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Friday, April 24, 2015

Comments On "Fear Not the Death Of The Dollar" Part 2

Susan Morris   APRIL 24, 2015 AT 7:58 AM  Well said, JC. I, too, am all for empowement of the people, but surely it is within a certain (externally-imposed) set of parameters? 

Or are you actually saying that ‘it doesn’t have to be this way’, and that even now we can get involved and alter the (until-now) pre-determined future?

Toknowyourenemy   APRIL 23, 2015 AT 10:09 PM  There was no need for the export of good manufacturing jobs due to the imbalances of the currency……money printing, going off the gold standard, yup – but that doesn’t explain the majority of the job losses.

 Closed markets alone account for a huge portion of the loss. Kodak films could not get their product into Japan and many, many other countries – but we let them come and kill Kodak, another icon of America to be sacrificed on the alter of whatever. 

I say whatever because it was unnecessary. Ridiculous EPA rules, designer taxes, onerous regulations and reporting requirements….this list is truly endless. But I hear what you’re saying, thanks for the reply.
Toknowyourenemy Continues:   Anyone else wonder…..actually doubt, the sincerity of why governments are buying gold by the tens of tonnes/month while denouncing it and pushing fiat? The world got along just fine before the BIS came to town.

Gold is the money of kings; silver is the money of gentlemen; barter is the money of peasants; but debt is the money of slaves.

Remember folks, fiat is an instrument of debt, an obligation – not an asset. And now, a war on cash – just lots of 101011100011110001010’s.

This isn’t what people do to others wishing to unlock their potential.

JC Collins   APRIL 24, 2015 AT 12:06 AM   I didn’t realize the governments and central banks wished to unlock the potential of people. Maybe I have this all wrong. Or you’re confusing me with governments and central banks. The subconscious slight of hand.   To know your enemy is to know yourself.

Cedarforest   APRIL 23, 2015 AT 10:54 PM   JC,  Your statements quoted below raise some questions:

“The international value of the dollar will have the following domestic effects, some can be considered positive while others are considered negative:

1.Increase in domestic job creation based on increased production capacity and net exports.

2.Inability to continue raising the debt ceiling, which will rise to the surface again this October, the same month as the IMF meeting on the new SDR basket composition.

3.Challenges with reducing budget deficits. (things such as military spending will need to be reduced)

4.Stabilizing the growth of the federal government’s long-term debt.”

I can understand an increase in exports as a consequence of a lower dollar. However, this will depend heavily on liquidity (to fund expansion) which will be a significant challenge in the following months and perhaps years based on current analysis.

 The world is deflating, even China is affected, so expansion is not likely/possible until the economic cycle turns, and liquidity improves. Agree?

You state that there will be a problem with raising the US debt ceiling. Do you mean this in the political sense (opposition to more debt), or are you thinking also of the inability of the US to sell its debt overseas in the future following the transition to the SDR?

You state that military spending will need to be reduced, but you didn’t mention the much larger entitlements budgets and the associated unfunded liabilities.

How do you propose that the US will be able to cut deficit spending as required in a new world in which unlimited borrowing/money printing won’t be possible without triggering hyperinflation?

I’m not even mentioning the resulting social upheavals if the immense social programs are cut back, as the country loses the ability to run 40% deficits. What’s the answer here? Large tax increases?

 Confiscation of wealth? Both of these would also negate exports expansion due to an even worse liquidity problem.

Stabilizing the growth of the federal government debt will be quite challenging in an environment in which interest rates are rising, and 40% deficits are difficult to reduce. What time frame do you have in mind for the stabilization?   Thanks,   CF

Gustavsaure   APRIL 23, 2015 AT 11:38 PM  “When the dollar depreciates, we traditionally see an increase in the value of, say oil. This is because oil and other commodities are denominated in dollars.

This increase in commodity prices can be offset, or eliminated altogether, by denominating commodities, along with goods, services, and other financial assets, in a multilateral reserve asset, as represented by the SDR.”     And when the USD is devalued against the SDR?

JC Collins  APRIL 24, 2015 AT 12:21 AM   And so it will. But what of it? I already stated that the international purchasing power of the dollar will decrease.

This will be an opportunity for Americans to produce their own goods again. Thus the reindustrialization of America. And maybe they can even export some of those goods to the rest of the world.

Sounds like a win to me. Or do you think American factories should stay closed and Americans can continue to pay less for commodities than the rest of the world?

Gustavsaure   APRIL 24, 2015 AT 12:47 AM  Yes of course you are right. But I see relative resource scarcity for the US and just wonder how the hell they are going to control inflation. It’s going to be one hell of a transition.

JC Collins   APRIL 24, 2015 AT 12:49 AM  You got that right brother.

Susan Morris  APRIL 24, 2015 AT 8:07 AM  Can Americans get ‘ back to the land’, if the farms have been bought up? Tenant farmers? To have a fully-functioning local economy, you don’t need shackles. Do we need to re-think local economies into more of a ‘collective’ scenario?

