Don't WAIT!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Tidbits From Frank26 and KTFA Members Thursday Morning


  I have a question frank what is in this trade PAC that passed today that would have the democrats vote it down but the republicans voted for when it looks as if it is so bad and giving o more power than he already has to do bad things. Why would the replicans vote for this?

Frank26:  When the opponent does something in favor of the competition ......... It may indeed look favorable. But 100% of the times it is done for their favor ......... Not for the opposite side.

In this case ......iMO.......... The R's are setting themselves up not supporting anything concerning o.

In the coming proximal years The R's will power some of this trade in this theater of the world.......... NOT THE D's.

This answer of mine requires more events not seen yet.

Lets see what the R's tell You at the end of 2015 to the start of 2016.

Especially with .......... GOOOOOOOOD MOOOOOORNING VIETNAM !!!

KTFA   Frank


Zerb:  Mikey likes this answer...Dinar then dong double dip it smells like?? That would be cool!


Robdel:  Frank,You mentioned on Monday's CC that Greece was taken care of. Did the IQD have anything to do with that? How so?   Thanks   Robdel


Frank26:  iMO.......... No. Yet it's model was studied and utilized in thought and consideration.




Frank26:  i too liked that line !!!

There were two more words at the end of that sentence :......... The Losses.

KTFA   Frank...... They hate to lose money.


Zerb:  okay Franky Franky….There seems to be an over abundance of news coming out from every corner of the globe...It feels as though we've hit WARP speed Captain my Captain...It feel like doors are closing and the new ones opening...

Kind a like were in a vacuum right now! What do you attribute this to and how do your teams feel about it?

Very curious as to what ghostrider may be thinking...if Still quiet I'm good with that too. Can drs realistically institute the rider at this juncture?


Frank26:  Being pushed to the brink of extinction. Tends to speed time and cause not to waste it.

Yes ........ Very happy at what they see. …. G is mute. Yes ....... Rider is his to ride ...... Then use.


Zerb:   Any thoughts as to what is going on currently in our house and senate? Seems as though these are all preorchestrated steps they are taking...


Frank26:  iMO .............. Many politician have MANY dinars ....... But they won't tell You.


Zerb:  When you say pay attention to ws's links should we be clicking on them and looking at the articles ourselves for changes?


  No ......... The source.......... Follow them only.......... WS will show You the changes.


Zerb:  What was the major highlight of your day today?


Frank26:  The color white. (Note: white means “white hot” or intel or dinar situation looks like “high alert” ” )

Walkingstick  » June 25th, 2015, 8:54 am 

Iraqi dinar in the wind and the silence of thieves

Firas Jurani Thursday , June 25, 2015 at 00:00
After that it was the Iraqi economy and infrastructure it before more than twenty years with the beginning of the industrial revolution in the region, Iraq had a clear and distinct particular the role after the decision to nationalize the oil and took the Iraqi dinar and strongly increasing value compared to the US dollar and has lost all governments regardless of the policy consider the Iraqi economy Line Red, which can not be exceeded and in spite of the imposition of the economic blockade and the collapse of the Iraqi economy and the value of the Iraqi dinar,

but we have seen some prosthetic procedures that kept a bit on the rest of the face of the Iraqi economy and infrastructure but after the US occupation of Iraq after the 2003 date did not witness disregard for the Iraqi economy and capabilities citizens of ordinary people and their livelihoods not to mention the destruction of the remaining of the infrastructure under the Organization of Petroleum

Iraqi thefts support from the window of political parties in the government of my people and the silence and the absence of a clear national feeling both shared and watching those thefts without having lifted a finger so it had to be the current government to intervene to save the value Iraqi dinar and stand against all attempts that are trying to target the economic situation and the abolition of all the wrong decisions issued by some parties that are trying to confuse the economic situation so that you are achieving profits illegitimate and illegal, the homeland and the citizen who weary of war and wrong policies and the offenses that produced millions of widows interest expense and an army of orphans because of their inability to security and service file is available for citizens and ultimately manage

Today they spend the remaining of Iraq through the stealing of the nation through their enjoyment of buying the US dollar is backed by the government through the central bank auction in order to sell it in the domestic market price exceeds the value of ten dollars for each one hundred dollars means a simple calculation of muggers and Afassidan get all $ 100 at a price of 120,000 Iraqi dinars in order to be sold in the market at a price of 135,000 Iraqi dinars mean a difference of more than the profits of $ 10 per $ 100 and imagine the case Dear citizen poor and simple Worse, that most of the advantage of the entry of the Iraqi Central Bank auction most of them follow a common window for political parties in the government and the citizen is still contemplating the return of the Iraqi dinar exchange rate to the previous level in the light of floundering international coalition military forces to address the dangers of Daash terrorist and since more than a year and we Kmwatunaian suffering from these dangers not to mention the series of kidnapping and threat that did not know its source or supervised them or the reasons for which kidnaps a person or threatens or kills often.


Jdtolle:  » June 25th, 2015   Allowing ability to blossom

Progress is made by those who have the courage to be wrong and the persistence to find how to get it right. Great achievements are crafted into existence by those who, when they begin, are not sure exactly how they’ll do it.

Don’t wait until you know how to do everything before you have the confidence to do anything. Find confidence in the authenticity of your desire and the goodness of your purpose.

You don’t have to already be an expert to gain expertise. You just have to get busy.

If you should stumble a lot at first, get back up each time and apply what you’ve just learned. Even when you stumble going forward, you’re still moving ahead.

Don’t wait for confidence to somehow come to you. Get out there and create it for yourself.

You are worthy, and able to reach the goals that truly mean something for you. Get yourself going, and enjoy the experience of allowing your ability to blossom.

Ralph Marston    Wishing All a safe and blessed day   JDT

P.S. How you think when you lose determines how long it will be until you win.
-- G K Chesterton

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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