Don't WAIT!

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Bits and Pieces in Dinarland Tuesday Morning


Dinarmama7 at OOM&F

OKIE asked me to address an old post from 10/30/2014 that someone sent out all over Dinarland yesterday.   As he stated he is not posting. 

Should he decide to post anything it will come directly from Sambo or myself and sent directly to Dinar Recaps with the date of post. 

If it does not come from one of us, it is not from him.  PLEASE STOP THE NONSENSE!


Dinar Updates:

Q:  [can they postpone tariffs again, also how can tariffs be imposed expecting people to pay more without purchasing power?] 

tman23     They can do anything they want...they are sovereign... The better question is what can they afford to do or not do? 

Answer: They can not afford to invest in projects...And as for not doing...They can not afford to stay in the current status quo for another 6 months.



Topic: Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish. John Quincy Adams



Iko Ward:  ISX went over 1002 last night, closed at 999.94. Scrolling financial stocks....Not bad. Forex the usual.


MOT:  Feds bust four fake cancer charities that defrauded $187 million from Americans

 ((( BeCareful when YOu Donate !!! ))

(NaturalNews) A string of cancer charities -- the Cancer Fund of America, Cancer Support Services, the Breast Cancer Society and the Children's Cancer Fund of America -- have turned out to be manipulative frauds run by a family of con artists.

The money they raised for cancer patients actually went to pay for personal luxuries instead -- Disney World trips, jet ski outings, new cars, college tuition and luxury travel.

"This is as about as bad as it can get: taking money away from cancer victims," said Jessica Rich, chief of the Federal Trade Commission Bureau of Consumer Protection. The FTC was joined by the attorney general and law enforcement officials from all 50 states in the case against the fake cancer charities.

Their benevolence doesn't end there. The con artists also gave junk food and bad drugs to cancer patients. Some children were given out-of-date antibiotics that made their condition worse. One federal complaint revealed that the charities gave breast cancer patients certain drugs that "are not typically used for the treatment of breast cancer and, in some instances, are not recommended for use by persons who have had cancer."

Only 3 percent of donations went to cancer patients

All in all, the con artists raised $187 million under false pretenses. Their charities promised that they were helping people with cancer, but only 3 percent of what they took from donors actually went to help cancer patients. The things they did give to cancer patients included cheap "direct patient aid," including adult diapers, sample-size toiletries and Little Debbie snack cakes.

According to company credit card reports, the con artists wasted good donation money on things like cell phone apps, iTunes purchases, dating website subscriptions, movies, sporting events and meals at Hooters.

Preying on the sympathies of potential donors, the charities used phrases like, "We help cancer patients anywhere in the United States. Men, women, and children with over 240 types of cancer." To manipulate donors, they used wording like "on the forefront for the fight against cancer." To add fuel to the fire, the charities claimed millions in tax deductions for donated items that didn't exist at all.

Before he established the Cancer Fund of America, James T. Reynolds Sr. worked at the Knoxville, Tenn., chapter of the American Cancer Society. He was fired after he was caught taking the title to a Ford Mustang that was supposed to be auctioned off for charity. He has been carrying out his current scam since 1984, and the FTC details the height of the fraud occurring between 2008 and 2012.

Be mindful of where you donate your time, money and energy

Today, countless Americans are being hoodwinked by self-serving cancer charities. These four fraudulent cancer charities are not the only ones out there collecting money under false pretenses.

The way cancer awareness is marketed and sold today is self-serving to the core. Cancer charities do not educate and implement integrative strategies to help patients detoxify their body. Mainstream cancer charities rarely fund the strategies that empower the immune system in the first place! Cancer awareness is about diagnosis, not prevention, and the mainstream treatments suppress the immune system, instead of empowering it.

It doesn't matter how good your intentions are. If you're giving your time, money and energy to a cancer charity, your money is most likely being siphoned to organizations that pay themselves large salaries and bonuses. Most remaining funds go to the marketing department where cancer awareness brings in business, not integrative strategies for healing.

