Don't WAIT!

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Mtn Goat Saturday Update Post - "JUST PLAIN OLD FASHIONED FACTS" Part 2 of 2

I also want to remind you that there is another version of HCL too that Kurdistan needs implemented. I have talked about this version of HCL in my past news letters.

It is mainly to address the sale of independent oil from Kurdistan to other countries beyond the Badgdad quotas set by the government to meet their budget requirements. This is an ongoing issue with the Kurds and they need this resolved. All this revenue goes directly to Kurdistan. In the past they have been pumping oil and generating this excess oil revenues and so Badgdad has refused to pay the total 17% claiming they are being funded with this excess oil revenue anyhow and they  violated their stick quotas (looked at as limitations). This was of course a matter of interpretation of the law. The fact was by not paying the full 17% the GOI was in violation of the HCL (and the constitution). So the Kurds hope this new version of the law will clarify this stance once and for all and eliminate any future confusion. Could this hold up the payments of the oil revenues to the citizens? Sure it can and may be the reason why they have not yet paid them. Could this hold up the RV? Sure it can since the USA wants good faith and must see these payments happen before they feel HCL is fully implemented. Hope this all now makes more sense to everyone.
Is this something you want to hear about from me or would you rather go back to your “gurus” for all your news? Go back and ask them why there is still no RV yet the MASTERCARDS are live and they are using them internationally. I would luv to hear their explanation….lol…..

Go back and ask them why the oil revenue royalties are not yet paid to the citizens yet its June 27th already.

So all is good in the news. Iraq is moving forward with the new laws. They are moving ISIS out of Iraq. Deals are being made to move Iranian influence out of Iraq too. In fact I will tell you this. I believe Erbil is in fact all completed and we are just now waiting for the final votes on the many laws and the announcement of  them to us. I suspect this could happen in the next couple weeks. They know we are watching for these events and so they try to hide them from us since they know this is PART of the key to triggering the RV.

I can assure you the Iraqi RV is not tied to any GREECE bailout or referendum. These events are not even remotely tied together. If I were you I’d better spend my energy and time watching for the new implementation of the needed new laws to satisfy the reforms.

The deals being negotiated with Iran over the nuclear issue could have some influence but only if they include deal within it to disconnect themselves from Syria and Iraq and allowing these countries to stand on their own and thus adhering to all international banking and commerce laws. I feel these negotiations will fall short if they do not include this.

Thus in dealing with other countries for this purpose. In other words stop the money laundering, the insistence on corrupting the Iraq politics, and sending terrorists across the boarder to influence these matters. This ongoing policy of making Iraq a puppet state of Iran must end. Iran must show good faith too in that they intend to carry out this new policy in the future dealings with Iraq. Qasem Soleimani must pull his Kud forces out of Iraq.

The situation with Syria is coming to a turning point soon too. Since Russia has now pulled support away from Syria and has recommended that Iran now do the same, this may be settled soon. The next question is this. Will Assad retire peacefully or will he go down with the ship….lol….

Let’s keep our heads on. Let’s watch for these events for these will bring the needed laws, security and peace that is required in Iraq to bring back their currency. It may still take months more or they might be hiding much of the progress from us and thus much farther than we expected.

Remember too when it comes to currency reform they have not been working in a vacuum on this event. They have made already much progress in this direction and the project has been stalled many times. This brings confusion to many who are reporting to you on this topic since they do not follow all the news and for some reason they can not or refuse to tie it all together to see the BIG picture. All they seem to rather do is find a single thread of something to cause hype and justify a reason as to why they tell you the RV is going to happen any day and any time.

I can firmly and irrevocably tell you that the RV is not going to happen this weekend or will it probably happen in the next couple weeks or even months. Beyond this timeframe I can not tell you since this events that must take place are so dynamic and we can only project out a couple weeks at a time. So when the news appears and I hear more I will try to keep you informed.

Would you like to keep getting this news letter? I know there are tens of thousands of you reading each publication of this news letter. Even those that bash me too are reading it and many take my information and use it in their conference calls. I have nothing against this practice as long as you accurately quote me or the articles. Folks it about time we hear the truth and stop all this hype and nonsense. I don’t care if I am the one to bring it but someone must do it.

