Don't WAIT!

Saturday, June 4, 2016

More Dinarland Chatter Late Saturday Afternoon 6-4-16


ElmerF123456:  Okies post was different than any other previous posts. He told me himself and he got it from some high ups. We can only take it for what it is. I'm sure the same peeps who tear down will have their field day. Whatever.! I'm glad he shares with me. I take it for what it is and glad to have him share. Negative people will always be just that. I personally choose a higher road. Time will tell all without persecution of an individual who chose to Share. You can quote me on that!

UBetcha:  elmer Thank you for bringing us Okie... Okie has been a day or two ahead on his info many times... he nor you needs to justify bringing us info... those who choose to listen and believe have that right and those who choose not to believe have the same right, it's the Adult American way. ;)

ECD519:  Cards were said to be loaded and distributed before anytime now!

RV13:  4:53 AM at sunrise, Baghdad 6th of June...Ramadan begins from what I understand
TNT cont………..

SassyD:  Hundreds of civilians demonstrating in Tahrir Square in central Baghda​d to demand the anti - corruption reforms and complete.... June 4, 201​6 -- Link



Carguru1007:  ok i just talked to my guy who is a vet, and his two sons are active military, he said only if you are on an overseas base do you get foreign exchange

Kaper:  Awake-in-3D . The floodgates opened this morning. It's incredible info. Another door is opening this weekend. I'm praying its "THE" door. But no one is exchanging in the green zone at this time either according to info I've received today. But STUFF is happening. Reno has lit up like a Christmas tree. That's all I can say right now. :)



AndyS:  I just saw a Fox News report on Iraq and the re-taking of Fallusia.  It was unbelievably negative.  Both the host and the former general talking head took the point of view that the Iraqi army has no chance.  It just goes to show that they always bring on "experts" (former general or something) but they have NO IDEA what their talking about.  Did this "expert" make a phone call to his friends in the Pentagon to get an update?  I often wonder whether the MS media is complicit in mis information, or are they just clueless and lazy "journalists" that don't do the slightest research. 

ReddStar:  Statistically...and unfortunately.....a huge percentage of the US population relies on the media.....these are the people that are stuck in the doldrums of society....the media feeds off of that....and the PTB's are then allowed to control that percentage of the fear mongering....and the pipe dream of them (PTB's) trying to help those in need....war=money....fear=votes....but if you learn what to look for.....then you...."WE"....know better........IMO....of course....


Frank26:   (Recap from Wed. CC)  Frank26   They are not going to take their time...IMO...they are in warp speed... I’m really happy...that the things that the IMF layed out in December...we are seeing them right before us now...

We also said that Iraq will take this to the last nanosecond to some time in June...God willing we will see this. 

The IMF does not practice Ramadan...we don’t calculate it...but if I were Abadi this is exactly when I would want to release things...

Ramadan is a time when they take inventory and they are grateful...they will be very grateful that their currency has purchasing power for them...this is wonderful and during Ramadan would be nice...

I also want to say that if it doesn’t happen in June...if it goes into July...blame the IMF…they supposedly have the control... the IMF is holding their hand...guiding them through the MR...

I am so at peace because of their presence...

Emailed to Recaps:

#Anonymous Declares War on Mainstream Media: Attacks Fox, CNN, NBC and More

As of June 1st, Ghost Squad Hackers – the same group leading #OpIcarus – have launched a series of coordinated attacks against leading members of the corporate mainstream media. Giving credit where credit is due, Tec.mic and Softpedia were the first to report the operation. But their reports only tell a portion of the whole story, we will explain why in a moment.

Broadly speaking, the goal of the #OpSilence is to attack all the corrupt major news networks that mislead and censor information from the general public. More specifically, the news agencies who conceal the crimes of Israel, while misleading the population about the mistreatment of the Palestinian people.

The operation is off to a quick start, Ghost Squad has successfully” carried out DDoS attacks on CNN and FOX News” already just this month. More attacks are promised, NBC and MSM appears to be their next target.


Deutsche Bank Continues To Plummet As Moody’s Gives Them A Downgrade – Lehman Brothers 2.0?

Submitted by IWB, on June 2nd, 2016

While Deutsche Bank ridiculously claims that everything’s going to be okay, facts seem to prove otherwise. We believe it will be the next Lehman Brothers, except far worse as Deutsche Bank desperately tries to prop themselves up.

via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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