Latest news letter from Mnt Goat 4/25. Thanks GeorgeH
UU4406 – “The Clock is Ticking” by Mnt Goat
Hello Everyone,
This week’s information from Iraq was awesome. So much news I could talk for hours…lol.. Those of you that personally know me, this is an understatement….lol…
Too much info to place it all in this news letter today but I will try to summarize and begin to form the picture of the puzzle we have been trying to figure out now for the last 6 months about this RV saga.
Yes – we are moving closer and closer to a June timeframe with much optimism. As each week passes, then yet another week, it is eroding any confidence in those telling us it is going to happen every day / any day and that all is set to RV. Are you discouraged? They say this RV will never be delayed until June. Really?
UU4406 – “The Clock is Ticking” by Mnt Goat
Hello Everyone,
This week’s information from Iraq was awesome. So much news I could talk for hours…lol.. Those of you that personally know me, this is an understatement….lol…
Too much info to place it all in this news letter today but I will try to summarize and begin to form the picture of the puzzle we have been trying to figure out now for the last 6 months about this RV saga.
Yes – we are moving closer and closer to a June timeframe with much optimism. As each week passes, then yet another week, it is eroding any confidence in those telling us it is going to happen every day / any day and that all is set to RV. Are you discouraged? They say this RV will never be delayed until June. Really?
They say we are just waiting for an announcement at any minute. Really? Does any minute in their definition mean months of really minutes? What clock do they use? One more week remains in April and then onward to May - Tick Tock, Tick Tock….
There are those that tell us they no longer read Mnt Goat news letters. They feel I have turned my news into a bashing match. But they do continue to read. To this I say too bad for you then this news letter is no longer for you. So stop reading it. I am about telling the truth and my readers have a right to know when someone is lying to them and/or making up stories to suit their purpose.
I am out to tell the truth as I know it and many do not want the truth. Instead they want this continued hype and nonsense news that is getting passed on from some crocked sources in Iraq who are spreading their propaganda to the west to confuse us.
Is it the CIA behind this? Is it bad politics behind this? I do not know but I do know this - It simply can not be happening every minute / every day / every weekend. I have told you this time and time again.
Sorry but I refuse to go along with it and tell you all these constant lies they want me too to pass on to you. Yes – I too have some of the same contacts as they have as they are common trash intel providers.
I simply made the choice to stop passing on their nonsense. Do you now know why? I am going to tell you why in this news letter today.
Folks the news is not meant to be confusing. In reality it’s very straight forward in what is happening. All you have to do is stop listening to this nonsense, go to the facts and it all begins to make logical sense as to what is really happening. But you must pull away from the nonsense. It is your choice.
Folks it is getting tiresome and so I suggest you begin the process of taking responsibility for your own information. It is no secret in how to find solid information. There are web sites from Iraq with solid news channels. There is the Gatekeepers call if you are too lazy to research and read for yourselves.
Oh – but you want their “secret” news from their contacts? Articles are good enough! You feel this you can’t get from articles. All I have to say about these so called “secret” sources from Iraq or government officials is this – Have they ever been correct? Enough said! Let’s move on to reality!
Today’s News
Today is Saturday April 25th. Another week has passed and yes there is still no Iraq currency RV. Will we be called to the banks to exchange on Monday, as some say there is a 85% probability this will happen?
Really? I doubt it and in fact I can say with 1000% confidence a big fat NO !
Let me first say there is a close at hand future timeframe coming to us when we will see this revaluation. It is coming soon and it MUST happen. I will tell you now WHY with complete 100% CONFIDENCE in what I tell you in this news letter not 85%.
The Iraqi RV will be a final event that will turn the page on the entire middle eastern region. Yes – it is now not just about Iraq or saving the global economy but about an entire middle eastern regional event.
If I was to look back to 2005 or 2010 the picture and plan was much different. It has now changed. It has been adjusted many times already. So let us look back and then see why and how this RV plan has changed and we got into this current situation in Iraq.
My analysis will assist you in understanding why some of these “intel gurus” keep telling you this any day, every day stuff. It is because they DO NOT KNOW OR CARE TO KNOW ABOUT THE REVISED PLAN.
