Don't WAIT!

Friday, June 3, 2016

News, Rumors, and Opinions Friday Morning 6-3-16


Nanny1:  Thunderhawk are we going to get a fly-by tonight??? [Guess that's more than a hint].

Thunderhawk:  Been keeping watch - Got a few to share not much.

Because IMO it's done...

I see the whales feeding....

The rate is being used and the fat are getting fatter...

Like Frank said it's going to explode..
The articles bare testimony in setting up the transition.

I pray they show it soon...We all want to get paid..and it's about time we did

Blessings to you sister…..ThunderHawk
Frank26 Video #1

Video #2:
Doodlebug:  Ramadan 2016: the start date, end date and tips for fasting

Ramadan will begin next week, meaning adult Muslims will be required to fast from dawn until dusk.
This year, the Islamic holy month coincides with the GCSEs and A-level exam period, with head teachers concerned that students will not be able to concentrate without eating. It also clashes with the summer solstice, the longest day of the year, meaning Ramadan will have the longest average fasting hours in its 33-year lunar-based cycle.
Does Ramadan always start on the same day?
No. Because Ramadan is a lunar month, it begins about 11 days earlier each year. During a Muslim's life, Ramadan will fall during winter months, when the days are short, and summer months, when the days are long and the fast is more difficult - especially for those living in northern Europe.
This can pose problems for Muslims in the UK, where believers can be fasting for more than six hours longer than those in Mecca. And, in some of Europe's northern-most towns, the sun sets for just two hours or less, leaving a fleetingly brief window for observant Muslims to break their fast. Last year, in the Swedish town of Kiruna, The Independent reports, the sun did not set until August and Muslims were advised to fast "between the times that the sun was last clearly seen to rise and fall".
Some scholars have suggested that the Muslim diaspora use Mecca time to measure their fast, but the idea remains controversial, with many believers still opting to face fast days as long as 19 hours.
Why is the month so significant?
Principally because it is the month that Allah revealed the Koran to the last Prophet, Muhammad.
Why do Muslims fast during Ramadan?
The practice is intended to help teach Muslims "self-discipline, self-restraint and generosity", the BBC says. It's common to have one meal (known as the suhoor) just before sunrise and another (known as the iftar) directly after sunset. Writing in The Independent, Arifa Akbar says when she was a Muslim child growing up in the UK, non-Muslims used to warn her that fasting was unhealthy. Now, she writes, "fasting seems to have been reinvented as the ancients saw it – a way of giving the body a rest, cleansing both physically and spiritually, and a way of sharpening our collective sense of self-restraint".
Who is exempt from fasting?
Those who are not required to fast during Ramadan are non-Muslims, young children, the sick or those with mental illnesses, travellers, the elderly and women who are menstruating, pregnant, breast-feeding or have recently had a baby, says Al Jazeera. In previous years, Olympic athletes have been considered exempt from the fast, and at the 2014 World Cup some Muslim footballers also made use of the exemption available to travellers.
Do employers have to make concessions during Ramadan?
Last year, Google also released a web portal that included timetables for sunset and sunrise, as well as videos, maps for local restaurants and useful Ramadan apps.
When does it end?
This year, Ramadan will finish on 5 July. The month of fasting culminates with the festival of Eid ul-Fitr, which takes place either 29 or 20 days after the beginning of the month. The date is determined by the first confirmed sighting of the new moon and there is often controversy about when it starts, with different countries observing it on different days.
In many Muslim countries, visitors are expected to abide by the restrictions of Ramadan, at least in public, meaning no eating, drinking, chewing gum or smoking during the day. The UK Foreign Office says non-Muslims should show respect to those who are fasting and pay attention so as not to offend Islamic values. It also warns that in some countries "if you demonstrate culturally insensitive behaviour that offends, you could be arrested". Loud music and dancing is considered disrespectful during Ramadan and some restaurants will close or operate amended opening hours. Travellers are advised to stock up on food in their hotel room, unless they want to rise early for a big pre-dawn breakfast and stay up late to break the fast. The Foreign Office even warns that driving "may be more erratic than usual, particularly during the later afternoon and early evening", and tells travellers to be patient and show tolerance during this time.  Read Full article here:

GJHHonor:  BIS intervention per F26--in fact we talked of April 28th into May 28th…and then IMO…we believe they gave them 20 days…if you add that it takes them to about the middle of June to complete everything the IMF….actually I told the Family this came from the BIS….they said to the IMF….ok we see you working with them….but you now have just 20 more days to finish things up….from the 28th of last month which would take us to about the 15th of June…


Beams:  Notes from the Big Call with Bruce and Sue.. and also the link to the call.

I did not take these notes.. they were sent to me.  Here are the Notes and the call:

Intel starts around the 38.00 Mark.

1.  General Dunford and Paul Ryan along with the Joints Chiefs are currently in the Situation Room overseeing the RV.

2.  Wells Fargo Corporate and the Regional Wealth Managers are saying the RV can happen at any time.

3.  All of the internal architecture for the GCR is up and operational.

4.  The U. S. currency (USN) became an internationally traded currency at 2:00 p.m. EDT today.

5.  President Abadi made an announcement today stating that the Iraqi Dinar is now fully international and the Master Cards are also fully international as of today.

6.  China and Japan reached a Peace and Gold Agreement today with mutual debt forgiveness.

7.  Global Debt Relief has been achieved today for 209 nations including the U. S.

8.  Chinese and European Prosperity Program transactions are being paid out around the world in any amount of money.

9.  Official Historic Bond redemptions being paid out around the world in any amount of money


One11Freedom:   Russia and China to release world from dollar peg 31.05.2016
Russia has outmaneuvered the Saudis in fight for the Chinese oil market despite Western states' unity in sanctions opposition with Russia and conspiracy theory on the US oil deal with Saudi Arabia. In April China increased oil import from Russia 52%, while import from Saudi Arabia dropped 22%.
Record-high import volumes from Russia are most probably grounded on payments in yuans, which Russia agreed on.
It should be the main achievement of Russia-China economic partnership. Tectonic shifts in global economy will allow the countries to reject dollars.
Yuriy Gromyko, Director of the Anticipatory Researches Institute named after Schiffers, Professor at the British School for Social and Economic Studies, commented Pravda.Ru on the situation.
"Dedollarisation process is going on by leaps and bounds, and the Chinese Central Bank has the key point here. As China started shifting to swaps, mutual currency exchange rates, long ago, Gromyko noted.
However, Russia is to do a lot of things to reach significant results along with China.
"This victory was achieved due to hydrocarbon supplies. There is no doubt that Russia should develop air, space and oil industries. What is underestimated most of all in Russia that is engineering science, and China is waiting for possibility to make deals and work with Russia on creation of ultimately new technologies.
Creation of joint innovative industry is a key to fall beyond the dollars system," the expert told Pravda.Ru.
He also pointed out that Russia already has experience of shifting to payments in national currencies and swaps with Vietnam.
"We have actively started offering swaps to a whole range of states via the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation. India is also ready to join these negotiations. And we can also try involve Malaysia in the cooperation," the expert claimed.
Yuriy Gromyko also highlighted fruitful results of the ASEAN countries forum in Sochi. He believes that Association of Southeast Asian Nations may become a ground for equal cooperation between Russia and China opposing Trans-Pacific Partnership.
As Pravda.Ru reported, the Trans-Pacific Partnership is promoted by the United States to suppress China economically in the Pacific region.
The Pravda.Ru expert noted, that here Russia faces extensive opportunities for economic cooperation.


via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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