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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Monday Night KTFA Call Notes 6-22-15 -Part 1

Denaradori   » June 22nd, 2015, 

from DENARIDORI as per Frosty's request.... Enjoy!!

Frank KTFA CC 6-22-16

Frank26:   Can I emphasize the word “study” for the Iraqi Dinar. KTFA does not offer you a date nor a rate for the Iraqi currency. We do offer you a continual study, almost like our bible study from one book to another, and the same method with the Iraqi dinar investment that’s a sequence of events….we call it the lava flow.

Because in my opinion, it cannot be stopped. It could be delayed but not stopped….or moved in one way or another because the world needs it badly.
Granted last Monday I may have gotten on my high horse on Obama and might have yelled at Obama a little more than I should have, but he deserved it especially when he turned his back to Abadi at the G7 meeting when he came over to talk to talk to Abadi about what’s going on with the monetary reform of their currency.

I told you the jealousy….I didn’t tell you the other jealous…. Did you see how short Abadi is and how big Obama is…do you understand who’s the new sheriff on this planet. The US will not be the only currency pegging to…it will be pegging to another currency very soon.

The jealousy is not pretty – for me and you we could care less….so we continue to study and the lava flow is being controlled but the Governor of the CBI. Who is it? I saw not one person answered my question. It is part of the lava flow…I’m serious!

The governor is about to be put BACK in – He was never removed by Maliki – he has no power. That’s like me telling your boss, I fire your worker. Maliki had no business, right or power but he tried to kill them and his staff or imprison them or falsely accuse him – So the boss of the CBI is the IMF…. So the IMF is equivalent of saying the USA.

They told Shabibi we’ve got your back. I-team took good care of him, didn’t they? And you saw the evidence as they constantly were planning seeds and then the following week you saw it germinate with a rather nice ambrosia to it.

Dr. S is a head of the CBI -- not the US or the IMF – and has no intention of stopping it because he put this whole thing together in the first place.

The house of 12 on the 7th of the 7th will be accomplished. It’s important he’s respected but protected….you saw the evidence of that over the past few months.

So, where are we? We are at the point of BONDS…..and that’s certainly is not a bondship, a kinship, but the bonds will create just that…a cohesiveness that will remove friction that’s really called terrorism in all honesty – a form of security of troops from you know where…we’ll give them credit …as long as we keep the MR going.

Dr. S has done a wonderful job….this book is half filled from last week, this book is thicker…the whole book is filled and yet tonight I’ll only talk to you for about an hour and a half. I don’t think I need to push the issues that are rather self-evident….I don’t think I need to post and then no one posts Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday….

In your notes, last Monday, I told you that I kinda compare with what’s going on with the lava flow (MR) to the invasion of Normandy. You see at that time, there was a massive campaign – sound familiar? – a massive lava flow to enter Germany….but you didn’t want to talk about it.

A very popular theme that was well known back then….actually afterwards….LOOSE LIPS SINK SHIPS…there was an armada of thousands of ships sending our boys to Normandy. They surprised the living daylights out of the Germans.

The only why the allies knew they were coming is because they were putting in their newspapers that were decoded where they were and how to meet us ---kinda like keywords in articles. LOL I’m having a good time.

You all know darn well what I’m doing….loose lips sink ships, and yet there’s been so many different times when they slipped. They don’t necessarily with the date, but constantly with the rate. You saw the evidence Delta brought last week….That’s Dr. Shabibi telling them…come on in!

As soon as we tell you to, we’ll give you 1 USD for1 Dinar and it was in Arabic and we read it to you and now you understand. I told you what Iteam said – shut up!! No, not that way, but they may as well have!

SECURITY – It comes in many forms, doesn’t it? It sure does. If I say the name Aleck – what does that mean to you? Forum answers> Nothing – Keywords -- The so-called governor of the CBI – I think when the article says Keywords it’s the governor of the CBI -- I’m actually saying Ali Ishmael. It’s really important that Alleck is the same person as Ali Ishmael. LOL – Pick a governor of the CBI – it doesn’t matter because our studies only care about Shabibi and you should too.