They also can not adjust their thinking to all possibilities. Instead they are content on listing to some sources that spoon feed them intel.
So here it is for all those who truly want to know why the RV is being held up now for over 6 months and maybe a timeline as to when we can be feasible see it.
Remember this situation now with ISIS and security is very fluid and dynamic. The plan could be adjusted again but from what I am seeing they are trying not to change it, unless they have a total change in the atmosphere in Iraq, such as when ISIS infiltrated in June of last year.
Pre-April 2014
a) 4 more years of the Maliki (a Sheite) do nothing government
b) a merging hatred and mistrust for the Baghdad government. Especially with the Sunnis
c) a merging crisis in Syria (genocide and terrorist overflow marks Assad must go)
d) increasing crisis with the Iranian nuclear potential
e) crisis with Iranian militia kud forces operating in Iraq ( 1 mill + believed to be in Iraq)
f) infiltration of ISIS into Iraq and the Sunni hope they can cure what plagues Iraq by joining and fighting along side.
Post April 2014 to Present
a) Israeli and Saudi Arabi active involvement in problem with Syria, becoming active members of middle eastern coalition (actually they have always had a common enemy – terrorists lead by Iran)
b) in the fight against ISIS - Iranian and Syrian terrorist influence can potentially overflow into a global concern. This is now a global concern. Developed countries can no longer hide their heads in the sand.
c) A long term plan is molded on how to deal with this wide spread terrorist threat
d) USA discontinues support for Maliki gov’t, Abadi elected and supported (initial gov’t platform is for peace, reconciliation and abundance for Iraq, changes now to the entire middle east)
e) Iraq offered full membership in GCC (in fact they want Iraq to lead it). I will tell you more about the GCC later in this news letter.
f) a new beginning of “RECONCILIATION” and a plan is put forth with the new government. Now in place for UNITY in Iraq towards one common goal. First must overcome the mistrust from the past. Laws to help in the process are once again proposed (same laws from 2009-10) and used as a bargaining chip for the Abadi gov’t to gain support and win the election.
g) The Iraq RV now gets put on the back burner and a process is formulated into yet a newer plan, involving now all the new players (all GCC and potential countries of the middle eastern GCC are included).
Actually this plan is not new but the RV part is since it now will be delayed and formulated into a bigger plan evolving yet much more than originally intended in 2005 and again in 2010.
So there is this plan for the RV. Now a much larger plan. It is now not just all about Iraq or the helping in saving the global financial sectors but about the entire middle eastern sector.
Since its impact will be felt not only in the country of Iraq but will be huge to the entire middle eastern region needs security and economic support from the neighboring countries.
An example of this is how to get rid of Iranian influence in Iraq once ISIS is gone. Quite frankly I am hearing there is no currency solution. So we know this too must be worked out somehow. This will take some time.
This is but one issue that must be dealt with. Iraq will never be a true sovereign country if it is still a puppet for Iran as Mailiki wanted. It will never truly gain it independence if it must worry about constant terrorists attackes from Iran when refusing to go along with the Iranian plan for this puppet dictatorship.
To bring the industry, businesses and tourism to Iraq you simply can not have daily bombings in the streets. So you see there is a huge turnaround about to happen and a decision has been made to fix the problem but how? Then once fixed to open the gates to the global world.
To help understand this process I want to make an analogy. Think of it as a book written about it. Can you foretell the ending? No one can. But as in many stories you can guess the ending but not before reading all the chapters that precede it.
How else can you make an educated guess? You won’t have enough facts to base you guessing on.
Why not use the KNOWN facts to make an EDUCATED guess at least instead of listening to spoon fed intel from some source telling you about the chapters they themselves have never read.
This is pumping out false information. We don’t know their true objectives for pumping out this information but we do have our own minds. We can think for ourselves and we can use our brains to ignore it and move on to reading our book for ourselves.
We may not know all the requirements (as we try to cheat, skip chapters and read ahead in our book), as many (including myself) have tried to do many times without any success.
If you do this you get confused and it does not make any sense then in what you read. I am guilty too and have learned my lesson well.
