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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

USAID Tarabot e-Guillotine Project Part 2 of 2

Regulatory Reform (Laws Legislation) Completions and Recommendations 
(By Ministry)

USAID-Tarabot worked with the Ministry of Electricity to review 17 regulations that affect its work in supplying electricity.  For example, Tarabot examined instructions and conditions regarding the structure and process of supplying electricity, reviewed general instructions for the implementation of government contracts, and assessed a law regarding how the ministry should go about collecting payments and/or debts.  

 Other pieces of legislation include the “Commerce Act No. 30 of 1984” and the “Electricity Authority Law.” In partnership with the Ministry of Electricity, Tarabot identified and reviewed outdated laws and regulations that impose efficiency costs on the ministry’s performance in providing electricity services to the Iraqi people, and set forth recommendations for their elimination or reform.
Read more: Electricity

The Ministry of Transport reviewed 15 business-related regulations with the assistance of USAID-Tarabot’s Iraq Solution for Regulatory and Administrative Reform (ISRAR) initiative.

Legislations reviewed include the “Law for Iraqi Airways No. 108 of 1988” and the “Law of the General Company for Land Transport No. 115 of 1971.” 

In partnership with the Ministry of Transport, Tarabot identified outdated laws and regulations that hamper economic and private sector growth, and set forth recommendations for their elimination or reform
Read more:  Transportation

The Ministry of Oil reviewed 14 business-related regulations that affect the oil sector in Iraq with the support of USAID-Tarabot’s Iraq Solution for Regulatory and Administrative Reform (ISRAR) initiative. Legislation reviewed included the “Law to Impose Income Tax on Foreign Oil Companies Contracting for Work in Iraq No. (19) for the year 2010” and the “Companies Act No. 22 of 1997.”

In partnership with the Ministry of Oil, Tarabot identified outdated laws and regulations that hamper economic and private sector growth, and set forth recommendations. 
Read More:  Oil

The Ministry of Industry and Minerals reviewed three business-related regulations that affect its sector with the support of USAID-Tarabot’s Iraq Solution for Regulatory and Administrative Refor (ISRAR) initiative.  

Legislation reviewed included the “Insurance Regulatory Act No. 10 of 2005” and the “Investment Law No. 13 of 2006.”  In partnership with the Ministry of Industry and Minerals, Tarabot identified outdated laws and regulations that hamper economic and private sector growth, and set forth recommendations for their elimination or reform. 
Read More:  Industry & Minerals

USAID-Tarabot reviewed 23 business-related regulations affecting the Ministry of Construction and Housing under its Iraq Solution for Regulatory and Administrative Reform (ISRAR) initiative.   USAID-Tarabot developed a set of reforms for the issuance of construction permits based on international best practices and in consultation with the Ministry of Municipalities and Public Works and Baghdad Ammanat. 

The reforms include transferring approvals for building permits less than 1000m2 to local government offices, providing an automatic approval to a builder if a decision is not made by a deadline, and assigning a single employee to handle a building application from start to finish.  

The Ministries of Municipalities and Public Works, and Construction and Housing are reviewing the construction nidham drafted by USAID-Tarabot and are set to provide feedback.
Read More:  Construction & Housing

The Ministry of Municipalities and Public Works reviewed 116 business-related regulations with the assistance of USAID-Tarabot’s Iraq Solution for Regulatory and Administrative Reform (ISRAR) initiative. 

Legislations reviewed include the “Law Regulating Commercial Agency Number (51) for the year 2000” and the “Law of System of Roads and Buildings, No. 44 of 1935.”

In partnership with the Ministry of Municipalities and Public Works, Tarabot identified outdated laws and regulations, and set forth recommendations for their elimination or reform.

In consultation with the ministry, ISRAR also developed a set of reforms based on international best practices for the issuance of construction permits, including transferring approvals for some building permits to local government offices, providing automatic approvals if a decision is not made within a certain deadline, and assigning a single employee to handle a building application from start to finish.

These recommendations are currently under review by the Ministries of Municipalities and Public Works and Construction and Housing before being forwarded to the Prime Minister’s Advisory Council for final review.  
Read more: Municipalities & Public Works

The Ministry of Agriculture reviewed 106 business-related regulations that affect the agricultural sector in Iraq with the assistance of USAID-Tarabot’s Iraq Solution for Regulatory and Administrative Reform (ISRAR) initiative. 