Walkingstick does a great job in bringing the articles. If someone duplicates a posting….nothing wrong..but pay attention to WS.

Security is being done. Did they talk about the battles, ISIS, Daash, conflicts? What are they talking about? CURRENCY REFORMS….CBI.

Security in this lava flow right now – take a Kodak picture – it’s the governor of the CBI.

You would not want Dr. S to raise the value under the condition if the banks were not safe. Dr. S doesn’t want to endanger his banks – they’re going to be extremely important and IMO, he got the banks back that he wanted, IMO. So, we’re not at that security stage…but a completely different stage…FIRE HIM!

What? Fire who? Aleck! Get rid of these people…they’re nothing more than proxies…especially when you have the quarterback – the main man telling you it’s going to be 1:1. Really? Just catching up on that. What’s important is for him to be in that position and for the world to know this. Pick a guy – they were questioned by Abadi…

We told you with Delta – they were going to have a meeting in 3-4 days – we told you it was going to be about the bonds and the CBI….and what they’re going to talk about. It wasn’t a good meeting for Ishmael or whoever you want it to be – good for us though. What’s going on is some people are blaming the CBI again INCORRECTLY – and that nonsense has gotta stop – we can’t play that game.

The VP of the GOI said to take down the CBI governor now!! Really? Why? Because we want to be doing what we’re doing…’s logical, yes….because we want Shabibi in his place! So does the whole world. In his RIGHT PLACE..By the way – are you still being coy – the budget, monetary reform…the CBI. Don’t look at me!! LOL He actually should say don’t look at me when I’m lying!! It’s hard to hold a straight face.

What is it the GOI wants…who is in cahoot with the CBI. We want whoever to get out – Ishmael or….can’t remember his name…no he’s the finance advisor for Abadi…Saleh…Turki? Who would you like? Ha! Get the point.

Security within the governorship of the CBI is the next chapter IMO. The general never comes to the front of the line until the battle is won! Now get out of there Mr. Proxy – you Mr. cardboard cutout because you’re all basically the same guy, manipulated by the same guy and some of you took the role….are you insane? Get out of there…someone give him some rope…or strings.

Family – this is the meat of what’s going on right now. The substance of the governorship of the CBI. Everybody’s looking at the CBI and now it’s time to look at the leader. The bank auctions were an experiment…sure, when they stopped we thought they’d stop permanently but they’re being used for a different testing system now. Everybody’s okay, right? I’ll select about 14 of you and would like to run the auctions through you….make sure you follow the laws the GOI has for us and connect to the systems. The numbers…1 + 1 = 2 –

They may use the dollar….whatever. Let them do what they want! This is good. And the governor of the CBI said why not abolish the auctions completely? NO! Not until we change the rate from 1166 but until then we cannot stop the auctions but we can experiment t with them …which we did and are about to do again. GOVERNSHIP MUST NOW BE SECURED. That’s extremely important to understand that.

By the way – that meeting did not go good…it was nasty.

Prominent government agencies got together at this meeting with the “governor of the CBI” and Abadi was there and the Finance committee – IT WAS BRUTAL! It was not good…but if I were the GOI and I was Abadi, I’d be doing the same thing…what’s the matter with you? I’ve already got punks to deal with in the finance committee…acting just as stupid as they are…you don’t fire back…get out of here.

IMO, he’s going to be out of there very soon. These guys that are acting silly are a microscopic amount – 1% in the GOI and 1% CBI they’re Maliki’s guys and actually think they’re coming back. NO! The only thing coming is EID.

Abadi is under a lot of pressure – good pressure from the IMF, US and the World banks – all those who want to peg to Abadi.

And Greece is no problem…I told you that….and right about today or tomorrow, you’ll start seeing the turnaround in Greece. Really? Yeah...they’ll say we have a solution. We’re going to PURGE….what?? ….anorexic? Maybe – purge with no liquidity…with all your debtors…and they thought this was a disaster.