Wmcmw  APRIL 24, 2015 AT 12:17 AM   Futuret  Your message is loud and clear but out of season and is simply playing for the entertainment of those who planning your demise. Have you ever wondered what happened in the 400 years between the Old and New Testament ?

The 400 Years between the Old and New Testaments

Are you aware of the coup prior to the arrival of the man commonly known as Jesus?

Referred to in Rev 2:9 and Rev 3:9 the descendants of Esau executed the descendants of Jacob and laid claim to the lost inheritance. It is they who call themselves Yahudim but lie .. whose script you are proclaiming .. they are using end time Biblical Prophecy as a script in the great delusion of which you are a victim. Study the works of Josephus .. In time you will understand your message and I sincerely hope you understand JC’s message.

JC is the only person making sense out of this chaos … let’s not confuse the issue he is dealing with.

JC has been gracious in tolerating comments that otherwise may be deemed unwelcome or inappropriate

deejj87   APRIL 24, 2015 AT 12:33 AM  I can’t believe your ebook isn’t done yet, jeez!

Susan Morris  APRIL 24, 2015 AT 8:08 AM  And yours?

Daneackerman   APRIL 24, 2015 AT 10:13 AM  Perfect! lol. Thank you:)

Jose Johnson   APRIL 24, 2015 AT 1:03 AM  Hello JC,  Nice piece. Can’t wait till the Reengineering of the Dollar piece you are working on comes out. How does one who has 401k, IRA, individual stocks, cash, rental property and some gold transition in this process ?

I firmly believe that all those can be manipulated. But so far I think the ability to work and excel in what you do by being creative and also in creating opportunities for those that work for you and with you while also learning from them is priceless and might actually be the goal to maintain.

How does one actually go about harnessing that ability given that is what can be closer to true wealth ?

I know you are working on a thesis to grace us with soon enough but will surely enjoy if you can give us some pointers.

Over the past year I have been realizing that working with people and helping my clients is a true blessing and I am working at getting better and being more responsible as the designer keeps putting people in my life to evolve me further before I go yonder.   Cheers

Mnalik   APRIL 24, 2015 AT 3:07 AM  JC I’m from Brazil and really appreciate your efforts and thoughts. I’m currently new in economics but really take care of it in some levels.. But come on, for me such narrow subjects sounds a little boring. Let’s talk about exopolitics and how to feed 500 trillion aliens :D    (just kidding!)   Cheers

usernameisfake   APRIL 24, 2015 AT 6:47 AM  Hi JC,  I’ve read most of your posts on the “powers that be’s” agenda for their transition from the US dollar reserve currency to the “multi-lateral new world currency” based on the re-jigged SDR “basket” of currencies.

From my research to date, I would have to say that I agree with your analysis and understanding of the “grand plan” that the NWO elites have put in place for maintaining their control and enslavement of humanity with their “reset” and continued monopoly with their new world money system.

I think where many readers get upset with this assessment, is that they suspect you agree with (and endorse) the NWO elites motives and future agenda for humanity, which amounts to even more oppression, control and slavery, as far as I can see.

I get the impression from your replies to readers that even though you may not agree with this outcome, you still see it as somewhat inevitable? Which is I guess why you add the proviso that “But as always, the emerging system will also corrupt in time and in 15 to 20 years we could again see the descent into the depths of economic dysfunction”?

When one looks at the replies from readers that object to your point of view, the majority fall into the camp of “why allow the elites to swop out one broken, oppressive monetary system for an even more oppressive system?”

I agree with you that people firstly need to understand exactly what is going on and you are doing a sterling job explaining the NWO agenda with regards to their monetary system reset.

But surely given what we now know about the 0.1% elite controlled corrupt slave system we live under, it would be far better for our species and all life on this planet, if we could all came up with a fairer, more sustainable monetary system, than what is being proposed for us by “the powers that be”? Regards Paul

Speedspirit  APRIL 24, 2015 AT 12:20 PM  Paul,  Well said! I believe it was in one of JC’s previous post or comments that he said basically that it is better to be alive, feed and part of a bad system than the alternative, ( war, death, famine, disease and no hope.)

It is up to us the individuals to go out into this crisis and set new examples of how to live a better way of life despite the challenges. The reset is the only way to do away with the old system.

The Euro was the dream of the elite .01% and it is failing. The war machine of the USA was a dream of the elite and this also is failing, look what happened when we tried to invade Syria.

The people do not want wars, the elite do.There are no saviors coming to save the masses.

Individual’s need to take this opportunity to create salvation, communities will need to come together to prosper and survive. To say no to the government tit and enslavement.

I am suspecting these digits of wealth on a computer screen will soon not measure up to real assets like land, fresh food, clean water, friends, homemade gifts, handmade items and more time spent with those who matter rather than chasing a material life of instant gratification which lines the pockets of the elite.

It is in our minds where we choose the world we wish to see. It has taken me a long time to choose to see this opportunity.

