Don't WAIT!

Thursday, June 2, 2016

ReddStarr and KTFA Members Thursday Afternoon 6-2-16


ReddStarr: This is just ridiculous.....the amount of news coming out.....compared to previous's absolutely amazing....the clues (nuggets) are just have to be able to find them....

ReddStarr:  BIG!...BIG!....BIG!....this launch was everything needed to get them to the next level...and we know what that next level is....all IMO...of course.....

Jones: Iraqi development reform program will address the delayed 4000 projects and reduces corruption and waste!

Long-Presse / Baghdad

Confirmed US ambassador to Iraq, Stuart Jones, said Thursday that the Iraqi development reform program will enable the government of its budget to better manage and treat delayed four thousands of a project, and promised "a major breakthrough" contribute to the improvement of living conditions in Iraq, while pointed out that it would allow the government contracted with reputable companies and mitigation of "corruption and waste."
Said Stuart Jones, in a speech during the launch of "development reform" program in Iraq relying on Iraqi development management program which was held at the Rashid Hotel in central Baghdad conference, attended by (long-Presse), he said that "the happiness to attend this event to celebrate the launch of two important, namely, electronic system to oversee the state budget and the second standard documents developed a program which requires specific documents regular presentations in the field. "
He said Jones, "These initiatives are implemented at the local and international Almistoan necessary to improve services for the Iraqi people, and ensure that the principle of transparency and fairness in any rational system," and expressed his happiness "to achieve this feat through a partnership of the United States of America with the Iraqi government and the Ministry of Planning."
He stressed Jones, that "the system standard documents of the presentations will improve the system of procurement, the Iraqi government was able to contract with reputable companies, and reduce delays, corruption and waste, which leads to the result of Iraq's integration with the international economy," noting that "this partnership enabled the Office of the Governor of Babylon implement a project worth $ 30 million, is going to feel its consequences by 2018 to improve electricity and water services and improve the lives of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis. "
The ambassador noted, that "there is also a partnership with the Department of Transportation $ 350 million for the purchase of five boats," pointing out that "the launch of this system will enable the government to better manage its budget and address the problems that led to the delay of four thousands of a project."
He continued Jones, that "transparent and effective management of the investment management of Iraq provides new jobs and investment projects implemented quickly and fair", she returned it, "a major breakthrough for the implementation of projects effectively to improve the situation in Iraq and their standard of living."
The Finance Minister Hoshyar Zebari announced that, in the (19 May 2016), to reach an agreement with the World Bank Fund for a loan worth $ 5.4 billion, while the loan will allow securing additional financial assistance to reach about $ 15 billion over three years next, Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, on the Keywords confirmed that the annual interest of the loan up to 1.5 percent.
Iraq and live a severe economic crisis due to lack of liquidity and government assurances ongoing need for austerity and reduced government spending, while the country faces a constant war with al (Daash) financial drain energies significant  LINK


ReddStarr:  Is that it.......come on Iraq.....what is that telling you family...............LOL

Nadita:  Iraq's debt seems peanuts compares to good ol' USA

Parliamentary Economy: Iraq's total debt amounted to $ 59 billion, "some of which has not been decided!
Special - balances News
Najiba Najib confirmed a member of the Economic Committee, said Thursday that Iraq's total debt amounted to about $ 59 billion, while showed that some of them has not been decided until now.
She said Najib's / balances News /, that "Iraq's debt amounted to about 59 billion dollars," pointing out that "$ 14 billion is the Paris Club debt."
She added, "There are legal claims until now have not been resolved regarding the debt is estimated to 45 billion dollars," asserting that "Iraq loans amounted to about $ 20 billion."
It is noteworthy that the International Monetary Fund, World Bank and international partners have agreed, in the May 19, 2016, to give Iraq a loan of $ 15 billion at an interest rate of 1.5% .anthy 2   LINK


ReddStarr:  Abadi...."are we ready to announce it yet"....yeah....I think so....LOL....IMO..

Dr. Haider al-Abadi held a lengthy meeting with security and military leaders in the presence of Chairman of the Board of Representatives, Dr. Salim al-Jubouri!

Dr. Haider al-Abadi held a lengthy meeting with security and military leaders in
the presence of Chairman of the Board of Representatives, Dr. Salim al-Jubouri,
and a number of MPs and local government officials in Anbar province.

During the meeting, a presentation on the areas that have been edited and confidence
on civilians in the city of Fallujah, shelters, parents and humanitarian status, and praised
the cooperation of all parties in the liberation of Fallujah process and save her family.
He was also listening to the views and suggestions of the MPs and officials in the province,
and the face of Dr. Haidar Abadi, follow-up and stand on the needs of civilians.
Information Office of the Prime Minister

ReddStarr:  I thought this is the price for their budget before oil price fell??? going back to where budget is.. someone needs to pay for the RV.. us

Iraq expects high oil prices to $ 65 a barrel!

BAGHDAD / Baghdadi News / ..

predicted the Oil Ministry, on Thursday, oil prices rise to $ 65 during the second half of this year.

 The agent said Oil Minister Fayyad grace in an interview during the oil ministers of
member states of OPEC meeting (in us) and I followed / Baghdadi News /, said that
"oil prices may rise during the second half of this year to between 55-65 dollars per barrel."
The Brent crude oil index, on 26 May 2016, up 1.2% to $ 50.34 per barrel for the first time
during the current year, with Analysts attributed the rise to increased demand for crude oil
from top oil consumers in the world, had swung the continued rise in oil prices during this Am.anthy   LINK

ReddStar:  This is like big brother....telling little got did it....yeah...walk with confidence now....we got your can let the world know did it all by got our approval....LOL.

Nadita:  The question is when big brother is going to give little brother his ice cream..>???  lol

Washington was "impressed" trophies Iraqi forces in Anbar and "leadership" Abadi Armed Forces!

Management has made the United States of America, on Thursday, "admiration" trophies
Iraqi forces in Anbar province, and "leadership", Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi of the armed forces, with renewed support for humanitarian efforts required by editing Fallujah operations.

The US ambassador to Iraq, Stuart Jones, in a speech during the launch of "development reform

" program in Iraq relying on Iraqi development management program which was held at the Rashid Hotel in central Baghdad conference, attended by (long-Presse), said that, his administration " impressed championships security forces Iraq in Anbar province, and under the leadership of Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi of the armed forces. "

Jones added, "The general commander of the armed forces, Haider al-Abadi was busy on the battlefield during the past few days," again "big his country's support for humanitarian efforts required by ongoing for the Liberation of the city of Fallujah, the military operation."
The Association of the popular crowd denied on Thursday (June 2, 2016), reports that stopped edit Fallujah operations, as described media quoted the children as "tendentious", confirmed that operations continuing until the liberation of the whole city from the control of the organization ( Daash).

He announced the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, in (23 May 2016), the start of military operations to liberate the city of Fallujah (62 km west of Baghdad), as he emphasized that the organization (Daash) has no choice but to flee from the battle.

The Council of Anbar province, announced in (22 May 2016), the joint security forces fired
designation (breaking terrorism) on the battle to liberate Fallujah (62 km west of Baghdad),
from the control of the organization (Daash), which revealed that the 600 element of organization all that is left in the inner city.

It is noteworthy that most of the cities of Anbar province was controlled by elements of the
organization (Daash) as security forces began clearing battles a wide recovered from which
the gray and wet city of Hit after fierce battles with the Liberation other areas in Fallujah,
killing hundreds of elements  LINK

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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