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Tuesday, June 7, 2016

 Wealthwatch Monday Chat Room News & Comments 6-6-16 

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 Wealthwatch Monday Chat Room News & Comments 6-6-16 

​chattels: Joel Wing ‏@JoelWing2 7h7 hours ago Jun 5 2015 Oil Min Mahdi said oil prices would reach $75 per barrel by end of 2015 Crude actually dropped to $29/bar by Dec

chattels: The Battle for Fallujah Matters. Again.
chattels: The upcoming battle is in fact hugely meaningful -- as a precursor to the looming effort to retake Mosul, the nation's second-largest city and a hodgepodge of ethnic and religious groups. So here are three things to watch for: whether the performance and coordination of the Iraqi military has improved since the uneven effort to retake Ramadi last December;
whether the Iranian-backed Shiite militias are allowed (or force their way) into the fighting in the middle of the heavily Sunni city; and whether the shaky Baghdad government can establish a new civic administration that can restore basic services and keep sectarian tensions in check.
chattels: And a botched Fallujah operation could even be the end of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, who remains the best hope for a unified, multiethnic Iraq.
chattels: the battle for Fallujah (* has) "less to do with battlefield success than with a cause infused with righteousness and sacrifice."
chattels: Joel Wing ‏@JoelWing2 4m4 minutes ago Badr's Ameri tells people to stop protesting and focus on war instead
chattels: Loveday Morris Retweeted Mustafa Salim ‏@Mustafa_salimb 11h11 hours ago "Iraqi forces are now fighting inside the areas of Shuhadaa and Jubail south #Fallujah" said Lt.Gen Abdulwahab Al-Saedi, the ops commander.
captl1: Fallujah is done. Only clean up operations left.
chattels: ‹@captl1› I doubt that.
chattels: Market price on the IQD improves again today ( 1279 ).
captl1: I don't.
chattels: ‹@captl1› Congratulations on your clarity or confidence of knowledge / judgment.
chattels: Volume of sales at CBI auction is fairly constant at about 130 million.
captl1: Well my brother-in-law happens to be there. Good enough for you ?
chattels: ‹@captl1› Not really.
captl1: Not surprised
Doug_W: we have a tropical storm coming close to us tonight/tomorow
captl1: I don't miss that
Doug_W: I don't miss the cold Leo
rocknrollbus: ‹@Doug_W› Batten down the hatches!!!
captl1: Lol
Doug_W: I am prepared 4 it erven of it was a hurricane
captl1: Generator all fueled up?
rocknrollbus: ‹@Doug_W› I saw that ugly on my weather map this morning coming up.......
Doug_W: nope I don't fuel it cuz of ethanol gas but I have 10 gallons in cans that is fresh and has been treated and dated
Doug_W: oil has been changed tho
captl1: Good job
Doug_W: <BOW> I try
captl1: Sold the turbo bike
rocknrollbus: ‹@captl1› ‹@captl1› ‹@captl1› R u cap1 from another site?
captl1: Yes
rocknrollbus: I thunk so.......
captl1: Captl1
rocknrollbus: U have kin over in the sandbox?
captl1: Brother in law
rocknrollbus: In uniform, or "contractor"......
captl1: Contractor
captl1: Advisory status
rocknrollbus: Ahhhh......I was reading an article a few weeks back stating that the contractors dress to blend in with the locals and are fluent in Arabish......
Doug_W: ‹@rocknrollbus› I say bring it on
Doug_W: GM Toots
Doug_W: are U floating yet?
Tootsie: ‹@Doug_W› GM ! ahh, coffee ~ No, I , and surrounding me are clear - few roads close are under a bit - but in our total stupidity, not knowing a thing about flooding in this area (moved from hi desert in WA state) somehow picked an area not subject to such.
Tootsie: This is SO SO awful, I just can't fathom. More rain than hurricane/tropical storm and all of the rain from up Dallas way etc, flows through here to the Gulf. it is just HORRID
Tootsie: since 12" of snow is equivalent to 1" of rain - hmm, yesterday some areas had 8+ in (96 feet of snow haha) I think I would take snow over the flooding ~~~~ Paris France is flooding also,
Tootsie: Now heading into Hurricane / tropical storm time ;-(
Tootsie: Central calls from pay more than 1,200 dinars for the dollar to make a complaint to him 06/06/2016 - 17:06 [font]Economy News / Baghdad ...[/font] . Called on the Central Bank of Iraq, Tuesday, citizens and merchants who pay more than 1,200 dinars for the dollar, which they purchased from banks or remittance companies to submit a complaint to him.
He said the Iraqi Central Bank said in a statement "the economy News" received a copy of it, it "calls on citizens and merchants who pay more than the amount of 1200 dinars for the dollar, which they bought from banks or remittance companies Ohoshrkat exchange cash or money orders or letters of credit, to submit a complaint to the Central Bank with the payment arrived,
