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Sunday, June 26, 2016

Wealthwatch News Excerpts & Comments 6-25-16 Part 2 of 2

Post From  Chat Room

Wealthwatch Chat Room News Excerpts & Comments 6-25-16 Part 2 of 2

 chattels: Six days until the first half of the year is over.
chattels: Kirk H. Sowell ‏@UticaRisk No, there is little substance to Abadi's reforms, & therefore very little for the US to support.
chattels: Kirk H. Sowell ‏@UticaRisk Iraq's Sunnis are not disenfranchised & also cannot be united as they are divided by ideology, personality + regional funding sources.
chattels: Kirk H. Sowell ‏@UticaRisk US efforts to back Sunni political factions provide a strong propaganda tool to those "Iranian agents working to inflame sectarianism"
chattels: Kirk H. Sowell ‏@UticaRisk No, the US does *NOT* have the ability to broker an agreement b/n Abadi & the Kurds. And it would get Abadi impeached if we succeeded.
chattels: NRC MiddleEast ‏@NRC_MiddleEast #Fallujah has overwhelmed us all. What will we do when they attack #Mosul? Waking up 2 #Iraq's new crisis @NRC_Norway
chattels: There were as many as 80,000 refugees from Fallujah. Mosul could be six (6) times that +++.
chattels: Jean-Marc Mojon ‏@mojobaghdad Very tough conditions for families displaced from #Fallujah area @AFP #Iraq --
chattels: called on Parliament Speaker Salim al - Jubouri, on Friday, the combination of all the efforts to restore the displaced to their homes , especially in Fallujah and Karmah.
chattels: Fallujah July also because of the humanitarian conditions difficult and tragic in which they live, which coincided with the intense heat wave which made ​​their situation is getting worse, so it is now necessary to speed up the completion of measures to return and an end to their suffering as soon as possible. "
chattels: anti - terrorism forces liberated Junction Sharqat
chattels: Pentagon: Iraqi forces freed 70% of Fallujah
chattels: Rafidain Bank, announced on Saturday received Khawla al - Asadi, the functions of general director of Rafidain Bank , rather than on behalf of al - Hassani , who has been relieved from his post by Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi.
chattels: High temperatures for the next four days to 48 ° C which is 118.4 degrees Farenheit
chattels: No word as yet on the expert panel report to the Federal Court
chattels: If Brits weren’t happy with EU why should Kurds be with Iraq?
chattels: " The same way Britain tried to make the EU work the Kurds did their best for Iraq after the regime change. They went to Baghdad, helped write a good constitution, took part in its elections and sent one team after another for talks. But it was all in vain.
Each time they were sent home with statements like: You can’t sell your oil, we have no budget for you, your Peshmerga salaries isn’t our responsibility, and don't ever think about separating from Iraq."
chattels: " Like the Brits the Kurds want to be independent and decide their own affairs and make laws that suit their people, their culture, their traditions, their worldview and even their climate. The Brits in the EU weren’t completely powerless.
They still had their own policies, rules and regulations as well as economic system. But the Kurds in Iraq are shackled. Baghdad has no respect for anything the Kurds do. It is blocking their oil exports, their airports, their share of the national budget, their share of arms supply and most recently all exports of poultry and farm products from the Kurdish north to the rest of the country."
chattels: " The fear of seeing a peaceful EU fall apart makes sense. But what could be the concern for Iraq, a country that has already fallen apart, broken into pieces ruled by militia groups, extremist militants and its borders wide open at the mercy of neighboring countries."
chattels: Good article on Fallujah.
chattels: Fallujah’s Forever War The battle for the Islamic State stronghold still rages, and civilians are bearing the brunt of the horrors of war. BY JANE ARRAFJUNE 24, 2016 facebook twittergoogle-plusredditLinkedIn email
chattels: "................, is probable that the parliament will hold its meeting after the legislative recess or after the holiday, ..............."
chattels: " .............. " there are no there are signs of an extraordinary session, and did not make No one demand holding them are not from the House of Representatives nor the presidential republic, " ..............
chattels: " there are dialogues during the month of Ramadan, it is possible to reach understandings to solve problems about holding parliamentary sessions and other differences."
chattels: The parliamentary recess ends on June 30th. July 1st is a Friday, Holy Day, and the 2nd is their weekend. So, maybe Parliament can reconvene on the 3rd, but there are only four (4) days until the Eid Festival, July 7 - 9.
chattels: We hope for a " positive " Federal Court decision on the 28th regarding the legitimacy of the parliamentary leadership.
chattels: Or perhaps more importantly some " healing " between the political factions no matter the decision by the court.
chattels: My developing sense is that Abadi is " enjoying " the political reprieve offered by the focus on Fallujah and I expect that he will be " busy " with pressing the war against Daesh to clothe himself in it's progress and buffer against the unresolved political issues.
chattels: I do not expect a sudden and inclusive legislative action on the important laws. The " rumors " of such are borne of " dinarland delusions " and " irrational exuberance ".