Is not experience part of the learning process? So if you don’t adjust your attitude and beliefs after learning and experiencing- are you not the idiot?
You must look at the information in all the chapters already read in this new plan and see how it is coming together. You can’t just skip chapters in the book and rush to the ending, as most of us keep wanting to do.
You can’t read an outdated revision of the book and expect to get the same ending o the story. Rushing to the end of the book is this every minute / every day / every week constant rush of excitement.
It is cheating and so we know what cheating gets us – constant disappointment, anxiety and a feeling of hopelessness like this RV will never happen. Did I describe how you are now feeling correctly?
So let us now look at the areas of concern for Iraq and take the UNKNOWN to the KNOWING thus taking the constant drama out of this RV saga. Areas that we have been told repeatedly over and over again are important to watch for we must in fact be watching and wait for the progress.
Those telling us constantly these areas of concern do not matter are doing so because they know and understand this is truly where the golden nuggets of truth will be found. They do not want us to know the truth and so they steer us from it and this is how they are “earning their place at the RV table”.
The PTB can not have us knowing when this RV is going to happen. Too much money already spent on reserves and movement of money around to position ourselves for this RV event.
Folks there is nothing else. It is that simple. There is no conspiracy, no boogie man or someone behind the curtain. You simply are discouraged because you have been listening to the wrong sources for your information. It is entirely your fault!
So these events we now look for will be the tale tell signs as we watch for them to progress. They are the implementation of the words written in the chapters of our RV book.
As we read this novel to the completion of this grand plan for the RV we must be patient and we will have to complete all the chapters prior to knowing the ending.
So here are these chapters in this book I am referring to:
1) Iraqi news articles - they are some of the pages in our book to read, a must read!
2) the fulfillment of the much needed legislation (laws needed for completion of the agreed upon reconciliation process), not true until publicly announced and passed in parliament (ignore rumors)
3) what’s next for fighting ISIS (for much needed security for investors and society as a whole) an obstacle to peace but it can be and will be overcome
4) expelling Iranian militia and Kud forces from Iraq
5) the future of Iraq in the GCC - the final chapter and goes way beyond into the future after the day the Iraqi RV happens
As I stated many times before I can not cover each and every one of these topics in full detail in each and ever news letter. There is so much interconnections I would luv to tell the entire story in my own book……
It would be like reading a novel to you each time. This news letter would be hundreds of pages. So I try to give you nuggets of information a little at a time. This is why I have said to go back a re-read my last news letters to catch up on the saga. Then this current news letter makes more sense.
There are those that tell us they no longer read Mnt Goat news letters. They feel I have turned my news into a bashing match. But they do continue to read. To this I say too bad for you then this news letter is no longer for you. So stop reading it. I am about telling the truth and my readers have a right to know when someone is lying to them and/or making up stories to suit their purpose.
I am out to tell the truth as I know it and many do not want the truth. Instead they want this continued hype and nonsense news that is getting passed on from some crocked sources in Iraq who are spreading their propaganda to the west to confuse us.
Is it the CIA behind this? Is it bad politics behind this? I do not know but I do know this - It simply can not be happening every minute / every day / every weekend. I have told you this time and time again.
Sorry but I refuse to go along with it and tell you all these constant lies they want me too to pass on to you. Yes – I too have some of the same contacts as they have as they are common trash intel providers.
I simply made the choice to stop passing on their nonsense. Do you now know why? I am going to tell you why in this news letter today.
Folks the news is not meant to be confusing. In reality it’s very straight forward in what is happening. All you have to do is stop listening to this nonsense, go to the facts and it all begins to make logical sense as to what is really happening. But you must pull away from the nonsense. It is your choice.
Folks it is getting tiresome and so I suggest you begin the process of taking responsibility for your own information. It is no secret in how to find solid information. There are web sites from Iraq with solid news channels. There is the Gatekeepers call if you are too lazy to research and read for yourselves.
Oh – but you want their “secret” news from their contacts? Articles are good enough! You feel this you can’t get from articles. All I have to say about these so called “secret” sources from Iraq or government officials is this – Have they ever been correct? Enough said! Let’s move on to reality!