Susan Morris  APRIL 24, 2015 AT 12:47 PM   Hello Paul,  I think this is what JC has been urging us to do all along – to stop looking ‘without’ for the answers, and playing the ‘victim’ card, and to start looking within for strength, guidance and honesty. JC has done his level best to lay the plan out as clearly as he can, it is now up to ‘us’ to make sure it doesn’t happen!

Dripfood  APRIL 24, 2015 AT 8:23 AM  Isn’t interesting how a well balanced article that’s clearly meant to provide some peace of mind, provokes such emotional reactions!

I guess the Don Quichot attitude of fighting the evil slave masters from behind a PC, provides some sense of safety in and of itself. JC, by revealing this folly, in their eyes you atttack that perceived sense of safety. Hence the upset reactions.

I’m afraid logic won’t ever directly neutralize an emotional upset. The reason for this is that the autonomous nervous system has literally no access to language.
Michael Nogueira   APRIL 24, 2015 AT 9:32 AM   JC,  Well, you’ve certainly perked my ears. I’m on the edge of my seat here with earnest patience for your upcoming PoM announcement.

 A year ago I was searching for a source of clarity on the very subjects you bring to surface on PoM. 

I for one, an average not-totally-poor-not-rich American just wanted to acknowledge your work and personally thank you. You’ve opened my eyes.

I’m not well versed in economics enough to tell fact from fiction… but I’m capable of reason, logic and balancing my perspective with empowering awareness.

This is a quality you imbue into socioeconomic analysis… and so for me, not only is it refreshing against the backdrop of doomsday alternative media memes – it’s rather convincing.

I’ve watched the storyline on your site develop… You’ve got a good grip on this transition and time has thus far proven your accuracy. All I can say from a reader’s perspective: it feels like we are now embarking on some fascinating waters.

I look forward to your future posts. Especially “re-engineering of the dollar” and specifics on what you consider safe-heavens.

If you can, tease us as little you can ;) Of course, tend to your family and don’t neglect your personal time — but just know you’ve got an audience ready should you throw the meat on the table :)

I also look forward to reading the sometimes touchy-heated debates that flare up in reaction to your posts. I’ve grown to enjoy them, and I appreciate your holding space for the dialog. Many blessings and empowering awareness to those of you who choose…

Susan Morris  APRIL 24, 2015 AT 12:53 PM   ‘safe-heavens’ – I like it!

I’m wondering whether the really big announcement is that there is, in fact, a God, and everything has been duly noted and it will be put right! But I doubt this will come without us first becoming masters of our own destiny, which seems to deny the existence of…   Hmmmm…

Susan Morris   APRIL 24, 2015 AT 1:49 PM   We ARE the gold;  We ARE the silver;  We ARE the wealth…

Rick OneTwentyfour   APRIL 24, 2015 AT 2:57 PM  JC,  I have been a long time listener to what you produce here. (first time poster) I also find the comments to be outstanding, and thought provoking. 

My question is about the SDR’s. My understanding is that the SDR’s were originally created my the IMF.

With the BRICS movement, and the AIIB movement isn’t it likely that the importance of the IMF will be minimized? I doubt the US will ever sign the 2010 reforms because either way, they are in a lose, lose situation. It would seem that the IMF may become less important in the financial decisions of the world.

If this financial shift (west to east) does occur and the IMF loses some of it’s power isn’t it less likely that the USD, as the world currency reserve, would be replaced with the SDR. Thank you for any replies.

JC Collins   APRIL 24, 2015 AT 3:17 PM  Thanks for the comment. The facts surrounding the BRICS Development Bank and AIIB are somewhat different than the misinterpretations which have been produced by the alternative media. 

Officials of BRICS and the AIIB, as represented by China, India, etc.., have openly stated they the do not wish to replace the existing monetary institutions, only compliment them and strengthen the framework of the multilateral architecture. 

Many analysts ignore these public statements because it does not fit within the fear based script they are promoting.

The People’s Bank of China itself has called or the use of the SDR as the global reserve asset to replace the USD. The development banks, such as the AIIB and BRICS, are meant to issue large amounts of SDR bond liquidity in the coming months and years. 

This is a vital component of the multilateral and is required to make it work effectively. The emerging economies will not allow SDR liquidity to only be controlled by the western banks and institutions. 

They require their own method of SDR allocation in order for the system to truly function as a multilateral framework.

What isn’t being openly told to the people is that all sides want the SDR as the global reserve asset. The only hold up is western interests who wish to retain access and levels of control over macro markets and resource deposits. Much of this will be settled before years end. I hope this helps clarify things for you.

Cramley   APRIL 24, 2015 AT 4:22 PM It’s not SDR issuance, it’s RMB issuance that’s the objective.

JC Collins   APRIL 24, 2015 AT 4:59 PM   Both are. The RMB internationalize will help include it in the SDR composition. Once again, this is what China and the IMF are both stating. 

You are in complete denial and promoting pointless debate which sidetracks from the real goals and objectives of this site. I’m beginning to tire of you. I will no longer waste my time and energy, and those who read this site, countering your statements which stand in contradiction to the actual process.

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