Legislations reviewed include the “Law for the Cultivation of Flax for 1925” and the “Cultivation of Farmland Law.”  

In partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, Tarabot identified outdated laws and regulations that hamper economic and private sector growth, and set forth recommendations for their elimination or reform. 
Read More:  Agriculture


 The Ministry of Trade reviewed 50 business-related regulations with the support of USAID-Tarabot’s Iraq Solution for Regulatory and Administrative Reform (ISRAR) initiative. 

Legislation reviewed included the “Regulation No. 5 of 1989 on Branches and Offices of Foreign Companies and Economic Institutions” and the “Law to Compensate Those Affected by Military Operations, Military Mistakes and Terrorist Operations No. 20 of the year 2009.”

In partnership with the Ministry of Trade, Tarabot identified outdated laws and regulations that hamper economic and private sector growth, and set forth recommendations for their elimination or reform.

With the assistance of Tarabot, the Ministry of Trade also implemented a series of reforms and improvements to its company registration process. Several layers of bureaucracy, unnecessary waiting periods, inspections and document requirements were eliminated, significantly reducing the ministry’s processing time for company registrations. 

In July 2014, former Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki approved the removal of import licenses following years of advocacy and consultation by ISRAR and the recommendations of the Council of Ministers. ISRAR submitted draft instructions to the Ministry of Trade in March 2014, outlining a new import-export system based on economic best practices.  

The Minister of Trade demonstrated his support for the recommendation by penning a letter to the Committee of Economic Affairs of the Council of Ministries, formally endorsing ISRAR’s recommendations. With these recommendations on hand, the former prime minister was able to quickly sign a new order, which allowed for the swift implementation of a new import-export regime. 
Read More:  Trade

The Ministry of Environment reviewed nine business-related regulations that affect the environment with the support of USAID-Tarabot’s Iraq Solution for Regulatory and Administrative Reform (ISRAR) initiative. Legislation reviewed included the “Instructions No. 2 

for the year 1990 for Manufacturing, Trading and Storage of Pesticides” and the “Law No. 21 of 1966 to Prevent Noise.” In partnership with the Ministry of Environment, Tarabot identified outdated laws and regulations, and set forth recommendations for their elimination or reform. 
Read More:  Environment


The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs reviewed eight business-related regulations that affect its ability to deliver services with the assistance of USAID-Tarabot’s Iraq Solution for Regulatory and Administrative Reform (ISRAR) initiative.  

Legislations reviewed include the “Industrial Services Law No. 30 of 2000” and the “Operating Instructions for Iraqis, Arabs, and Foreign Companies Law No. 5 for the year 1985.”   In partnership with the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, Tarabot identified outdated laws and regulations, and set forth recommendations for their elimination or reform.
Read More:  Labor & Social Affairs

The Ministry of Health reviewed six business-related regulations that affect its ability to deliver services with the assistance of USAID-Tarabot’s Iraq Solution for Regulatory and Administrative Reform (ISRAR) initiative.   

Legislations reviewed include the “General Corporation Law of Health Insurance and Rural Health No. 211 of 1975” and the “General Law of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Supplies No. 9 for the year 1983.”

In partnership with the Ministry of Health, Tarabot identified and reviewed outdated laws and regulations that impose efficiency costs on the ministry’s performance in providing health services to the Iraqi people, and set forth recommendations for their elimination or reform. 
Read More:  Health 
Ministries Listed Below:  
No Regulatory Reform Steps Listed 

Human Rights
Read More:  Human Rights

Read More:  Justice

Migration and Displacement
Read More:  Migration and Displacement


Sources and Reference

United States and Iraq Sign Cooperation Agreement on Regulatory Reform in Iraq

Iraq Solution for Regulatory and Administrative Reform “ISRAR”

 ISRAR~~Jacobs Cordova~~Projects~~Since 2011 

What Is the Regulatory Guillotine~~Jacobs Cordova and Associates
          JC&A Guillotine reforms around the world
          (The IQD Team is listed as a News Source on this report)

         How does the Regulatory Guillotine™ work?  

         What are the results of the Regulatory Guillotine™?

e-Guillotine™ Portal System 
in short e-Guillotine™ is a complete solution for governments who aim to efficiently implement regulatory reform, providing them with integrated web tools and consulting services.

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