Today’s News
Today is Saturday April 25th. Another week has passed and yes there is still no Iraq currency RV. Will we be called to the banks to exchange on Monday, as some say there is a 85% probability this will happen?
Really? I doubt it and in fact I can say with 1000% confidence a big fat NO !
Let me first say there is a close at hand future timeframe coming to us when we will see this revaluation. It is coming soon and it MUST happen. I will tell you now WHY with complete 100% CONFIDENCE in what I tell you in this news letter not 85%.
The Iraqi RV will be a final event that will turn the page on the entire middle eastern region. Yes – it is now not just about Iraq or saving the global economy but about an entire middle eastern regional event.
If I was to look back to 2005 or 2010 the picture and plan was much different. It has now changed. It has been adjusted many times already. So let us look back and then see why and how this RV plan has changed and we got into this current situation in Iraq.
My analysis will assist you in understanding why some of these “intel gurus” keep telling you this any day, every day stuff. It is because they DO NOT KNOW OR CARE TO KNOW ABOUT THE REVISED PLAN.
They also can not adjust their thinking to all possibilities. Instead they are content on listing to some sources that spoon feed them intel.
So here it is for all those who truly want to know why the RV is being held up now for over 6 months and maybe a timeline as to when we can be feasible see it.
Remember this situation now with ISIS and security is very fluid and dynamic. The plan could be adjusted again but from what I am seeing they are trying not to change it, unless they have a total change in the atmosphere in Iraq, such as when ISIS infiltrated in June of last year.
Pre-April 2014
a) 4 more years of the Maliki (a Sheite) do nothing government
b) a merging hatred and mistrust for the Baghdad government. Especially with the Sunnis
c) a merging crisis in Syria (genocide and terrorist overflow marks Assad must go)
d) increasing crisis with the Iranian nuclear potential
e) crisis with Iranian militia kud forces operating in Iraq ( 1 mill + believed to be in Iraq)
f) infiltration of ISIS into Iraq and the Sunni hope they can cure what plagues Iraq by joining and fighting along side.
Post April 2014 to Present
a) Israeli and Saudi Arabi active involvement in problem with Syria, becoming active members of middle eastern coalition (actually they have always had a common enemy – terrorists lead by Iran)
b) in the fight against ISIS - Iranian and Syrian terrorist influence can potentially overflow into a global concern. This is now a global concern. Developed countries can no longer hide their heads in the sand.
c) A long term plan is molded on how to deal with this wide spread terrorist threat
d) USA discontinues support for Maliki gov’t, Abadi elected and supported (initial gov’t platform is for peace, reconciliation and abundance for Iraq, changes now to the entire middle east)
e) Iraq offered full membership in GCC (in fact they want Iraq to lead it). I will tell you more about the GCC later in this news letter.
f) a new beginning of “RECONCILIATION” and a plan is put forth with the new government. Now in place for UNITY in Iraq towards one common goal. First must overcome the mistrust from the past. Laws to help in the process are once again proposed (same laws from 2009-10) and used as a bargaining chip for the Abadi gov’t to gain support and win the election.
g) The Iraq RV now gets put on the back burner and a process is formulated into yet a newer plan, involving now all the new players (all GCC and potential countries of the middle eastern GCC are included).
Actually this plan is not new but the RV part is since it now will be delayed and formulated into a bigger plan evolving yet much more than originally intended in 2005 and again in 2010.
So there is this plan for the RV. Now a much larger plan. It is now not just all about Iraq or the helping in saving the global financial sectors but about the entire middle eastern sector.
Since its impact will be felt not only in the country of Iraq but will be huge to the entire middle eastern region needs security and economic support from the neighboring countries.
An example of this is how to get rid of Iranian influence in Iraq once ISIS is gone. Quite frankly I am hearing there is no currency solution. So we know this too must be worked out somehow. This will take some time.
This is but one issue that must be dealt with. Iraq will never be a true sovereign country if it is still a puppet for Iran as Mailiki wanted. It will never truly gain it independence if it must worry about constant terrorists attackes from Iran when refusing to go along with the Iranian plan for this puppet dictatorship.
