Don't WAIT!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

"Bulldog75: "Jim Willie-Yuan/Chinese Plan"

Thanks Bulldog75 for sending this to us.



We have been talking about the Yuan becoming the new reserve currency, the AIIB bank, BRICS Gold Bank, Oil/Shale, Shanghai Exchange, & GCR.

Follow the power and price of gold for this is the GCR big picture and the Dinar, Dong et al baskets. Blessings to you and our planet. I love you all !

PS: here's Dr. Jim Willie update of the world situation covering some of the pieces of the puzzle of the GCR. grab a hot cuppa coffee.

It's a long one but an account of history unfolding in front of our faces. We are meant to be here !



Jim Willie: Chinese Plan to Take Control of the Gold Fix!

April 3, 2015

Jim Willie returns with an open mic and lots on his mind.

If you’re looking for something to do this holiday weekend, here’s 120 minutes of free-range Golden Jackass to help you kill the time.

Just a few of the topics covered in this MUST LISTEN interview:

•The Shanghai Gold Exchange, Chinese gold intentions and a discussion of the dollar

•The Bakken shale fields and crude oil in general

•The continued growth of swap facilities for the yuan and the growing Chinese bond market

•Grexit and the EU and the euro and Russia and Turkey…and how these parts fit together

120 MUST LISTEN minutes with Hat Trick Letter Editor Jim Willie & Craig Hemke are below:

Part 1&2

Download Podcast on Link Below:

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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