chattels: The pundits who have preached on the imminent prospects of an increase in the value of the IQD have become married to an indefensible narrative which while " happy news " is not based upon any discernible " real " news, IMO.
chattels: I note that the " hype " regarding the near certainty of movement in the value of the IQD in the first half of 2016 has abated. Probably because there are only five (5) days left until the second half of 2016.
chattels: I encourage each of you as I encourage myself and I pray for each of you as I pray for myself. Fight the good fight, holding on to faith and good conscience, we will finish this " race". The " turtle " wins and not the " hare ". Godspeed the completion of the Iraqi banking sector reform project.
Wheresmyrv?: chattels thanks for what you do on bringing the news and sharing your thoughts on all of this.
Tootsie: Sadr turn against al-Abadi and climb towards the call to resign Saturday 25-06-2016 | 4:47:19 4:47:19 Twilight News / called Mekdy the cleric al-Sadr, the government has to resign, in which al-Sadr was one of the most supporters of President Haydar al-Abadi and procedures for file corruption.
Sadr said in replying to his opinion the separation of Britain from the European Union, "I call on the Iraqi government to resign in case of refusal will join voices to demand the resignation of the three presidencies over the Liberal bloc in Parliament."
chattels: Sadr calls on the government to resign
chattels: " ............... I call upon the current Iraqi government to resign otherwise we will join to vote demanding the resignation of the three presidencies, .........."
chattels: Does the foregoing sound like the dialogue between the political parties during Ramadan has produced any agreement(s) or that Parliament is poised for progress with important laws " cued " for passage ?
chattels: Even if the Federal Court decides that Jubourri and Co. are to continue in the leadership of Parliament, it could get " dicey " if Sadr's party joins with the " reform front " as he is threatening to do.
chattels: It is difficult to know what is rhetoric and what is reality with Sadr.
Doug_W: Amen to that "C"
chattels: security forces liberated, new government buildings in the city of Fallujah of terrorist Daash gangs.
chattels: raise the Iraqi flag over the health clinic in the Golan
chattels: security forces have cleared more than 700 meters deep into the Golan neighborhood
chattels: The Golan or Jolan neighborhood was the area of severest fighting for the American forces in earlier conflicts.
chattels: See neighborhood map of Fallujah.
chattels: 700 meters is 2296.59 feet
chattels: Less than 1/2 mile.
chattels: If they are measuring progress in meters / feet then I expect that says something about the difficulty of it.
chattels: Fallujah is approximately five square miles total area.
chattels: The Jolan neighborhood as it is shown on the map of Fallujah is in the Northwest corner of town.
chattels: It borders on the Euphrates River and the Daesh " pipeline " running to Syria.
chattels: Sun Dec-05-04 10:05 PM. Someone please tell me I'm dreaming and that Fallujah is much larger than this. 5 SQUARE MILES?!!! In order to support my theory that the war administration hates Fallujah with a passion because it's embarrassing the xxxx out of our mighty military machine,
I went and googled to see just how big this place was. Shock. 2004 population: 257,500 compared to Baghdad's 21,722,287. It's got 0 high-rise buildings & you can WALK across it in 30 minutes.
Its size is less than 5 square miles yet over 10,000 U.S. troops, not to mention the British, can't "liberate" it, not even after slaughtering over 26% of its population.
chattels: Note : Mosul covers almost 250 square miles of territory.
chattels: " ............. Mosul, despite having lost hundreds of thousands of its Kurdish residents as refugees, is still home to somewhere around 700,000 civilians."
chattels: " Iraqi troops will have to clear the city house-to-house, without significant air support or use of artillery. The old city center will be a particularly treacherous place to fight, because its narrow alleyways are not accessible to vehicles."
chattels: " There are simply not enough Iraqi elite forces to clear and hold a city the size of Mosul, certainly not without heavy U.S. air power—which will not be available because of the danger of civilian casualties from heavy bombing in populated areas.
The Iraqi Army is nowhere near ready to do this, despite recent successes in Ramadi, which is why some experts think the campaign to retake Mosul won’t even begin until 2017."
chattels: Sajad Jiyad Retweeted Iraqi PMU English ‏@pmu_english 7h7 hours ago Over 1,500 #ISIS fighters trying to flee with civilians from #Fallujah have been arrested in screening camps
chattels: Kirk H. Sowell Retweeted Harith al-Qarawee ‏@harith_hasan 4h4 hours ago As Barzani call for accelerating kurdish independence, PUK & Goran are sending a delegation to Baghdad: deepening intra- Kurdish division.
chattels: Kirk H. Sowell Retweeted Alex M. ‏@Alex_de_M 6h6 hours ago .@UticaRisk There's an inability with some US commentators to accept that the US won't always have the same ability to shape events in 1/2
chattels: Kirk H. Sowell Retweeted Alex M. ‏@Alex_de_M 6h6 hours ago .@UticaRisk Iraq it had with 150k troops on the ground. Post-conflict Iraq is going to be pretty nasty. Sucks but there it is... 2/2
chattels: Hayder al-Khoei ‏@Hayder_alKhoei Jun 24 Iraqi politicians will be shocked at Cameron's decision to resign. "Fresh leadership" & "national interest" are alien concepts to them. 

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