To bring the industry, businesses and tourism to Iraq you simply can not have daily bombings in the streets. So you see there is a huge turnaround about to happen and a decision has been made to fix the problem but how? Then once fixed to open the gates to the global world.
To help understand this process I want to make an analogy. Think of it as a book written about it. Can you foretell the ending? No one can. But as in many stories you can guess the ending but not before reading all the chapters that precede it.
How else can you make an educated guess? You won’t have enough facts to base you guessing on.
Why not use the KNOWN facts to make an EDUCATED guess at least instead of listening to spoon fed intel from some source telling you about the chapters they themselves have never read.
This is pumping out false information. We don’t know their true objectives for pumping out this information but we do have our own minds. We can think for ourselves and we can use our brains to ignore it and move on to reading our book for ourselves.
We may not know all the requirements (as we try to cheat, skip chapters and read ahead in our book), as many (including myself) have tried to do many times without any success.
If you do this you get confused and it does not make any sense then in what you read. I am guilty too and have learned my lesson well.
Is not experience part of the learning process? So if you don’t adjust your attitude and beliefs after learning and experiencing- are you not the idiot?
You must look at the information in all the chapters already read in this new plan and see how it is coming together. You can’t just skip chapters in the book and rush to the ending, as most of us keep wanting to do.
You can’t read an outdated revision of the book and expect to get the same ending o the story. Rushing to the end of the book is this every minute / every day / every week constant rush of excitement.
It is cheating and so we know what cheating gets us – constant disappointment, anxiety and a feeling of hopelessness like this RV will never happen. Did I describe how you are now feeling correctly?
So let us now look at the areas of concern for Iraq and take the UNKNOWN to the KNOWING thus taking the constant drama out of this RV saga. Areas that we have been told repeatedly over and over again are important to watch for we must in fact be watching and wait for the progress.
Those telling us constantly these areas of concern do not matter are doing so because they know and understand this is truly where the golden nuggets of truth will be found. They do not want us to know the truth and so they steer us from it and this is how they are “earning their place at the RV table”.
The PTB can not have us knowing when this RV is going to happen. Too much money already spent on reserves and movement of money around to position ourselves for this RV event.
Folks there is nothing else. It is that simple. There is no conspiracy, no boogie man or someone behind the curtain. You simply are discouraged because you have been listening to the wrong sources for your information. It is entirely your fault!
So these events we now look for will be the tale tell signs as we watch for them to progress. They are the implementation of the words written in the chapters of our RV book.
As we read this novel to the completion of this grand plan for the RV we must be patient and we will have to complete all the chapters prior to knowing the ending.
So here are these chapters in this book I am referring to:
1) Iraqi news articles - they are some of the pages in our book to read, a must read!
2) the fulfillment of the much needed legislation (laws needed for completion of the agreed upon reconciliation process), not true until publicly announced and passed in parliament (ignore rumors)
3) what’s next for fighting ISIS (for much needed security for investors and society as a whole) an obstacle to peace but it can be and will be overcome
4) expelling Iranian militia and Kud forces from Iraq
5) the future of Iraq in the GCC - the final chapter and goes way beyond into the future after the day the Iraqi RV happens
As I stated many times before I can not cover each and every one of these topics in full detail in each and ever news letter. There is so much interconnections I would luv to tell the entire story in my own book……
It would be like reading a novel to you each time. This news letter would be hundreds of pages. So I try to give you nuggets of information a little at a time. This is why I have said to go back a re-read my last news letters to catch up on the saga. Then this current news letter makes more sense.
I wish I could tell you more if I truly knew it would help you understand better. Sometimes I think many of you are too far gone with the RV propaganda being put out that you are already brain washed beyond salvage….lol…. I can read it in the responses to my news letters. I can hear it in the conference calls in the questions and statements being made.
However that does not mean the chapters in the book are not all important, interconnected and meaningful. I have never lost sight of them or changed my opinion.
I stand my ground on my convictions on each of these categories (or chapters of the book) as being the key to progress in Iraq in order to see any reinstatement of their currency to a global status (thus a revaluation to coincide).
