Don't WAIT!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Bits and Pieces in Dinarland Wednesday Afternoon


R.V./GCR  >  April 22, 2015 Things are still at awesome… iraq working at finalizing the old laws to protect the Gov… they made amendments to their constitution that did not include protections to the Gov because thats constitution …now they finish the old laws to not just protect investors but to protect the Government as the get ready to depeg from the dollar ….get excited

R.V./GCR   Yeman done Usa will now push for Iran war ...and Iran and Iraq have just agreed to control their own borders

Dave > R.V. / GCR Yup then back to Syria it never ends. Hopefully the new system with gold backed currency will not allow any more excessive money printing. And will cut off the money supply for these endless conflicts.

Don  > R.V. / GCR Watch closely WHO in USA that calls for Iran war.

Susan: April 22, 2015 at 3:46pm Hello Exogen and S3A! 

My Bank Story:  I went to my CHASE bank this morning and talked to a friend of mine who's the Financial Advisor for the Branch.  After chit chat, she said she might go into the Private client Services side next year. 

I told her to go for it and have been after her for years to do that.  Then I met with my Personal Banker (who also owns dinar) and she said they just found out this morning that they were going to be the ONLY Private Client Services Branch in the District. 

CHASE would be redoing the entire branch for the Private clients with everything new and upscale for those types of clients. 

Things that make you go Hmmmmmmm.   Why do they need a Private Client Service Branch in a rural town in North Louisiana with less than 100,000 people?  Come on RV!   We needed you yesterday!



Topic: We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world. Buddha

[arizona49] 4/22/2015 Gold hit a new decline because of the continuing decline in Asian trading >>>>> Iraqi Gold prices posted on Wednesday, a new low influenced by continuous decrease in Asian trading. According to the "COMEX" rating for the New York Mercantile Exchange, Gold futures reached during the Asian session in the month of June (1199) dollars an ounce (31 grams), elevated so by 0.33% from last close them, which amounted to (1198) dollars per ounce.

 The price of gold has reached, Tuesday) in Iraq, the Iraqi dinar currency per weight of 21 carat gold - which is the best-selling in the markets Mahlah- 200 500 dinars. It is said that one whit of gold = 5 grams approx. And the price per weight carat gold (21) according to the price of 195 thousand and 490 dinars, which fell 5010 dinars.

And stops rising gold prices or decline to two main factors, namely the price of a barrel of oil and the price of the dollar, the higher the price of a barrel of oil rose with the price of gold and the more the US dollar dropped the higher gold price, and on the other hand, changes in the political life of wars leads to a rise in the price of gold .anthy /




Appaloosa:  CHATTER - Yes, beautiful hotels and cinemas.....people tend to think Iraq is nothing but rubble.....not so.
Highlights From DC on TNT CC Today via Adept1:

DC:  Hope you’re doing well today.  My voice is still a little crackly, so bear with us.  For the new folks, welcome back again – we understand there are a few special people.  Starting in Iraq, because it’s their country… Parliament has been passing more laws; they are not necessary but nice to have. 

 We understand all actions needed have been taken, even the adjustments in the last couple of weeks. Dr. Abadi continues to get people ready for what is going on.  There is an article saying he is taking a more aggressive stance about electricity and the monetary reforms, so that is a wonderful thing for Iraq. 

 Dr. Shabibi and Dr. Abadi have been in constant communication about the RI/RV, trying to get everyone up to a place where they can handle this. They started 36 hours ago and the rest of the world said, “Yeah, sure” with eyes rolling.  So they have been spending time on international phone calls getting everyone ramped up.

Everyone in Iraq ran through procedures again concerning lower currencies, and such.  Those have gone out.  In the newspapers and on television, there is more of the same:  monetary reform will be done in the next few days, quoting CBI, Finance Ministry, etc., and saying that it will be completed in the next week. 

 With respect to ISIL, there is more softening of the battlefrield around Mosul, and that is somewhat important for the RV, but there are sensitive points so we will stay away from that.  The important thing is that Abadi and Shabibi are getting the world ready for the RV, with Parliament completing a few items somewhat related but not essential, while ISIL continues to be a bad place to be.

DC:  In the USA, a lot of the banks are frustrated, eyes rolling and all the rest.  In order to be prepared, it’s important to have banks and security in place, so when people call and say “let’s do this”, they rolled their eyes and said no. 

So Abadi and Shabibi have been calling people personally to get them ramped up, and a lot are playing catch-up right now in the US and in other countries.  Why is that important? 

We’ve been ready so many times, and then it’s been cancelled at the last minute that they didn’t really believe it is actually happening this time. So they have to get everyone back on board, convincing everyone that this is legitimate, everything has been passed, and everyone agreed to it including the IMF and BIS. 

That’s gone out through the entire world.  Some banks are bringing people in early, some have them on 15 minute call, some are keeping them in 24 hours, and some are resigned to missing the first day.  Bank security, law enforcement and intelligence guys are ramping up as we speak, like the banks.  The US and the rest of the world banks are being prepped now.

DC:  Everything is good; w e are just waiting and hoping to help the process along.

DC:  They (laws)  have been passed a long time ago. They can continue to add laws, but this is also deliberation misinformation to keep speculators from going crazy.  The HydroCarbon Law (HCL) is about how the oil income gets divvied up, who gets what, production levels, etc.  That’s also where the loyalty checks for the citizens come from. 

They have been working on that for at least five years.  They have passed many iterations, and it’s always going to be tweaked as a living, breathing document.  In the US, laws are always being changed;  yes, you may have a law that says the speed limit is 50mph, but they can change that any day.  HCL is no different.

The major framework is unlikely to change, but they will constantly adjust that with the fluctuating oil prices, tribal areas, and so on.  Also, there are new fields coming online, now that there is more exploration for the first time in a while. 