 "noting that" the increase will be paid by teams to the buyer by the central bank and deducted from the account of the seller. " The CBI said that it was "a confirmation of the directives and instructions of foreign currency exchange rates."
Tootsie: Take care all - scoot time.
chattels: Kurdistan Monday is the first day of Ramadan By Rudaw yesterday at 08:30 Jalil Khayat mosque in Erbil. Photo by Hanah Lynch Jalil Khayat mosque in Erbil. Photo by Hanah Lynch ERBIL, Kurdistan Region - Saudi Arabia has announced that the first day of the Muslim holy fasting month of Ramadan will be Monday June 6.
The moon-sighting committees of the UAE and Saudi Arabia met earlier on Sunday to witness the crescent moon of the holy month of Ramadan. Tomorrow is the first day of Ramadan in the Kurdistan Region, too.
chattels: Monday is the first day of Ramadan in many other Arabic countries as well, including Tunisia, Algeria and Libya, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, Egypt, Jordan, Sudan, Palestine, Indonesia and Malaysia.
chattels: Ramadan is the holy month to Muslims because it was during this month that the Quran was revealed to the Prophet Mohammad. The fast is one of the five main religious obligations under Islam.
Doug_W: howdy "C"
chattels: ‹@Doug_W› Hi
Doug_W: did your friend ever get back to you about that website I found and if it was reliable?
chattels: Optimistic Abadi says ISIS will be gone from Iraq by end of year
chattels: The Iraqi Prime Minister declared on Monday that the liberation of Fallujah is “imminent” and the Islamic State will be routed from Iraq by the end of the year. His optimism is seemingly contradicted, however, by the facts on the ground.
chattels: The operation to liberate Fallujah, launched two weeks ago with enthusiasm that Iraqi troops would reach the city centre in a matter of days, has, however, stalled,
chattels: In Fallujah, Iraqi army forces, joined by Shiite militias, have been working to retake smaller towns around the city. That stage of the operation is almost complete. With the retaking of the southern, mainly farmland, neighbourhood of Naymiyah on Sunday, forces have nearly encircled Fallujah and are poised to enter the city.
chattels: The campaign has, however, been slow moving as the Islamic State is fiercely defending the city, planting IEDs. Iraqi forces are also proceeding with caution in order to protect the 50,000 civilians who are believed to still reside in Fallujah.
chattels: " ............... forces have nearly encircled Fallujah and are poised to enter the city."
chattels: " .............. very soon, God willing.”
chattels: Inshallah.
chattels: Sounds like more than " mop up " operations, but I do not have a " boots on the ground " contact as one here says. We shall see.
chattels: source in the Committee of Experts shows the protesters sitting on 4/16 was incomplete quorum
chattels: Deputy displays a report of the experts of the Federal Court refers to the illegality of the two sessions of the protesters
chattels: 3 - the number of voters on the dismissal of Salim al [parliament Speaker] 121 deputies, with 8 abstentions. 4 - the number of voters was the dismissal of Hamoudi [Deputy Speaker of parliament] 120 deputies, with 9 abstentions. 5 - the number of voting on the dismissal of Aram Sheikh Mohammed [Deputy Speaker of parliament] 123 deputies declined 6 abstentions. 
chattels: .......................... has not been able to commission experts to determine the number of voters on the dismissal and naming ministers, due to sit rapid imaging method and impartial rule of cameras.
chattels: " .................. the Federal Court decision which will be released later. "
chattels: supreme religious authority office of Grand Ayatollah Ali al - Sistani announced that on Tuesday, is the first day of the lunar month of Ramadan of the Islamic calendar
Doug_W: GN Gang
chattels: Iraqi army, Shi'ite coalition bicker on Falluja war operations
chattels: On Friday, a spokesman for Asaib Ahl al-Haq, Jawad al-Talabawi, said the operations had come to a near standstill and asked Abadi to order the resumption of attacks.
chattels: Why I use the moniker " Daesh ". What is " Daesh " ?
chattels: " Daesh " is an abbreviation Dawlat al-Islamiyah f'al-Iraq wa al-Sham, and is the derogatory name used by many Muslims for Isil.
chattels: Hundreds feared tortured in advance on Fallujah by Shia militia.
chattels: Kirk H. Sowell ‏@UticaRisk 4h4 hours ago If this is confirmed at any substantial scale it will blacken the Fallujah offensive. via @sarmeddentist

chattels: Kirk H. Sowell ‏@UticaRisk 4h4 hours ago Iraqi Sunni support for the Fallujah ops has been pretty strong, but systematic torture/murder ops by Shia militias will wreck that.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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