The next time you wear a pink ribbon or join a walk for cancer, think about what this consumption mentality is feeding and where this energy is being funneled.

Putting funds directly in the hands of cancer patients should take precedence over cancer charity waste, and helping patients find healing strategies that empower their immune system and energy production should be paramount to all the suppressive mainstream treatments constantly being marketed down patients' throats.

Sources for this article include:


Walkingstick » June 22nd, 2015, 11:40 pm 

Why will deteriorate dinar? .. Economists discuss pumping the dollar in the markets, policy

BAGHDAD / .. predicted economist Muhammad Glue, Monday, that deteriorate the value of the Iraqi dinar in the months and years to come in the form of leaps, a document that the follow-up point of economic point of view, among the politicians will try to resist the crisis, which will fall inevitably political reasons, but they will fail because the market stronger than them.

He said Gallo's "Eye Iraq News," "The dinar will strengthen 1,200 dinars to the dollar never through the current reality of the dinar," noting "the possibility of deterioration by a large margin over the coming months and years, and recovering just a temporary phase due to pumping government to the dollar in the market for reasons political end in advance of no more than weeks or even days. "

He said economic expert that "politicians will try to resist it, but they will not be able to because in the end the most powerful of them the market," he said. "All the economic data says that the dinar should fall more than it is now, and that they recovered a matter of time."

It is said that the dinar saw Ankhvaza surprise last week reached 139, adopted on the dollar, up by 20 dinars per dollar, making foreign currency crisis in the form of the Iraqi markets, led many to claim the Central Bank pumping in the markets to restore the balance of the dinar.

The foot site ( Dina guru ) economic specialist transfer of opinions and analyzes, quoting the words of specialists economists Iraqis, including "Kadhim Jawad al-Bakri" economic report from the University of Babylon, one of the workers on the bill to cancel the zeros of the three in the Central Bank of Iraq and its translation "Eye Iraq News," saying that the dinar Iraq will recover soon and abruptly before Iraq would cost any more losses.

The site on Fri certificates specialists, including "the appearance of Mohammed Saleh" financial advisor to Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to the recommendations of the first is that the central bank is due to auction Without Borders for the time being as this will help to increase confidence in Iraqi dinars and give the impression that it "transparent" instead of "stuttering ".

He also said the central bank to issue coins denominations biggest sooner or later in order numerical fiscal reduction which will have positive results on the development of the Iraqi dinar as it will provide in exchange for a paper in front of currency of $ 50 as well as the $ 100 US, which is a problem for the trades in the market In the end, the local worthwhile from the central bank to change the exchange rate mechanism based on a given aspect ratio all the time.

The economists' expectations vary according to data watched by all of them, from his own point or scientific point of view, through which to watch the dinar in isolation from excessive Altvaalat bias to the nationality of the dinar, or calm the buyer to put Iraqi and merchant alike. Ended / 8


Jdtolle:  » June 23rd, 2015,   Follow through and get it done

Whatever you are working on is important enough to deserve your focus and your continued effort. If you’ve chosen to begin the effort, keep going until it is finished.

Once you’ve decided to get it done, don’t allow yourself to doubt yourself. Just go ahead, maintain your focus and keep up the work until you’re finished.

Your initial instinct was to get started, so trust that instinct. Honor your choice by following through with it.

Yes, it could get tedious or frustrating, and you’ll probably be tempted to jump to something else. But if all you ever do is jump to the next thing before the first is finished, you’ll never get anything accomplished.

It’s easy to come up with a perfectly reasonable excuse to quit. Yet a small accomplishment is far superior to the most well-reasoned excuse.

Follow through, keep going, and get it done. Your future self will thank you over and over again.

 Ralph Marston   Wishing All a safe and blessed day   JDT

P.S. Pessimism never won any battle.-- Dwight D Eisenhower

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