That changes which areas are getting what.  Right now, Kurdistan is getting 17%;  if new fields come online, they will adjust the overall percentage if Kurdistan gets more from the Basra fields.  In 20 years, it will all look different.

Caller:  I originally bought currency from a tier 1 bank, and they limited what I could buy, so I asked my family and friends to buy me some when they were coming from the Middle East.  They got this from a dealer, and there are no receipts for those.  Is that a problem?

DC:  They will run it through the counterfeit machines to make sure the currency has all the right security measures, and you should be alright. For tax purposes, you should to talk to a tax attorney about how you prove that to the IRS for long-term and short-term capital gains.  Where are you from in the Middle East?

808 caller:  [Appreciation]  We don’t have tier 1 banks in Hawaii;  will we have to go to the mainland to do exchanges?  We are in Honolulu.

DC:  Honolulu has quite a few exchange locations because of military/government facilities.  I understand the contract rate will be available as well.  I don’t know how it will be handled, but I’m assured locals can be exchanged… or fly to CA for contract rates.

Skype caller:  Three yes/no questions… I bank with Wells Fargo;  does my branch have to be one of the active exchange centers to exchange people early?

DC:  No. Different banks have different requirements.

Caller: What can I do to get on a list to get exchanged earlier?

DC:  We have some information from bankers about how they are choosing, but it is specific to the bank. They have a list and they are ready, but haven’t done anything yet.

404 caller:  I’m frustrated as well.  My question is about the reports floating around that there are to be demonstrations in Iraq tomorrow.  Why doesn’t the government appear to be doing anything about this?  Of course, we hope they will announce the RI/RV, which would make it into a celebration rather than demonstrations.

DC: That is why Abadi is taking control much more openly, because they are thinking the same way. We don’t know if that will satisfy folks, but it is adding to the pressure to get this done before those demonstrations start.

DC:  We understand different areas have different plans, depending on various mosques and such, and the government is trying to keep them calmed down.  I believe there are some plans out there but they are so fluid, it just depends on conversations tonight.

Caller:  I have signed up for Adabi’s tweets, and in the last hour he tweeted he is meeting with telecommunications people, and I hope he is instructing them to release information.

DC: Everyone in this has to be an optimist. The communications have been planned for years, and they are quite ready to spread the word.

Caller:  Is there any reason I cannot have the dealer exchange for me and wire it to my bank account? Any new information on taxes and caps?  How quickly do we need to exchange the zim?

DC:  Yes, you can have the dealer do that.  No new information taxes.  The caps are just what we said in the last call:  20 million each dinar and dong, 500 million dollars’ worth on zim, could go up to one billion dollars.  They want you to exchange zim within 90 days.

Caller:  Dollars:  what kind of hedge instruments should we ask our WM to look into?

DC:  The US is like a super-tanker, and this will not affect us that much.  However, you can look at commodities, gold, palladium, or other hard assets that hedge against inflation.  There are also hedge funds that are designed to protect against inflation.

Caller:  What makes an exchange long-term or short-term?

DC:  If you have owned the currency more than a year, it’s long-term capital gains;  if you’ve had it less than a year, it’s short-term, and that is taxed as earned income.

410 caller:  Hopefully we will have a happy weekend!  I understand why Abadi is talking directly to his people and to the banks around the world.  All these things will take time for people to get ramped back up -- how long, do you think?

DC:  It could take as little as a day or as long as 2-3 days.  If there is no mess-up, it should be this weekend.  Everything looks really, really good. 

713 caller:  I love the enthusiasm!  At this moment, they say they are doing to protest tomorrow – is that still on the agenda?  And do you truly feel this is the end? [more of same]

DC:  Yes.  Nobody knows who will protest tomorrow or Friday;  normally it’s after the mosque.  Almost all the US fight has gone away and acquiesce that this is going down. In my heart of hearts? You cannot get super-high or super-low in this process;  they can pause it, like they did 36 hours ago, turn it back on again, etc.,  I wouldn’t be surprised to get a call in the next two hours saying GO, this is done.  I cannot think of any issue that has not been dealt with already.  There is nothing left to do.

Caller: Before when you said you thought it would go on a Friday, did you get packages prior to that?  We all want to help the planet, so I hope this does go through.

DC:  No.  We will not get the package until this goes.

503 caller:  [Appreciation]  I am hanging on by the last tooth, so to speak.  From what you are saying, ti sounds like some of the banks have decided to make early exchanges?

DC:  Some banks have done a few exchanges, but most have not. A lot have prepared to or would like to, but will not until their liability is totally covered.  It’s not that they think it won’t happen, it’s more that it’s close enough that they don’t want to take a lot of risk just to bring in a few thousand more clients. There are some mechanisms between IMF, BIS and banks that are only allowed at certain times, and those have not been turned out fully, so they have not turned this on completely either.  The UN?  Everyone is applying pressure from every generation, including us.

Caller: What are the chances of our getting the green light by Friday and in the banks by Monday?

DC:  I’d say 75% chance by Saturday midday, 85% by Monday.  I cannot think of a reason why we wouldn’t be there by Monday. 

707 caller:  I got on the call late because I was setting up trusts with my attorney. I got the impression there may be early exchanges with those of us on these calls.

DC: We don’t know. They called and told the banks to be ready;  the banks didn’t believe them, and they just ramping up now. 

Caller:  DinarRecaps seems to be concerned about security re:  ISIL and Da’ash.

DC:  I don’t know what they are referring to.  I don’t think that causes a concern now.  Everything looks very, very good.

DC:  Hope everyone learned something. Iraq is prepared and getting everyone ready for the RV.  We expect to see this in the next few days.  We hope this is the final deal. Everything looks really, really good, and we hope everyone is paying attention.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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