Don't WAIT!

Monday, June 29, 2015

Bits and Pieces in Dinarland Early Monday Evening


cleitus : If I recall correctly, the 12 running the world finances, will want the 7 items (listed in past CC's) to happen in Iraq, in July. If I'm wrong, someone throw me a lifeline.

Precisely how I understood Frank's comments also.

1) New CBI Governor

2) New (5 billion dollars) bonds (with rate)

3) New 50 & 100 mil. denoms

4) New Lower denoms

5) Pay salaries in dinars not US $

6) Master cards for the displaced Iraqi population

7) Credit rating of at least a BB
Along with the above I also understood from the CC the following was also necessary for the 12.

1) Amnesty Law to be passed by July

2) More Investment Laws to be passed by July

3) National Guard Laws for the borders.

4) HCL Law and Tariff Laws have been primed and ready to be introduced when all is ready and set to GO!

If I'm wrong, please, someone correct me.


Frank26:   Not bad .....


  Hi can someone explain to me the colours of franks suits. Which is the colour for the highest level ? Tnx


2Cents:   RED


DustiB:  I may be wrong...but I thought red was high alert for something happening, white was high alert for important intel???????


Frank26:  We are at WHITE until the 6th of July.  KTFA   Frank


ThunderHawk ; VIDEO: Greece in shock as banks shut after snap referendum call

Stunned Greeks faced shuttered banks, long supermarkets lines and overwhelming uncertainty on Monday as a breakdown in talks between Athens and its international creditors plunged the country deep into crisis.

With Greece's bailout expiring on June 30 and an IMF payment falling due at the same time, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras pleaded by phone with European officials to extend the programme until a referendum on Sunday on its future terms.

The frantic efforts to secure Greece's place within the euro zone followed a dramatic weekend. Tsipras's decision, early on Saturday, to put the aid package to a popular vote took the lenders and some of Tsipras's own negotiating team by surprise.

It also pushed Greece towards defaulting on 1.6 billion euros ($1.77 billion) due to the International Monetary Fund on Tuesday.

Greeks - used to lengthy talks with creditors before an eleventh-hour deal - were left shocked by the turn of events. Lines snaked outside ATMs and inside supermarkets while fears of disruptions to petrol and medicine supplies grew.

The breakdown has pushed the European Union and euro zone into uncharted terrain. Financial markets reacted badly on Monday, with European bank shares down sharply on worries of contagion within the financial system.

"I can't believe it," said Athens resident Evgenia Gekou, 50, on her way to work. "I keep thinking we will wake up tomorrow and everything will be OK. I'm trying hard not to worry."

After months of talks, Greece's exasperated European partners have put the blame for the crisis squarely on Tsipras for rejecting a package they consider generous. The Greek side says further austerity would simply deepen one of the worst economic crises of modern times in a country where a quarter of the workforce is already unemployed.

Emotions were unusually raw among Europe's leaders. EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said he felt personally betrayed and told Greeks a "no" vote would point to a euro exit.

"I will say to the Greeks who I love deeply: you mustn't commit suicide because you are afraid of death," he told a news conference.

French President Francois Hollande appealed to Tsipras to return to the negotiating table and German Chancellor Angela Merkel said she was willing to talk to the Greek leader if he wanted.

The Greek government will keep banks shut at least until after July 5, the date of the referendum, and withdrawals from automated teller machines were limited to 60 euros a day when they reopened at midday. The stock exchange will also stay shut.

The creditors wanted Greece to cut pensions and raise taxes in ways that Tsipras has long argued would be counter-productive.


  » June 29th, 2015,

Europeans Rush to Gold Coins as Bank of Greece Stops Sales

by Eddie Van Der Walt

June 29, 2015 — 9:25 AM EDT Updated on June 29, 2015 — 11:28 AM EDT

European investors are increasing purchases of gold as Greece’s turmoil boosts the appeal for an alternative to the euro.

Demand from Greek customers for Sovereign gold coins was double the five-month average in June, the U.K. Royal Mint said in an e-mailed statement., an online retailer, said sales on Saturday and Sunday were the highest since Cyprus limited cash withdrawals in 2013, driven by a jump in German, French and Greek buyers.

Investors are searching for a safe haven after Greece imposed capital controls, closed banks and stopped selling gold coins to the public until at least July 6. German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande have signaled they’ve reached the limits of their ability to safeguard Greece, offering the government no further concessions to step back from the brink.

“Most of our common gold coins are sold out,” Daniel Marburger, a director of Frankfurt-based, said by phone. “When people learned that the Greek banks will be closed, they started to think that it may not be such a bad idea to have some money in gold.”

Gold futures climbed 0.4 percent to $1,177.90 an ounce by 11:10 a.m. on the Comex in New York. The metal is little changed for the year.

