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Thursday, June 25, 2015

BLC Admin Tlm724 News & Comments 6-25-15

Morning News Comments 06/25/2015

Minister of Planning and discuss with the French ambassador ways to develop bilateral relations in the economic and investment fields

[tlm724] the French have a hand in the examination of goods entering Iraq, contract in place to help Iraq with part of the tariff system of operation 

The central bank intends to expand the financing of small and medium enterprises

[tlm724] the Central Bank of Iraq expressed its readiness to expand the national project for the financing of small and medium enterprises

[tlm724] "It was emphasized that the bank is ready to expand the project in the near future and encourage the development of mechanisms necessary for its lifetime".

[tlm724] *hallelujah*liquidity !! money for the people to open businesses, lower unemployment ! turn that economic wheel, it's been stuck way too long !


The central bank sold more than $ 17 billion to domestic banks

[tlm724] The central bank sold more than $ 17 billion to domestic banks Central Bank of Iraq

[tlm724] $ 17 billion dollars since they began selling back in 2003 I think

[tlm724] shakes head, no wonder there is so much corruption ! and just think they made 24 dinar per dollar !!! thats 408 billion dinars ! not a bad take lol


Parliamentary Economic confirms that some of the economic file officials "incompetent

[tlm724] some of the economic file officials "incompetent"

[tlm724] ya think

[tlm724] some government figures, which manages economic institutions as "inefficient", calling on the government to "change those figures for the advancement of the Iraqi economy."

[tlm724] the governor of the CBI comes to mind

[tlm724] many officials in the federal government were to change their positions from one place to another, but the problem is not addressed in a real and remained economy late.

[tlm724] thats right Zebari used to be the Foreign Minister and then they stuck him in as Minister of Finance !

[tlm724] "Iraq needs economic policy clearly defined to improve the situation of the country's economy fully."

[tlm724] indeed ! lets see some change in economic leadership !


Economic seminar

[tlm724] expanded seminar on »monetary difficulties and the position of the central bank against which the Institute», in the eleventh hour of the morning Saturday

[tlm724] will be presented by Dr. Ali Mohsen Keywords Governor of the Central Bank of the image on the current situation, followed by a discussion by academics, economists and officials of banks, businessmen and interested in economic affairs

[tlm724] another big meeting on Saturday !!! We may just get another piece to the puzzle !

The central bank raised the volume of sales: rising dollar exchange rates mafias Is it a contrived crisis? 

[tlm724] Despite the urgent measures taken by the Iraqi Central Bank management to reduce the sudden rise in the US dollar exchange rates against the Iraqi dinar that, but the fears are still present in the Iraqi street from continuing to climb towards (1500)

[tlm724] well I will say this that the corrupt always find another way, IMO the only way to stop it is to de-dollarize, make the dinar internationally recognized so you can use it to pay your bills and use the dinar exclusively and eliminate the dual currency problems... just sayin


Parliamentary Finance: discuss the abolition of Article 50 of the Budget Law

[tlm724] Article 50 stipulates that restrict the central bank sold 75 million dinars a day maximum in the currency auction

the Commission is considering today the abolition of this article because of criticism her by some members of the political, financial and parties. 

the Commission considers the possibility of cancellation or keep it and as the Commission may determine the reasons that will be provided by some of the members who will discuss the topic in a closed session of the Commission and the Presidency of the Council of Representatives."

[tlm724] should never have been put in the budget in the first place !

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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