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Wednesday, June 8, 2016

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments  6-8-16  Part 2 of 2

Post From BondLadys Corner

BondLady & Tlm724 News & Comments  6-8-16  Part 2 of 2
Abadi exempts intelligence director appointed as new directors of banks 
8/6/2016 0:00 Approved the request of the head of the Iraqi Media Network with reference to retire
 BAGHDAD - morning    exonerated Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi national intelligence director and five directors of the banks and government, while approved the request of the President of the Iraqi Media Network Agency Mohammed Abdul Jabbar carp referred him to retire.
A statement by his office that he « Based on the requirements of the national interest and the continuation of the approach of comprehensive reforms announced by the Prime Minister has issued an order Dioanaa appointed new directors of the commercial banks, Rafidain and Rasheed , and real estate, industrial and agricultural », also issued Abadi« an order to exempt the head of the national intelligence Service », while approved the request of the President of the Iraqi media network , an assignment to retire.
 It is noteworthy that the network chief Mohammad Abdul - Jabbar carp managed network for five years in difficult circumstances longest stint official in the presidency.]
 [tlm724] I'll show the official statement as well just a sec statement based on the requirements of the national interest and the continuation of the approach of comprehensive reforms announced by the Prime Minister Dr. Haider al - Abadi has sovereignty ordered Dioanaa appointed new managers in each of the Commercial Bank and the Rafidain Bank and Rasheed Bank and the bank 's real estate Industrial Bank and the Agricultural Bank.
With the aim of revitalization of the banking sector and Sir national strategy to stimulate the economy and create jobs and implement the launch of loans for industrial projects, residential and commercial citizens the best formula, according to the government 's plans. also it issued its sovereignty order to exempt the national intelligence Service and the assignment of the President of the Iraqi media network to retirement.
Information Office of the Prime Minister   June 7, 2016;
[Shredd] under new management
[tlm724] yes sir ! cleaning house
Economist: State-owned banks to exempt managers correct decision to activate and global integration
June 8, 2016 14:30    Counting an economist, the decision Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to exempt state banks managers to "right and proper".
Dawood Al Zayer "The decision to exempt government banks managers and restructuring correct decision, sound and bold and must circulate this decision on the rest of the financial and banking institutions to activate and global integration."
He added that "TBI [TPI] distinct from the rest of the Ministry of Finance which is Mthrih and marred by corruption and suspicion and deal Bberkratih and favoritism and can not integrate with the global economy, a distant and isolated from the economic and banking development of government banks."
Among Zayer, "The Bank of Iraq trade is integrated with the global economy and has relationships outside of Iraq, a fairly good but not the level of ambition, and, unfortunately, this government banks have become owners rather than managers and staff and the decision to exempt a step in the right direction to release it from its directors and their policy failed."
The prime minister was baffled Abadi, was relieved yesterday six managers of banks governmental organizations.
A statement by his office said, "Based on the requirements of the national interest and the continuation of the approach of comprehensive reforms, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has ordered Dioanaa appointed new managers in each of the Commercial Bank and the Rafidain Bank and Rasheed Bank and the bank's real estate Industrial Bank and the Agricultural Bank."
The statement attributed the decision to "revitalize the banking sector and Sir national strategy to stimulate the economy and create jobs and implement the launch of loans for industrial projects, residential and commercial citizens the best formula, according to the government's plans."
[tlm724] look at all that dough  lol  *wolfwhistle*
[tlm724] "The decision to exempt government banks managers and restructuring correct decision, sound and bold and must circulate this decision on the rest of the financial and banking institutions to activate and global integration
[tlm724] global integration *hallelujah*
[tlm724] , unfortunately, this government banks have become owners rather than managers and staff
[tlm724] The prime minister was baffled Abadi, was relieved yesterday six managers of banks governmental organizations.
[tlm724] "Based on the requirements of the national interest and the continuation of the approach of comprehensive reforms, Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has ordered Dioanaa appointed new managers
[tlm724] that is awesome ! He had to do it for the betterment of ALL !
[tlm724] so not only that but they now have an electronic system to launch loans  
[tlm724] The launch of the electronic forms for loans and the Central determines the dollar exchange rate BAGHDAD Journal News The Cabinet decided Tuesday to approve the launch of the electronic forms for presentation for loan mechanisms.
The Secretariat of the Council in a statement received (Journal News) "The Council of Ministers decided to approve the launch of the electronic submission to the industrial, agricultural and residential loans forms mechanisms."
He added that "it is the total amount of six trillion five hundred billion dinars distributed to various projects." He explained that "these projects include small projects aimed at providing job opportunities to young people and graduates Iraqi women, including working to raise the standard of living of citizens and move the wheel of development."
On the other hand called on the Central Bank of Iraq, citizens and merchants who pay more than 1,200 dinar from the dollar price at which they bought from banks or remittance companies to submit a complaint to him.

Foreign exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar on Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Economy  Since 08.06.2016 at 10:03 (Baghdad time)  BAGHDAD - balances News

U.S. dollar
US $ 1 = 1,168.2000 Iraqi dinars  affraid affraid afraid
1 Iraqi dinars = US $ 0.0009
1 euro = Iraqi dinars 1,328.7109
IQD 1 = 0.0008 euros
 Sterling pound
IQD 1 = 0.0006 pounds
 Canadian Dollar
C $ 1 = 917.6027 dinars
IQD 1 = 0.0011 Canadian dollars
 Australian Dollar
1 AUD = 871.3814 dinars
IQD 1 = 0.0011 Australian dollars
 Japanese Yen
1 Japanese Yen = 10.9280 dinars
IQD 1 = 0.0915 Japanese yen 

Rates of foreign currencies compared to the Iraqi dinar
BAGHDAD - A Journal   It amounted to currency exchange rates, on Wednesday, as we have received from the Iraqi market as follows:
U.S. dollar
US $ 1 = 1,168.2000 Iraqi dinars
1 Iraqi dinars = US $ 0.0009
1 euro = Iraqi dinars 1,328.7109
IQD 1 = 0.0008 euros
Sterling pound
£ 1 = 1,700.3154 Iraqi dinars
IQD 1 = 0.0006 pounds
Canadian Dollar
C $ 1 = 917.6027 dinars
IQD 1 = 0.0011 Canadian dollars
Australian Dollar
1 AUD = 871.3814 dinars
IQD 1 = 0.0011 Australian dollars
Japanese Yen
1 Japanese Yen = 10.9280 dinars
IQD 1 = 0.0915 Japanese yen


via Dinar Recaps - Our Blog

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