distribution sharing to the citizens. YES - if you are thinking HCL you are correct. Remember these payments were supposed to begin in a June – July timeframe. Many article have told us this. They have not yet begun. Iraq still plans to begin this project in this timeframe. What are they waiting for?

They are waiting for nothing! They fully plan to execute their plan on time to distribute these funds. Gosh…it is only June 27th so they have the full month of July yet to make good on their promise to the people. Give them some slack! I fully expect this event to happen and hear news of it very soon. I will keep you up to date, if you want me to. Don’t you know by now they hardly do anything on time?

Soon Link to PART 2

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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