Want something to worry about? Worry about Russia. I don’t like the fact that Russia is kissing up to a lot of our business partners….and Putin is looking like he’s not doing anything wrong – the deal was a favor to sell weapons to Iran…they were under sanction. How’d that happen. Enough, Russia, you have a history of this – you’re liars….They’re stepping up with their financial temptation with many of our historical business-related countries. Stay away from Saudi Arabi….want something to worry about? Pray about this: Don’t like the geopolitical situation…but that’s my opinion.

Iraqi is getting ready for the monetary reform. The pressure is on Abadi – to give us the opportunity to bring forth the true governor of the CBI – the IMF wants this – it’s not Abadi that could get the MR done, but they’re the GOI-CBI – not separated anymore.

Did you ever hear a sneeze like Donald Duck – the sneeze of the Monetary Reform is at its apex! It so wants to ….LOL The MR – look at the activities during Ramadan and do not look at a date during Ramadan but look at the ACTIVITIES.


 IMO the bonds totally solve their liquidity problem and these bonds need to be SOLD NOW! They don’t have to wait until Jan 2016 – they need to start selling them in July. The MR is flowing and the prayers that you and I need to bring forth to our Heavenly Father that they don’t go too fast and carelessly make a mistake…because getting it wrong will be disastrous!
WHAT IS ON THIS CHECKLIST IN JULY? Me personally, I’d like to stick in my vote:

1 – I want the governor as quickly as possible – only Shabibi

2 - Bonds….with a soluble rate

3 - The 50 and 100 new currency (don’t confuse the 50K and 100K notes that are a completely different subject and I’ve never talked about it – there is no such animal…you’re saying they’re going to replace them but there isn’t any – it’s just the 50 and 100. Is there a 50 and 100 K note? YES! But you have no business to know about it YET! LOL – I know I just threw a wrench into the washing machine. I’m setting you up for next Monday.

The MR is a lava flow – it has many parts to it and I may talk to you about the 50K and 100K next week. I don’t want to talk about it because the internet will get it all wrong and I’m protecting our studies. I’m in awe as to what I’m seeing and learning in my lifetime. THIS MONETARY REFORM IS AMAZING….SO EDUCATIONAL TO ME…so englightening. It’s impressive!

These bonds need to be sold now!!

4 – Master Cards and Visas and many different kinds of cards
5 - Salaries
6- Lower denom’s
7 - Look the 7th of the 7th of the 7th… CREDIT RATING. We talked to you about that last Monday.

These are the 7 things for July and it’s not even far-fetched…it’s the lava flow…pretty cool!! It’s also a pattern.

The next month, if it’s really not going to happen this month, may we say forget about it? No, no! Move into the next month because it’s the lava flow…

So, next month is EID…may I suggest you read post #13 on our last thread – talking about the 50’s and 100’s – NO! None of the above 7 can be done – They’re in the process of lifting the value of their currency…That’s why we call it the lava flow of the monetary reform, of Dr. Shabibi’s currency of the CBI.

They have no liquidity and they’re working hard on doing this. They have no liquidity, therefore, no value and yet they have assets so, therefore, they need a currency to assign to their currency to because 4 million barrels of oil are produced a day is an insult to an IQD of 1166. The RATE IS WRONG for what’s happening in Iraq! There’s something good to tattoo! -- at this very moment.

So the governor of the CBI tells them to stop the auctions – this has got to stop!!
1:1 is not enough but if we get to 1000 but 1166 – when we get to 1001 we’ll move and sell the dinar and we can sell your foreign currency – you can afford, it our banking structure, our economic growth…but we can’t at 1166.

We never would have known this unless Delta had read that article…. We would still be here wondering….Well Dr. S. talked to the markets and said we’ve got to stop fighting with the markets and stop fighting with each other…no more fighting with the markets. We want to leave 1166 but we can’t because you’re competing against us.………

Link To Part 2

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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