In the meantime Iraq must begin to make preparations and multi-task in getting ready for the main event (the revaluation). This means the needed CBI work, banking laws, communications with other countries, distribution of lower denoms and coins and another international events, etc, etc can occur and must occur prior.
Does this indicate we are close to the RV? Yes it does but alone they are just preparation and not the RV itself as happening tomorrow or tonight. You must sift thru and see the big picture first then see how the pieces fit. It is hard to do but having the overall plan helps. I am giving you a gift today – you now have the plan.
This process of preparation takes many months and so they must prepare ahead of time to get ready for the final hour. This information about this preparation is often misinterpreted and confused about the imminence of this RV event.
Some say I think I am a know it all? No –I do not know it all but just use my God given COMMON SENSE and take off my RV hype hat and settle down and fully digest all the information flowing out of Iraq.
This intel gathering and analysis is not new to me, as I have given you my background many time already.
This was my job for many years while in the army. I am also not a stranger to Iraq as I was stationed there for many years. I know how Arabs think and the reason for the constant violence. I know how it can be stopped and will be stopped.
Maybe I should do a news letter three times a week like some suggest? . But then again maybe I need time to investigate and confirm the information I am getting. This too means many personal contacts but they are only a small piece to the puzzle of information. I have decided to compose news letters only when needed.
So now let us get serious about reading some of these chapters in our revised book of the RV plan.
Laws Needed for FULL Completion of the Reconciliation
Chairman of the House of Representatives, Dr. Salim al-received in his own office, on Thursday 4/23, the Iraqi file, a UN official Mr. Darko Mojibwb.
During the meeting, they discussed ways to strengthen the bonds of national unity through the departure from the principle of true reconciliation between the different Iraqi people slices, as President al-Jubouri, stressed the need to expedite the completion of the laws that contribute to instill confidence among the ingredients in the forefront of the amnesty laws, and the National Guard, and the accountability and justice.
Commentsmay be made at the end of Part 2 Thank You
However that does not mean the chapters in the book are not all important, interconnected and meaningful. I have never lost sight of them or changed my opinion.
I stand my ground on my convictions on each of these categories (or chapters of the book) as being the key to progress in Iraq in order to see any reinstatement of their currency to a global status (thus a revaluation to coincide).
In the meantime Iraq must begin to make preparations and multi-task in getting ready for the main event (the revaluation). This means the needed CBI work, banking laws, communications with other countries, distribution of lower denoms and coins and another international events, etc, etc can occur and must occur prior.
Does this indicate we are close to the RV? Yes it does but alone they are just preparation and not the RV itself as happening tomorrow or tonight. You must sift thru and see the big picture first then see how the pieces fit. It is hard to do but having the overall plan helps. I am giving you a gift today – you now have the plan.
This process of preparation takes many months and so they must prepare ahead of time to get ready for the final hour. This information about this preparation is often misinterpreted and confused about the imminence of this RV event.
Some say I think I am a know it all? No –I do not know it all but just use my God given COMMON SENSE and take off my RV hype hat and settle down and fully digest all the information flowing out of Iraq.
This intel gathering and analysis is not new to me, as I have given you my background many time already.
This was my job for many years while in the army. I am also not a stranger to Iraq as I was stationed there for many years. I know how Arabs think and the reason for the constant violence. I know how it can be stopped and will be stopped.
Maybe I should do a news letter three times a week like some suggest? . But then again maybe I need time to investigate and confirm the information I am getting. This too means many personal contacts but they are only a small piece to the puzzle of information. I have decided to compose news letters only when needed.
So now let us get serious about reading some of these chapters in our revised book of the RV plan.
Laws Needed for FULL Completion of the Reconciliation
Chairman of the House of Representatives, Dr. Salim al-received in his own office, on Thursday 4/23, the Iraqi file, a UN official Mr. Darko Mojibwb.
During the meeting, they discussed ways to strengthen the bonds of national unity through the departure from the principle of true reconciliation between the different Iraqi people slices, as President al-Jubouri, stressed the need to expedite the completion of the laws that contribute to instill confidence among the ingredients in the forefront of the amnesty laws, and the National Guard, and the accountability and justice.
Commentsmay be made at the end of Part 2 Thank You
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