Coin Demand

GoldCore Ltd., which buys and sells bullion, reported coin and bar demand rose “significantly” on Monday. Sales to U.K. and Ireland today are about three times the average level for the past three Mondays, the Dublin-based firm said in an e-mailed statement. The U.S. Mint sold 61,500 ounces of American Eagle gold coins this month, the most since January, its website showed.

BullionVault, which says it operates the largest online physical gold trading platform, reported a jump in sales during the first half of this year, a sign of a broader increase.

Customers globally added 1.4 metric tons of gold to their account, the biggest increase since 2012, the London-based company wrote in a press release. More clients want their gold stored in Switzerland, a country that isn’t in the European Union, Adrian Ash, head of research at BullionVault, said by telephone.



Wilbur Grodan:  MARKET ACTION - There is DEFINITELY something to see here in < 24 HOURS


G T June 29, 2015 at 6:55pm Live Updates On Greece's Debt Crisis

Pat:  Greek Contagion Spreads As Several Italian Bank Stocks Failed To Open

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 06/29/2015 07:45 -0400

While things have normalized since the open thanks entirely to the SNB's aggressive EUR-buying, CHF-selling intervention (good to see that central banks have read the BIS' report and have learned from their prior intervention mistakes), earlier this morning we got a snapshot of what happens if and when the SNB, and then the ECB itself, finally lose control when as a result of the Greek crisis the contagion promptly spread a few hundred kilometers west to Italy where as the WSJ reported "several Italian banks failed to start trading on Monday as fears over a Greek debt default induced many investors to shed peripheral stocks, including Italian, with banks suffering the most."

As the paper reported sales orders on Italian stocks, in particular financial stocks, piled up before the market opening. At the start, the sales orders were so numerous that the system couldn't manage to process them, something that often happens when specific news causes a sell-off on a stock.

Theoretical prices for Italian banks--the prices at which they would have started trading--hovered around losses of 8% to 10% at the beginning of the trading session.

UniCredit SpA and Intesa Sanpaolo managed to start trading some time after the market opened, but were suspended immediately, accumulating losses of around 6% compared with Friday's closing prices.

Ironically, in an attempt to avoid just this kind of selling panic, on Sunday, Italy's banking lobby head Antonio Patuelli dismissed fears of contagion on Italian lenders, saying the country's banks' direct exposure to Greece was less than EUR1 billion.

For now the SNB has stabilized things but how much longer will this artificial "stability" continue especially if the just concluded speech by Jean-Claude Juncker managed to antagonize Greeks even further and pushed all those who were on the fence about this Sunday's coming Greferendum, solidly into the "No" camp.


Winneriam:  Something is going to happen on June 30th that hasn’t happened in over 2,000 years

I saw Jupiter and Venus last night so bright and close it was an amazing sight for me. Now, they are going to have a conjunction which will make them much brigher.

Jupiter and Venus will merge into a dazzling ”super-star” in the Western horizon by the end of June, NASA says.

The conjunction of the two planets has been building during the month of June and will culminate in a spectacular display on June 30. “Every night in June, the separation between Venus and Jupiter will visibly shrink,” says NASA.

A conjunction is when two or more objects appear very close together on the sky.
On the evening of June 30, Venus and Jupiter will appear in the sky just a third of a degree apart. “That’s less than the diameter of a full Moon. You’ll be able to hide the pair not just behind the palm of your outstretched hand, but behind your little pinky finger,” NASA enthuses.

Sky & Telescope suggests that a similar rare conjunction of Venus and Jupiter may have been what’s been called the ”Star of Bethlehem” in 3-2 BC.

While the conjunction is certainly visible with the naked eye, Sky and Telescope says viewing it with a telescope or binoculars will offer a different perspective: “Both planets will crowd into same telescopic field of view, Venus appearing as a fat crescent and round Jupiter accompanied by its four large moons. The two planets will appear nearly as the same size, but Jupiter, though much larger in reality, is much farther away…. Their globes will contrast dramatically in brightness, with Venus’s crescent appearing dazzling white compared to Jupiter’s duller, striped cloud deck.”

Pat Hartigan, an astronomer at Rice University, says the conjunction on June 30 is the best one we will have for over a decade, rivaled only by one on March 1, 2023, which will not be not quite as close.

So where and when should we look for it? Look to the west-northwest as soon as it gets dark, says Dr. Hartigan. ”After about two hours for most latitudes the objects will become difficult to observe as they begin to set. They are bright. You might mistake them for airplanes.”

Is this a significant astronomical event? Not really. ”These planetary groupings in the sky have no effect on Earth or human affairs – except for one,” says Alan MacRobert at Sky & Telescope. ”They can lift our attention away from our own little world into the enormous things beyond. That’s what amateur astronomers do all the time.”
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