This latest event with Sterling Currency is only the tip of the iceberg as to what is going to happen if this news is not cleaned up and accurately reported. I do not want to speak for Sterling Currency but I will say this- if you have any reserve currency you should expect to receive it according to contract. If not sue them it is that simple.

This Sterling event is not a conspiracy to hold back your reserves and keep you from exchanging them as some “gurus” now are telling you. Ridiculous information ….simply lies once again!

I have told you over and over again these news channels are using their news to sell dinars and other currencies in indirect ways without you even realizing it.

I have tried, in a nice way, to show you that maybe the ZIM should not be a currency to invest in. I showed you proof and yet I am still hearing many buying this currency. So let me bring you once again an article from this week on the latest news concerning this topic.

Article begins:


Ritesh Anand Column

The demonetisation of the Zimbabwe dollar was pronounced by Finance minister Patrick Chinamasa in the 2014 National Budget, as well as in the Reserve Bank Governor John Mangudya’s mid-term Fiscal Policy Review in January 2015.

Demonetisation is the act or process of removing the legal status of a currency unit. It is necessary whenever there is a change of national currency. The old unit of currency must be retired or decommissioned.
Zimbabwe adopted the multiple currency system or dollarisation in 2009 and it is therefore necessary to demonetise the Zimbabwe dollar unit to replace it with the multiple currency system as was approved in the Finance (No 2) Act of 2009.

Demonetisation is not compensation for the loss of value of the Zimbawe dollar due to hyperinflation. It is an exchange process. Let’s hope that we have learnt valuable lessons from the period of hyperinflation.
According to professor Steve Hanke, Zimbabwe’s inflation peaked at over 79 000 000 000%, that’s 98% a day.
That means that prices doubled every 24 hours! Zimbabwe recorded the second highest rate of inflation in history. Only Hungary in 1946 recorded a higher rate of inflation where inflation reached 4,19 x 10¹⁶% or 207% per day. In the case of Hungary prices doubled every 15 hours.

According to the great economist John Maynard Keynes, “There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose.”
Former Russian leader Vladimir Lenin is said to have declared that the best way to destroy the capitalist system was to debauch the currency.
By a continuing process of inflation a substantially major part of the wealth of citizens in a country is systematically and undetected taken away from them. Through this method, not only is their wealth destroyed but obliterated arbitrarily; and, while the process impoverishes the majority, it enriches a selected few.
The sight of this arbitrary re-arrangement of riches strikes not only at security but also at confidence in the equity of the existing distribution of wealth.
Hyperinflation saw the transfer of wealth in Zimbabwe. It did this in a latent way that very few people realised. Those who were smart enough to invest in properties and shares preserved the real value of their savings.
For the most part, people kept their money in savings accounts whose value was eventually destroyed by hyperinflation. Overnight people found themselves with their life savings wiped out. Let’s hope that history is never repeated not only for Zimbabwe, but for the whole of Africa. There are important lessons to be learnt from this period of hyperinflation.

Demonetisation spells the end of this period and heralds a new beginning for Zimbabwe.
The process reaffirms government’s commitment to the multi-currency regime. In the January 2015 Monetary Policy Statement, Mangudya alluded to the conditions precedent before any change from the multicurrency system can be entertained.
To avoid any doubts, these are highlighted below:
Foreign exchange reserves equivalent to one year import cover;
Sustainable government budget;

Low and stable interest rate environment;
Sustainable level of consumer and business confidence;
Confidence in the financial sector; and
Creation of job opportunities.

Zimbabwe is back in business and it means going back to basics. It has moved from hyperinflation to a deflationary environment.

The risks are different this time. Government needs to find a way to reflate the economy without having the means to print money. The only option is to attract investment and to welcome foreign investors. The only way to do this is to create an enabling business environment and respect for property rights.
Demonetisation is the first step towards restoring credibility in the country.
Much more needs to be done to restore investor confidence.

Article Ends

This nonsense is affecting so many lives and so many are losing everything they have over this nonsense. They are victims but victims from their own ignorance and stubbornness and they too are at fault since they have been warned over and over again who the culprits and who is passing down this disinformation. So now once again I am telling you to be careful who you are listening to on these dinar info conference calls and what you read on these forums.

Peace and Luv To Ya All, 
Mnt Goat

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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